Moth Cathedral




"You are and always will be a child of God, whom He loves with all his heart. You may be burnt but you are not a monster" said the Priest. "I can give you your history and assign to you a Christian name. In fact, if you believe, then I can even heal you. Look into my eyes and do not break contact, with your permission, I shall attempt to read your mind."



"A name...?" Faceless could not describe the feeling. A name was some-thing he desired most, his own would help him on the road to recovery or a new one, so he may start to forge a new life.
He thought long and hard about Priests offer then he simply nodded,

"Read my mind Master Priest, but be warned, do not give my body a reason to feel threatened, doing so may cause a disaster i wish to avoid in such a beautiful place..."

Faceless's white washed eyes entered contact with the Priest's he let his mind calm for a moment,

"Give me a reason to belive..."



"Give me a reason to believe..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"One must find his own" the Priest replied. "I assure you, no harm in the world could come to this sacred place. I will now read your mind, very quickly." The Priest's eyes turned blank white as he bore into the faceless man's psyche. Inside was literally a nightmare but nothing he could not brave. Shards of memory flew by, images in greyscale, some in sepia and other scenes played in vivid colour.

He saw the man before him commit murder and felt him enjoy it. This alone brought concern to the Priest. He tried to probe further into the man's mind but felt a distinct force pushing him away. A bright white light flooded the immediate area and the Priest decided it was time to leave.

"As of today, you shall be known as Anthony Davids. It is a name floating around in your mind, so I can only assume it has some relevance to who you once were. As far as your history goes, you were once a very bad man who did murder for sport."

The priest continued, "there are scientific explanations for what your body has become, I'm sure Doctor Norton could assist here, but understand this; it is God's way of punishing you for your past crimes. I suggest you repent your sins and learn to live as a good man. You can use your energy-based powers for good. Protect the innocent and defend the weak. This is a city of heroes and your curse can also be a gift. The choice is yours Anthony. Father Marceau, please see to it this man procures the necessary documents to legalise his name."

With that, the Priest turned on his heels and disappeared into the air. Father Pious Hunter had escorted the emptying church out of the great doors and now, Father Anthony Marceau approached the faceless man with a smile. "Anthony is a wonderful name" he said. "Has the Priest been of good help, learning who you once were?"



"Yes, yes he has...if but only name to work from..."

Faceless slowly placed his mask back over his head, in doing so his voice regained it's composure and he seemed more confident with it on,

"I am still unsure if my dreams are memories or illusions of my own creating. I still feel lost, i just have a little more direction than before. He said I was a man who murdered for sport, for personal gain, but I don't feel that that is entirely cor...urgh!"

Faceless' hand began to glow slightly, and he cluched at his stomach as if some-thing shot through him. He fell to his knees as both of his fist were soon ablaze with energy,

"Master Anthony, take me outside...QUICKLY!"



Hastily, Father Anthony helps the man outside under the watchful eyes of reverend Pious and some others.



Faceless stumbled out of the cathedral, his hands glowing brighter with each passing moment. He began to scream as he fell to his knees, and rolled down the hard concreat stairs. The pain through him was unbearable! What was this feeling? What was happening to him? Why here? Why now? What had The Priest done to him?

"Help me get my jacket off!" Anthony obliged quickly and as he did he moved back in shock.

Upon Faceless' back, two lumps had begun to appear under his outfit and were slowly tearing through the thin material. As they grew his screams became louder and more terrifying. His fists were glowing so bright that it lite up the surronding area and the area filled with a sickly heat.

Suddenly the growths burst open...

Boney, decading wings burst from his back and spread outwards knocking the gathered people off their feet.
As the wings reached their fullest a wave of raw energy washed over the area, filling the air with a loud hum, and then it dissapated quickly.

Faceless remained on his hands and knees for a long moment, untill he slolwy rose, his wings out streached. He looked at the gathered men and women and then eventually his eyes fell upon Father Anthony,




Father Anthony looked like he had seen one too many supernatural transformations for one lifetime. Despite this, he managed to compose himself as the newly named man stared up at him. Just past the great doors and directly behind the reverend, Father Pious clutched tightly at his bible.

"Er... yes, Anthony?" said Father Anthony, feeling like he was talking to himself. "I'm not sure whats happening to you, but err you look great; I mean, the wings are honestly rather... beautiful" he complimented, hanging on his last word for as odd as it sounded, the large wings were indeed a magnificent sight.



Faceless flexed the wings for a moment. He knew not how he controlled them, but they reacted to his every whim.

"It would seem Master Priest has, how shall i say, effected my body in some way? Another gift purhaps? Or maybe this is some-thing else..."

Faceless was thoughtful a moment, then realised he was under great scruitny from the citizens. He looked at Anthony and bowed slighty

"I cannot stay Master Anthony. While i may do good in this City Of Heroes, history has a way of coming back to haunt you...I still feel that i am too much of a monster and that would refelct in the eyes of those i aid. No, i shall return to the isles..."



Father Pious stepped forward to speak. He locked his eyes directly on the winged man. "Perhaps the Priest opened up a part of your psyche, this might have tried further mutation in your continued evolutionary development. Its a common thing to happen."

Father Anthony moved to place a hand gently on the man's shoulder as he offered him final advice. "Before you leave, I'd like you to remember this; we are all monsters, animals and savage beasts. Man was born with the inclinations of evil, but the true test is one's capacity to do good. I pray to God, that you pass this test, for the rewards are everlasting." With a kind smile, the reverend turned to enter the Cathedral. The haunted and abandoned streets of Dark Astoria was not pleasant at this time of night and the mysterious fog was making it very difficult to even see one's own hands. "Its been a pleasure meeting you Mister Anthony Davids, hopefully, we'll see you again some day in better light and in better health."



Faceless looked at the priest and for the first time in a long time he felt some form of peace within his twisted and confused mind, he folded his wings and bowed slightly,

"You may one day Master Anthony..."

He slowly walked backwards into the fog, his form becoming nothing more than a shadow,

" may done day!"

Then the footfalls fell quiet as thunder rolled in the distace.

[Fade to black, roll credits]

((A special thank you to you Pious for helping me devolpe Faceless just that little bit more))



Dark Astoria; late Sunday evening

The mists were as thick as the worst London fog of the Victorian era, but that was not uncommon in this part of Paragon City. Although the sun had set there was a glow to the mists that could not be attributed to the slowly rising moon.
All was silent and still. Not even the wind was about, stirring the fog.

The hulking shape of the gothic Moth Cathedral could barely be outlined against the moon through the mist. Its twin spires stretching towards the heaven as if to offer the parish a chance to ascend above the mists of Astoria.

A sudden gust of air stirred the mist of Toffet Street and a man stood in front of the cathedral.
His white eyes looked up at the spires and he smiled.

“Interesting choice of abode” he said and closed his eyes.
“Aah! Yes. I can sense his presence here.”
He opened his eyes and walked towards the entrance.

The interior of the Cathedral was an impressive display of arts and green marble.
Huge stained glass windows would give the cathedral a wonderful air if it wasn’t for the fact that no light backlit them.

The man passed the font and walked briskly towards the altar where he stayed and looked up at the altar-piece.
“Hello there… Father. It’s been awhile. But I don’t want to talk to you right now. I came for something else.”

He turned around, surveyed the Cathedral and sat down.

“I know you are in here!” he said with a raised voice, “I can sense you!”



The resident nun, Sister Mary Stevens and reverend Pious Hunter would be asleep at the monastery while Codename and the Priest returned from their nightly patrol. In a hidden chamber deep beneath the Cathedral, the two tucked away their weapons and made their way up to pray.

"Shh" said the Priest, holding out an arm and signaling for Codename to stand still. "There is someone in the Cathedral"

Codename paused for a moment, considering how to respond. "Priest, there is usually someone in the Cathedral, its quite normal."

"I know you are in here!" said the visitor, with a raised voice, "I can sense you!"

"On second thought, that isn't normal" said Codename. "Who is he looking for?"

"I'm not sure" the Priest replied. "I'll go find out. You know what to do Code."

With that, the nun disappears down the stairwell. The priest, cloaked in his dark cassock climbed further up and emerged through a small door, into the Cathedral. Stood by the alter was a pale skinned man in purple robes. Instantly, the priest knew there was evil present. Silent and firm, he stood there motionless, watching the visitor, waiting.



Even though the cathedral was dimly lit at this time of night, the visitor saw the emerging Priest instantly.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he said and smiled at his own choice of words.

He let his pale eyes bore through the Priest as if to scrutinize his soul.

“I thought your kind were all destroyed in the great flood,” he said to the Priest.
“Tell your father I want a word with him.”



The priest was not so surprised that this strange man could identify him as Nephilim, but when he mentioned about his father, an alarm went off inside him. This was no ordinary demon.

"The great flood was many millenias ago. I am of this era, and so are others like me" said the Priest, feeling an urge to defend his goodness and denounce the abomination, the monstrousity that was attached to being a Nephilim. But he didn't go on, he needed not prove himself to the likes of an evil demon, so he went straight in with the big question. "Who are you and what do you want with my father?"



”Of this era you say? Remarkable! And here I was, thinking that the angels would’ve learnt their lesson. But Nokteel never were the sharpest tool in the shed.”

The visitor shook his head and slowly walked towards the Priest.

“I’ve been known by many names, but the one you might’ve heard is Shemyazaz.”

“Yes. I can see it in your eyes that you know who I am now.”

“And what do I want with your father? I’ve got some things to discuss with him. Some important things.”



"Yes. I have heard much about thee Shemyazaz, you are known among the Greek as Samyaza. I can and will like to speak on the behalf of my father, so please continue" said the Priest. "But Sam, just so you know, Noktil is nothing like you or the other damned angels. He is no longer a Grigori. He has repented and reascended to the heavens. He is back in the ranks of th Most High. He told me so."



Shemyazaz looked at the Priest with a blank face. Then suddenly the Cathedral exploded with ear-splitting laughter.

“Oh sweet Humanity how I love you!”

He made the motions of wiping away some tears even though he didn’t have any.

“Did he tell you this himself? And did you honestly believed him?” Shemyazaz shook his head in a condescending way.
“Oh Nokteel my dear brother. You never were very bright, but you were an unparalleled master of words. I salute you!”

He looked straight at the Priest.

“How is it you people say at times like this? Ah, yes! You better sit down.”

“The Grigori will never be redeemed! None of us will. We are fallen angels and will remain so until the final days.”

“Our crime was to fall in love with Humanity, especially the women,” Shemyazaz said with a mischievous smile while he sniffed the air as if he caught the scent of something from within the Cathedral.

“We begat children, the Nephilim, and taught Humanity many arts and crafts. Azazel taught you how to craft knives, cosmetics and how to wage war. Kabaiel taught you astrology. Penemue taught you the art of writing with ink and paper. Chazaqiel taught you meteorology. And me? I taught you how to weave enchantments.”

“And when the good Lord found out about it he was mightily irate indeed! Do you know what he said?”

Shemyazaz started to speak in a resounding voice.
“Go, bind Shemyazaz and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is forever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever.”

“Not a very forgiving God if I may say so. And do you know what else he did when we were bound?”

“Yes you know. He drowned the entire world! Only a handful humans survived. Forgiving? Believe me when I say that all of us Gregori have pleaded for forgiveness since that time. Pleaded in vain!”

“And if I haven’t been forgiven, I who were his chamberlain, the only one in all of creation that know his true name, if I can’t be forgiven. Why do you think that Nokteel is forgiven? Even now when he spawned yet another Nephilim!”

Shemyazaz slumped down on to the stones of the Cathedral’s floor.

“No little nephew. He’s just as damned as the rest of us. Now go get him for me.”



"Enough" the priest ordered. The demon's words were hugely damaging to his belief system and although blasphemous, they rang with some sensible truth. "I ask you now, never to speak ill of my father again. Furthermore, he will have nothing to do with your kind. Leave now!" ordered the priest, in a low voice. He turned his back on the demon, an angel that was once perfect, but now corrupted with the lust of womankind. Was this also like his father? No. Never. He would refuse to believe it. "I ask you to leave Shemyazaz and hope you have a pleasant night, may the forgiving God be with you." With that, he made to leave, heading towards a door behind the choir stand.



Shemyazaz’ eyes flared for an instant and his face hardened.
“Believe what you will little one, but rest assured that your father is one of us. I couldn’t care less if you take offence from the truth, but I need to talk to your father!”

He took a step towards the Priest.

“The Day of Reckoning is getting closer and I’m sure that he has felt it too! We must prepare ourselves for the final conflict! He took an oath with the rest of us to be together in this no matter what!”

Shemyazaz was floating a few inches above the floor and the air around his arms shimmered with heat.

“If he doesn’t answer the call he will be deemed an oath-breaker and will be damned by the damned as well! Then he will stand alone during the Apocalypse!”

He lifted his head and roared:




"For God's sake Shem, keep your voice down" came a deep voice near the great doors. There stood a dark-skinned man with broad shoulders and a handsome beard. He wore a clean cut black suit and rested an arm on a long walking stick. Several lines of age marked the man's face, but was masked by long shoulder-length, dark hair. To the common man, he would have appeared to be another Isrealite Jew wearing a kippah skullcap. "Or have you still not learn to respect Holy ground?" said Noktil. The Priest froze in his steps and snapped his head around towards the voice, looking straight at his old man.



There was a yawn and a flap of wings as Edward rolled off the rafter he'd been sleeping on, landing in a crouched position. Dressed in his more casual attire of a white shirt and black trousers with orange flames up the side that went with his Demonic form.

"What's all this noise about, some of us are trying to sleep and those rafters aren't the easiest place to get to sleep on..."

He stood up slowly and stretched his wings with a grunt.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Shemyazaz lowered himself softly onto the floor and released the heat that had been building up around him.

“Brother,” he said in a lighter tone. “Good to see you again.”

He looked around. “I can’t see anything that’s holy to me. All I can see is a vulgar display of glorification of His own ******* child. Our children he slew, but his own child he deifies.”

Shemyazaz’ face was a mask of contempt.

“But enough of that. It’s time to assemble. I’ve located many of the others and several have already gathered, first and foremost Azazel and Kabaiel.”

He stretched out his arm towards Nokteel.

“Will you join us?”

((Edited to incorporate Mechano's post))

Shemyazaz shot a sideways glance towards Edward's demonic form.

“I see you've been busy collecting little wayward demons. So you HAVE noticed that the Reckoning is soon upon us after all.”



He slowly begun taking steps forward.

"Technically I'm a human who ascended to Demonhood but that's just an interesting's all this shouting and hollering about...some of us need to get some sleep, these last few days have been quite busy for me..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The Priest stood quietly at the choir stand, watching and waiting to see how his father would respond to Shemyazaz' invitation. It was a test like any other to see for himself if, truly, his faith in the angel had ever been betrayed.

Meanwhile, Nokteel and his walking stick limp across the Cathedral nave and past the redeemed demon, who was prodding for answers. He stopped short of Shemyazaz's face and bore into his eyes with a look of disgust so great his every muscle began to shake.

"Read my lips Shemyazaz, for I will not repeat this" said the angel. "Despite the few similarities, you and I are two very different angels. It was your idea to defect against the Lord in pursuit of human life, driven by our uncontrolled shameful lust for women. For this, I have always hated you. Never will I gather with your kind again! Do you understand me? While you and Azazel were busy teaching man to destroy one another, no doubt in the hope of having the women all to yourselves, I have been busy begging for forgiveness, counting the generations go by. Forty-two hundred years Shemyaza, and only twenty-eight hundred until the day of judgment! No. I do not side with Samael. I do not rebel. I shall not go down to the abyss with you and the host of satans. I shall be saved Shemyaza, through my son, who is pure, I shall be saved!"



Shemyazaz looked into Nokteel’s eyes with a blank face.

“How far you have fallen dear brother,” he said with an astonished tone in his voice.
“You have become more human than any of us. Not only have you learnt to hope for the impossible but also to be egoistical and hateful.”

“I do not deny that it was my idea to take women, but I said to all of you that I intended to do it by myself. But the rest of you, all one hundred and ninety-nine of you, wanted to come as well! Do not blame me brother! You came of your own free will!” He pointed his finger at Nokteel’s face and started to pace the sanctuary.

“We were sent to observe humanity but made the cardinal sin of falling in love with it. For that we were damned and humanity was all but destroyed. We were all heart-broken by it, but we never lost our love of humanity. Not even Azazel!”

“We may have erred in those early days when we taught humanity the different arts, but we did so out of love. They asked us and we answered. We were foolish and blinded by their beauty, but we weren’t malicious.”

He stopped by the altar and gently stroked the antependium.

“None of us have ever since even considered to create more Nephilim! Not until you did. Why? Because that was the act that truly triggered the Lord’s rage! That was the final drop that made him respond with an awful lot of drops!”

Shemyazaz thumped his fists on the altar and turned sharply around.

“How could you have forgotten Nokteel? Or is it so that you don’t care anymore? Are you so intent on going back to the Silver City, that you are willing to sacrifice all life on Earth for it? Now that’s an act of egoism that not even Lucifer himself could match!”

“No dear brother. You are no longer one of us. You are far more damned than any of us will ever be. Go seek company with Asmodeus or Mammon. Only they are as corrupt as yourself.”

He looked at the Priest with a sad smile on his lips.

“I’m sorry little one. Your heart may be pure, but your soul is tainted by your father’s sin. Do not bemoan your fate, because it’s not your fault. But you must know this; you might be the instigator of the Apocalypse.”

With that he started to leave the Cathedral.