Moth Cathedral




Ray followed Preists lead to an extent, but made sure to stand where the police wouldn't spot him.

"Look, it ain't that simple ah'right? I came 'ere on personal business. It ain't got anythin' t' do with you, the corp or anythin'. Look, just get those guys off my ***, an' I'll behave ah'right?"



The police had been waiting patiently outside the grounds as though they'd done this sort of thing before. Priest came into view but didn't move in too close. "Afternoon officers" he greeted. "I'm afraid there may have been some misunderstanding here, you see Ray is my friend, well colleague, I should say. It's my fault he's done this crime, you see I once brought him mainland into the United States, well, more accurately, he followed me, but it's likely this is why he felt he could simply come visit me again without proper documents. If you'll be so kind as to simply leave him in my custody, I'll be sure to return him to the Isles."

The cops had listened respectively to the gentle words of the holyman but possibly due to his weakened state, his unusual trick of pacifying tricky situations didn't quite work today. "Father, are you telling me this man came here because you once smuggled him in?"

"Oh, well, well no" he stammered, surprised his suggestions failed to work. "Technically, he followed me in, I mean I was teleported and he dove through the portal. We were fighting and, well more accurately he was attacking me, but he had been misled into doing so by an old arch-nemesis, its, its a long story."

"Right" said the policeman, "well then maybe the two of you can explain it in detail at the station."

"Officer?" said the Priest. "Are you arresting me?"

"Step forward sir" said the policeman, in an authoritative tone. "Bring forward the criminal and present yourselves for arrest or you'll be brought in forcefully, sir."

Priest remained expressionless but it was clearly not happy. "With all due respect officer, its, well it's a really bad time for me to get arrested. I'm weak and vulnerable and half the beasts of Hell are probably waiting just around the corner to see me dead, right as we speak."

"Please step forward sir" the officer demanded again.

"You're not listening to me, if I step off holy ground, I may be attacked" Priest explained, but the policemen, four in total, moved onto the church grounds and wrestled the weakened priest onto their car, ready for handcuffs. The other two made off to find Ray but just then a loud shriek echoed through the dark fog. Out of the mystical clouds came three giant dragons, two humanoid demons and about a dozen hell hounds. They had come for the Priest.

"Go! Get out of here!" the holyman yelled, shooing the cops back into their cars. Too late. One of the dragons swooped in and bit off the head of the nearest policeman, ripping it clear off his shoulders. Blood sprayed all over the place, oozing from his severed neck like an unmanned garden hose. "Oh dear God please, not again" cried the Priest. "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, we commit onto thy hands the brave soul of that man now headless and of all those who may be lost to death this day. Amen. Ray! Get over here and fight. This same thing happened last time Big Lunk was here. God be with us. I need help. A lot of help!" With that, Priest alerted the Nighthunters and his brothers in the Priest Corps, for once again, all Hell had come to Dark Astoria.



Ray stared with intensified breath into the maws that was only inches from determining the outcome of his life. A pack of hounds had managed to wrestle him to the ground and was now moving in on their prey. He held off its head with the power of any desperate man. It didn't take long, it would usually come out in situations like this. He focused himself, turning his fear in to resolve as his whole body started to ballon in size. The tables had turned, the hound tried to jerk its head free of his grasp, and he replied by turning its head with an ugly crack, wringing its neck.

He was up in mere seconds to greet the rest of the pack as they closed in on him, he grabbed the dead hound by its tail and fended off the rest by using it as club. Bones cracked and the whining of hurt animals rung through the yard as he took them out.

His momentum ended however when one of the demons flung a ball of fire at him, sending him flying into the church wall, tearing some of it down. Blood ran from the side of his mouth and his head as he pulled himself up to face the other demon, he looked up to see the dragons circling the sky with their ominous presence. A smile crept over his lips

"Heh, I dunno who's wife ya been sleepin' with P, but someones thoroughly pissed with ya."
His eyes then flared up in a crazed battle ecstasy as he charged his way against his opponent, his fist raised.
"Just like ol' times!"



((Wonder if you could edit out the bit about Priest mate? It's just, I'd like to write his actions myself. ))



Arriving on the scene from the general direction of the cemetery, a feminine figure casually strolled past Ray with her hands firmly in the pockets of the sky blue hoodie that kept her face obscured, which was surely the only reason she could have been wearing it, because there was no possible way that black pleated miniskirt was doing her any favours in the warmth department, Perhaps she hadn't noticed that grounds had become yet another warzone. Perhaps she didn't care. Who knew. What was clear, though, was that she did seem to be heading toward Pious, though it didn't seem like she was in any kind of hurry to reach him.

Upon reaching the demon that was gunning for him she finally removed her right hand from the pocket it rested in purely, perhaps much to anyone's possible confusion, to tap the montrosity on the shoulder.

Should the demon turn to face the woman that demanded his attention, he would simply be greeted with a powerful headbutt, the force of which would most likely knock the average non-powered joe's face through the back of his skull and across a wide street, though it remained to be seen what effect it would have on the demon's ugly mug. And it would also knock a few strands of very familiar white hair out of place to dangle out of the confines of the hoodie.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




An unnatural darkness circled about the dark skies of Dark Astoria only for a moment and out of this darkness came a military helicarrier. Six figures with parachutes dove out from within, brandishing high-powered automatic weapons and one in particular wielded a steel shield with patriotic American colours. Unlike the usually individualised and disorganised team of heroes, these men operated as a unit, landing as one onto one of the large dragons circling the skies. The sounds of heavy fire and piecing blades followed as the soldiers scaled the flying beast and managed to dissect it's vulnerable underbelly. It came crashing earthwards and each soldier rode it to the ground, casually leaping off it into a practised roll as it fell to it's death.

"Priest Corps, at your service Reverend" greeted one of them.

"Don't waste our time today Pious" the one with the shield teased. "Have your people take the demons and their dogs. We'll handle the remaining lizards."

"Roger that Captain Harlem" said the Priest, doing his best to evade the demon with whom Ray was exchanging blows. He noticed an unknown graveyard visitor had intervened and was now helping to win the fight, taking on the second demon with a powerful headbutt. "Thanks for coming to our aid, everyone. I'm still too weak to fight I'm afraid so I can only strike defensively. Ray, as much as I understand the need for humour right now, I should point out that I actually have never touched a woman who was not my wife and never shall I. For well over six years now, these hellspawns have been trying to assassinate me. Seems every demon I vanquish is replaced by another, more powerful and more enraged, eager to avenge his fallen kin. They just never give up!" Priest explained, relieved to see at the corner of his eyes, the two police cars disappearing safely down the foggy streets. "Such a terribly bad time to visit, hey Ray, old friend?"

The demon who had just been headbutted was sent spiralling across the yard. He landed badly and broke several bones in his human body. But he healed almost instantly by reverting to his beastly goat-like form and then returning to his less agile but more capable human shape. His eyes flared bright red before bursting into flames, a streak of superhot fire shot out from them, directed at the hooded brawler. Meanwhile, the soldiers fired skywards at the dragons.



A point in the sky seemed to set on fire, bursting outwards as if something had set off a small explosion, streaking forwards until out flew a man with a cape.
The Centurion, one of the Timehunters, has heard the Priests call for help.

Throwing off his cape he let it fall to the ground with a thud, cracking it slightly as if it weighed far more than any normal material would.
One of the dragons saw him floating in mid air, turning it darted directly at him, fangs glaring.
Taking two handles from his belt he activated two laser swords, each shining brightly with a hot white energy. Spinning in mid air as the dragon made for its attack run he aimed his blades for the joints attaching each of its wings to its body. - My main, under construction



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
The demon who had just been headbutted was sent spiralling across the yard. He landed badly and broke several bones in his human body. But he healed almost instantly by reverting to his beastly goat-like form and then returning to his less agile but more capable human shape. His eyes flared bright red before bursting into flames, a streak of superhot fire shot out from them, directed at the hooded brawler.
For the most part the girl had narrowly dodged the fire beam, only just catching it with her sleeve. Fortunately, though, she was quick to pat the flames out before they started to burn her skin, but the damage was done.

"Typical." the girl muttered, looking down at the patch of scorched and melted fabric that still bubbled away on her arm. She then turned her attention back to the demon and barked over in a accent similar to that of someone from the North East of England, though with a hint of Irish in there too: "This thing set be back twenty dollars, you pillock!"

Rather than remove the hoodie by way of unzipping it first, the girl simply grabbed the garment by the collar and tore the whole thing off in one go. It was perhaps a good thing that she was in fact wearing a similarly-coloured tee-shirt underneath it, though the other revelation - that in doing so, the girl revealed herself to be the white-haired, youthful immortal Patsy Crusher, previously responsible for the Nighthunters' failure in capturing a wanted criminal alive, may not have sat all too well with at least one or two of the belligerents in the immediate vicinity.

"So here's how it's gonna work, alright?" Patsy announced, tossing the destroyed hoodie to one side. The disembodied roar of a concert audience, though currently non-existent, wouldn't have been out of place at all. "You're gonna pay me back. In full. On the spot. Right now."

The immortal girl then charged toward the demon, readying her right arm to clothesline the horror as she yelled at the top of her voice: "WITH YOUR FLAMIN' GOAT HEAD UP YOUR BACKSIDE SIDEWAYS!"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




A streak of lightning that clawed its spidery tendrils through the dark clouds above only served to further accentuate Patsy's declaration, as did the accompanying clap of thunder. In actuality, the two had nothing whatsoever to do with one another, but the nonexistent concert audience would've absolutely howled as her charge at the demon began to trail a wake through rapidly (and quite suspiciously so) intensifying rain.

To anyone with a sense for the weather, it'd be quite obvious that the sudden swing was no coincidental phenomenon. It had been brought about on purpose. And the source was even easier to find.

Another dragon in the sky.

Sarkh regarded the scene below with a dissatisfied gaze as the flash of another lightning bolt briefly painted the huge beast's obsidian silhouette in the hue of richest sapphire, its ghostly flicker dashing across his ivory horns and causing the large slitted pupils of his piercing amber eyes to momentarily twitch into nearly-straight lines.

But once thunder spoke, lightning went just as quickly as it had come, and the dragon was once again little more than a dark silhouette against an even darker sky, just barely illuminated by faint, pale-blue wisps of electricity that skittered about his body like St. Elmo's fire. Still, even awash in the many drops of the falling rain, it wasn't hard to make out that this dragon wore something. A harness of sorts.

And it held the same sort of reinforced pockets one might find on that of a tactical covert operative...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Damn it Harlem, there's more 'em up there now" one of the soldiers reported. "We're just wasting ammunition at this range, can you get up there?"

"Dante!" Harlem called, wanting the attention of the dark defender. "Can you teleport us that far up?"

"Can do, Captain" he replied. "We'll bounce from the Cathedral roofs, it'll be a better distance from that height."

"Sentinel, keep the team fully healed. Commander, Crusader, Officer and I will home in fire on the newest dragon. Dante, do your thing!"

And then in a puff of dark smoke, they were gone. Reappearing atop the Cathedral momentarily before aiming again to land onto the newly arrived dragon. They would immediately execute the same dissecting tactics that brought down the first dragon.

Meanwhile, the fiery demons were standing their ground. The one engaged with the white-haired brawler saw his opponent was fast, but not fast enough. He ducked the clothesline attack and spun with it to bring a fire-fisted strike aimed at the base of woman's spine, followed immediately by a bladed thrust from a bony spike hidden inside his wrist, intended to stab through the spine and paralyse the human.

The priest was ashamed at his inability to help. He analysed the church yard now turned battlefield, looking for an opening where he could assist. Back in the skies, the energy-wielding swordsman was under attack by one of the dragons, who charged forth at it's full speed, wings beating ferociously.



With an etheral roar, the demon slammed a fiery uppercut up into Rays jaw sending him several feet up into the air and landing with the force of what felt like a seven story drop. The impact had him cough up a pool of his own blood and his eyes went completely blank and unfocused. Amidst the fighting and all the commotion, he heard the Priest responding to him (or some of it anyway)

Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Ray, as much as I understand the need for humour right now, I should point out that I actually have never touched a woman...
The life came back to Rays eyes and he turned his head with an unbelievably look

"Get out!" he replied to Priest, still processing these unbelivable news. He was quickly distracted however, as his instincts sensed the danger, he rolled to the side just as the demon came crashing down where he had been lying only 1 or 2 seconds ago. He created some distance between them and pulled himself off the ground. Cracking his shoulder back in place as he watched the demon smiling and conjuring flames, clearly pleased with itself. The air tensed between them as Ray reached into his inner pocket to pull something out. It watched him with great anticipation, a blessed blade? A banishing charm? No, it simply looked gobsmacked as Ray pulled out his trademark grinning mask and held it out while giving the demon a taunting look.

"Ah'right" he said, his irish accent thicker than ever. "I get the game yer playin'. We fight untill someone drops. That's cool by me." He slid on the mask and threw off his jacket, wearing only a tank top to enhance the look up his bulky upper arms. "Luckily, I brought my game face!". The demon was determined not to accept this mockery, and it flung itself at him, now almost completely engulfed in flames as the two entered the final stage of their deathmatch



Watching the battle from his view point on the cathedral, the fiery demonic vision of the villianous Shadow wondered just what this Pious was waiting for. Shadow had been watching the Priest for a week,waiting for a glimpse of the power of a man who had supposedly cheated death twice. He was now tired of waiting.

Jumping from his hidding spot, Shadow's body burst into blood red fire, which solidified to form his black and red armoured form, still burning. Floating to the ground on his great wings, Shadow landed behind the weakened Priest. "Good evening, you are the powerful Pious, yes?" he asks with a calm, almost polite tone. As he spoke, a shield of dark power formed around his right arm.


Blade Racer had been on the other side of the city when the call came out. His Patrol had him engaging with members of Nemesis. Blade knew he couldnt abandon the fight, and prayed he could finish them before his friends got into too much trouble.



Originally Posted by Blade Racer View Post
Shadow landed behind the weakened Priest. "Good evening, you are the powerful Pious, yes?" he asks with a calm, almost polite tone.
The priest slowly step away and turned to face the winged and fiery armoured figure. "Who's asking?" he responded, closely eyeing the remaining hell hounds who had healed from their injuries and clambered back to their feet, circling the holyman as he spoke on. "I'm in no fit state for battle right now I'm afraid, so if you could use that arm of yours to help out here, that'd be great. I will retreat into the church and pray for you all. May God have mercy on our souls."

With that, he made to escape the hounds and headed towards the Cathedral steps, where even the soaking rain would not reach him.



Shadow smirked under his helmet at Pious' reply. He crouched inplace and put his hands to the ground. "No holy might nor unholy power will stop my presence, I am the Shadow, corrupter of all" he said aloud.

A hellhound pounced at Shadow, letting out a roar as it flew forwards, aiming razorsharp teeth at Shadow's throat. Shadow met the teeth with the palm of his hand, gripping the creature by the jaw. They glared at each other for no more than a moment, before Shadow let the creature go. Without a second glance, the Hellhound turned on its brothers. "thats a good boy, now, lets see just how much power this Priest really can summon, and if it's enough to save his life". With that, Shadow took to his wings and gave chase to the fleeing Pious.



The Centurion watched the dragon soar towards him, a smile appearing on his face that no-one had ever seen before, utter joy.
"A there's a challenge.."
His gaze was caught elsewhere for a moment, seeing a mysterious figure chasing after Pious, looking back at the dragon for a moment he knew he had to abandon the fight to help the Priest.

At first he let himself fall down, then slowly turning in mid air so his head was pointing straight down, he began to rocket towards the ground, picking up incredible speed before bringing his legs up at the last minute, landing in between Shadow and Pious.
He hit the ground with incredible force, cracking it enough to buckle under the pressure.

He slowly rose, bringing his arm up, blade in hand. Aiming it at Shadow he spoke firmly.
"That's far enough..." - My main, under construction



Shadow stopped and landed, making tracks in the ground as he stopped. "Ah, the leader of the time jumpers, interfering with history once more eh? you mst think so highly of yourself to believe you can make a difference in this world!" exclaims Shadow, his tone going from polite to highly annoyed. "Out of my way time jumper, this battle is not for you to interfere with!" He lets out an almost primal scream and charges, using his shield to push Centurion's sword out of the way while bringing a fist, coated in dark energy, in to attack his side.



Centurion deactivated his sword, the blade shimmering down until only the hilt was left.
Crouching down he tried to grab Shadows wrist, pulling him over his shoulder and hopefully if executed right, slamming him down on the ground.

"I lead no-one and take orders from beings much higher than you!" - My main, under construction



Shadow laughed as he was flipped, using his wings to negate the force of the impact. This was a worthy opponent at last. Shadow lashed out with his tail, the sharp point striking randomly at Centurion while Shadow grabbed the man's legs and lifted, attempting to throw the swordsman off balance.



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
And then in a puff of dark smoke, they were gone. Reappearing atop the Cathedral momentarily before aiming again to land onto the newly arrived dragon. They would immediately execute the same dissecting tactics that brought down the first dragon
Sarkh's reaction was much the same as the cross-eyed look a human gave a squirrel that had suddenly materialized upon his head, amber eyes beneath an arched brow curiously mustering the humans that so precariously clambered down his sides.

Well, until they started stabbing him, that was. Their bullets might've been sent careening into the rain by the wisps of phantom lightning that flitted about the dragon's hide, but unfortunately blades tended to have more mass, not to mention their wielders tended to have a somewhat better grip of them. Fortunately for Sarkh, his underside was anything but 'vulnerable' - and he wasn't exactly slow either.

The sapphire-scaled beast gave a raucous hiss immediately upon the first blade slashing a bloody gash into his hide, though to a keen ear, it was audibly more one of outrage than pain. Still, it was more than Sarkh was willing to put up with. The dragon's body cracked like a whip, snapping a turbulent vortex through the falling rain as he twisted into a rolling Split S, flinging the offending assailants from himself like an overclocked centrifuge. The suddenly present roar of a hurricane's gusts weren't unhelpful either, of course.

One of them was even more unfortunate than that however, snatched up by a clawed hand and forcefully yanked out of freefall when Sarkh abruptly arrested his forward motion, preferring to hover while he regarded the wielder of a steel shield clutched in his fist with an angry scowl.

Of course, said person may well have preferred said scowl to the practically sadistic grin that replaced it not a second later.

"You." grumbled Sarkh's toothy smile, "Of course it's you again. So this is where you come from, hmm? Or've you just spread through the multiverse like a really bad itch...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Meanwhile, the fiery demons were standing their ground. The one engaged with the white-haired brawler saw his opponent was fast, but not fast enough. He ducked the clothesline attack and spun with it to bring a fire-fisted strike aimed at the base of woman's spine, followed immediately by a bladed thrust from a bony spike hidden inside his wrist, intended to stab through the spine and paralyse the human.
Patsy let out a pained grunt when the first blow struck, followed directly by an agonised roar that carried itself over the deafening sound of the rainfall upon the stabbing attempt. Though neither succeeded in penetrating the immortal girl's hardened skin, that didn't stop it hurting like hell fifty times over and bringing her to her knees in no time at all.

For a moment she rested on the ground, doing her best to fight off the pain.

"Well, Patsy," she muttered quietly to herself as she lay on the ground, in part to berate herself and in part to take her mind off her aches. "That was pretty daft of you."

Figuring she had given herself more than enough time to recover, even if her back was still killing her (in a manner of speaking), Patsy then rolled onto her back and attempted to deal a swift below-the-belt boot - both of them - to her opponent before he had chance to react (hopefully). Depending on which direction the demon was facing, he might find himself in a lot of pain himself should the attack strike.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
"Of course it's you again. So this is where you come from, hmm? Or've you just spread through the multiverse like a really bad itch...?"
Harlem stared blankly at the dragon holding him. The soldier's dark skin made his features hard to read in the heavy weather and dense blackness of the fog. He figured the talking dragon had mistaken him for someone else, but one thing was for sure. This dragon was no spawn of hell. "Sentry!" he called out, talking into the radio communications mounted behind his ear. "Power up and fly down, you have to catch the falling, quickly!" he commanded, watching the action below from his captive perch. He saw as the empowered soldier shot through the air and caught his falling comrades. "Redirect fire at the other two dragons, this one appears to be non-hostile!" He reported, staring at the dragon once again. "You are non-hostile, right? I mean, sorry about trying to kill you and all... sort of mistook you for someone else. Namely one of those hell beasts over there. Come on big guy, let's work together here. Truce?" he asked, offering a hand.

Meanwhile down below, the Priest gave thanks to the Centurion as he distracted the man calling himself Shadow, just long enough to implement his escape. He hurried into his church, which fortunately was empty that time of day. He clambered around for a while, fidgeting nervously at the thought of being so helplessly unarmed. Being captured and temporarily stripped of power, for the second time in his life, it was all starting to feel like some horrible fit of deja vu. Then there was the unfortunate case of Ray Hammerfall, who had come to him for help and was now caught up in a Hell that was for once, not his making.

Reaching the sacred alter, the holyman fell to his knees and prayed fervently. "Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit: in loco pascuæ, ibi me collocavit. Super aquam refectionis educavit me; animam meam convertit. Deduxit me super semitas justitiæ, propter nomen suum. Nam etsi ambulavero in medio umbræ mortis, non timebo mala, quoniam tu mecum es. Virga tua, et baculus tuus, ipsa me consolata sunt." Louder and louder, he prayed, sweating heavily with every spoken word. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me..."

Back outside the fight was raging on. The white-haired brawler had been downed and the demon towered over her, roaring triumphantly. He was unprepared as the woman's heavy boots came from nowhere and connected with his pelvic area. But the look on his face was of stark indifference. He'd felt absolutely no pain in the region as there were no male genitals present. The demon responded immediately with a series of heavy blows, aimed square into the woman's face. He pounded away relentlessly as he knelt over her, his fists burning red hot with fire, blow after blow, hot enough to melt skin tissue, should they land.



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Back outside the fight was raging on. The white-haired brawler had been downed and the demon towered over her, roaring triumphantly. He was unprepared as the woman's heavy boots came from nowhere and connected with his pelvic area. But the look on his face was of stark indifference. He'd felt absolutely no pain in the region as there were no male genitals present. The demon responded immediately with a series of heavy blows, aimed square into the woman's face. He pounded away relentlessly as he knelt over her, his fists burning red hot with fire, blow after blow, hot enough to melt skin tissue, should they land.
"AIIEE!" Patsy screamed as the first blow stuck, "OW! AGH! OW! CUT IT! OUT!"

This continued for a good few seconds until the immortal finally caught one of the oncoming fists with one hand and proceeded to grab for the demon's remaining free arm with the other. Patsy's face, though intact, bore a combination of tearful agony (said tears rapidly evapourating as soon as the appeared) and burning rage.

"I said," she hissed as she slowly pushed the monster's limbs away. "Knock. It. OFF!"

With that, the demon found himself on the receiving end of yet another headbutt, Patsy pulling hard on both arms so that if the blow struck, the demon would likely be dragged back down for another. And perhaps another.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Ray had taken up the defensive as he was forced back by a series of flaming strikes which covered his skin in a fine layer of soot, the attack wasn't letting up and the pain slowly started to build. The moment the demon tried to end it with a big swing, he made his move. He landed a solid cross over its face, the very sound of the impact roaring as loud as the thunder in the skies above them. The horror was sent flying across the yard and upon its landing, piled over a few gravestones before it came to a painful halt. The beast made a tried grunt as it started pull it self up, but just nearly after it felt Rays two oversized hands grabbing a hold around its jaws

"Why don't ya say uncle?!" Ray exclaimed as he started to pull as hard as he could in an attempt to end the match



With that, the demon found himself on the receiving end of yet another headbutt, Patsy pulling hard on both arms so that if the blow struck, the demon would likely be dragged back down for another. And perhaps another.
And another and another. The demon's body had gone limp as nerve endings in it's human brain had shut down from physical trauma. As it slowly lost all consciousness, the demon's full weight rested against the woman. It shifted back into it true goat-like form, twice the size of a human male, then collapsed with it's skull in the dirt and it's rear-end pointed disturbingly skywards, tail hung loosely to one side.

Ray's cross-to-the-face attack had repelled the second demon so violently that the force shattered it's human skull. The impact of crashing into the gravestones broke several other bones, including it's right arm. It tried to stand and shapeshift but the muscled brawler was too fast. The demon watched on half-paralysed as the man pulled apart it's bony jaws, partially shifted into it's goat-like form. The pain was excruciating and it howled in woeful agony as his face was torn asunder. The shock alone rendered the hellspawn unconscious. It laid there, bleeding a corrosive black blood that burnt the very earth.

Some of the soldiers could not help but stand and watch as the two demons fell one after the other. The remaining hell hound were still quite literally at each other's throats, but up above, the two enraged dragons prepared for a diving attack that would probably see another man loose his head. Together, they poised their weapons and fired skywards. "Bring 'em down, bring 'em down!" yelled the Commander, brandishing a grenade launcher.

Back inside the church the priest was still praying, muttering strings of sentences in a hurried mixture of Latin, Hebrew and Old English. Stood before him was what appeared to be an angel, pointing upwards at one of the glass paintings on the tall windows. Priest felt her presence, looked up in awe and promptly followed the direction of her human fingers. He saw a painting of Levite priests. Then it occurred to him. The Sword of Leviticus. Did this angel want him to fight using the holy sword? Quite likely, he thought, and down into the armoury he went. There, Priest found an entire section of wardrobe he'd never seen before.

"Everything happens for a reason Michael," came the soft angelic voice, "What you see before you are suits of armour made holy in the bloodied names of fallen saints. They once belonged to the Knights of the Crusade. Now they are yours. You will need them most in your current weakened state. Use them wisely."

"I prayed for this Evea, I know what I have to do" said Priest, overwhelmed by the weight of history carried within the suits before him. Cautiously, he proceeded.



Centurion activated one of his swords again, switching it off and on at intervals whenever Shadows tail lashed out at him, blocking any attacks it made.
As Shadow lifted the Centurion up he started to fly, higher and higher again, activating his other laser sword, slicing down at his legs in case Shadow had decided to keep a firm grip. - My main, under construction