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  1. ((An Email sent to the members of the LF))


    Due to our endavours with the man known as Dominic, I have had a little personal tinker as to how we may resolve this, so far all I have is raw sketches. I ran them by with Bex, who seemed approving, I am hoping to detail them out and start working soon. I will also take suggestion on how to proceed.

    Basically, the plan is to build a stationary platform, surrounded by four pylons, each that
    can hold it's dimensional wall. It will function as a dimensional pocket, or in this case, a dimensional cage for dominic (mind you I do not speak of the magic sort). I have an ally outside the Liberty Force whom I am certain can help me acquire the technology, as well as revert it into the architecture. I was almost more the craftsman. Furthermore, we will need the help of the Liberty Force's mages. If they can make something we can embed in the pylons, we are planning to have them emit a signal to repress Dominic's dominating force. We will keep him trapped, without abilites. this also opens up for the opportunity to question him, undisturbed inside the pocket.

    The platform will be stationary. This means to things: We can not move it, and we will need to lure Dominic out with something or someone. I do not feel that it is my decision to make as to which one. I suggest building the platform in the Eden forest. The woodland is thick, and from my training I have learned a thing or two about ambushes. We can easily conceal the pylons along with the platform. If we decide to use -someone-, we still need to think of a way to get them out of there after we seal the pocket.

    These are the thougths. So far I only have the ideas, but if I am given the technology I am fairly certain can I start building it soon. Of course, the more hands, the faster we'll get it up and running.

  2. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray gave off a faint "Huh" as they came closer to the cathedral. His head was swayed all way backwards as he looked at the huge building.

    "So, whaddya gonna 'ave me doin' then? Confess my sins? Make me hand out flyers on the nearby street corner eh?"
  3. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    "Man, I save yer ***** an' ya still throw me in the slammer. Cheers" Ray replied, clear irony in his voice.

    "Look, can someone get me a shirt or somethin'? This place is chillin' my friggin' bones"
  4. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray dumped down on his behind, his arms slumped down over his knees. He took a few deep breath as the tint disappeared and he took off the mask, he looked pretty beat up. Despite that, some of the marks he appeared to have sustained during the battle already seemed gone. Now, his body also shrunk down to its normal size, he dusted off the remains of the torn tank top, leaving him topless.

    "Look" he said between a few heavy breaths "I'm just 'ere t' see someone, 'kay? I ain't done squat, an' I sure dunno what these friggin'... vampires wanted 'was just tryin' not t' get my **** kicked."

    He lifted himself up and gave off a quick heavy breath, insinuating that he was back in the game.

    "But pretty good work, was fun. Pound it!" he said as he stuck his fist out to the other two
  5. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Enraged, the mindless hounds charged in once again, bone-crunching teeth flashing dangerously, flesh-slashing claws outstretched, ready for the kill.
    Ray was starting to pay the price for his reckless action. A storm of fangs and claws overwhelmed him from all sides, digging large bloody rifts through his skin and effectively tearing his tank top apart, further enhancing his primal look as more of his bulky, veiny upper body was exposed. He was too defending himself from getting wrestled to the ground and overpowered to hit back on any of his canine attackers.

    With an infuriated growl he send a foot stomp down on the ground, so violent it shattered and cracked the ground it made an impact with. A last desperate attack to try and keep the hounds at bay.
  6. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray who was already in mid air from his jump had a hard time coming to a stop as flames erupted from the ground, and it did give him that slight 'Uh-oh' as he realised that this could get to be rather taxing. He was in luck however that he didn't get burned to a crisp as the hounds left the flames and went after the Centurion.

    Clumpsily he dove right down in the middle of them, emerging nearly instantly with a war like bellow as he proceeded to flail at everything in his vicinity with his big arms, a savage green tint shining through his mask.
  7. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
    "Now there's a guy that knows his priorities." she said, charging forth to go add her contribution to grinding the dogs' faces into the dirt. "Might wanna consider takin' a leaf out of his book, like!"
    A bit dumfounded, Ray stood there for a moment as she charged off. It didn't take long before he clenched his fists with a determined look. "What, y'don't think -I- can take out a few stray dogs?!" he then proceeded to jump after her, into the fray "Lemme show ya!"
  8. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray gave off a bemused grunt when he failed to get the dragons attention, instead he had taken notice to Shadow and Pious fight in the sky

    "Aw no fair. Why does he get t' 'ave all the friggin' fun 'round 'ere?" Just then he turned his head as he was within earshot of the other female fighter:
    Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
    "Okay, anyone fancy helpin' me feed the dogs, then?"
    With a sly grin he made his way over to her, positioning himself fairly close to her for a first meeting

    "Hey baby, y'feelin' lonely?"
  9. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a curtain of fire that made its way over the yard, turning the grass scorching black. He shook his head with a grunt and looked up at the situation, some chick beating up the other.. vampire? The doggies had turned on each other, some guy were chasing after another and some other guys were running about screaming orders. So what?

    He had no idea how to tell friend from foe, except for one.. well two actually. The two dragons in the sky that circled, bombarding the battlefield with their fiery breath. That's way too easy. He awaited the next dive from one of the dragons, and when it happened he would try and fling a piece of the broken gravestones at the dragon to bring it down. But it could also mean he might find himself in a pinch if the plan didn't work...
  10. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray had taken up the defensive as he was forced back by a series of flaming strikes which covered his skin in a fine layer of soot, the attack wasn't letting up and the pain slowly started to build. The moment the demon tried to end it with a big swing, he made his move. He landed a solid cross over its face, the very sound of the impact roaring as loud as the thunder in the skies above them. The horror was sent flying across the yard and upon its landing, piled over a few gravestones before it came to a painful halt. The beast made a tried grunt as it started pull it self up, but just nearly after it felt Rays two oversized hands grabbing a hold around its jaws

    "Why don't ya say uncle?!" Ray exclaimed as he started to pull as hard as he could in an attempt to end the match
  11. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    With an etheral roar, the demon slammed a fiery uppercut up into Rays jaw sending him several feet up into the air and landing with the force of what felt like a seven story drop. The impact had him cough up a pool of his own blood and his eyes went completely blank and unfocused. Amidst the fighting and all the commotion, he heard the Priest responding to him (or some of it anyway)
    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Ray, as much as I understand the need for humour right now, I should point out that I actually have never touched a woman...
    The life came back to Rays eyes and he turned his head with an unbelievably look

    "Get out!" he replied to Priest, still processing these unbelivable news. He was quickly distracted however, as his instincts sensed the danger, he rolled to the side just as the demon came crashing down where he had been lying only 1 or 2 seconds ago. He created some distance between them and pulled himself off the ground. Cracking his shoulder back in place as he watched the demon smiling and conjuring flames, clearly pleased with itself. The air tensed between them as Ray reached into his inner pocket to pull something out. It watched him with great anticipation, a blessed blade? A banishing charm? No, it simply looked gobsmacked as Ray pulled out his trademark grinning mask and held it out while giving the demon a taunting look.

    "Ah'right" he said, his irish accent thicker than ever. "I get the game yer playin'. We fight untill someone drops. That's cool by me." He slid on the mask and threw off his jacket, wearing only a tank top to enhance the look up his bulky upper arms. "Luckily, I brought my game face!". The demon was determined not to accept this mockery, and it flung itself at him, now almost completely engulfed in flames as the two entered the final stage of their deathmatch
  12. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray stared with intensified breath into the maws that was only inches from determining the outcome of his life. A pack of hounds had managed to wrestle him to the ground and was now moving in on their prey. He held off its head with the power of any desperate man. It didn't take long, it would usually come out in situations like this. He focused himself, turning his fear in to resolve as his whole body started to ballon in size. The tables had turned, the hound tried to jerk its head free of his grasp, and he replied by turning its head with an ugly crack, wringing its neck.

    He was up in mere seconds to greet the rest of the pack as they closed in on him, he grabbed the dead hound by its tail and fended off the rest by using it as club. Bones cracked and the whining of hurt animals rung through the yard as he took them out.

    His momentum ended however when one of the demons flung a ball of fire at him, sending him flying into the church wall, tearing some of it down. Blood ran from the side of his mouth and his head as he pulled himself up to face the other demon, he looked up to see the dragons circling the sky with their ominous presence. A smile crept over his lips

    "Heh, I dunno who's wife ya been sleepin' with P, but someones thoroughly pissed with ya."
    His eyes then flared up in a crazed battle ecstasy as he charged his way against his opponent, his fist raised.
    "Just like ol' times!"
  13. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray followed Preists lead to an extent, but made sure to stand where the police wouldn't spot him.

    "Look, it ain't that simple ah'right? I came 'ere on personal business. It ain't got anythin' t' do with you, the corp or anythin'. Look, just get those guys off my ***, an' I'll behave ah'right?"
  14. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    Ray frowned and held his hands out defensively:

    "Whoa whoa whoa, I didn't do ****. Ok? These guys just came up an' started askin' questions and then wham! We're runnin' all over town an' stuff. Totally like that movie I got at home, y'should check it o-"

    He was cut off as he turned his head at the nearby sirens. He then turned back to the Priest, trying to sound as genuine as he could in his request

    "Look, P. I -really- ain't 'ere t' cause trouble. Aight? I'm just 'ere t' see someone. Help out ol' Ray eh? for ol' times sake"
  15. Sniper_Three

    Moth Cathedral

    The sound of police sirens woke the priest up from his meditative state. Whatever ruckus was being caused it wasn't far off. In fact it sounded like it came just from the nearby neighbourhood. He calmly rose and was about to take off to investigate before something catched his attention:

    An average male climbing the wall of the churchyard, he clumpsily fell down and ran, his panicked state implying that he was trying to avoid the trouble. As he drew closer the Priest recognized him: Ray.

    Ray was looking backwards in his sprint to make sure he avoided his pursursers, the moment he turned his head and saw the priest staring determined at him, he put his heels in the ground and stopped abruptly, not many meters away from him. For one long moment that seemed to go on forever, the two simply stood in silence, Pious' look growing more and more serious with each second that went by then suddenly he was alarmed as Ray made a motion to break the silence:

    He put up his hand for a receving high figh:
    "What's up, P. It's been a while eh?"
  16. Ok, lots of helpful information from alot of helpful people, cheers

    I'd definitely be up for giving this Cadre thing a try. I'll try be on the lookout for any members from it, otherwise my global is written in the first post
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    Welcome back.

    The Militia is a hero group that has been running for about 4 years now and we currently run three themed nights: a weekly Praetorian group on Tuesdays and either Militia (hero) or Cadre (rogue) every other week.

    We're not huge or uber but we're friendly and active so if you want to stop by and say hello, check out the forum linked in my signature. Feel free to join our channel (Militia) in game which is active most evenings.

    Hope to see you around some time.
    Hi there Dante, and thanks for taking your time to respond

    Just a quick question (well two, in fact)

    Are the Militia and the Cadre two different SG's or just some kind of sub group to the main one?

    And second, can you get into praetoria yet without starting as a praetorian?
  18. Greetings, fellow roleplayers.

    I used to game CoX fairly often about 2-3 years ago, I got into the roleplay community and had tons of fun. Alas, slowly everyone I knew from the game began to quit one after another, until I myself decided that my time invested in this game was over.

    Since then I've been playing a bit on-and-off, returning for a month or so to see how the game have developed.

    Well now I'm back again and I really want to test out the new GR and if possible get back into roleplaying, the only problem is just that I don't really know any of the regulars, and I'm not really sure how I should approach them, as sometimes it can be hard to get into the "circle" that people usually make with each other.

    The title pretty much tells the rest of the tale

    A few notes you might want to be interested in:

    - You can reply to me here, or message me in game @Sniper Three, about my character, arrangements for recruiting and all that jazz

    - My characters name is Ray Hammerfall, he's the one I play the most these days and also the character I'd prefer to play with

    - I'd prefer a Hero and or Vigilante/Rogue SG

    - My current alignment is Rogue, I havent' really decided whether or not about making him into a full fletched hero but hey, roleplaying can change alot of things :P

    - My AT is Brute and my lvl is 50

    - I roleplay when I'm in a group of RP'ers or places like GG or PD, but I prefer not to, if I'm in a team with a non-RP'er

    - I'm a casual player, and I just want a decent SG and a fun gaming/roleplaying experience, you don't need to impress me with your all your hawt SG badges and SG base

    - I play on the Union server

    If there's anything else you'd like to know, message me, either here, in game or reply to this thread.
    See you all in game
  19. Hm, maybe this wasn't the best of ideas after all.

    Maybe I should have tried a different approach that would have been appealing to more people?

    Not that I am not thankful for the suggestion that Lady Arete gave me. I guess I was just hoping for a bit more "job offers" from villains RP SG's which needed an extra hand.
  20. Ok, thanks to those who took their time ti put in some comments.

    I'm still on the lookout if others are interested in a new member
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Genia View Post
    That, as well as the type/theme of VG you're looking for (if there is any).
    I'm not really sure about that, to be honest. That's why I give people the opportunity to propose their SG. Maybe I find something that I find itneresting.

    The only thing I cans ay for sure that I'm probably not looking for a monster, fantasy themed one.
  22. Hello there, fellow roleplayers. Like you, I am one of those people who thinks that rolepaly is just one of those things which spices up the game.

    I got back to the game about a week ago, and are now seeking a roleplaying supergroup to join.

    Here's a few things you would probably like to know

    my character is a level 50 brute, so we're talking villainy.

    I like doing things along with my SG, roleplaying and missions alike

    I'm looking for an active yet laidback supergroup. I am only a casual gamer and will only have time for big things like roleplay events or tf's in certain weekends and vacations.

    My character is not a supernatural being, as in a demon, alien of any kind

    If there's more you need to know, just post it here or PM me. If anyone out there needs a new enforcer just propose your SG and tell me a bit about it so I can judge whether or not I think it'd suit my character

    Thanks for your time!

    Edit: I play on union. Thanks Dark!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    19:03:28 Son of Ares: Greetings The Phantoms
    19:03:52 The Phantoms: Greetings, mortals.
    19:03:59 Son of Ares: mortals?
    19:04:06 The Phantoms: Yes, Mortal.
    19:04:08 Son of Ares: do you know who i am?
    19:04:08 Other Guy: Say wha-?
    19:04:15 The Phantoms: .....No, I do not.
    19:04:45 Son of Ares: then bow down, i am the son of Ares, and i am gifted at killing, maybe you will be next for your insult - Muahahaha - seriously this is just too much. Now if he had then replied, uncertainly or with just the slightest hint of 'This isn't going the way i had planned - let's try a different tract.' it might have pulled it off. Otherwise this just sounds like something out of a really bad Flash Gordon spinoff.
    19:04:54 The Phantoms: I cannot die. - Way to go spreading the news. Some others may have seen this as a challenge. If they had and approached you (via tell) on the possibility of them finding out how you might be weakened, can you say in all honesty that you would have considered it and perhaps run/co-run a plot based on this?
    19:05:27 The Phantoms: Mabye temporarily remain in a form of statis, but not die. - Way to go telling the World and its life partner your weakness. If I were very powerful but perhaps wanted to throw others off the scent, I wouldn't have even mentioned the fact that I can't die in the first place, let alone given away a clue as to what might happen if someone tried it. But that's just me.
    19:05:37 Son of Ares: ofcourse you can, my blade was forged to sever immortallity - Godmod
    19:05:37 Other Guy: What the [censored] are you on about? - Sensible reaction
    19:05:39 The Phantoms: I hold respect for one who demands that sort of authority. - Hang about, two ticks ago you were the man who couldn't be killed.
    19:05:55 The Phantoms: So, I do respect you, I simply assumed you were a mortal.
    19:06:01 Other Guy: *Yawns* - Sensible.
    19:06:17 Son of Ares: *backhands Other Guy* "Quiet" - God Mod
    19:06:32 Son of Ares: Assumptions kill my friend
    19:06:34 The Phantoms: ....Yes, I repsect you.
    19:06:47 The Phantoms: Hmm. You make a valid point. By Aphrodite's Girdle...
    19:07:07 Other Guy: Are you retarded or summit? - Bit harsh but still sensible.
    19:07:20 The Phantoms: ...Are you?
    19:07:41 The Phantoms: I am Me, Demon of the satanic creed.
    19:08:03 The Phantoms: ....Oh, and I enjoy burning souls. - Very funny joke.
    19:08:05 Son of Ares: I Am Kalliades son of Ares, Demi-God of War
    19:08:15 Other Guy: Your also modest - I believe this is sarcasm
    19:08:20 Son of Ares: And i enjoy pain, suffering and killing - Sounds like the kind of guy I like to... ahem. Apart from the killing bit
    19:08:30 The Phantoms: Hah! Demons are not made for modesty.
    19:08:34 The Phantoms: I enjoy those also.
    19:08:43 Other Guy: I enjoy sex, stealing and drinking, now the introductions over oh mighty overlord, shut the [censored] up.
    19:09:10 Son of Ares: but can you do it with great skill, and should we prove ourselves on Other Guy? - Attempt to GodMod
    19:09:22 The Phantoms: I would enjoy that. - Condoning a God Mod
    19:09:37 Son of Ares: would you mind joining me in the base?
    19:09:44 Other Guy: [censored] no - Clever use of the irony of the comic book. S/He can hear what you just said.
    19:09:58 The Phantoms: ....He enjoys cursing, I see.
    19:11:33 The Phantoms: ...oh, and yes, Im already there.
    19:11:45 Other Guy: You two are [censored] weird - Possible attempt to change the subject or politely ignore the two characters attempting to GodMod. I would have just clicked 'Ignore' by now.
    19:11:52 The Phantoms: You can talk.
    29-2008 19:12:27 Other Guy: I can also kick the [censored] outta smart mouths like you, I didnt sign up to take [censored] by some demi-god up his own [censored]
    19:12:34 Son of Ares: i suppose it is instinct for it?
    19:12:56 The Phantoms: I hate it when they complain. It makes killing them so very irritating - Which part of Heroes are not known for going around and killing things is missing from this?
    19:13:35 Son of Ares: i think it is more fun, you have to work so very hard for that final scream for mercy, so satifying.... - I only hope this character is a villain
    19:13:47 The Phantoms: Well, that is the good part, yes.
    19:13:54 Other Guy: Do you two ever get laid? - Humour. My word he offered you both so many ways out of this.
    [i]Then it degenerates a bit into a 'my willy is biger than yours' conversation which, somehow, feels slightly more 'real'.

    19:15:16 Son of Ares: i could have any one, i can mind control anyone, i could force you and make it seem like you actually love me - So why the need to kill? Oh and GodMod attempt
    19:15:40 Other Guy: He?, you [censored] retards havent even heard a womans voice have you?, let alone screw her, im a woman you retarded [censored]
    19:16:01 The Phantoms: ......Really? you sound like a man...
    19:16:12 Other Guy: More of a man than you'll ever be
    19:16:37 The Phantoms: Well, Man is but a title for a puny human, is it not?
    19:16:39 Son of Ares: oh come now
    19:17:20 Son of Ares: Man is but a creation of my whim - Seriously?
    19:17:27 Other Guy: Riiight..
    19:18:02 The Phantoms: You created man?....
    19:18:09 The Phantoms: I highly doubt as much.
    19:18:13 Son of Ares: by accident
    19:18:30 Son of Ares: along with Hades and Hephaestus, we got bored - Again this could actually be a funny joke, but surely not a serious claim?
    19:18:44 The Phantoms: ....well, thats more likely. What right thinking god, would make something so worthless and insignificant. - Destroyed any chance of above being a joke
    19:19:12 Other Guy: it is fun being worshipped
    19:19:25 The Phantoms: ...And feared, that is rather amusing.
    19:19:47 Son of Ares: feared?
    19:20:00 The Phantoms: Not many exactly worship demons, do they.
    19:20:05 The Phantoms: Not anymore, anyway.
    19:20:18 Other Guy: Where the [censored] is Someone Else?, I aint takin' this [censored].
    19:20:37 The Phantoms: Is the human always this annoying?
    19:20:42 Son of Ares: Someone Else is 'mislaid in time' - GodMod
    19:20:50 Other Guy: Then [censored] this
    19:20:53 The Phantoms: Mislaid?...
    19:21:20 Other Guy: I signed up cus' Someone Else gave me a good job offer, and pay was aight, but I aint working with retarded [censored] like you two, later, not.
    19:21:31 Other Guy has quit the Super Group - Applause
    19:22:00 The Phantoms: Well, that was strange.

    Someone shoot me.....
  24. Well it's decided then.

    Thanks for posting guys
  25. Well, the title says it all.

    I am not really sure whether or not to pick this power so I would like to hear from you guys what your opinions of this ability on on a stalker is to hopefully help me decide

    Thanks in advance