Creative Genius Nominations - June 2007




Welcome to the nominations for June's Creative Genius!

Please use this thread to nominate submissions for the Creative Genius award for the month of June 2007.

Please be sure to familiarise yourself with the guidelines for the Creative board and the Creative Genius competition before making any nominations - you can read them here.

These nominations will remain open until 6pm GMT on Friday 27 July. The winner will be announced shortly after.

To nominate a submission, please post a link to the appropriate post.

There are some important rules to bear in mind when making nominations:
<ul type="square">[*]You may only nominate one submission. If you nominate more than one submission, only the first one will count.[*]You may not nominate your own submissions.[*]Nominated submissions must have been originally posted to this board during June 2007.[*]All original submissions first posted to these boards in June 2007 are eligible for nomination, regardless of what form they take.[*]Only nominated submissions will be considered for the Creative Genius award.[*]If no nominations are received, there will be no Creative Genius award for June 2007.[*]If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please post them to The Creative Board and Creative Genius. This thread should only be used for nominations, and any off-topic posts will be removed.[/list]Happy nominating!



Pious for his acting Avatars that have revolutionised CoX boards!
The thread

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



I agree, i didnt want to be first else ill get scared &gt;.&gt;
I would like to nominate Pious too because them acting avatars have brought colour to this forum.
Acting avatars page here &lt;--




Edit: Just reading the rules for this comeptition, I'm not entirely sure if this is eligible or not......I bloody well hope it is!!

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Well, I started it in June, and it was posted in the Creative section, so I bloody well hope so too.

Thanks for the nomination.



I agree, i didnt want to be first else ill get scared &gt;.&gt;
I would like to nominate Pious too because them acting avatars have brought colour to this forum.
Acting avatars page here &lt;--


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Seconded to that one




Pious's work has already been nominated (we don't vote, we nominate, and one nomination is enough) but I would like to voice my reasons why the acting avatars are indeed worthy of a nomination and indeed worthy of a Creative Genius award.

The idea in itself is a simple one. Pious could have just posted instructions as how to make one and that would have probably resulted in one or two being done. I certainly would not have bothered.

What made this idea special was the offer to make such avatars for others. Even if the routine must be there by now they do take a lot of time and that is selfless work. Instead of just entertaining Pious has serviced the community. That, especially on this scale, is rare.

The idea is original in its execution. Avatars have populated the whole forum in an unprecedented manner. This phenomenon is something new and fresh. This idea is original. Written and drawn works are very deserving as well but they have been around, and will be around. This creative effort is one of a kind, a unique endeavor.

To commemorate this huge service to such a big part of our forum community I would love to see Pious receive the coveted and prestigious Creative Genius title.



I want to nominate Happy_Dan's drawgasmic rendition of Thunder-Wasp!

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that was posted in july, this is the june comp...



Seconding Max's Rocky Horror Show



A nomination here for Pious' work on the board avatars.



A nomination here for Pious' work on the board avatars.

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Yep what Mother's said. Pious started a new trend and brought color to the boards.



Looking back at June, I may be wrong, but it seems that Pious' Acting Avatars, and my own Rocky Horror Hero Show were the only two new creative things posted in June, with everything else being a continuation of existing threads.

If it is in fact a two-horse race, I'd be willing to accept a joint-award, as both pieces of work are wildly different to each other, and trying to compare one against the other has got to be a rather trying task, seeing how there's bother-all similarity between the two.



Can I nominate something other than Pious's work? I admire the thought and work that he has put into it but I think everyone's gone silly with it.



it and Maxes work are all that can be, and now it has been done once, thats it.

it's not voting, it nomination.



What made this idea special was the offer to make such avatars for others. Even if the routine must be there by now they do take a lot of time and that is selfless work. Instead of just entertaining Pious has serviced the community. That, especially on this scale, is rare.

The idea is original in its execution. Avatars have populated the whole forum in an unprecedented manner. This phenomenon is something new and fresh. This idea is original. Written and drawn works are very deserving as well but they have been around, and will be around. This creative effort is one of a kind, a unique endeavor.

To commemorate this huge service to such a big part of our forum community I would love to see Pious receive the coveted and prestigious Creative Genius title.

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Thank you Coile for that speech, I've gone red. And thank you guys for the nomination.



Max really wants this award and his nominated work really is very good. I on the other hand offered the service of drawing up acting avatars for everyone and it seems these have been greatly influential across the boards. This month must be a very difficult decision for Bridger because I think the two works are both very creative and brilliant in their differences, if I may say so myself.

Anyway point is, I couldn't care less about this award, and Max really wants it, hehe. So I too think he should receive it. But thank you anyway, to those who have supported the nominations for my work, I appreciate that you like them this much and will continue to draw them up.



Aww dang, you're making me feel guilty. I think both of us put a lot of time and effort into our respective works, which is why I'll still root for a joint-award for this month.



If you guys can't decide who gets it, can I have it?



Aww dang, you're making me feel guilty.

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Hehe. Nah don't be silly, besides you're making me feel guilty for making you feel guilty. I guess we cancel out.