The Drade plot ending event.




Ok everyone tomorrow (13th of oct) is the grand ending of the Drade plot, Darken Days.
As such i would like a small list of everyone who is going to take part in the event, so that i may give out the thanks in the right way, also so i have an idea of numbers of players there.
Also there has been a small change in the event, due to RL getting in the way, as such now the event i am hopeing to start at [u]8 PM GMT time[u] and no later than 8:30 pm, this is due to the fact i have to be up really early on the sunday morning, this was spung on me last minute from my work, so sorry about this but its how it going to have to be, i do say sorry for the minor change and the fact i will be clock watching my end in advance but i hope the event to run wonderfully, and for everyone to enjoy the most... well you'll see.



I'll take part.



Despite not being involved in the earlier parts of the plot Bolt attended the Suriyah ceremony, and not only would an epic battle on an island where some bird with magic powers is buried interest him it would also... er...

Whatever, I'll be taking part hopefully.



it's not the island suriyahs ceremont took place its the much lager one to its east if you look from the main land area. It's lagre with a upper cliff area and lower flat island part.



So not that one with a ****load of Rikti on? Oh, right.

Parking Bolt there now so I'm not late for the finale thanks to my crappy hover. Grumble grumble.

Oh, and as I type this little edit bit at the end Bolt is leaning against a tree on the island we're supposed to be on with the ridge and stuff. Yay.



20 past 8 pm, and yet only one person as shown up, bolt, not even the other main character has appeared yet, SEFFS! how can it end without Magnus there?



Right, it didn't go through tonight. I'd suggest this friday or next saturday, tbh.

Shame, though. Was looking forward to it.



We need more heroes to make this epics. Come on Catz, Beet and Havoc. You guys help too .



The choice is now Friday, starting at 8 pm gmt again, and as last time no later than 8:45 start time, due to RL work next day.
Saturday 8:30 to 9pm gmt (time time still something i am thinking about.)

I hope this time to actually get the plot end done, i really am now trying my hardest to darg it out for another weekish, but im short on ideas, the only one so far which came to me was that the isle has/had a magical barrier around it, as such Drade was unable to see what was really going on, but could only sense it there due to it fading down a little before the cult reenforcing it again, but now time is short and the element of surprize might well be fully losted.



Seriously sorry, guys. Was woken at 8:00 on Saturday and informed I'd be spending the weekend 70 miles away for reasons. Only got back in the last half-hour or so.

In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...



Thats ok, as it was said up in the post replies, only Bolt remember/ was able to come, so i pulled the event till friday or sat, which i need to know which one suits people ASAP! please so i can know how long to draw out this week.



Either suits me fine.



Ok, i have made up my mind, Saturday will be the day unless there are any reason why it can't happen, but please let me know in advance so i may change/ add in anything that may draw out the plot to the next week, as im aware it is half term for many, and may then have more time, but it would be cutting it close to me completely again out of ideas for anything to drag it out with.

again thats SATURDAY will hopefully be the day the plot ends, or so i hope.



You'd think I'd have learned not to use the quick reply thingy, I put a post in here yesterday and it didn't come up. *shrug*

Still, here we go: I can't do Saturdays for the forseeable future. Sunday would be good. Friday less so, but possible. Sorry, but I do have to have some form of 'life'.

In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...



Arrrgh. We need to really sort this out. It seems the weekend is not good for everyone at the moment.



What Red said.
Luckily enough my friends 16th is this weekend, so i can only be around on Saturday morning, Friday Night or Sunday Night.




ok, new idea, what about sometime during next week, as i know many have after term hoildays from schools, this is of course just an idea, if anyone have any better ones please shout them out now.



ok update: i am hopeing to run the ending event tomorrow evening, (25th of oct) starting from around about 8:30pm GMT time, this is of course if seffs is able to do this, if not then the last possible day is friday, we really can't let this drag out any longer, its just getting silly really now.



8:30 Tonight, Got it.



Unfortunately I don't finish work until 9pm tonight so I wont be able to make the start, by the time I get in it'll be about I should be on then.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



ok, thats all ok, this is of course all still pending on Seffs, so we may start later than i hope anyway, but so everyones knows meeting point 1 is just outside of the ferry from talos.



...Wow. I love the 60 minutes notice I got there.

Anyhow, I'll see if I can get Magnus over there by 8:30. Due to the fact my PC has started crashing when zoning due to the mad trick-or-treaters, this may take some time.

In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...



sorry seffs, i did send you a meesage a few days ago asking if it was ok, guess it never got to you since i never got one back.