The Rage Born Virus




The Rage Born Virus.

Part 1.

The machine sat silent in a disused warehouse as it repair functions healed the damage it had suffered at the hands of Longbow officers guarding a hi-tech weapons shipment.

Dimly it heard voices and then the door way to the small room in which it repaired itself was ripped open.

‘Quit your bawling brat!’

A large figure pushed a smaller one in to the supply closet.

Slowly the machine reactivates itself.

The small figure was weeping and sat huddled in the corner of the room.

The machines scanners reawakened and it studied the small figure.

Finally it asked

“Target: Female Child why do you weep query?’

The girl scrambled away from the machine, the shock of realising she was not alone robbed here of speech for a moment.

Through her tears she forced herself to say

“Those bad men are going to kill me”

A form of understanding occurred to the machine

“This unit sees Process: Weeping Occurs upon: imminent death. Information: Noted”

The machine once again fell silent.

It began to replay a log of previous actions which had led to the battle that had reduced its frame to such a damaged state.

Again and again it played a file containing a woman’s voice

“You don’t understand emotions, you regard then as a failing and that’s why you will fail” the voice stated time after time

The machine was shaken from its calculation by the girl whose tears had ended to be replaced with a look of desperate hope.

“Please mister, help me. I don’t… I don’t want to die!” the girl’s desperate face looked ready to burst into tears again.

The machine spoke

“In helping you what would the benefit be to this unit query?” it asked

“Please Mister I’ll do anything I just want to live” she begged

“You don’t understand emotions, you regard then as a failing and that’s why you will fail"

Calculations blazed through processors and plan after plan was constructed then rejected until finally a plan was decided upon.

“Trade: Accepted This Unit will ensure your survival”

Outside heavy footsteps resounded upon the metal floor coverings. The door opened and a large leather clad man with skull painted on his face stood in the opening

“Hey kid time to…”

Whatever time he was going to say it had reached was cut off as his face was met by the steel fist of the machine. The man flew across the corridor and slammed into the wall crumpling upon impact. From either side of the door way more men appeared but with deadly machine like precision they fell.

“Follow this unit closely Target: Female Child” the machine intoned.

The girl followed closely perhaps in awe that she was to live or perhaps in terror of how easily the machine cut a path through the warehouse.

Outside the warehouse the girl stood panting in relief, the machine glimmered in the sun a dull red from all the blood spilled.

“Thank you mister. Hey!” she shouted in surprise as the machine lifted her to his shoulders.

“We shall head to a safe location. There is a Process: you must undergo” the machine spoke as boosters fired up from its feet taking them skyward.

They arrived at another abandoned building, and entered it, travelling through its winding corridors the girl was curious and asked many questions, the machine walked on in silence.

Finally it spoke

“Location reached. Please: Move to Device: Medical Bed and Extend: Arm”

The girl thinking this to be just a check to see if she was okay extend her arm, she gave a little gasp as the machine took hold of it and injected it with a strange liquid.

She struggled in the machines grip but soon grew weak and fell into darkness.

When next she awoke she felt strange, various parts of her body hurt and she could hear a strange buzzing in her head.

“What did you do to me?” as the word left her lips she instantly knew the answer for the information just appeared in her memory.

“You are now Designated: Biological Processing Unit One. You are now Designation: Battle Unit Omega”

And so the machine knew its first emotion Betrayal.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Part 2

The machine had reached a decision the only way to destroy those that controlled the people it would need to destroy their enforcers first.

{Hatesman has shown this unit the truth of the world.

{Money: The World Governments: Arachnos all will have to fall but all were protected by those that enforced the will of the masters upon people.

{Society: Divided Four Parts

{The Masters: Those that control people through direct force or manipulation of society

{The Enforcers: The Protectors of the Masters laws :Long Bow :Arachnos: Police : Statesman

{The Sheep: The vast cattle unwilling to think for themselves believing in the lies and devices the masters use to control them

{Freethinkers: those that decide to break the rules of the masters. Hatesman: Terra Liberation Front

The machine spoke trying to convince others of this, to awaken them to the truth. But they for the most part ignored the machine, some however threatened the machine.

{Update file: Enforcers

{Attempt Use of BPU Frame

The girl spoke to those gathered and though she was not threatened by the ‘Heroes’ she was ignored.

{Failure: Process: Awaken: Masses

{Begin Method: Scourge Unbelievers

The machine reached into the depths of its memory for the ancient teachings of a long dead religion from an ancient tomb of a world.

<And low to those that had ignored the Archbishop Remuses orders about sanitation Sul Dar sent a plague and thus were the heretics purged>

{Method of attack decided: Viral Weapon

But then the machine felt pity for, the girl shared all her thoughts with the machine and the machine all its with the girl.

{Method: Would Cause Casualties in groups Freethinkers: Sheep
{Refine Method: Targeted Viral Weapon

{Method will require: Genetic Samples Target Group: Enforcers

And so as the machine crafted the virus the girl went into the world to gather samples of those that would stand in their way.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Part 3

It had the machine surmised as it looked at the angry faces of the crowd been a mistake to answer truth why it was asking registered heroes for DNA samples

{Assumption: That Heroes would donate blood willingly to stop virus targeting Target Group: Sheep has proven: incorrect

{Next Time: Attempt: Subterfuge

The machine paused listening to the crowd. Several of them gave threats, some it considered others dismissed out of hand as being impossible others he began to prepare plans against.

{Sample Prime Located.

A sense of excitement filled the machine. The girl had located a sample of great importance to the virus. Updating its GPS the machine left to the jeers and threats of the crowd.

“Yeah run off Tin Can”

If capable the machine would of smiled, the name ‘tin can’ had dogged it from its first days of activation in this world, but only since integrating the girl as part of its systems had it found the term amusing.

Leaving the bar he travelled towards a run down area of Caup Au Diablo where he met a small girl. The girl even by Rogue island standards was strange looking.

Short and no older than ten she was covered in small, precise and neat surgical scars, her right arm was encased in metallic armour and her right eye had been replaced with some form of targeting array.

{Prime Sample: Is under the ownership of Job: Fence Designation: Jimmy ‘No nose’ Awaiting collection by Arachnos Officials.

{Understood we shall now acquire the sample.

The machine and the small girl headed towards a run down shop. The faded sign above its grime encrusted windows read ‘You nose you can trust Jimmy’.

Entering the shop the pair were accosted by an oily looking man, whose scared face had earned him the name ‘No nose’.

“Whatcha punks doing in hear can’t you read [censored]?” Jimmy shouted rushing from behind his counter to confront them.

The machine quickly grabbed Jimmy’s arm twisted it behind his back and slammed him face first into the wall.

“Target: Designation: Jimmy No nose. You have a sample of Statesman’s DNA correct query?” the girl asked the struggling pawnbroker.

Jimmy turned pale

“Don’t know what’cha talking about” he said

The machine increased its grip tension and shifted its arm ever so slightly to cause increasing pain.

“Target: Designation: Jimmy No Nose we will have you compliance. We will have the DNA sample” the girl said her voice strangely emotionless

The machine increased its grip and bones broke.

“Arrrr Jezus look look its in the safe okay” the machine let go of the pawnbroker and headed towards a safe behind the counter.

Jimmy followed it cradling his broken arm

“Your dead y’know when Arachnos hear of this your frigging dead!” he half shouted half moaned in pain

The girl laughed though there was no passion or emotion in that laugh

“When our Task is complete: Arachnos: No longer a concern” she said

As the machine worked on breaking into the safe Jimmy reached under the counter with his good arm and took out a gun

“Ain’t going no furthgerk!” his words were cut off as the girl stabbed her hand into him from behind and gave a quick twist breaking his spine.

“A small mercy” the machine said as it finally prised open the safe.

“But we are feeling emotion: merciful” the girl finished whipping the blood from her metal hand.

The machine stood in one hand it half a small glass vial filled with preserving fluid, within this fluid floated a small piece of blood stained concrete.

“Mission: Complete” intoned the machine

“Blood of statesman acquired” the girl said.

[Okay this is for a bit of an in game RP plotline I’m trying to set up.

After this part word has gotten round to such organisations such as Longbow that there is some creepy Robot and Mad little girl trying to make a doomsday virus targeting super humans.
Across the ‘pond’ if you will Jimmy ‘No Nose’ has identified the robot and the girl as the ones who had stolen what Arachnos had purchased in an auction.
Arachnos in turn have decided that enough is enough and have placed a sizeable bounty on their heads.

And that’s the events so far]

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



(( ok, interesting start of the story, similar to one i was going to get going more, but only in the fact of human cyborg machines due to doctor from the future, but if it goes hero side theres always a few characters of mine that can either help or stop the robot and girl, villain side theres the doctor who would be more than happy to lead a hand, for a small price, or for equal gain of certain items..

I thought i would post that here as you didn't say not to any where on this post.))



((oh any participants advice etc are greatly appreciated))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Part 4.

The girl cast furtive looks around her, as she led a caped figure towards a dark warehouse.

“He’s in here, he’s mad he’s turn kids into robot killing machines Miss you’ve got to help us” the girl pleaded.

The cape figure stood for a moment in the light; she was covered in fur and was only slightly more human than she was feline.

“Don’t worry you’ll be okay, Nyoooow lead the way” the caped woman voice was odd almost as if her teeth didn’t suit her mouth.

They moved through the dark warehouse

“Nyo guards?” the caped cat-woman asked

“He says he doesn’t need them now he has us!” the girl said motioning the woman to follow her.

They twisted and turned their way through corridors until eventually they reached a large medical laboratory. The room was half lit with a singular bulb providing the light in its centre stood a large black and silver winged figure waving its hands madly.

Streaking forward the cat-woman leapt into the room

“Bad man I stop you nyowww!” she screamed.

The figure turned and asked

“Who are you and what do you want query?”

“The names She-line and I want a cheeseburger and fries but right nyowww I’ll settle for justice” the cat-woman said while prowling round the armoured figure.

“Get out of here kid its going to get a little hairy” said she-line as she prepared to pounce.

The winged figure watched the prowling She-line

“The Time: Now Activate the Containment Protocols.” It said

“Confirmed Systems Active” the girl said as she left the room, behind her blast doors slammed down.

“Wha? Wha? Going on nyoww?” She-line screamed as she attacked

The machines sensors felt her bones crack as it hit her with a double handed blow.

“Sample Obtained: Prepare for Testing” the machine reached out for the cat-woman only to hear her bones snap back into place, as she launched an attack sinking her claws into the machines shoulders.

“GOT YOU NYOW! SHE-LINE HEAL GOOD!” she exalted as she stabbed the machine repeatedly.

A viewing screen flickered into life above the two fighting; it displayed the girl at a row of controls.

“Location Reached. Activate Viral Test Query?” she asked.

“Activate: Test” the machine intoned smashing repeatedly at the furious She-line

A brief red mist spiralled down on to the two.

Its affect on She-Line were immediate and evident letting out a yowl of pain she dropped to the floor writhing in agony as blood streamed from her eyes nose and mouth. Her body continued to wrack and twist as more and more liquids streamed out of her. The writhing stopped suddenly and she stopped screaming and was reduced only to whimpering, that too stopped as she was reduced to little more than bones and goo, even her skin had broken down completely.

The machine and girl were shocked they had not expected such a reaction from the virus.

{Evidently the samples increased healing rate caused her bodies defences to be extra effective at attacking herself.

The machine moved over to the remains of the hero and gathered them into a sample tube. Placing it in a large safe the machine returned to the centre of the room

“Engage: Scorch: Protocol” the machine intoned.

“Confirmed” the girl responded pressing a button.

The machine, the room and its equipment were engulfed in flames for fully five minutes as they died out the machine glowing red hot intoned

“Process: Cleanse Through: Flame: Complete” it said as it cooled.

A small part of its arm started to blink red; pressing it with the other arm it heard a voice.

“You owe me you one you idiot machine, I’ve just cleaned up your stupid mistake! Jimmy No nose won’t be informing on any one again” the voice said.

The girl smiled the machine if it could would of also.

{The Plan Progresses Well

((The two characters I'm using in this plot are called Battle Unit Omega and Battle.Unit Omega))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Part 5

The machine stood the evening sun glinting off its metal body. The sun died the simple buildings in the city below a blood red. This colour the machine knew would soon be an actuality.

>Location: Republic of Quarm Begin: Viral Weapon Test

The machine moved towards the city walking as if unaware of the invisible silent death that trailed behind it.

As it walked the streets it noted that several of the people it passed suffered a sudden drop in vital signs, evidence that the virus was beginning to take effect.

>Viral Weapon Test: Stage One Air release mechanisms functional.

>Move to Stage Two: Combat Efficiency Test. Cause Incident: Draw Target Class: Heroes to location

The machine paused as it changed tactics looking round it targeted a parked car. Lifting the machine and its occupant above its head it hurled it into the side of a building causing an explosion, again and again it hurled vehicles into buildings aiming to cause as much disruption and noise as possible.

After a few minutes had passed the machine stopped as it detected targets approaching it.

Thee figures landed not far from the machine in what they obviously thought to be its blind spot.

The machine studied them from its rear sensors.

>Accessing Registered Hero log…. Comparing Records.

>Target: One: Hero Name Designation: Proud King Lion. Front line Fighter: Fire Manipulation Ability

>Target: Two: Hero Name Designation: Brave Soldier Ant: Front Line Fighter: Enhanced Strength and Reflexes

>Target Three: Hero Name Designation: Wise Doctor Turtle: Combat Mode Unknown: Powers Unknown

>Information Noted Prepare Close Range Weapon test.

The machine spun to face the three heroes.

“Targets: In the name of Hatesman prepare to be silenced” its audio devices blared giving its words the effect of a shout.

“Your gunna pay for all dis man” King Lion said

“Ant with me Doctor do your thing!” he ordered rushing to attack.

The machine waited its sensors measuring and processors calculating effective ranges, as the two heroes got with in ten feet of the machine it raised its arms and sprayed a blast of viral death at them.

The effects on Proud King Lion were most direct and devastating, he roared and screamed as the virus caused his powers to enter an over drive creating more flame than his body could cope with, finally with a blazing flash he burned away to ashes.

No effect was visible to Brave Soldier Ant but as he kicked the machine with a blow capable of shattering rocks and uprooting trees he gasped as his foot broke under the impact.

“My powers? What did you do to me?” he half snarled half wept from between gritted teeth.

>One Target Suffered: Symptom Negation Second Target Suffered: Symptom Power Overdrive

>Locate the third target and test him.

The machine spun trying to locate the hero known as Wise Doctor Owl.

Lifting the weeping Soldier Ant up by the throat the machine slammed him against a wall

“Where is your team mate query?” the machine asked its head bar inches from the struggling heroes face.

“He’s gone to get help, you gunna be taken down big style villain” the soldier ant said with a sneer

“No doubt he will seek assistance from the local Longbow base” the machine said unclipping something from its side.

>Begin Operation: Cats paw query?

>Confirmed: Begin operation.

Holding the struggling Soldier ant by his head the machine forced a tube like device into his mouth, by covering his nose and holding another metallic hand over his mouth he forced the Soldier to swallow it, then the machine broke his jaw, his legs and both arms.

“This Unit suggest you make your peace. Your time is limited. Rejoice However: Your Death shall bring situation: liberation to this land” the machine said as it sprinted away.

As the Wise Doctor and his helpers arrived they found the mutilated form of the Brave Soldier Ant, and warily approached it.

“You okay child?” the Doctor asked his armoured form carefully steeping over the debris left by the exploding cars

As he reached the soldier however he jumped back with a curse, the soldiers stomach was rapidly expanding, and with the sound of tearing flesh burst spraying the Doctor and Longbow agents with blood and invisible death.

Those that did not die immediately carried it to others and soon the entire island was under quarantine.

The machine its task completed headed back to base unaware of events that were unfolding against it.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((This a general hey can i get in on the plotline moment for those hero side who want to join. Those with scientific knowledge could be called either in their hero or citizen persona, the rest a general call has gone out to anyone with Longbow associations that they need help with something))

Part 6: The Call

The Longbow Commander looked around at the assembled heroes and scientists packed into the conference hall. A stocky man nothing showed his powered status except for the faint blue glow in coming from his eyes. Walking onto a platform he stood behind a set of microphones. Taking off his helmet and placing it on the desk.

“Good evening gentlemen, you are all here either because of your expertise in your fields or because we feel you more suited to survive this mission” he addresses the room his voice being carried over the speaker systems

“As you already know from reading the brief, yesterday morning the Republic of Guarm suffered a viral outbreak of catastrophic levels’ he paused before continuing

“This virus appears to be of man made origin” he stated pausing to allow the out raged cries of disbelief and curses of the crowd to die down.

“At eighteen hundred hours this figure was seen entering the city of Paubec by the western gates”

He presses a button and behind a slide is projected on to the wall behind him.

It shows a large armoured figure, its armour a sleek black, on its chest is painted the symbol of a clenched fist, and its helmet is skull like and painted a blood red.

“This figure is known to us as the machine villain, Battle Unit Omega whose primary areas of operation are the Rogue Islands and Paragon city”

He presses another button and the slide is replaced with one listing various facts about Battle Unit Omega.

“The machine known as BUO works for the Terra Liberation Front a group directed by Doctor Hermann Oswald who I’m sure you are more familiar with under the name Hatesman”

He clicks again and another slide appears.

“The machine BUO began destruction of public property, incurring fifteen fatalities at eighteen hours thirty minutes, due to the closeness of the Lion force, Paubec cities stationed hero team they approached the target at eighteen hours forty minutes”

The slide shows the registered hero I.D of three heroes.

“This was to prove fatal to two of the forces members; the machine sprayed them with a direct dose of the viral weapon. In the case of their leader Proud King Lion the virus caused his powers to activate beyond what his body could cope with, the second fatality was Brave Soldier Ant whose exposure caused his body to kill of the cells which granted him his powers, he was later killed after being used by BUO as a trap to infect operatives of Longbow”

He clicks again and a slide saying simply What We Know appears

“From the casualty reports from the island we know this. The virus only attacks those with powers. Those that are infected are either killed by their powers going out of control or have them negated as their body kills them off. Those that survive continue to carry the infection. The infection is spread via air, touch and any liquid from an infected person”

He clicks again the slide now reads what we don’t know.

“We don’t know how long some one stays infected. We don’t know how the virus copes with powers granted by mystic sources or those granted by technological upgrades. We don’t know if normal citizens can carry the virus infecting those with genetic powers or if the virus simply passes them by”

He clicks again and the slide is replaced with one that says what now?

“You’ll now be split into two operations. Operation Elixir you will head to Guarm and try to isolate the virus so we can work on a cure or at least a vaccination. Operation Retribution will be responsible for hunting the machine down and stopping it from infecting others.”

He clears his throat

“Operation Elixir has several rules. Do not remove your hazmat suits. Do not let the infected bleed on you. Do not share body fluids with the infected. Break these rules and you stay there we can’t risk the outbreak spreading to this base”

“Operation Retribution, do not engage the target in a heavily populated area. When encountered notify me and we will seek to teleport the target to a sealed location for destruction’

The commander picked up his helmet and put it back on.

“You are dismissed ladies and gentlemen… and good luck”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Curran Radburn and Battle-Master, Andrew and unit, the suits A.I program, were sitting in the room, watching the slideshow, their group G.R.A.T.A.R.U, Globle Rapid Assistance and Technical Research Unit, had been asked to go to the meeting by their Freedom crop rep, as it was felt they should have knowlegde of the virus problem.

Curran shifted in his chair before turning to Andrew in his suit.
"tell me you two, anything else we should know about this, or should i take the word of the Commander there?" Curran asked with his normal blank look, tapping his sunglasses back up his nose.

It took only a few moments for Unit to speeak "Unit: Curran: virus data: Found: unabls to Access File: password needed." Units voice althrough it may of sounded robotic it was little any normal persons voice, sounding similar to that of Andrews.

"hmm.. well at least we know theres data, but we can't get to it, we need the damn master password still to unlock Units main program." Andrew said after Unit allowed him to speak, his voice seemed annoyed at the fact Unit had spoken firsted and cut him off.

"Unit: Andrew and: Curran: sorry: Data is protected: Via Password: Request we: find it." Units voice once again sounded over the suit's speaker.

"Yes, we know Unit, but its not that easy, do you know how many Dr D.V's there are in the world, its not a case of just asking them if they made you, and don't answer that question, i already know the answer." Curran spoken as he got up out of his chair, dusting down his Exo-proto suit and beginning to walk off.

The suit made a buzz noise as Unit seemed confused by how Curran had spoke to it, before Andrew informed it over the internal mic what he meant, before they joined Curran in leaving the room.



((yes I asked cactus first if it was alright I join the plot))

Edward had been called in to the meeting thanks to his supernatural nature making him immune to diseases of the non-arcane variety, his skills with genetics, chemicals and the fact it would "shorten the time spent serving the community" according to the Longbow officer that had approached him.

"Ah the TLF...never did really like their style even back when I worked out of the isles," he chuckled softly to himself, "Chaos and anarchy does not sit well with megolomania."

"Hmm...well considering the TLF and EVIL use to be buddies in crime I think it's only fair I go after Battle Unit Omega...time perhaps to bring this big threat to justice or destruction..."

He stood up, "time to tap some of my old friends in the Isles, see what I can find..." walking out of the hall slowly.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((Three questions and a statement. Hey BUO it's me twilight i'm back! Ok now the questions. 1, can i join. 2, how does the virus effect magically enhanced humans. 3, Does it affect second/third/fourth generation or mutants born with their powers?



((Welcome back man, been awhile ^^
1. Sure I welcome pretty much anyone who wants to join.

2.Currently the virus does not effect magically enhanced humans, since it cannot detect magic it regards them as a normal human. The said it does effect half humans, for example a half-elf, half-dragon or vampire blooded human, since it picks up on their human but not status which is the trigger to the virus.

3.It effects any one whose basically geno-ollogy is human, so mutants of any generation, that aren't say a mutant dog (i.e a dog that turned into a man not a man-dog).

Currently it doesn't have an effect on tech enhanced humans either.

Though of course the front are still seeking DNA samples to enhance it MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Part 7

Location: an Abandoned Aeon Corp Laboratory

The machine stood its sensors trying to analyse an ancient earthen jar. Just hours previous the jar had been full of blood.

“Got this off some creep, guy said it was the blood of mystical heroes killed in a long ago war.” Had said the team member who had provided the find.

True the sample filled in the most visible flaw in the viruses design the fact it couldn’t detect a being with powers granted from magic.

>Emotion: Frustration

But the sample had proven more than the machine could analyse, every time it seemed to get a fix on one sample of genetic material it would be replaced with the material of another long dead mystic.

So far rather than help the progress of the virus the sample was causing hindrance.

Location: Warburg Arachnos Side. Holding Cell E

The girl sat listening in part to the hum of the force door that kept her within the cell and partially to the progress of the virus.

Long before her ears picked up the footsteps her new sensors had detected, calculated and categorised the approaching person.

A figure approached as it stepped from the shadows it was obviously a women, her tight body suit leaving little to the imagination, her face though was hidden by a tall tower like helm.

The woman walked up to the cell door and placed a hand either side of it with a brief hum, the door flickered and disappeared.

Silently she stood watching the little girl, minutes passed before she spoke.

“So little thing, what were you doing watching our work in Warburg?” she asked

“Please miss I didn’t know I was doing any wrong, I’m sorry please don’t hurt me I won’t do it again!” the girl wailed

“Don’t take me for a fool child, you may act scarred but I can see your mind, what little is left of it!” The woman snapped

The girl fell silent.

“Now girl what are you? You seem young for a freak show and yet you have machines inserted into your body, an experiment perhaps escaped from a lab” the woman questioned her tone and manner imperial
“This one is Battle Unit Omega. This unit is a soldier of the new age” any hint of emotion was gone from the girl’s voice.

“Ahh the machine that serves the anarchist Oswald. You are not quite what the files make you out to be” the Fortuna said, though she began to back away cautiously

After she had backed up a few steps she seemed to regain her composure.

“So what are Oswald’s interests in Warburg girl?” the Fortuna asked

A brief smile flashed across the girls face.

“A dispersal systems for a viral weapon.” She said

“I see, I must inform my superiors of this” the Fortuna said turning to leave

But before she could take a step a small arm had grabbed hold of her holding her fast. She turned the girl has one arm clamped around her leg in the other she held a mechanical doll.

>Prepare Combat System

“Before you go miss, play with me” the girl said smiling up at the Fortuna

“Let me go you idiot child!” the Fortuna said beginning to panic; the girl was far stronger than she looked.

“Oh well, then you will have to play with my brother. Wake up brother we have work to do.” The girl said as she threw the doll into the corner.

With crackles of electricity and the whirring of gears the doll expanded until it stood taller than the girl.

“Battle Unit Omega. Frame Type Drone. Number One online” the doll said as its sensors lit up a dull red.

“Combat systems to maximum. We shall return to base” the girl said letting go off the Fortunas leg.

The Fortuna for her part was a good runner but she wasn’t as fast as light, she barely made it through the cell door before she was cut down by laser fire.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



TRACOR-005 was not having the best of days. He had picked out a perfect specimen for his benefactors pet project, battled the nearly invulnerable brute, subdued and take him back to base. Only to find out he was infected with his fellow teammate, Battle Unit Omega's, virus, which in turn quickly spread and infected the other specimen and samples stored in the immediate vicinity. TRACOR's benefactors were not please to say the least. They felt it was time he rejoin the Hatesmans ragtag group of villains. Originally now sent to destroy Battle Unit Omega, and it's virus, they had come up with an interesting compromise. TRACOR's logs had shown the machine to hate magically enhanced metahumans, they also knew from studying the machines virus it was yet to solve the problem of affecting these same metahumans. Equally finding these group of meta humans more of an annoyance, they decided to see if they could persuaded the machine to change it's targets. With that TRACOR was sent out to find the robot with a simple message, Problem sovled....



Edward paused for thought. Sitting in a run-down house in Kings row, a computer quietly humming, the light from the monitor gently lighting the room.

He was having a hard time tracking down Omega as he had suspected he would, even with the high profile incident. There was dull squishy thuds as something approached Edward from behind illuminating the room in a dull green glow, he spun on his chair...

"Ah thank you Steve..." Steve, Edwards 'pet' Shivan placed a cup of coffee down on the desk just beside the computer.

The Shivan was getting more intelligent by the day, of course he had done some tinkering with the Shivans genetics. He did still have a habit of randomly covering people in goo when in public though, especially Red Commissar, who seemed to get the worst of it.

He sipped the mug, which had 'worlds best Dad' written on it, a gift from his robotic family back when he worked in the isles.

He stroke his chin as he pondered "Where are you Omega?"

He lifted up his pony-tail and inserted a connector into the port at the base of his skull. He may be a christian but he still had a gift with technology and he intended to use it...

Closing his eyes as he slipped into a pre-rendered world of cyberspace, a translation of the internet through the connection.

"Time to look for any...interesting...connections, lets see if I can find you that way..." he begun his search while in the real world, Steve kept watch over his form...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The girl hummed softly to herself as she stood over the frame of the machine. As she hummed she worked, modifying the armour of the machine, making it look more human.

The virus was almost ready but now securing a delivery method was required. Hours had been spent calculating the best method for world wide infection. Before finally a plan of action had been decided upon.

Loading the virus into biological warheads and then detonating them in the stratosphere would lead to the virus infecting the water table for months.

To that end the machine had stolen a weather calculation system from Crey Industries, a system that even now was mapping out world wide air flows for major cities.

The girl stopped her humming and changed tools. With her free hand she picked up a large jar containing what looked to be human skin.

The girl had tried to purchase the weapons her self but strangely even merchants of death had moral problems in selling WMDs to a little girl.

Though the machines physical form was being worked on its digital form continued work in many places, part worked still on the virus, part was interfaced with the weather system, the final part was sending invitations to various arms dealers.

‘Good morning/day/afternoon

I am General Bertram Uylise Osmand leader of the country of Zswala. I am coming to the Rogue Islands to outfit my army and am requiring the following weapons.

((Various tanks, infantry weapons, jeeps and such in a list))
Grade Four Biological Delivery Systems
((more military hardware, maybe a submarine or two, oh yeah mehanised infantry with rocket packs))

I will be visiting various of your establishments on my trip round the islands.

Zswala is a very rich country in both diamonds and gold I am sure we can come to an agreement yes?


His eternal divinity General Bertram Uylise Osmand, grand leader of Zswala’

As the girl worked on modifying the machines frame to look more human, the machines mind worked on creating a virtual idenity for the fictious general.

((Oh dear oh dear!

The virus is well on its way to finalisation and BUO is out shopping. Those on the hunt for red octob….. BUO maybe able to finally track him down in game.

Will probably be on 8.00pm GMT onwards (maybe 9.00pm if something pops up)

Sun, Mon and Friday nights are my main nights though I'm on on Wed nights just not till as late as normal.
In game contact is @Cactus Brawler ))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



In a darken room, with dispalys and monitors infront of him sat a man, wearing his lab coat, a surgens cap and light blue jeans, his main body and hands however were shinning as the dim light bounce of them, his skin had been replaced with robotic enhancements far belong what they could do at this time period, over his mouth it seemed was a metal speaker panel. He sat back into the chair, studying what the displays were showing him, slowly something else moved in the room, it turned to face him before bowing, it was a strange looking battle drone, which he must of modifyed like himself, he glanced briefly to it.

" Ah, goodz.. i take it the plan is readyz, yez?" he asked in a strangely robotic voice.
" Yes, Master." the drone replyed.
"Goodz, now.. thiz other thingz, zhe Robot whoz haz zhe girl, i wizh for uz to meet, find him, bring themz here to me. At Once." while he spoke he flexed his fingers and tapped a small control pad on the arm of his seat, two more drones appear from the darkness of the room.

All three bowed before stiffly walking off, while he laughed in his robotic voice before leaning forwards "ah, it zeemz there iz more to thiz time period, than even i thought... Zhe armour iz here azwell, how.. pittyfully."

He swang the chair around and got up walking into the darkness muttering something to himself as he did. The displays flashed up with the name " G.R.A.T.A.R.U. MAINFRAME: file: Battle-Master Study: (code BM-567-Alpha.)"



Edward had been surfing through cyberspace for a while looking for clues, anything as to the whereabouts of Omega. He came across the invitation.

"Hmm nothing new there...third world dictator looking to buy check to see what he's buying and pass it on to Longbow..."

He scanned down the list, "ok...grade four Biological Delivery system...what would a third world dictator need that for...biological warfare isn't exactly something I'd expect them to be after..."

He looked back at the name, "Bertram Uylise Osmand...well I've not heard of him...probably a...wait...B.U.O! Battle Unit Omega...ha..caught to begin tracing the IP the email was sent from..."

He opened his eyes and pressed his wrist comm, "Gizelda, Grunt, Arhnuld and Elise...we've got some searching to do. I need you four to connect and meet me inside..."

He closed his eyes and the four AI avatars fazed into view.

"What's this about Dad?" Elise spoke up.

"Someones going to try and kill the world with biological warfare...we've got to stop him...this may not affect any of us but if he kills off every single meta-human and mutant then we're not exactly going to have many friends left...I'll reply to the email, you four, begin scouring any and all Data packets for anything useful on Omega..."

The four AI nodded and disappeared elsewhere.

"Me thinks a little trip to Warburg is in order, Omega wont give up or I'm going to bring some heavy artillery to the show and I don't mean just Steve..."

He gave a reply to the email:
__________________________________________________ __________
Greetings General Bertram Uylise Osmand,
My name is Doctor Adnihilo, currently I am located in Paragon City but I do operate out of the Isles. I cannot supply you with any of the military hardware you require but the Biological Delivery Systems and the rocket packs for your troops I can provide. Of course such things cost a lot of money and smuggling them through the border from Paragon to the Isles isn't going to be easy. However perhaps a neutral meeting ground can be arranged, one of the free-fire zones, of course this is more dangerous but it's far easier to smuggle said delivery systems into Warburg than it is into the Isles.

Even Recluse doesn't like the idea of biological warfare delivery systems being smuggled into his realm.

I'm sure we can reach some agreement on this.

Yours sincearly

Dr Adnihilo
__________________________________________________ __________

Edward smiled, "If I can get him in Warburg it also means I'm free of the restraints reguarding villains there...means I didn't waste the time rescuing those scientists..." he chuckled.

Besides the computer sat two Rocket propelled missles one labelled with the Radioactive symbol the other with a warning about hazardous Chemicals. He was that determined to take down Omega...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



TRACOR stood over the body of the many longbow recruits in their newly established based near Paragon. They had been protecting a very special person, a person who had genetically adapted to cancel out the effects of magic on her person. Curses and spells had no effect on her,scientist called it a "supernatural adaptation" or magical evolution. Whatever it was, TRACOR needed this girls blood sample.

he entered the next room, pulling apart the reinforced doors as if they were cardboard. A lone squad stood in fornt of the frighten girl. he was trying to hide in the corner of the room, protected personally by the Ballista's force field. The green skinned agent looked at the machine in shock. TRACOR was using the guise of a small boy wear ripped jeans, a new yankees baseball jersey, and a matching backwards baseball cap. The machine scanned the room, 7 agents, 2 of them longbow officers, 3 carrying mini guns, the Ballista and a longbow tanker.

"Please hand over the girl and no harm will befall you," TRACOR asked politely. The agents looked at each other still in shock such a small boy could do so much.

"OPEN FIRE," the lead officer shouted. A hail of armor piercing bullets rained apon the small boy, but with no affect. They merely delected off him as he slowly walked foreward. The tanker charge at him fists flying. The boy caught them, snapping the tanks arms like a twig and tossing him at the mini gunners. The longbow officers let loose a barriage of grenandes at the robots frame, until the room was covered in debris and smoke. Out the of the smoke a hand gripped the first officer, her head popping off with the force of the crushing hand. The other was hit was such force, it was as she was there on second and then gone,the only trace was the multiple holes in the walls.

TRACOR walked up to the Ballistas force field, hitting it with such force it flicked, as blood ran down the Ballistas nose from the stress. After a series of blow the force field still held. TRACOR changed tactics, scanning the shield, he looked for any flucuations in it. "Upper right quadrent," he spoke to himself. Disengaging his strength supressors, he let out one might blow that shook the room. The Ballista fell to the ground blood streaming from his eyes,ears, and nose. The girl stared at him, "please ... please don't hurt me ..." she pleaded. " I merely need a small sample of DNA, there is no need for alarm," TRACOR comforted her, as a small needle came out his finger tip. "Sample aquired... objective complete.. second objective contact Batlle Unit Omega, to adapt virus towards magically inclined meta-humans...," TRACOR reached for his TLF communicator. "Battle Unit Omega, come in.. I have the answer to the problem with your virus. Infection potential now over 50% of all meta-humans possible... where should we meet?"



The machine focused its attention on the device. Though it appeared to be little more than a tube with two buttons, its contents were the focus of the machines interest.

The device had been given to it by a cyborg who claimed to be from a future in which the machines plans had come to pass.

The strange doctor had also told the machine that, the future he represented would no longer happen. Remnants of the masters of the world had constructed another device, a free thinking machine and sent it back in time to prevent Battle Unit Omega from accomplishing its task.

>The data seems convincing.

>Biological entities often provide data: untrue

>Advantage to Target gained by untruth query?


The machine continued to focus its attention on the device.

>If the data is true operation: success

>If the data is true: new force: unknown seeks prevention of success

Elsewhere the girl sat overseeing the work of her protection frames, machines that she had taken to calling her brothers.

The machines moved heavy pieces of machinery into place as smaller drones wired them into place. Once complete the large machine would be able to grow the viral weapon at an extreme rate.

She looked up as new information arrived and alerted the main processors f the Unit.

>We have a new communication from a potential source: delivery system

The machine focused its attention on the email.

>Location: Warburg

>Reasoning: Ease of delivery system transport.

>Target: Makes a point: On cost

>Another slave to money.

>Send Reply
Good Doctor

It is good to hear you are willing to do business.

Your suggestion seems to be a wise one, please inform me when you are capable of meeting.

Do not leave me waiting like the pig descended mud dwelling arms dealers I have met so far.


His eternal divinity General Bertram Uylise Osmand, grand leader of Zswala

The machine returned to its study of the data once again.

Soon however it received information from another Terra Liberation Front member of acquisition of a sample that could negate magical defences.

>Sample: Rating: Prime
Target: TRACOR

This unit places itself at your disposal: Please inform when capable of meeting.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



"I will arrive at your location shortly. I offer my serivces of protection aswell as the sample, provided the Battle Unit Omega is willing to compromise it's plan slightly to accommendate our own. I have locked on your location via your TLF communicator. TRACOR out."

The little girl stood beside him, terrified of the machine. "Please mister, can I go home now." The robot gave the girl one quick glance and a nod before leaping into the air and landing several feet away with such force, it left an indentation of his feet.He continued this pattern of leaping and landing for sometime.

He arrived at BUO's base of operations within a few hours. Opening the door he walked inside and began looking for his fellow robotic teammate.



Edward noticed the reply come up in his mail box.

"Good...I will put a stop to you Omega...even if it means having to go to extremes to do it..."

__________________________________________________ __________
Dear General Bertram Uylise Osmand,
Thank you for your quick response, I'm ready to move the required goods when you are ready to recieve them, I suggest during the quieter hours when Warburg is least populated by the annoyance of fighting factions intervening in our deal or trying to steal the delivery systems for their own ends.

Yours sincearly

Dr Adnihilo
__________________________________________________ __________

"Steve, get ready, we're taking a trip to Warburg soon..."

He gently placed a dummy missile in with the three he'd aquired in Warburg.

"May be overkill...especially with you Steve...but I don't want to give Omega a chance to hose me down with that virus, I may be immune but I don't want to end up being some Typhoid Mary carrying the damn thing.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Once again in his darken room with the monitors flashing up information, sat the cybrog doctor, his robot were busy recharging and he seemed quite content on stareing at the screens.

"hmm.. Zhe robot, he iz interezting.. yet zomething tellz me he ztill doezn't truzt me..." his eye flickered around the screens, the imformation was traveling across them at quite some speed, flashing by he noticed one bit.

"ah, here.. there iz a mention of zhat group again, Zhey muzt ztill be trying to work out zhe pazzword.."
A list of names flashes up on the other screen, each in turn slowly is crossed off, all beginning with the letters D.V. and each a Doctor.

"Zhe foolz, do they truely think, I zhe great Doctor Devazz Vector, would leave my name juzt laying around for them to find..." Devass pressed some keys on his control panel, on his left glove, the drone robots opened their eyes and walked out from their recharging stations ".. unitz, i have a zmall tazk for you, go.. cauze zome trouble.. we need zome diztactionz zo i may work on zhe device more."

With his command given the robots bowed to him and left via the door, laughing roboticly evil he stood and walked over to a small workstation with a force field drone half taken apart on it. "now to make zure time doezn't forget me."



Location: Battle Unit Omegas Current Base.

Despite its shabby exterior the warehouse is still in use, as you travel through twisting run down corridors you enter the heart of the building and witness the transformation.

Almost the entire room is covered in machines all working at various tasks. The remains of the room’s air conditioning have been jury rigged into a system for transferring fluids. A mysterious dark green substance flows through pipes entering various large machines. The hum and whir as the fluid is pumped is almost too much for a normal human to bare.

Despite this several figures are monitoring the progression as they turn to regard the intruder for a moment and resume their task it becomes evident something is strange about them.

In one corner of the room is a large machine that seems to have a different purpose to those interfacing with the fluid.

In front of this stands a little girl and the large armoured form known to the Terra Liberation Front as Battle Unit Omega.

Despite the noise of the pumps the little girl didn’t seem to be bothered. Though she didn’t appear to be speaking her body language and frequent gestures up at the huge machine made it evident that she was in a conversation.

The large machine in the corner was evidently some form of construction rig, in its centre was the half finished form of a gynoid.

As the intruder approached the little girl and BUO turned over the TLF comms they said in union.

“Greetings: Operative”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



TRACOR looked around the large warehouse. One sentence was all TRACOr ever used to described Battle Unit Omega, and again he felt it nesseccary. "Crude looking, but no doubt extremely effective." TRACOR stared at the girl analysing her. "Cybernetics? This unit was not aware you were capable of such things..." he said turning his attention to his teammate, " Greetings, I have the sample, and my benefactors have authorised my services in your protection aswell. I also bring a modified version of the virus. It is like you crude but effective, I will use it as a demonstration. Provided you are able to adhere to a few ground rules." The speech almost seemed pre-recorded, as if the benefactors had told the machine exactly what they wanted him to say. "Number one, you will allow this unit to first carry out a quick specimen gathering operation before the infection of the global meta-human population. Number 2 you wil provide assistance, in any form, to help this unit procure data on the 9th and 10th generation crey paragon protector cloning proceedures." He looked at the little girl then the robots in the room, as if he was calculating his odds of defeating them all or sabotaging the virus should the robots decide to refuse his offer. "If this is acceptable then I will proceed with a demonstration of the new virus strain, it is not as effect as your own, but can be used as a template to adapt your for supernatural meta-human targets."