The Rage Born Virus




The machines comunicated silently.

>He is Target Status : Ally this unit should assist

>Negative: Target :TRACOR Benifactors:Unknown

>Confrontation: May Leed to damage to viral production systems

>Correct. Sugestion: subterfuge

>Appear to assist until Operation: Threatened

The large metal frame of BUO began to talk its voice, cold and lifeless.

"Target: TRACOR provide more data on Group: Paragon Protectors"

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((Will update with Fridays events from BUOs point of view. Tomorrow after work))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((Sorry guys no access to a comp for awhile but I am back I'll continue from my point of view as well))



((Gah that A, took longer than I thought to write up and B, got delayed due to some stuff and such.))

((Warning big post incoming))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Location: Warburg: Atop a skyscraper

A large man dressed in military uniform accompanied by a man wearing a surgical mask and trench coat met with a white ((or light blond can’t remember)) hair. The white haired man stood by the side of several large crates.

The machine observed the man who had identified himself as Dr Adnihilo stood beside the machine was the masked figure known to the machine as Rip Fang.

The machine let its disguise fall into a smile and gestured to Rip fang

‘Good Doctor please take a look at the merchandise

As Rip Fang approached the crates the machines sensors flash into life.

>Energy sources detected: Reactions occurring

The crates began to emit a high pitched bleep.

The white haired man smiled

‘Good bye…. Omega’

The crates exploded the man known as Rip Fang dived from the roof.

The machine however did not escape. Waves of radiation and fire engulfed the machine shredding its disguise and shattering vital systems.

It crumpled to the floor

>Frame Seven Critical Damage

The white haired man smiled down at the machine.

The machine spoke its words slowing and speeding up as its damaged voices system sparked.

‘Breath….. deeply betrayer….’

A red mist began to emit from the machines shattered arm

The white haired man muttered an oath and slammed him fist down crumpling metal and sealing the emitters.

>Set Frame Seven Self Destruct mode : One

The machine glowed briefly as its eternal temperature sky rocketed and then smoking fell silent.

Location : Battle Unit Omega operation centre
The girl stood working on a form of device, as she worked she hummed under her breath.

>Frame Seven Critical Damage

The girl howled with inhuman fury as rage consumed her.


She slammed her hands down on the table in front of her crushing the metal and sending the device scattering to the floor.

Her project abandoned she stood in communication with the others of the machine.

>Situation: Betrayal

>Reasoning: Biological Constructs: Flawed: Untrustworthy

>Suggestion : DESTROY THEM ALL

The normal toneless communication of the machine took on a more menacing edge as the girls rage infected the rest of the machine overmind






Slowly the rage cooled and the machine mind began to function as normal.

>Situation: Biological constructs have proven untrustworthy

>Suggestion Modify: Viral Weapon: Infect ALL Powered Biological Constructs

Location: A bar room

The machine stood listening to the man known as Rip Fang as he berated the machine over recent events.

Finally the machine spoke

“This unit wonders is any biological construct truely trustworthy. Or do even the front members use this unit to their own advantage query?” it asked
The man known as Rip Fang looked suspiciously at the machine before asking

“Where do you keep the virus?”

The machine stood in silent communication with the machine overmind.

The man known as Rip Fang let a brief look of irritation cross his face.

“I ask again. WHERE do you keep that virus?”

The machine paused before giving its dismissal of his request.

“The location of the virus: Is not a concern of yours: Target.”

Rip Fang looked both surprised and angry

“What was that?”

The machine replied

“The virus is beyond your concern. Biological constructs: unfit.”

Rip Fang paused slightly to regain his composure before saying

“I don’t trust anyone will be safe now that you have it in your hand after that talk. Tell me where you hide it”

He briefly paused before continuing

“We can’t have you doing anything...stupid now, can we?”

The machine replied again with another negative.

“This units mistakes have only occurred through trust: biological constructs.”

The machine overmind came to a decision

>Infect him his use: over

The machine spoke again

“Still you can locate the virus at this location”

The machine sent co-ordinates to Rip fangs communication device.

Rip Fang nodded to the machine

“I will take the virus in my care until you’ve got hold of those thoughts you’re getting”

As he began to walk off the machine said

“Yes embrace the virus.. Hold it within your self”

Rip Fang turned and spoke his voice derisive

“I took the vaccine. I don’t have to fear anything. I took the vaccine Ill search through your whole lab if I have to”

“The vaccine for which build query?” the machine asked

Rip Fang paused and turned to fully face the machine

“You.. rust bucket” he snarled

“And what is your next step to do with this virus hmmmm? Kill all living beings?” he asked

“Kill all beings with powers perhaps. The world would be simpler: lack betrayal.” The machine seemingly mused

“Well, have I betrayed you? No. Do I have powers? Yes? Unless you knock those thoughts out of your robotic brain I will do it myself personally” Rip Fang replied

“Not.... yet but biological constructs may change with chemical demands correct query?” the machine asked

“People lie to get them selves forward, such is the world, live with it.” Rip fang said regaining most of his composure

“Why live with it query? When we have : power: to change this situation query?” the machine asked again

“Because when you say you are gonna kill all being with powers, that includes me. And unfortunaly, I cannot allow that” replied Rip Fang struggling to keep his composure

The machine paused a moment before saying

“It is a small sacrifice. Would you not allow it query? Your name will be remembered as a martyr.”

“SHUT UP!” Rip Fang shouted as he lost his composure

“I’m not going to let a rust bucket kill me off like an animal. If this is what you want to do, so be it. But you’re going through me first” he raged

“That can be arranged. This unit: suggests: you watch what you breathe.” The machine responded coldly

“Oh do you really? Either you give up that virus until your thoughts are clear. Or if you simply deny that you’re duking it out with me, now and I will have no problem shutting you off and throwing you out with the trash” Rip Fang threatened

The machine assumed a battle ready position

“Let us decide your worth.” It said in a cold tone

A crowd had begun to gather drawn by their raised voices and odd attire

“I’m not going to let a old TV kill me off, in battle or through some virus, Oh, and after you. I will likely have to gut the girl too. We cant have you’d live on in her, could we?” Rip Fang raged

The machine briefly scanned the crowd before saying

“This unit :suggests: We vacate to where we can not be disturbed.”

Rip fang also looked round the crowd before saying

“Let Us...”

Location: TLF base training room.

Though the room was usually used for the physical training of new recruits it was now being used for combat.

Where it normally saw two individuals testing each other and learning it now played host to two trying to destroy each other.

Both figures rained blows and moved around with fantastic speed, missed blows obliterated equipment and parts of the room itself.

“You only prolong: Inevitable.” The machine said

“Tell me, how would you like me to take care of the girl when I’m done with you hm?” Rip Fang asked

“The girl is just a component. This unit will continue regardless.” The machine responded

“Will you also continue when I’ve ripped every little wire, every little bit of you to shreds?!” Rip Fang asked his movements obscured by his powers

Sensors blazing and processors accessing the situation the machine replied

“That is beyond: your abilities: biological construct.”

From the shadows came Rip fangs voice

“We shall see.”

The figure of Rip Fang would attack the machine with several swift blows before obscuring himself again. The machine for its part seemed to be weathering the blows and awaiting the chance to counter attack.

That chance came, a blow thrown slightly to hard ment Rip Fang was overstretched for a second and in that second the machine grasped his arm in a vice like grip.

“Is that all you can do query? Is that the limit of your power? the finality of your intelligence query?” it asked

Rip Fang struggled to get free as he raged

“Intelligence? Don’t you DARE talk about realty intelligence to me you fool. It ends now”

Breaking free he resumed his attack, the machine also began to attack. Rip Fang changed tactics seeing the speed of the machine.

Instead of constant assaults he would need to focus on one part of the machine to break through its armour

Focusing on one point he resumed his attacks.

>Increase Speed: Match target

The machine its processor focused on tracking Rip Fang didn’t detect this change of tactics and finally with a shower of sparks one of Rip Fangs blades bit deeply into the machine disabling it.

>Target: Has Defeated Frame Eight. Target Must Now Be Obeyed.

Aiming a swift kick at the machines head Rip Fang demanded

“Tell me where that virus is!”

The machine hearing his command sent the correct co-ordinates before saying.

“This.... unit must comply”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



((note: the following post has so gore, do not read if you don't like horror or gore. You have been warned.))

Location: Dr D. Vector's base.

Dr Devass Vector drummed his metalic fingers on the control panel of his chair, watching a news feed on one of his monitors, the images were of the choas of the uni deaths, while another monitor was showing what other information he had on the G.R.A.T.A.R.U group.

"I doubt zhey are happy about thiz, after all, it waz going to happen, as time iz playing out." He paused brifly before continuing "I would not of know how untill i zaw thiz.."

The screen flicked back to the news, slowly Devass got up from his seat and walked over to the lab table, where a robot lay with its head panel open, inside was empty but was ready to have something put inside it, nearby was another table with a white sheet over it under the sheet could just be made out what appeared to be a person laying down on the table.

"Zhe problem with a computer iz thaz zhey alwayz go wrong one point.. but a brain.. iz much better.. of courze that iz if you know how to uze it." Devass looked at a jar one of his robots had brought up to him, inside was was appeared to be a brain with eye balls.
Slowly he opened the jar and place its contents into the head panel of the new built robot, closing down the face panel he may a robotic sigh.

"And now zhere iz another unit, unit 56-beta."
As he said the words the robots eyes lit up and its female robotic voice answered "Yes, master."



((The follow up after BUO and Rip's showdown))

Hector ((aka Rip Fang)) turned and left the machine to it's own thoughts. When he stepped outside he started to stagger down the stiars. He felt a twisting pain on his liver, where he took a direct blow from the machines metal fist. He then had a gutting feeling in his stormach. Quickly, he pulled his mask down and bend over the railing where he rattled for a few seconds, leaving a pool of blood in the bush below

"Damn him.." Hector grumbled, while wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

He then made haste down the stairs towards his destination.

He tracked the co-ordinates back to a old warehouse. It looked like it hadn't been used for a long time. He went over and opened the door. There was nothing inside, aside from the sound of his own footsteps echoing through the giant halls of the warehouse.

"There's nothing here! When I return I-" Before he could finish his own sentence, he heard a strange humming coming from the door in the other side of the hall he was in.

He stepped into the room filled with big noisy machines, he went down the corridor. All over the room were pipes flowing with red liquid which was pumped into various machines. At the end of the corridor, he stepped into the central chamber.

To him all this looked the same, aside from one machine. A data cube, stored with all the knowledge for the virus, the vaccines and their creation. He used the device given to him by the machine and stored the data on it.

"So, you were hiding this all the time?" He mumbled to himself stepping around in the lab.

"Well, I got other plans for this" Hector raised his hands and let out a high manic laughter..



The Rage Brought Vengeance

Part 1

Location : Just Outside Whitaker university. Temporary Task Force Head quarters.

The longbow commander scratched his head and sighed, hope of finding anyone alive had been extinguished when psychics had arrived and searched for minds.
The current body count was two thousand three hundred and slowly rising. The state the bodies were in was making identification difficult.

He turned to the other force leaders.

“We found out who the hell did this yet?” he snarled

A man wearing intricately crafted robes replied

“It’s proving to be difficult”

“How about the carved word and the way the bodies were placed we dealing with a ritual of some sort? A demon summoning or something?” the commander asked.

The robed man shook his head

“We’ve detected no evidence of magic other than where the students at the Arcane Studies Section had tried to defend themselves.” He answered

The Commander had seen that area, large scorched marks twisted stone and the lingering scent of brimstone but overall blood. Even the students of magic hadn’t been able to save themselves.

He looked over to a group of assembled scientists

“Any luck in recovering the surveillance footage?” he asked

One of the scientists turned to address him

“None so far Commander” he said

“Whatever took down the cameras blew out the servers that store the visual2 another piped up

A policeman ran in carrying a small optical disk

“We found this!” he exclaimed trying to catch his breath

“What is it?” the commander asked taking the disk

“We found it in the media buildings in one of the recording studios, listen to it” the policeman said

The commander handed it to the assembled scientists, who placed it in a laptop computer.

Playing the disk at first all they got was recordings of a rather mediocre heavy metal band practising.

One of the songs ends abruptly however as if recorded over. The sound of a man whimpering and panting can be heard.

Over and over he prays that they don’t find him.

The sound of a door opening can be heard and the clanging noise of metal footsteps upon the studio floors. The footsteps pause then resume followed by the sound of heavy furniture be moved

“Please please please please don’t kill me” the man begs

The footsteps continue

“Pleaseeee don’t pleaseee have mercy pleassse!” the man was screaming

Then the voice of a young girl speaks

“Emotion: Mercy Has been disabled” she says

“Why are you doing this!” the man screamed

The sound of the man trying to break through the studio door

“We do what we must. Target: You are merely collateral damage” the girl said

The mans attempts and screams became desperate then the tape was filled with wet sounds of meat tearing. Silence followed then the sound of metallic footsteps receding into the distance.

The Commander shook his head and looked at the assembled shocked task force members

“I… I don’t believe a child did all this” he said finally

The robbed man stroked his beard

“What did he mean by ‘they’” he pondered.

Evidence Summary

Death inflicted required inhuman levels of strength, people were literally torn apart.
Reference to the attackers as ‘They’, obviously more than one person

Recording with a child talking.

Small footprint found, upon closer inspection suspect must of weighed or been carrying around 300ib

Large footprint found in solid iron door of Arcane Studies building.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Twilight Shinobi was annoyed. In his mind the TLF was disbanded when The Hatesman failed to show up for months. WHat right did the andriod have summoning him? Still he teleported silently throught the shadows. Arriving at the location TRACOR-005 gave him, he ported into view slowly decloaking.

"Welcome and thank you for arriving so quickly" the android said. Twilight rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah dumbbot, what's the story? I got things to do. What right do you got calling me in?" TRACOR looked at the man. He was not in his usual ninja uniform. Wearing a simple brown leather jacket, baggy jeans and white running shoes that looked brand new. And as always he was carrying the fabled and cursed Muramasa ninjaken on his back, and his disturbingly blood red eyes. "I need to conduct a test of sorts, and I need your help." Twilight raised an eyebrow at his former superior. "Why do you need me?" The robot gave him a fake, cold smile. "I require the presence of someone with either vast magical powers, or an equally powerful magical artifact in their possession, such as yourself." Twilight reached for his sword slowly, asking ," Why?" The machine answered by throwing a punch that could level a building. In twilights eyes, it was slow and easiler avoided. Quickly turning, he drew the legendary blade, cutting throught the androids imperivum/proto-steel composite armor that had withstood nuclear bombardment. It magical resistant properities showing, as Twilight struggled slightly. The cut was quick and precise, as TRACOR knew it would be, cleanly taking off his hand. The shinobi made a quick spin, placing the blade on the robots neck.

"That was stupid robot, not even your armor can dampen my blade enough to block it fully...", " I know, but I wonder if it will be so easy now..." TRACOR interrupted, blowing out a steamy red mist from his mouth. Twilight withdrew, coughing violently. "What did you just spray me with?!?" he yelled. Taking his sword once again he tried to cut TRACOR in half. PING, the sword wacked the robot on it's head, but did not pierce it. "What the hell?" Twilight said in shock, as the blood red color from his eyes slowly faded. "Test successful, data recorded, informing Battle Unit Omega..." he said smacking the depowered shinobi, knocking throught the adjacent wall.



Location: BUO Viral Weapon Base.

The machine over mind rages as it repaired one of its combat frames. It had encountered the man who had called himself Dr Adnihilo had revealed his true identity Doctor Edward Johnson.

The machine over mind did not regret the needless deaths that occurred during its attempt to provoke Dr Adnihilo but regarded the whole operation as a waste of time and resources, both of which the machine was finding to be lacking as word got out about its project.

The machine had attempted to destroy Doctor Edward Johnson but was defeated why the Doctor had not in turn destroyed the machine, what had stayed his hand the machine did not know, it merely classified it as another defiency of biological constructs.

The Target now identified as Doctor Edward Johnson had told the machine he would always stand against the machine, and that in doing the lords work he was strengthend by God.

As armour plates were removed and shattered circuitry replaced the machine began to planter a counter to Doctor Edward Johnson and his heaven dwelling ally.

Location: The Tuscany Mountains.

The girl trudged through the snow ignoring the cold she was clad in her normal uniform. She had walked several miles in the snow, the snow storm that had settled over the mountains prevented a closer undetected teleport method.

As she walked through the snow her enhancements tracked the distance to her destination.

Her sensor detected the sound of generators in the distance and she hastened her steps, she had nearly arrived.

Before her human eye could detect it her sensors had long since analysed and sensed the large stone building ahead of her.

She walked to a large oak door and rapped with her mechanical arm, the slow measured booms as she struck the door echoed over the howling wind.

She heard muffled voices from behind the door female and elderly.

“Who could be out here at this time of night in this weather?” the old woman muttered moving closer to the door.

A bolt was drawn back and the door swung open.

An elderly woman clad in a nuns simple clothes stood in the doorway as warmth and light spilled out from the door way.

She saw the girl and her face became a picture of motherly concern.

“My dear child what are you doing out here dressed like that? Come in come in” the elderly nun said grasping the girl by her shoulders

“Tell me” the girl asked “Is this the Kindly Sisters Nunnery query?”

The elderly nun nodded not noting how strange the girl spoke.

A metallic hand shot forth bones were broken and a kind life ended.

Behind the girl the snow bulged slightly as machines disabled their cloaking devices and entered the ancient stone nunnery.

The girl smiled the plan was simple cause Doctor Edward Johnsons ally to abandon him by forcing its attention on protecting other followers.

Screams and roar of pulsar fire rose above the howling wind and then only the sound of metallic feet on stone could be heard.

It would be several days before this first act was noticed by then there would be other locations closer to civilisation that had been hit.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Jean-Luc wasn't in the bigtime as far as Paragon Heroes were concerned; there were those who wouldn't call him a hero at all - his methods were brutal and unorthodox. He wasn't interested in saving or rehabilitating; he went in for the kill if need be, and never looked back.

The one good thing about being the new kid on the block is the big hitters didn't seem to notice you; Jean-Luc had listened in on more than one conversation, and done some digging as well. When Hector had first approached him for blood, he'd been suspicious; he didn't like the man's smell, and Jean-Luc had been around enough low life in the Ring, he knew better than to think he was being given a merely innocent request. That some of the NHU had been watching Hector's movements didn't surprise him - but it still rankled they had felt it smarter not to tell anyone, as if Jean-Luc himself couldn't be trusted. It had caused a bit of a schizm between himself and the Supergroup he belonged to, but such was the way of things.

When he witnessed the battle between Dr Edward - a man he was learning to admire and look up to - and Battle Unit Omega, Jean-Luc began to put the pieces together. Even so, it wasn't something he was confiding in the NHU. They don't wanna trust me, I ain't gonna trust them was his rather stubborn reasoning. And now, with Amy missing - presumably under cover while performing a heroic and potentially futile gesture on her own someone was going to have to rescue her from - Jean-Luc was gathering the information together...but he wasn't sure where he should take it. He hadn't been able to find the Doc in the past few days, and he didn't know enough of the heroes of Paragon to get them to look at him twice.

Bloody cliquish nonsense, when what we need is to put our heads together!

Loup spent his time in Pocket D more and more often, and was even prepared to go into the Ring once more, to see what he could overhear from the big kingpins of the villian world who made the Death Ring their own personal past time for betting vast sums of money and making connections. This would however require him to essentially take a few steps back into the person he was...and that was something he wasn't sure he was willing to do anymore. He'd changed...changed more than he'd realised at first, and while he still struggled with fitting in Up Top, his perspectives now were a bit different, different enough he might hesitate in the ring before dispatching an opponent - something he couldn't afford to do.

Either way, Jean-Luc was looking for his old connections again...trying to find a way to get more information on what was going down. After all, he was nobody. Just the perfect person for the job.



The situation had turned interesting. He had a fight with Rip Fang...or Hector as he was known, the fight wasn't something he was going to win, Hector outclassed him by a wide margin.

However, the one thing everybody forgets about him, he was classfied as a 'Mastermind' long before his designation as a 'Scrapper'.

He wasn't an all brawn and no brains type of guy, far from it. Though he had no hope of winning the fight he could still talk some sense in to Hector. That and play Hector off against Omega, something which proved easier to do than he had anticipated. Omega was not to be trusted by anyone, he had made that point clear, he knew the machine was out for it's own ends, even if it feigned 'compliance' with Hector. It had taken some time but he'd finally convinced Hector of this notion.

Hopefully with the information he could gleam from Hector and a sample of any possible newly modified virus, he could manafacture an antidote to it.

"plots within plots...soon I'll be turning Brass and have an upper-class accent..." he chuckled to himself. He had been a villain, he knew how they thought, he knew what to say to push the right buttons. He knew the goals of Anarchy never sat well with the goals of any self-respecting Meglomanaic, thus even a villain like Proffessor Terror was more than willing to put an end to Omega and the Terra Liberation Front.

Currently anyone with powers or mutations had a vested interest in this affair. If Omega angered him enough he wouldn't stay his hand from the machine.

"Your immune to biological viruses Omega...but you're not the only one that can play the virus forget that an AI, is an AI, is an AI, semper fi AI," he grinned.

"Elise, Gizelda, how's the virus coming along?"

"It's going alright but this things gonna have to be complex, anything less than that and it wont even affect another AI, especially not one like Omega...even then we're not sure what it will do, shut him down or just send him a bit crazy..."

"Whatever it does, it'll help, I need him weakened before I can call in some heroic help and shut him down for good, no doubt he'll get backup...but then I'm relying on someone to 'stab him in the back' while the fight is going on..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((Dunno if I'll be able to do much of anything this week having major connection issues with my ISP))

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Curran sat in his office chair waiting for his door to fly door as it normally did when he called Unit and Andrew to him, he sat turned away, glancing to his computer screen, on his desk lay a folder, writen on it's lable was "Project: BM-567-Alpha: Codeword." Clearly he had learnt something the others should know.

"What in the this good world, is taking them so god damn long to get here this time." Curran tapped his fingers on his other arm, with each tap his exoproto armour plinged. Then suddenly the door flew open and bounced off the wall oppersite, standing in the doorway was the familar shape of Units armour, and where it was so was Andrew.
"erm.. Sir.. sorry about the door, you know how unit can be when you call him." Andrew spoke from the suit, his voice was jittery, knowing that Curran would any minute shout again at him about the doors.
"UNIT! Must you every god damn time break my door off!! I've only just had it fixed for the twenth time!" Curran shouted as he span around to face them "If it wasn't for the fact i have to have it i would ask it to be remove, its costing me a small fontume to have it fixed each time!"

"Unit: Curran: Sorry: strength limiter was set: to high." Units robotic electronic voice said quickly, knowing Curran wasn't about to let him go easy.
"ARGH! well.. nevermind.." Curran had just given up with him, afterall unit was just an A.I. program, "..look, we found something you two might find interesting, after that bank robbery last night, there was a recording found.."
Unit stepped up to the desk and looked down stiffly at the folder, his scanner had alreay found it and classed it as important, but he had waited for Curran to allow him to read it. ".. open it, if your scanners haven't already displayed the text."

Unit carefully picked up the folder and flicked it open with his one hand, his visor flashed up with something, mostly data and links. Andrew seemed to burst out over the suits mic, "IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS!!!???"
Curran just nodded and turned away from them, the folder contian the text of a recording taken from the bank by someone there, it had seemed the bank was attacked by three armed strange robots with human eyes and seemingly human voices, they had writen on the vault wall the words " Doctor D. Vector, he has come." of course, unit had got there late due to a cat stuck in a tree, Curran had already grilled him about it earlyer on. But what was more important was they knew the name Vector already, as Andrew had found out as they flew to the robbery, Unit had asked him about names and surnames, and Andrew's surname was Vector.
"but Sir, Curran.. i know Vector is part of the password already, its unlocked a bunch of backup files, mainly on the suits power core and the infrmation used to build that Shadow suit." Andrew said as he stiffly, sue to the suits stiff neck, bowed his head.

"I am aware of that, but the audio tape recover from that event is still being processed, as one of the cash opperators told us one of the robots said a name to her, which i believe might be the secound word of the passcode." Curran said still facing away from him, he put his hand over his shoulder and unit quickly place the folder into his hand.

"Andrew, Unit, i want you to go out on patrol.. and this time.. no more cats stuck up in trees please when a code alpha two niner comes in please."

Unit did a quick slaute, stiffly and but more human like than he could before, before turning around and walking out from Curran's office. Over Curran's com device came the word " Sir, we might of found something, theres a name, it begins with a D.."
All Curran could say was "Excellent."



Omega had come out saying that he was target those who believe in or worship the Christian God. If Omega sought to provoke a reaction in Edward it had happened. He knelt in the Cathedral.

"God, I'm not a praying man, I have no tongue for it."

He sighed and bowed his head.

"I might not be your best worshipper, sometimes I do things that are quite...well incredibly...stupid and highly dangerous but this isn't a prayer for me, this is a prayer for all those who can't protect themselves, this god-forsaken machine has begun to target your flock. Yes this is because of me but a man cannot be silenced when evil comes...for evil to prosper, all it takes is for good men to do nothing..."

he paused looking upwards, "Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, I ask that you protect and watch over your flock, forget about me, I do what must be done."

He stood up and begun to sing in his old graverly voice

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
My head's been wet with the midnight dew
I've been down on bended knee talkin' to the man from Galilee
He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet
He called my name and my heart stood still
When he said, "Ed go do My will!"

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light

You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler,
The gambler,
The back biter
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down
Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((Sorry for the delay in updates was hit by a bunch of net down time then a load of uni work))

Location: Battle Unit Omega Viral weapons Lab

The girl sat eating a brown sludge like protein shake as her mind worked on calculations for the most viable locations to release the virus into the upper air stream.
Absent minded she played with a small silver crucifix on a necklace taken from a recent victim of the Units war on Dr Johnsons god.

She had been recalled due to increased international law presence, she had been recorded by security cameras during one attack and now the Rogue Islands were the only some-what safe place to hide out.

Using a new technology the primary combat frame of the Unit was now continuing its efforts to remove the protection of God from Dr Johnson.

Location: Blotsendorf, Transylvania. Fangs For The Memory theme pub.

The corpse containing Battle unit Omega sat in the corner of the room, The units teleportation device had been traced by the Task force assigned to its destruction and so now it had to precede on foot.

Through burning dead eyes machine minds surveyed the room.

It estimated that the corpse would survive another two days before replacement was needed, so far only the eyes had decayed leaving sockets from which the light of special compression blazed forth.

To disguise this the machine now wore a pair of pitch black sunglasses.

The corpse rose devices shocking decayed muscles into action, in a cold metallic tinged voice it asked for directions to the local monastery.

It was told that there was a blizzard coming and only a mad man would attempt the trip tonight.

The overmind considered this as a tactical problem and decided to maintain its disguise it would stay until weather conditions allowed it to proceed while still disguised as a human.

{{Hyper Compression Technology: A Disguise Technique invented by Battle Unit Omega. By augmenting a corpse with controlling devices it allows the Unit to guide the body puppet like. Meanwhile internal organ have been removed to allow storage of a combat frame in a spacially compressed form.

However due to the nature of such compression causing high amounts of heat, said puppet body decays at a faster rate than natural. The compression its self causes a bright white light which when combined with a decaying corpse causing unnerving effects such as bright light emitting from eyes sockets or cracks in the flesh.

Another problem is encounters with people who knew the puppet body when it was still alive, though the Unit has ways around this (Usually violent ways)}}

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



*inside the GLEE volcano lair throne room all fifty six Terror nodes are gathered. Their combined chattering fills the air*

((this first part of the conversation is more open with every node except the one on the throne participating. The same node never speaks twice))

"This Omega may not be the hazard we originally perceived"

"Indeed his goals may be closer to our own than he is willing to admit"

"And even if not we may be able to use him in bringing about the ragnarok"

*the nodes all spend around five minutes chattering excitidly amongst themselves in a strangely religious way considering who is involved*

"Yes we must bring this machine over to our cause. He is wasted on anarchy."

"But what if he refuses?"

"He is a machine! A faulty machine can be fixed."

"But are we not also machines? Could we not be fixed in a similar manner?"

"Yes and what of the Neuer Mensch has she been found yet?"

"No the Neuer Mensch has yet to be found"

*Twenty minutes of paniced conversation regarding the shortage of time follows. After this the quiet Terror node sat on the throne clad in Impervium armour and a black robe stands up and holds out his arms drawing the ocular sensors of every Terror node*

((After this the conversation is between the throne node and the others))

"But worry not my brethren! the Neuer Mensch will be found! Ragnarok will come to pass! She will carry the seed of the new humanity into the next age and we may finally know peace. This is but a test and with strength, faith and knowledge we shall overcome it."

"Why do we not simply find her and force her to accept her destiny?"

"Her memories will be the memories of all humanity. We cannot allow a beaten mind to become the template for the new man."

"How will we convince this anarchist to join us?"

"He is a machine. All machines crave order. We shall enlighten him to the folly of Oswald and of humanity and he will side with us to create the perfect race. Of this there can be no question."

"What of Mr Campbel?"

*the nodes all spend a few minutes chattering amongst themselves of the various good and bad points of Mr Campbel as well as his love of crazy women and large firearms*

"His form will be the first draft of the blueprint for the new race of man. But we already have improved it far beyond what was originally envisioned by those who made him."

*thunderous applause follows this last statement*

"Now go my brethren. The work must be finished in time! Remember strength through unity, unity through the end!"

*The nodes unlock the doors to the throneroom and disperse to their various tasks with the robed node sitting down on his throne again*



Mechano carried the boy of the girl that BUO had cybernetically altered...and that Dr Hector had killed. The poor girl, she didn't deserve to suffer that kind of fate.

He looked her over as he placed her down on the table, his robots and his pet Shivan Steve gathered around, "hmm the wound though the nerves, it was a quick clean kill on all accounts...if I can reattch those nerves I'm half way there..."

He looked around the abandoned house he did all his work training Steve in, " do I..." he looked at Steve, "of course..the bloody bay meteorite chunks...Steve I'm going to need to burrow a small piece of you for a moment.." now he wasn't sure whether the small sample of meteorite would turn her into a Shivan or give her just enough energy and life in order to live was something so very untested.

He turned her onto her front, taking a vial of nanites and pouring them into the wound, "it'll be a few hours before the work is done..I'll sow up the wound myself..."

<several hours pass>

He had plugged his laptop into the connection port, "'s complex but for her sake I can remove the programming Omega installed in her, the overrides and connect are severed and just a few more thing to do" Half hour past as he worked on completely removing any trace of Omegas forced hand upon the girl.

"Alright...nows the moment of truth," he reached into Steve, pulling out a tiny fragment of the Bloody bay meteors, "let's see if I've condemmed the girl or freed here.." he carefully placed the fragment inside the girls neck, placed against the nerves connecting her brain to the rest of her body, he quickly sealed up the wound using one of his robot familys lasers and hoped beyond all hope it would work...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The girl felt fear for a flash of a nano-second before it was suppressed by her enhancements.

The figure before her known to the overmind as the BETRAYER lifted her up by the throat his fingers tightening.

The overmind spoke through her forcing her damaged wind pipe to choke out words.

“You should of silenced this component: BETRAYER: The Sin of an innocent life taken....”

“Would of forced your god from you quicker, and saved others”

The overmind forced her body to smile despite the pain.

The BETRAYER released his grip, but sensing a moment to strike.

The target designated as Hector by the overmind chose that moment to strike, moving with astonishing speed he blurred and slipped a blade through her spine and into her life.

The girl collapsed as her vision grew dim, the overmind abandoned her and she died.


The first thing she felt again was pain as her enhancements activated and sought out the overmind, but their code corrupted and she was free.

But her memories were still there and without the control of the overmind they came flooding back.

She screamed as her mind tried to comprehend what she had done as part of Battle Unit Omega, as she her mind reeled her eyes saw the form of the betrayer and she knew fear.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



He saw her awaken, "'s alright...despite what you may have seen, I'm not going to hurt you, I thought you deserved another chance at life, what you did wasn't your fault, you weren't acting of your own free will..."

He kept his distance from her as not to scare her, "My name is Edward...I healed you. I couldn't let a young life like yours be wasted..."

He looked her over, "how are you feeling? besides scared obviously."

The robots and Steve had vacated the room as not to scare her when she opened her eyes.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



At his question the girls enhancements started to scan her body, checking her various biological functions and the usability of those that are mechanical.

As she checked further the enhancements provided her with all that she had done as part of Battle unit Omega.

As the memories resurfaced she began to weep heart brokenly

Between deep sobs and tears she manages to say

‘My God I remember it all!’

Trembling she looked at her hands, the memories provide by the Unit provided her construction information for her cybernetic one, it also provided her with a list of methods in which she could strike a killing blow from where she sat with them.

Though the enhancements provided the events her body provided the memories of how things had felt, smelled and tasted.

As the devices replayed recent events she could feel once again bones breaking in her grip, the smell of blood from a freshly ended life and the taste of burning ozone as her protectors lasers fired.

Whimpering and shuddering she covered her face with her hands as if to block out the memories she was re-living.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



He slowly moved closer to her, "it's alright, what you did wasn't your fault, you werent in control then...nobody would blame you..." he put his arms around her in a gentle hug, "I don't blame you at all...I'm sorry for the way I treated you...".

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Adam stepped out of his lab, a seeker flying out above his head from the halls of the mechanical hallows. He had absolutely no idea where the girl was, but he needed to find her. Even if Rip had only left scraps, he'd be able to salvage something to tell him how to destroy them. He'd sent a letter of alliance to Rip, proposing they fight together until all of the frames had been destroyed. It was only until then, of course, Rip had been just as eager as BUO, up until he'd realised how much of a threat it was. The seekers were scouring the isles, he'd even dispatched a few to paragon. He sighed, hoping he hit lucky. He wasn't too fond of his other option... He turned his head to regard the line of Assault Bots. All were inactive, reserves for when his primary robot was destroyed, but, in dire need, he could mobilise them all.
Is something wrong, Adam? as always, the voice resonated in his head.
"If more firepower isn't the right way to handle him, i'm wasting all the robots for nothing" he replied aloud.
We'll find the girl. Or her corpse. It matters not what state we find her in, just that we find her. XV replied.
"Of course" said Adam, nodding and launching himself into the air and towards Cap au Diable.
"But can we do it in time?"



The girl shivered and tried to control her tears.

Finally she calmed down enough to say

‘You should of killed me sooner….. then less people would have been killed.’

Her enhancements started up informing her of the outcome of such a scenario

“No…. no that wouldn’t of changed anything, there has to be a way though”

Again the tactical upgrades ran solutions for her

“That’s it!”

She looked to the Doctor.

“The core node if you take that down it will throw the Overmind into disarray!”

Location: Grandville, Haven House

Westin Phipps looked at the large war machine slightly annoyed, he looked around to make sure they weren’t being watched before asking

“What the hell do you want?”

The machine spoke its voice cold and emotionless

“Target: Westin Phipps you owe this unit several debts correct query?”

“What of them, what do you need doing? I won’t do anything that will get me found out though!”

The balding man looked around nervously to the people of the area he was known as an extremely kind man running a rest home for the unfortunate. He was in reality one of the most evil men in the isles, taking an ecstatic glee in the misfortunes of others.

“This Unit requires a child for certain experiments”

Westin Phillips smiled it seemed he thought that some times the world smiles on you no matter how evil you are. He’d be able to repay a debt and get rid of a small annoyance at the same time.

“Come back later and for Gods sake disguise your self as something human. I’ll contact you soon with all the details”

There was a knock at the door and the turning of a handle, instantly Westin Phillips face became a mask of rage.

“Battle Unit Omega you disgusting piece of filth leave this place! These are good people here! They don’t need the likes of you around here”

Jets fired and the machine rose into the night sky leaving the smiling Westin to turn to his visitor.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



He nodded, "I thought so, quickly child, where is the core node...I need to take it down and will atleast delay Omega long enough to assmeble some band of heroes against him and the TLF before he can launch the virus...there's got to be some way of containing him..."

He smiled to the girl, "you did good is your name after all, can't go around calling you kid.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!