The Rage Born Virus




The girl cast her mind into the cybernetics searching for information.

“The prime frame, the core node was last in Transylvania, he was the one killing last night”

The girl looked determined

“My name was Sarah but I won’t use it, not until I see the machine shut down”

Location: Grandville, Haven House

The machine sat in borrowed skin across the table from a young girl and Westin Phipps the bald man was talking excitedly to the disinterested girl.

Apparently the girl had been orphaned when Recluse took over the Islands and had come to Haven House after various organisations had given up trying to help.

The machine was to play the part of her uncle.

The conversation dragged on, and eventually the girl left with her knew uncle.

Westin smiled

“Hope it guts the little brat like a fish, not right in the head that little….”

He stopped as the door was knocked on and regained his saintly expression

“Come in”



The machine walked with the girl towards the docks.

“You’re not really my uncle are you?” she asked

“Why do you say that child?” the machine asked its borrowed skin talking with a grave dry voice.

“Because you’re obviously a walking corpse” she smiled oddly “I’ve seen lots of dead bodies”

The machine paused in it steps before asking

“Tell me: target: Child what is it you desire query?”

The girl laughed before answering
“Power, wealth, to live forever y’know the normal things”

The machine began its steps again

“The last can be provided child: Walk with me”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Agincourt, Nerva

The Hatesman had just flown off, Rip Fang, followed shortly. Augustus stood silently in the backround. Alot of things were said, but othing shocked the robot more than the apparent lack of caring from Hatesman towards his teammate Hector. It was not that the android cared for Hector, he was incapable of doing so, it was the fact that such an act came into conflict with one of his objectives. Ensure the safety and survival of the Terra Liberation Front. Well Oswald plan was well thought, he miscalculated the Battle Unit Omegas next move, both removing the machines trust in all organics, possibly including Oswalds, and at the same time setting the Warbot against his teammates. Something else was brought to his attention aswell. TRACOR was temporary Architect of the TLF, a rank given to the mastermind behind the groups scheme, a sort of leader. When the Hatesman returned to assist his brothers of chaos at long last, TRACOR was suppose to give up the title and it's powers, but he found himself.. not wanting to. Althought he had no intentions of usurping Oswalds command, the very idea that he was the leader cause a malfuction.

"Primary Objective: Obey the benefactor... benefactor is the Architect.. this unit is the architect." The android twitched violently. "This unit must obey...self?"

TRACORs eyes glowed a bright red, as they did when his creators were uploading information to him. "New Objective return to base for memory wipe. Cancel objective search for Battle Unit Omega." TRACOR temporarily shut down for a moment, then immediately restarted.

"This unit is to obey benefactor, this unit is benefactor, this unit will obey self. Ignore objective return to base. Continue with locating Battle Unit Omega." The now partly self-aware machine lept into the air, leaving his teammate behind.

"Battle unit omega, this is TRACOR. This unit wishes to offer services in objective: erradicate organic meta-human life...."




Hatesman had retruded to the safety of the TLF Bunker, where he stood before the powerful A.I. known as ORACLE, who's birth was made possible by the sacrifice of many man hours and lives.


.......Bio-Ident Confirmed.......

"What do you want Architect?" ORACLE spoke slowly with a multi-tonal voice, hinting at omnipitence as her vision appeared on the viewscreen in the chamber that housed her core.

Oswald raised an eyebrow in disgust as usual, he'd had quite enough masked hostility from TLF Operatives for the day to then recieve it from his own Super-Computer.

"Shut up and listen wench." he snarled at the face on the screen viewscreen. "When others fall from my command, you obey." Oswald's eyes tightened as the fury simmered behind them like boiling water close to the edge of the pot, spitting and scolding anything unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

ORACLE noticed this.

"Yes Architect. What do you desire of me?" she said as if to Kowtow before her master in disgrace.

"Listen to my Logic and find the falt you can." ORACLE's mode shifted into a Hyper-Analytical state, at her core, she relished any chance to shoot down Oswalds equally superior intellect.

"Without my supervision, the TLF constructed a Super-Virus capable of destroying all Meta-Human life, including mine. But you know the details of the Rage Born Virus' story so far."

"Indeed I do Oswald." ORACLE replied tentatively.

"I reason, that it is not my place to fix this problem, as it was not my own creation. This threat, is born into the mould of quite what the TLF stands to achieve. It's release, although devastating, is exactly the weapon capable of saving the Planet from the ravages of the close-minded human race."

ORACLE interrupted quite pleased with herself, "The Virus will kill you Oswald. You will die. Your plan is flawed, you are Organic." she had won a round against Oswald at last!

"I will die, my life is finite, if I am not killed by this Virus, I will die in the final battle, a failure, unable to deliver Utopia to the Planet." The statement negated ORACLE's win and her level of elation quickly dropped as she fell back from Regular to Hyper-Analytical mode.

"Quite True, and besides Oswald, there are ways to overcome the Organic barrier which would constrict you, via use of a Mechanoid body." she added.

"Quite true ORACLE, but you're not going to get me quite that easy, cretin."

"It was... worth a try Oswald. Hah. Hah. Hah. Hah... Close Line. Hatesman..." she recognised his 'other' name in respect.

"...I sense this isn't all you want from me. You have made your own conclusions, and we both know you're very stubborn. So answer me, my Architect... what, do you want?" she queried.

"I want you to solve this problem." he replied calmly, "You are my chosen."

"I will serve." she replied equally as calm.

"I cannot risk my own life, for something that is so potentially beneficial for my cause, but if it should fail, which you and I know, in the world we live in, it most likely shall."

ORACLE's head nodded within the screen.

"Then I will need to cover my involvement, by commissioning you into action on my behalf. It's a win-win situation as you know." ORACLE nodded, having already realised the perfection of Oswalds plan. He would be able to survive whichever situation prevailed. Should the Virus escape as a successful free-agent, he would be safe in confinement, or at Battle Unit Omega's side with an antidote. Should the Virus plot fail, then he would avoid mutiny by showing his willingness to save the other TLF Operatives via ORACLE's involvement on his behalf. He could be seen as no more than a smart man.

"Besides, this seems to be very much the affair of Man versus Machine, which is a battle I am out of place in."

"This is understood Hatesman. I will assist the Operatives to your own ends. Do you wish to depart to safety?" she asked intuitively.

"Yes, ready the transporter for Emergency Evacuation, and perform an authorised upload of yourself to my new location." he said as he left the chamber.

"Evac Location Selected." ORACLE said as the main teleporter hummed into life in another room.

As Oswald packed his belongings, each case and crate was teleported onto the main pad, awaiting his own extraction.

"Hatesman, ready for Emergency Evacuation."

Hatesman took a few steps into the teleporter and was spirited away to a distant location, reserved for times of crisis among the TLF.


......Location Encrypted........

......Pursuing Objectives.......

((I've decided to take Hatesman out of the equation as it's doing his position in the TLF no good whatsoever, his involvement has so far placed him in the paths of Rip Fang, TRACOR and Battle Unit Omega, while he is supposed to remain the neutral head of the TLF. Instead I'll be playing as the Terra Liberation Fronts Artificial Intelligence known as O.R.A.C.L.E. (Operational Response and Assault Command Liason Entity) who is much better qualified at dealing with a plot primarily concerning what seems to be Robots like TRACOR and Battle Unit Omega.))

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



((Okay events came to a close last week but I've been very very busy so couldn't do much of a write up till now))

Gears stopped and armour shattered as the machine fell.

Attacked by those it once called allies its plans had ground to a halt high above the streets of Warburg.

The ancient device which contained the prime Battle Unit was exposed, a final swift blow destroyed the device and sent a shockwave through the network of machines smashing the web that connected them and silencing the overmind.

Sub-marine Base X7.

The girl laughed as the Longbow troops fled before her.

The roar of ancient technology filled the air in counterpoint to her laugh.

As she neared her goal the shockwave hit, screaming she fell to the floor and electricity charred her brain.

<Error: BPU Erased: Begin Action: Primary Protocol Restore>

As she lay dying on the floor the machines in her body whirred into life sustaining her as slowly nanites rewrote her damaged brain.

Slowly two of the surviving Longbow troopers approached the comatose girl.

“Christ John what did you hit her with?” one said

“It wasn’t me. Still never look a gift horse in the mouth” the other replied reaching into a pouch he took out a communications device

“This is team Beta Four suspect is down. I repeat suspect is down”

As the nanites worked the girl was taken away to a secure medical location to be tested.

Secure-medical complex Asclepios

<Rewrite Process: 50% Complete>

The Longbow officers who had brought the girl in were checking up on her.

“What’s the diagnosis Doc?” one asked

The Doc a grimfaced man who had gotten his position more because of his psychic powers than any real skill with medicine.

“Where to start… well the girls a normal human name Tia Cobalt, born of two mutant heroes Maria and Joseph Cobalt also known as Ironlady and Wrench, both killed when Arachnos took over the Rogue Islands”

He paused to look over more notes

“Currently she is about 80% augmented with an unknown technology, this is what is keeping her alive despite the fatal level of brain damage she has received.”

“She is brain damaged?” asked one of the Longbow troopers in surprise

“Memory, motor functions, emotions all were burnt out though, I’ve ‘detected’ a slight amount of brain activity hardly anything human but something is there”

“She going to be a danger?” the other Longbow Officer asked

“Maybe…..if she ever wakes up” the Doctor said as he closed the file.

<Rewrite Process: 54% Complete>

Paragorn City, Undisclosed, Hero Register Offices

Sarah Mc Kensie watched the two Longbow clerks as they discussed the merits of her application as she watched her augmentations studied the two men, measuring them up and offering her a range of ways to disable or kill them.

She clenched her fist and concentrated on ignoring the advice.

One of the clerks looked up

“Your parents okay with this?” he asked

Sarah felt pain at his question but tears no longer came she’d cried enough these last two weeks to last a life time.

“My parents don’t like the idea of a daughter with powers. They disowned me as soon as I made it back to Paragorn City” she said

The clerks looked incredulous

“Are you sure you want to do this? There are other places that would help you, a school for the gifted maybe?” the other asked

“Sir though I’m still a child I’m more than seventy per cent augmented with technology designed to kill. While I’ve been stood her my tactical augmentations have suggested over seven hundred ways of disabling you.” She said and then paused as her augmentations suggested

“Even if this wasn’t the case I still want to make up for the wrong I committed under the machines control” she continued

The two clerks conferred again.

“Okay. First things first you’ll have to go for a psychological report and physical testing. Baring any problems with the two tests you will receive your licence by the end of the day”

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Ed leaned back on his chair, "Looks like that Omega is finally out of the equation...the threat of the virus halted and the world can once more be at an uneasy peace," he smirked to himself, "still talking Hector into going against Omega probably helped sway the cause of the rest of the TLF..."

He chuckled to himself, "hmm a backseat hero...a Mastermind first, scrapper second as I say..." he grinned, "now I can get back to my normal day..."

"..Steve time for walkies.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Doctor Devass Vector lent back into his chair, and stared at the srceens infront of him, behind them stood a row of his enchanced battle master prototype robots, he glanced up to them before back to the screen.
"Zo, it appearz zhe Omega robot waz stopped.. well.. at leazt i am ztill here, thankz to the temporal zhield device.." he stood slowly and turned around to face where the sheild device was.
".. it waz only a matter of time before zhat happend, he zhould of truzted myzelf.. oh well, i have other matterz to attend to."

With that he beconed his bots and they marched out of the room, followed by the sheilding device, which hovered along with them, on the screen behind them was the words " G.R.A.T.A.R.U. Mainframe: Project: C.O.P-505-beta2."