Roleplaying the enemy




Coming in Issue 11 as we all know is Weapons customization (something I like more than flashback...but that's just me ). Now more than ever does the idea for roleplaying 'the enemy' come to mind.

I've always been a stickler for wanting to play 'the bad guys' whether it's playing as the bosses or even the low level enemies in streets of Rage (2-3 specifically) or really wanting to do a Freakshow tank character in City of Heroes.

Someone having broken away from their old life of crime in one of the many enemy NPC groups to make a good start (Heroes) or as a member of a rogue faction which may even be worse than the original enemy group (Villains).

Due to the wide variation within the enemy NPC groups themselves allows for a wide variety of AT's to be played, some admittedly more so than others.

Lets take Trolls for example, I shall group the enemy names with what AT's and powersets.

Trollkin Brawler/Bruiser: These can be pretty much any melee class since all that have is either brawl or boxing.

Jutal and Trollkin Buckshot/Gunner: AR/* Blasters. Again secondary powers are not assigned to these mobs, so people are free to choose whatever it is they want for them. With the new Military Assault rifle and Merc. Assault weapon both very fitting for these two.

Trollkin Slammer/Slugger: Obviously Mace tankers using the Sledgehammer or Baseball bat depending on which type they were in their previous criminal existence.

Gardvord: */Regen Scrappers, since they possess both Intergration and fast healing. Primary power upto anyone, since you can't have */Regen on any of the AT's that also possess super strength.

Supa Troll/Caliban: Invul/SS tank.

Ogre: Stone/Stone Tank.

These are just the options from Trolls alone. With Weapons customization it allows people to go that one step further. You want a Crey sharpshooter use the new Malta sniper rifle on your AR/* blaster.

When I posted this topic last time round (though that was a proposing an RPSG called 'The Reformed' something which never got past the ideas stage sadly), people began posting pictures of all the 'lookalike villains' they had created, I once again hope this topic inspires such creativity once again.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



**This Reply Contains Omega Level Spoilers**

You know those characters that you start with absolutely no idea as to their nature but become brilliant anyway? Like, no pre-planning beyond a style.

Well I find these characters are the best for doing this.

I created "Found" first time *around who is a Lost Brute who has been released from the Mind-Control state that Lost and Rikti tend to fall under. Returning to the life of a hero he had before the first Rikti War when he was lost in the sewers and mutated into the beast he is today.

In trying to create a Lost Boss, I had to try to create either a Defender with Psychic Blast, or a Controller with Mind Control, as we all know that the big Bosses possess that annoying Mind Control attack Mezmerize, while they also tend to blast things with their Subdue's from Psychic Blast.

Always being a fan of the Psychic Blast's early Psionic Lance Sniper attack. I then mixed that set with Radiation Emission, as I that with "Mutate" as its rez, it would make for a cool Mutated feel to Empathy, a Lost Healer if they ever had one.

Then I simply took him out onto the streets and wound up in Pocket D. Not knowing how to play a reformed brainwashed hero trapped inside the monsterous shell that terrorized the city for so long, I played him as the nicest person in the world, that I would like to know, compensating for his hideous looks with a subtle, reserved charm.

Based on the Lost's underground cult stylings Found's evolved into something of an alternative remedy healer, offering psychic councilling sessions, where he is often *found medidtating in garderns and parks, trying to hold onto his inner strength that was once the Hero known as "Markos Tyrone".

**Spoiler Alert**

The Second Rikti War let me put Found on hold for a while under the pretense that the Rikti Mind Control had once again picked him up and fused him into the system. No one quite knows where he is, assuming he's either dead or completely *Lost to the cause. Of course, he is going to make a comeback.

(*Being the 'Found' 'Lost' makes for such freaking easy puns! An upcoming story for example is 'Finding Found' gah, cringe worthy but brilliant.)

In conclusion, I've made some other Villain turned Hero characters, a Hellion, a Warrior and a Clockwork (who was actually still evil and a Villain), I've met a Troll and even a Hellion/Freakshow hybrid and I simply think this type of character is awesome.

Thanks for the original idea Mechano, and if anyone has a Lost character they want to RP, send me a Forum PM, I'd love to hear from you and see your creations.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Well.. I have Tiger Dark, who used to be a Nictus and a thoroughly nasty piece of work; but has since reformed and become a Warshade.

Doc, if your Edward should ever meet her (and he will, she's in the Unity Vigil), expect a surprise as aside from different colour hair, she looks EXACTLY like Miss Ellie (Tiger White).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.