Antihero/true Vigilante SGs
Guess that's a no then, pmsl.
New Heroes Union on Union are a varied bunch....
The Militia are Vigilantes, if I remember correctly.
ooooo ouch.. that was uncalled for...
I guess our rep hasn't really improved yet
The Militia are NOT vigilantes.
Your not?
Didn't you have people like Sorche in your ranks?
A litte trigger happy that guy.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
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I think that says it, really...
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Ummmm the Militia aren't remotely vigilantes.
He was removed. And as far as I recall, all other heroes who broke the rules were persecuted, one was even taken down in by fellow heroes and severely reprimanded (revoked hero license).
I wanna say on behave of my teammates, that I was/am/might be partly to blame for this imagine. A misunderstanding took place where my VILLAIN Twilight Shinobi was associated with the Militia, even tho I stated he was a TLF.
I'd love to join a anti-hero/noble villain group tho as many of my characters end up thuis way...
Paragon Violators definitely are
Re: The Militia, many apologies. I am a victim of the old IC reputation. Information updated and assimilated.
No worries, figured it would take a while to be rid of the old rep.
Yes, it probably will take time to rid the Militia of that old reputation unfortunately. However the group has undergone a massive revamp to try and lose it and move on to more positive new ground. Our current rules actively state that anti-heroes/vigilantes are not tolerated and that all members should act within the law.
I will be updating the Wiki entry soon to reflect the recent changes.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Surprises me that vigilante types are so unpopular....
Yeah, it actually seems kinda unfair. Even police officers may kill in self-defense or to protect others. If you always have to hold back because you're afraid you're gonna hurt someone, then you are less likely to win. That gives villains and criminals in general a distinct advantage over us, so actually, Vigilantes are just realistic and should really be more effective than other heroes.
But even with that said, I still believe the no-kill solution is viable when you're a hero. You're supposed to be strong enough to defeat someone without killing them, and I must confess I prefer this solution myself.
Surprises me that vigilante types are so unpopular....
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not really, it's difficult to maintain the illusion when the populace seem pleased with you and you have the full support of the police.
can't actually have been that bad of a vigaliantie if your rep with the police is fine can you?
If you read some of the police contacts info tho, they seem to boarder line on vigilante/hollywood style cop aswell. Logically tho, if you were in a town full super-powered crime, vigilantes would probably be somewhat norm and accpeted because they "get the job done". IF you daughter was [censored] or mugged by an outcast, I saved your life but killed the outcast in the fight, I'm sure you wouldn't say "Your a bad example to society." And vigiliante doesn't always mean kill. Batman in many incarnations was a vigilante or anti-hero, because he beats and tortures some criminals or near kills them, yet the police still use him, because he gets the job done when no one else can.
Think about the real life situation. Your town is overrun with chavs that harrass people in daylight on the streets. I come along with some friends and beat the crud outta them, breaking up there crack houses and stopping violence on you and yours, when the police can't, maybe few of the scum die whilst I'm saving people or in self-defense, are you gonna say "Your such a bad example, you such be out in jail" or "Thank you, I feel safe to walk the streets again in my neighbour hood." A real life vigilante lives in my town of bolton. A champion kick-boxer Sandy Holt has taken the law into his hands many times, 7 times I think infact, stopping muggings and the such. He's still walks the streets and is considered a hero.
I always believe there is a fine line between anti-hero/noble villain and true villain. Also remember that the super hero registration act gives us the same restrictions as cops, which means we can also defend ourselves and others with deadly force if deemed nesseccary. ALso it's unfair to RPers who don't enjoy playing "Big boy scouts" to be singled out just because they like batman or wolverine instead of superman or capt america.
IMHO, the darker grittier batman, wyvern or manticore is fine, and welcomed. Punisher is taking things to far.
So Finn you making this SG, then.. you got one member
Paragon Violators definitely are
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From what I see on your forum, you're past vigilante. More like villains in paragon city, and that's usually not what's meant with anti-hero. Not saying that's a bad thing though , just not what is requested here
Yeah, it actually seems kinda unfair. Even police officers may kill in self-defense or to protect others. If you always have to hold back because you're afraid you're gonna hurt someone, then you are less likely to win. That gives villains and criminals in general a distinct advantage over us, so actually, Vigilantes are just realistic and should really be more effective than other heroes.
But even with that said, I still believe the no-kill solution is viable when you're a hero. You're supposed to be strong enough to defeat someone without killing them, and I must confess I prefer this solution myself.
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Police officers are allowed to kill because they serve the public good, were hired to do so, go through training and procedures to help them judge when its okay to kill in the name of the public good.
A vigilante however is not a cop, it doesn't matter what god/demon/radioactive goo gave you your powers your still not a person chosen by the public to decide things like when its right to kill some one.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Again teh hero registration act gives us the privilages and the limits of a police offcier, in my mind that includes killing in self defence, or else me thinks a certain archer would be locked up (Seeing as the comics have now offically become canon)
yes but there is no tangable diffrence that we can effect on either the how the game reacts to us or how we can react to anither player.
we can't bring some one up on excessive force charges can we? do thing other than for a bit of flavor is utterly pointless as you can't acctually go byond saying something, i't like villians being gross for the sake of it.
Gritty is fine, but thats about attitude, but no one is a really a vigilantie, we are all police sanctioned.
I can see how a martial artist or a swordsman could "pull his/her punches" or even a powered hero using his powers on low intensity but....
What about assault rifle users? I mean, short of saying he fires plastic/rubber bullets, how do we say an assault rifle doesn't apply lethal force on it's targets?
i don't, it's why i don't think it works as a power set in RP terms, clearly none of the opposition dies but they just got a whole mess of rounds pumped in to them.
but the game mechanics are always goign to be flawed, but the game lore should have some way or reconciling it. but doesn't seem to, it forces our hand rather though doesn't it?
and if you start ignoreing the game compleatly then you might as well not be using it at all.
Are there any SGs out there for the anti-hero/ruthless vigilante types?