Antihero/true Vigilante SGs




Not much comfort if you have an AR/ blaster that you don't want to discard though.



Well, either using rubber bullets (which is a possibility against the more human enemies) or simply shooting after non-vital body parts and letting them medi-port out seems like solutions to me. Perhaps not the best, but simply and somewhat acceptable. If you are more creative, you might figure out some other, smarter way.

Oh, and against demons, spirits, devouring earth and all those lethal force *should* be acceptable seeing how as they aren't humans but monsters. But when I do stuff like that, I actually often to try to avoid the subject altogether if possible.



no comfort at all.

even manticore just seems like lame, to bitter for a world were the medical tech is rapidly aproching perfect.



True, but what then? Stop RPing AR blaster? No comfort and all, we still have to face facts.

The way I see it, we simply have to be flexible. Some things may be [censored], but if the alternative is to not RP certain sets or something like that, then I choose to bend a little, use lame explanation instead.




Looks like I'll be using my AR blaster as a salvage farmer and just level him to 50.



True, but what then? Stop RPing AR blaster? No comfort and all, we still have to face facts.

The way I see it, we simply have to be flexible. Some things may be [censored], but if the alternative is to not RP certain sets or something like that, then I choose to bend a little, use lame explanation instead.

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i was really talking to finn, the problem with your exlanation is that then why do thses soft option hurt hellions as well as an AV? then you would have to hit with full force, so what if you for get to change ammo?

frankly attempting to imply youv'e done essentally hundreds of vigilantie style killings and never been brough up on charges or had the lience removed and infact you have lots of citations from the city and the populace is warming to you is streaching my suspension of disbelife way to far.

but maybe i'm too mcuh of a purist, and not flexable enough accomodate were i should.



even manticore just seems like lame, too bitter for a world were the medical tech is rapidly aproching perfect.

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I think I'd probably be bitter to. He watched his parents die, and now lives in world were they could have been easily saved, and possibly considers that less deserving "heroes" get saved every day by the mediport technology.

My understanding that the mediporters and most other technological advances in Paragon City actually came out items of alien tech salvaged from the first Rikti war. So, what did AR/* blasters do before three years ago, when it was just Elastoplast and lots of Salvlon that was available!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



hmm the reason I think there aren't really any anti-hero SGs is partially the whole comic book genre to blame.

Anti-heroes in the Punisher kind of sense are often shown to be lone wolves as it were, they work alone or with the help of a very select few, they're not the kind that likes to congregate in big groups and talk about it. Even other superheroes consider the Punisher far too extreme in his actions (wasn't it Spiderman, Daredevil and Wolverine that tried to bring him in once?).

now let's see if I remember the scene correctly. The three big heroes finally confront Frank Castle, saying he needs to give himself up at which point he explains that if they send him to prison then he'll know the people in there are criminals and he'll just go out of his way to kill them, the only way to stop him is to kill him.

A few moments of silence follow.

Frank smirks and tells them he didn't think they had the guts and walked off.

That kind of shows how The Punisher is viewed by 'real superheroes' (ones with powers beyond advanced military training and general allround badassery) as a nutjob and not someone you want to hang out with.

Or another example is Rorschach from Watchmen.

I think that's why there isn't many vigilante style SGs.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I thik your talking abour the extreme of the word vigilante. I think finn was more on about wolervine/manticore type heroes, where they are not afraid to hurt, torture or kill villains, esstentailly "Get the job done." Remember a vigilante is someone who takes the law into their own hands, and there are different variations on that, just like there different varitations of heroes.

Punisher is the extreme, he kills any criminals



The entire premise of "arresting" criminals in this game doe seem slightly to be stretching reality, but for my broadsword char the solution I used to have was that she would use any means necessary to bring the foe down, then tag them and let them ddecide to go to the Zig hospital or not. If they died after being given that choice, then it wasn't on her shoulders.

As she stands now, she still uses her sword with full force against any criminal, but doesn't kill them anymore. After all, it's surprising what you can live through.



Been thinking about this again but as a villain based SG....



What's so odd about a AR blaster that carries different sort of ammunition? Or a fire blaster that knows how to use their powers non lethally? How many super powered heroes (in the comics) out there actually kill the robbers they happen to find?

And yet there's dozens of Human Torches in all sorts of different power combos and they all know how to use their powers.

Lots of blade users as well, lots of archers, we don't see them killing anyone in the comics, why would CoH be different?

The thing is, the game itself isn't particulary realistic, so we can't nitpick that much. How many times does the AR or Archery blaster stop to reload? If we play for hours contantly shooting and etc, then what's so odd about thinking there's trick arrows and rubber bullets being carried as well as bullet piercing for the super powered enemies?