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  1. My bios range from the lengthy to the short.

    For example my Goo character (Gelatinous Ruse) has this as it's bio.
    It comes from outer space!

    ...It seeks only to Devour!

    ...It could be anyone, your brother, your sister, even YOU!

    Beware the coming of the GELATINOUS RUSE!
    That tells you very little about the character but I think it works.

    Others, like my namesake, have a lot more backstory detail.

    Does that make me weird?
  2. Ok now this isn't a rant about characters who claim to be godlike and solve the worlds ills in one swoop of their mighty hand but more characters who happen to be Gods.

    How does one play this without coming across as well...Godmoding.

    I only have one character who could be considered Godlike and...well they're a throwaway character.

    CatManFu has no backstory beyond that which was given to it by other people. Mainly that it randomly turns up in the most horrible, clashing, garish outfit known to mankind (note this isn't just hitting the random button, I go out of my way to make the outfit horrible) and makes comments about 'being fashionable' and gives horrible, horrible fashion advice to other people.

    Some believe it to be the personification of bad fashion, others consider it to be an Eldritch abomination playing at trying to be a superhero but completely not grasping the concept at all. Sometimes its choice of outfit is so bad, that the normal human brain actually blinkers it from existence, Robots of course just prefer to shut off their optics...which is sensible.
  3. Just like to say hello and welcome to Union as well.

    My two main characters are Dr Mechano (a well known crackpot mad scientist who makes his living selling bioengineered super being slaves to rich people and villainous organisations as long as they pay up...oh and making walking toasters...for toast on the go) and Amy Zon (Prototype of above mad scientist hero who is an eight foot tall super strong, invulnerable heroic catgirl based around Mountain Lion DNA as opposed to Domesticated Feline DNA as most science created Catgirls are).

    Sadly due to the same reasons as Techbot (erratic working hours), I'm not online as much as I use to be.

    If you ever need someone to help out villainside just give a shoutout in Union Roleplayers and with a lot of energon (and a little luck) I'll be around to help out.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    That's right. pal. Keep walkin'.

    Bah fine...I will then! *mutters*
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    So in the new Star Wars game, does the smuggler actually get a "Don't Shoot First" ability that makes the opponents' first attack a guaranteed miss and all subsequent attacks a high chance to miss so long as the smuggler doesn't try shooting first?

    Not even a sith should be able to touch one of them!
    Bizzarely (and this is probably well known) a certain spec of the Smuggler (Scoundrel which Han is considered one of since he sure ain't a Gunslinger) does get an ability called 'Shoot First'.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ossuary View Post
    1. The SFX in the first trilogy were wonderful, and I'd say still hold up today. I'm not sure why some people insist they are terrible and the prequels blow it away. CG is CG. When I see a ship flying through space in the original trilogy, I still believe that I am looking at an actual ship flying through space. In the prequels, I can tell that I'm looking at a video game.
    I believe it was on H.R. Geiger who said (and I'm paraphrasing here):

    "Once you remove something from reality and replace it with CG, it becomes inherently less scary because the audiences brain knows such a thing does not exist, it is just CG. With practical effects, especially good practical effects, there is that lingering doubt in the audiences mind that gives a willingness to believe."

    Admittedly he was refering to the use of CGI Xenomorphs in Alien Ressurection but it still applies to most other films.

    The creature in The Thing prequel is entirely CGI and...it's bloody terrible even when compared to the by now 'ancient' practical effects of the original film but the original films effects were just that, practical. I mean who can ever forget that one scene when the chest opens up as the Doc goes to defib the guy.

    CGI has a place but overuse of it, especially when it is at a stage where people can still tell CGI from real life, is jarring at best or just downright horrible at worst.

    The original trilogy's practical effects were downright amazing, the Death Star trench run still looks good even today. The POV shots give a real sense of speed as you zoom down that trench.
  7. Also even with IOs the RMTers eventually gave up when they realised that, prior to the F2P model, there simply wasn't the demand for the time and cost invested because, unlike other MMOs, if you're lucky you can make a huge amount of influence from 1 single purple IO drop, usually enough to outfit a character in a substantial amount of non-purple IOs. Also, unlike other MMOs, where suppliers closely fight over 'their niche' on a server and will refuse to tell anyone else how they've made so much money in the Auction House, here people like Catwhoorg were giving out guides on how to become rich.

    They got laughed off of servers because people were like "ooh 100 million...whatever, I just made that selling 1 IO".

    It was quite funny on the EU servers seeing the prices slowly get more and more desperate in the emails/tells because nobody was buying, it started out as 100 million for $50, then it double to 200 million, then 300 million, then they halved the cost, then again until eventually they were basically trying to give inf away for next to nothing and still nobody was interested.

    The EU servers were completely abandoned by RMTers about a year before they eventually gave up US side, less players and obviously you had to have an account then to spam Emails and such, so it was costing them a paid for account every time they got banned.

    Heck with the alignment system about 2 hours play (if you just blitz the missions for the complete) over 4 days nets you a very expensive non-purple set IO like Luck of the Gambler:+Recharge.

    However, F2P people don't get access to that unless they buy it, hell they don't get access to the Auction House unless they pay for it.

    As mentioned though F2P sadly brings in this kind of scum because it costs them nothing and the F2P peeps don't have access to the easy money generators that are the Alignment system or even the IO system itself.
  8. The problem is the 'new' faces (the Victorian ones) land the wrong side of the Uncanny Valley as do the faces in both of our other MMOs, where they try to be stylised but also try to be realistic.

    the WoW style works because it is a cartoony style so completely skips over the Uncanny Valley problem and CoH does this as well. I much prefer the look of characters in CoH than I do with our superheroic competition.

    Also keep in mind that WoW has had a huge texture and engine overhaul with their latest expansion (the engine overhaul came with the previous one actually). Also mages can't do kicks, hence why they get robes and we don't.
  9. First of all, welcome to the game and welcome to the forums.

    You'd be most welcome on Union to roleplay as well since it's the Unofficial EU roleplay server, sadly I don't think the times would match up due to the EU/US timezones.

    Starting out at low level, the attacks are fairly slow, as you mentioned the lack of an auto-attack aka 'white damage' prelevant in other MMOs makes it feel slower at low level. Combat gets faster and faster as you gain more attacks until you've established your attack chain where your constantly hitting buttons, which you are in most other MMOs.

    However in addition to that, CoH has something that most MMOs don't have, the ability to enhance the recharge of those powers to an almost absurd degree. Buzzsaw builds or Perma-Phantom Army require something along the lines of 160-200% recharge enhancement (though Invention sets) but a fully kitted out Buzzsaw Dark Melee brute or Scrapper is something to behold.

    At lower levels, the attack chains are very sluggish, especially if you go the route most build makers suggest in skipping your tier 1 attacks (fast but light hitting, useless at low levels, not so at high levels) for the tier 2 attacks (moderate recharge with moderate damage) which are useful at high levels.

    Some, of course, never get out of being sluggish, trading slow hitting for larger damage (Broadsword, Warmace, Battle axe mainly).

    You are correct that there is no 'facing', if you are in range and fire off an attack, the character will automatically spin in place and aim at mob to fire off the attack.

    As JB mentioned, you're using Training Enhancements, to be fair, most veteran players never even bother with slotting them, once you hit level 12 and Dual Origin Enhancements open up, then you'll see a noticable difference and at level 22 with Single Origin enhancements you'll notice a huge difference, especially if you slot your attacks with 1 accuracy and 3 damage Single Origin enhancements. That boosts the power with an additional 95% damage, almost doubling what it would do normally (obvious statement is obvious I know).

    Example: Unslotted Frostbreath at level 50 is 87 damage, with three damage SOs at an even level it becomes 170 damage.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    The review was super fair.

    The sounds and music ARE lacklustre; sure when you get more powers you get more whizbang but it would be nice to have mores sounds around you or at least more music.

    I get what he's saying about combat, but it's inverse to other games.

    Big Box MMO: Click powesr but they "build up" and then shoot.
    Here: Button mash but then wait for them to come back.

    It would be ineresting (for someone else) to compare how long a full attack chain takes in City of Heroes vs. Big Box A and New Shiny A.
    Put it this way, in the MMO I'm currently playing, the class/spec I'm playing as doesn't get their Assassin's strike style opener until level 36...which is over halfway through the game and apparently it goes from 'a bit of a slog' to 'amazing' thanks to that power.

    I do find it weird that they decided to put what is essentially a 'class defining power' at such a late level.

    Keep in mind those Fantasy MMOs will usually have an 'auto-attack' feature which CoH does not, so you're constantly attacking but not always pushing buttons so CoH combat will 'feel' slower if you get my drift.
  11. Agreed.

    Was a good, fair review, the community recieved praise which was nice.

    Wow didn't realise that CoH was really harsh on free 2 play people and as posted on his video I still find the chat restrictions off putting.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    Now personally I think there are concepts that SHOULD end after specific level ranges. I thought it was awesome that the snakes just stop appearing after mercy island, with very rare appearances in port oakes. It's cool that you can say you helped completely destroy them, and that they only exist within a certain timeframe.
    Well you haven't completely destroyed them in Mercy...

    They come back in a 40-50 arc with avengeance, they're tougher, meaner and you face off against the Matriarch of the Snakes (the one who is laying the eggs) who is also suggested to be a minor Incarnate like Trapdoor.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    *Tub Chi. In Praetora, Tub Chi Tan is a co-leader of the Syndicate who respects honour and loyalty above all else, and that's a pretty cool story. But we've never seen Primal Earth's Tub Chi that the Tsoo and contacts keep talking about. What does he look like? What does he want? What kind of story can we tell about him?
    Actually his primal Earth counterpart does show up.

    For two whole missions.


    In A level 50 arc which requires jumping through a lot of hoops to unlock (requires like 4 badges to get).

    Also, sadly, his model isn't unique.

    Here he be
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    Count me in as someone who'd love to see something more developed with Hero Corps (or, at the very least, put the Hero Corps emblem as a costume piece for players.)
    Well can't sleep so might as well reply to this before heading off again.

    But I swear one of the veteran rewards, the 'signature chest logos' has the Hero Corps logo in it.

    I may be mistaken though.
  15. Dr_MechanoEU

    SSA4 and Johnny

    Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist_JC View Post
    I'd like to know why the 'song' he recorded doesn't rhyme at all, or make any attempt to sound like something someone would sing. Couldn't we have gotten a little music clip and a song attempt?
    Maybe something like this...erm...wait...think someone else already used it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    You know it's Paragon City when it's the helicopter people notice and not the gigantic octopus in the background.
    Ah Lusca is really just a friendly old Cephalopod, She's just there to point out that the Helicopter wasn't there before, she's just as alarmed as we are!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
    Jack Emmert was quoted in a Gamasutra interview (http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/new...hp?story=11496) about lessons learned from City of Heroes/Villains, and he cited bases:

    “We spent more time developing [bases] than any other feature in City of Heroes or City of Villains.

    “What happened was players hated it. It’s the most underused facet of the game. It received almost no coverage in the press.”
    Well he's wrong there, the players didn't hate the idea of bases, they hated the STUPIDLY CLUNKY INTERFACE YOU HAVE TO BUILD THEM WITH!

    Also dear old Jack was the one that went, "what, people use the bases for roleplay purposes and not PvP?" like it was some sort of shock of the century to him.
  18. Just started watching MILP and one thing got me.

    There's a scene where one of sideline ponies goes:
    "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
    and the other replies
    "I think so but why do they call it a flea market if it doesn't sell fleas?"

    That gave me pause, a Pinky and the Brain reference, really? That wasn't expected, even after seeing the Benny Hill chase scene.
  19. Well apparently they're big moving castles with massive hammers:
  20. As I said, we placed the Modern Conan movie firmly in the 'it's worth a rental' section, it is enjoyable but dumb, not truly a bad film but not truly a good film either, just enjoyable.

    However the 1981 version was just better all round, better acting, better casting, better music, better non-CGI setpieces which gives the film a weight in reality.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I basically didn't understand the basis of that criticism either. I never had any "unanswered questions" about the origin story in the original film. If anything I thought the origin story presented in the new movie was simplistic and forgettable, much like the rest of it was.
    The big one was 'Why was he let go' (the movie actually states that it is unknown why Conan was let go, he wanted an explanation) and a more joking one aside, 'just what the hell is it that he's pushing for all those years?'

    I can't be a bread mill since it's out in the middle of nowhere, we thought it was a method for selecting slaves for the gladiator pit based on their strength and determination but all the other children either died or were sold off...and Conan would have been picked a lot sooner if that was the case.

    Oh and contrast of villains, just look at James Earl Jones in this picture

    As I said elsewhere, the guy looks like he's about to brutally kill someone with that grin still on his face while doing it. It looks genuinely psychotically scary.

    But in other images he can look like this:

    He looks quite caring there...like he'd give you a hug.
  22. Then why on earth does it censor the word.

    Hmm this may have been from back when I first started playing the game since I've have the autocensor turned off ever since.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    It is, actually, but you can change the settings and then click "save as default" to replace it.

    The filter is also overly aggressive and catches a lot of thing it shouldn't - at least that's the excuse I hear a lot when people start complaining about potty mouths on public channels. I personally don't care about the language and so I change the default chat filter to "off" on each of my computers that CoH is installed on.

    Besides, Silver Mantis is just innuendo, not foul language. I mean really, you can use DP to do MoM in CoX but you're worried about NPC dialogue? >.>
    Yeah I have to turn it off because it autocensors the word Nippy.

    Nippy in British slang means 'it's kind of cold outside' as in 'it's a bit nippy today'.

    And we Brits do love talking about the weather.
  24. Judging by the fact that both Glacia and Infernia are contacts 5 and 7 for the Who Will Die story arc I think we can safely guess who is going to replace Statesman. After all, which OTHER Super Strength/Invulnerability Incarnate is there.

    Though I'm hoping he claims back his sword he told a certain lady to 'hold onto' and thus becoming a Broadsword/Invunlerability Incarnate.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Pretty much, but with more flowing hair and followers.
    So This guy:

    Crossed with the UNLIMITED POWAH! of this guy:

    Edit: Man James Earl Jones is just downright freaking SCARY in that picture...jeez...no wonder the villain in the new Conan movie looks like a wilted wallflower compared to him, James Earl Jones looks like he's about to brutally kill everyone on set.