84 -
I am so happy to have this feature.
Now if only they'll let me use NPC costumes on player costumes... -
I'd prefer fighting multiple EBs (or AVs if I have a team) to the usual one big bag of hit points we usually have to deal with.
The Mender Lazarus Arc would be exactly what I want if the EBs at the end actually aggroed together instead of separately. -
That looks like the end of Time After Time. Is this on Live or from a particular instance?
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There's a giant 5th Mekman critter on test so I decided to stick some in the most appropriate map. -
Hay any one spot an ego here???
EDIT: Opps forgot to add that my brute can take on mobs of a 8 team alone with no problem so i guess "Contankers" are not the only AT that can do that
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My phantom army can take on an infinite amount of enemies. -
I was working on one involving the 5th Column and Council but I wanted to see if Issue 15 caused anything significant to happen with the groups.
I'll replace Requiem with Reichsman I guess. -
I end up making controllers a lot because of my thought process when making a hero.
I want ranged damage. Well okay then, blaster. But I want to be able to defend myself a little better than a blaster, so defender. But I can do almost as much damage as a defender with a controller, so controller.
Then I end up making an illusion controller because it has unkillable pets. The other sets can't match that! -
Sands of Mu and the Staff/Wand are the only decent attacks my Masterminds can get so I love them the most.
Yeah I think it's freaking WIN. It makes perfect sense anyway. Soldiers of Arachnos shouldnt be about being ebil, but they are in fact ebil, by playing both sides for the most personal gain.
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The word is evil, there is no b in it.
and ebil just looks silly and makes
the one posting it look a little dumb.
As to going rogue and side switchin SoAs
I pray that we can't switch, though I'll
guess we can. Its one of the aspects of
the going rogue that will likely be my
end of this game.
[/ QUOTE ]
What's the problem with it? What are Soldiers of Arachnos going to fight that they don't already? Rularuu? -
Revoke your Destined One status, medical insurance, and annihilate you the next time you get within 80' of an Arbiter Drone, possibly deleting the character for good measure.
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That's why I set up my own hospital in my base. My characters are not beholden to Arachnos no matter how much the game acts as if they are. -
Did we ever need Phase Shift time limits?
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No, not for PvE. -
Don't know if they ever fixed it but boss Night Widows used to be almost unkillable in gladiator matches. Were there any fights involving them?
Another side thought.
Not everyone who's "evil" believes that they are. We have more than a few historical/literary references where the "Villain" is doing what they do because they believe that they're acting for the greater good.
For Example: Lenin and company started a revolution that overthrew a government they felt was corrupt. Were the Communists evil?
History has shown us that the system became corrupt and collapsed but they did not consider themselves evil.
In comics, villains like Dr. Doom feel that the world would be a much better place under their rule. They are obviously superior (they believe) so they should be the ones making the decisions. It's only their methods for achieving this that define them as evil.
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What's that you say? Read my sig? -
In fact, I'd say that one of the overriding factors in "feeling villainous" is the ability to HAVE a scheme in the first place.
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That reminds of an old idea, one I am going to call the "Scheme" story arcs for now.
You'd have a different scheme for each origin, and a new one for certain level ranges. 20-30, 30-40. Anyway, they'd be things your character wants to do. Tech origin could build a giant robot in temp power form, magic origin could summon a demon or something. Whatever.
Point is, they'd be things for your character to do on their own because they want to.
Maybe one final scheme to dethrone Lord Recluse. Your reward would be all Arachnos enemies never attack you unless you attack them first. -
# Nausea
# Irritability and short tempers
# Hostility
# Homicidal impulses
# Rapid loss of mental clarity
# Amnesia
# Kidney failure
# Diarrhea
# Muscle aching and weakness
# Tingling or cramping in the legs
# Inability to walk
# Problems sleeping
# Constipation
# Impaired muscle formation
# Erectile dysfunction
# Temperature regulation problems
# Nerve damage
# Mental confusion
# Liver damage and abnormalities
# Neuropathy
# Death
They don't call me Doctor Discomfort for nothin'!
[/ QUOTE ]
Care to elaborate. There is no basis for some of these symptoms. I agree some of these are highly probable.
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Except for death, those are the real side effects of some drug. Didn't make a note of the name. It was just the first thing I found in google. Pick and choose which ones fit I guess. -
This isn't quite a lore question but I was wondering if Nemesis was inspired by Dr. Darius Hellstromme from Deadlands.
# Nausea
# Irritability and short tempers
# Hostility
# Homicidal impulses
# Rapid loss of mental clarity
# Amnesia
# Kidney failure
# Diarrhea
# Muscle aching and weakness
# Tingling or cramping in the legs
# Inability to walk
# Problems sleeping
# Constipation
# Impaired muscle formation
# Erectile dysfunction
# Temperature regulation problems
# Nerve damage
# Mental confusion
# Liver damage and abnormalities
# Neuropathy
# Death
They don't call me Doctor Discomfort for nothin'! -
Fallen is a great example of a movie where the villain wins in the end.
Bad Villain Mission:
Contact: I'm a brilliant guy with lots of plans. I need a stupid thug to carry out a robbery for me. You are a stupid thug. Do this for me because you are too stupid to come up with your own plans.
Acceptance: You're right, I'm pathetic. I'll do it.
Good Villain Mission
Contact: Boss, I did as you said. I've been watching the warehouse for you. You were right, of course, they brought the gold shipment there. Now you can put the rest of your brilliant plan in motion and get the gold.
Acceptance: While I go steal the gold, you go do my bidding to prepare for the next phase of my brilliant plan.
[/ QUOTE ]
And that's why I rather dislike most of the villain content, to be honest. Because that's almost exactly how your contacts treat you: as a dumb thug that they're hiring to do the scut-work they don't want to bother with.
What makes it even more irritating is when they threaten you, and use the tired old "I'm a memeber of/have friends in Arachnos, so you can't touch me, nya nya". Arachnos. Right. The guys I kill by the bucket load on any given afternoon.
Then you have other contacts that outright insult you to your face, or threaten you, and the only response you're allowed within the storyarc is "Gosh, sorry sir, I won't stand up to you again, sorry, I'm a worthless peon, yessir, I'll get right on it sir."
What. The. ****.
Oh well. That's one of the main reasons that one of the MA arcs I'm working on has your contact as your henchman. His name is even "Henchman". He updates you on YOUR plan that you're carrying out, and while he's extremely helpful (and competent at what he's doing), he tells you several times that he knows you're going places, and he wants to ride your coattails.
It always astounds me when contacts treat you like crap, even when you've gone toe to toe with some of the "big name heroes" of the game (Vindicators, Freedom Phalanx), and think you'll just bow down and kiss their feet. Grr.
*runs around the Isles killing random contacts and laughing maniacally*
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This is why I like Willy Wheeler. You betray him. Of course, it's because you don't want Arachnos to be mad at you (oh no, what are they going to do? Shoot at me even more?) but still, at least you end up being the one who decides to do something for once instead of doing what your contact tells you to do. -
My favorite myth was that perma Phase Shift was good for tanking.
*gets teleported*
*gets killed*
*quits pvp forever* -
When Going Rogue comes out I hope there's a mission to permanently leave red side that ends with you bombing the Rogue Isles until it sinks into the ocean.
Sick because they are so evil or sick because if this was Fallout 3 you would have murdered most of your contacts for giving you lip?
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The first one.
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Look, you can't take over the world without breaking a few eggs. -
- I've noticed how Reichsman was made taller (same size as Imperious) than Statesman and Tyrant. Is there a canonal reason for this?
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I want to take a stab at this one and say it's because he's supposed to be stronger than them. Reichsman can beat Statesman in a one on one fight, he lost because he purposely let his allies be weaker than him. There's no "I" in "team" Reichsman! -
Sick because they are so evil or sick because if this was Fallout 3 you would have murdered most of your contacts for giving you lip?
1. What happened to Eisensturm and the rest of the Storm Korps?
2a. Is the Center also the Weaver, and if not...
2b. What happened to the Weaver and what is the Council's connection to Arachnos?