How many of you pvp with your MM?
Just took my necro/poison out in the zones the other night for the first time, im definatly not used to playing MMs but they look to have alot of potential.
I have a few questions for ya, if you dont mind..
Do you find it tricky to heal your crazy ninjas when they are frantically chasing people down ?
If you could swap your MM with any other MM combo, would you ? if so what one ?
what did you aim your set bonuses towards, im guessing some recharge, alot of +hps and a little acc ?
What is this very unconventional patron power pool you speak of ?
What travel power did you go with and why ?
what are your pool powers ?
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

Just took my necro/poison out in the zones the other night for the first time, im definatly not used to playing MMs but they look to have alot of potential.
I have a few questions for ya, if you dont mind..
Do you find it tricky to heal your crazy ninjas when they are frantically chasing people down ?
If you could swap your MM with any other MM combo, would you ? if so what one ?
what did you aim your set bonuses towards, im guessing some recharge, alot of +hps and a little acc ?
What is this very unconventional patron power pool you speak of ?
What travel power did you go with and why ?
what are your pool powers ?
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Healing ninjas when they are on the run is a bit difficult with /dark as they have to be on me to be healed. But the great thing about pvp is the travel suppression. When the enemy goes to attack my ninjas catch up with him, as do I, and I have a chance for a heal then. Suprisingly they don't die often. Every once and awhile I put them on Heal (the green icon that stops them from attacking) and bring them back to me to regroup. I also have Combat jump/ hurdle/ Superspeed to keep up with enemies and my ninjas.
I've played a few other MM and I think any MM played effectively could be a very dominating force in pvp. With all the pets you get with thugs they could do some very lethal dmg. But ive invested over 300 hours on this guy. My first 50 villain. Wouldn't trade him for any other MM prim/sec ever.
I'm able to solo AVs/EBs, run ouroboros TF solo, and Tank missions if need be.
I'll take a pic of my Bonuses to show you. I have a huge increase in recovery. Like two staminas. Also about the equivalent of two healths. I constantly run Superspeed, CJ, Sprint, Darkest night, Tactics, Maneuvers, and Shadow Fall and can still pull off a few heals and tar patches. I have some recharge bonuses, but also 7 pts of KB protection. Any chance I get at extra defense bonus I take it also.
By unconventional patron pool I mean, everyone i've talked to has told to go with Mace mastery for PvP for the web cocoon for the slow/hold and -fly. I instead went with Leviathan mastery for the extra dmg and resistance shield. I six slotted knockout blow (KB) and 5 slotted school of sharks for ranged dmg. Also 6 slotted the shield for resistance and 1 slotted the last hold with acc/hold just for an extra hold. I hate being the MM that can only spam holds/debuffs/Buffs. I want to do some dmg also, and KB does great dmg in pvp.
I went with hasten (recharge for KB/Holds/Heal) and Superspeed, coupled with combat jump and hurdle. Prior to this build I had flight, but i constantly had a problem with people running from me and not being able to catch up, so I respecd into superspeed. I still have problems with people running away But now I can run up to them and KB them. Usually people run right before they are about to die, and/or try to hit Phaseshift/hibernate. With Superspeed and KB I have gotten a few kills off that I normally would have not. Even killed someone going into the phaseshift motions but KB hit em right before it took effect and no PS for them. I choose CJ over TP foe (kind of a toss up, TP foe would be very useful also) for the extra control to my jumping. Put a LOTG recharge in it. Swift I put a universal IO for stealth.
Pool powers: Leadership with tactics 5 or 6 slotted for the IO bonuses for to hit buffs, maneuvers has 1 slot with a defense IO that gives KB protection (i think). Hasten/SS, Combat Jump, Fitness. Health is 6 slotted and stamina is 5 slotted.
I'll post screenshots later. Hope this helped!
leviathan trowin sharks is not unconventional in pvp it is fotm. as the sharks do crazy damage in pvp.
Since mids doesnt have PVP enhancements yet, I can't post a build from there, but here are screenies.
Build with patrons
leviathan trowin sharks is not unconventional in pvp it is fotm. as the sharks do crazy damage in pvp.
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Well, this is what im basing some of my post from pvp patron
And the few people I also talked to about it told me to go with mace. The throwing sharks doesn't do THAT much dmg. KB is really where its at.
Awesome, thanks for the detailed reply!
LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs

Do you think I could make anything out of my Merc/Dark? I've been considering re-rolling Thugs/dark or Necro. But I don't really have the time.
leviathan trowin sharks is not unconventional in pvp it is fotm. as the sharks do crazy damage in pvp.
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Well, this is what im basing some of my post from pvp patron
And the few people I also talked to about it told me to go with mace. The throwing sharks doesn't do THAT much dmg. KB is really where its at.
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Yes in that post you will see where the guy said that he was not sure how issue 13 effected those power picks. In issue 13 any person with super speed and combat jumping can run right out of your immobs and the slows only effect the recharge componets(only if the power effects recharge) hover also will allow fliers the ability to stay airborne and slowly hover out of reach of your minions. the damage of the sharks is definately greater than mace for pvp
You could do just as well with Merc/Dark in PvP as Thug/Dark. Right before I deleted my Merc/Storm (I ran out of slots) I went to RV one last time to PvP. I thought it was funny when people tried to run from me; all they would accomplished was invoking the snipe attack on my tier two and three pets. That in addition to the CC the Spec ops have can make it really annoying for anyone who fights you. It was also pretty easy to keep my pets in check and not have them aggro NPCs in the zone because they are all ranged, and stayed without my PBAoE stealth all the time.
I'll list a few things you could benefit from over thugs in zone PvP (not bashing thugs at all, I'm just giving some reasons to not reroll):
-The Smashing/Lethal Resistance help in PvP, where many many people can hit past defense based sets.
-SpecOps have Web Grenade without any upgrades, which means you can ground annoying enemies with fly and super jump in Sirens, Bloody Bay, and Warburg before many villains even have access to web grenade.
-Snipe Attacks... situations where people want to hit and run can turn into hilarious moments.
-Mercs accept some debuff and damage procs, which can work well in combat situations to increase overall DPS. Examples are the Achilles' Heel proc and the Touch of the Lady Grey Proc for the soldiers and spec ops, and maybe an explosive strike proc for the commando.
-The medic. Yes he can be retarded, but he can also save your skin if your heal keeps missing. He also has a chance of giving you Mez protection every now and then via stimulant (yes, he actually still gives PROTECTION when he uses stimulant in PvP zones. I bugged it back in I13 beta, but it still isn't fixed).
-Some of the Merc's attacks have Defense debuffs, which is what /Dark lacks. It can make those fights with shield and super reflexes users go smoother.
There probably more, but there is plenty reason to not reroll. /Dark works with any MM primary.
*Excuse the typing, I didn't bother spell checking.
leviathan trowin sharks is not unconventional in pvp it is fotm. as the sharks do crazy damage in pvp.
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Well, this is what im basing some of my post from pvp patron
And the few people I also talked to about it told me to go with mace. The throwing sharks doesn't do THAT much dmg. KB is really where its at.
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Yes in that post you will see where the guy said that he was not sure how issue 13 effected those power picks. In issue 13 any person with super speed and combat jumping can run right out of your immobs and the slows only effect the recharge componets(only if the power effects recharge) hover also will allow fliers the ability to stay airborne and slowly hover out of reach of your minions. the damage of the sharks is definately greater than mace for pvp
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okay...well...i guess its conventional for pvp... Either way, I can't find many posts where people talk about it, so that is why I want to bring it up. Doesn't seem to be a strong mastermind pvp community here, i want to help change that.
You could do just as well with Merc/Dark in PvP as Thug/Dark. Right before I deleted my Merc/Storm (I ran out of slots) I went to RV one last time to PvP. I thought it was funny when people tried to run from me; all they would accomplished was invoking the snipe attack on my tier two and three pets. That in addition to the CC the Spec ops have can make it really annoying for anyone who fights you. It was also pretty easy to keep my pets in check and not have them aggro NPCs in the zone because they are all ranged, and stayed without my PBAoE stealth all the time.
I'll list a few things you could benefit from over thugs in zone PvP (not bashing thugs at all, I'm just giving some reasons to not reroll):
-The Smashing/Lethal Resistance help in PvP, where many many people can hit past defense based sets.
-SpecOps have Web Grenade without any upgrades, which means you can ground annoying enemies with fly and super jump in Sirens, Bloody Bay, and Warburg before many villains even have access to web grenade.
-Snipe Attacks... situations where people want to hit and run can turn into hilarious moments.
-Mercs accept some debuff and damage procs, which can work well in combat situations to increase overall DPS. Examples are the Achilles' Heel proc and the Touch of the Lady Grey Proc for the soldiers and spec ops, and maybe an explosive strike proc for the commando.
-The medic. Yes he can be retarded, but he can also save your skin if your heal keeps missing. He also has a chance of giving you Mez protection every now and then via stimulant (yes, he actually still gives PROTECTION when he uses stimulant in PvP zones. I bugged it back in I13 beta, but it still isn't fixed).
-Some of the Merc's attacks have Defense debuffs, which is what /Dark lacks. It can make those fights with shield and super reflexes users go smoother.
There probably more, but there is plenty reason to not reroll. /Dark works with any MM primary.
*Excuse the typing, I didn't bother spell checking.
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Excellent post. No need to reroll.
I'm not sure how you beat a thugs/pain unless he was woefully underslotted. Thugs are insanely good at hitting through dark's DRed to hell debuffs, especially with HO slotting. On top of that, ninjas are tough to heal with Dark and you have no way to shut down a Pain's incredible durability especially if they take mace for layered mitigation.
Still, you have a crazy amount of set bonuses.
Anyway, mastermind pvpers are kind of rare since they're not really good at the top end. Too many people can just run from you since there's no -max run anymore. Poison is still good, Pain is still good in teams, but most of the rest are kinda so-so.
I'm not sure how you beat a thugs/pain unless he was woefully underslotted. Thugs are insanely good at hitting through dark's DRed to hell debuffs, especially with HO slotting. On top of that, ninjas are tough to heal with Dark and you have no way to shut down a Pain's incredible durability especially if they take mace for layered mitigation.
Still, you have a crazy amount of set bonuses.
Anyway, mastermind pvpers are kind of rare since they're not really good at the top end. Too many people can just run from you since there's no -max run anymore. Poison is still good, Pain is still good in teams, but most of the rest are kinda so-so.
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He had a ton of bonuses, not as many as me, but still a lot. I had to resummon my pets multiple times and I was on my toes most of the time. With his heals he had to spam it wasnt easy. But this is exactly why I made this post...people think there are set builds they should use to get the best possible pvp MM combo. For instance, thugs/pain. Ive proven time and time again MM can be a very lethal force in pvp, its a lot about how you play it. I went 8 min 0-0 and the last two min i changed up my strategy and got a kill off. The map before that was cage and he spawned gang war on me before 20 sec count down was up yet we still ended up 0-0. It was a tough match, but not impossible. Dark has a LOT of benefits in pvp. Ninjas are squishy but they deal great single target dmg.
I pvp with my necro/storm/mace all the time. I made him to fight MMs, which he does really well against, and he also does really well against other ATs. Haven't lost any duels yet (although there are build I'm pretty sure beat him when played right).
About Mace, the -fly, -jump is nice as it really disrupts most people's ability to fight you, and if they don't have SS, turns them into sitting ducks. And the def shield is really nice in combination with the tohit debuffs.
I pvp with my necro/storm/mace all the time. I made him to fight MMs, which he does really well against, and he also does really well against other ATs. Haven't lost any duels yet (although there are build I'm pretty sure beat him when played right).
About Mace, the -fly, -jump is nice as it really disrupts most people's ability to fight you, and if they don't have SS, turns them into sitting ducks. And the def shield is really nice in combination with the tohit debuffs.
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ya, the def shield is a big +. I had a pvp build with Mace in it, but it just seemed like everyone I duel has SS.
yeah i was basing my statements off of observation in rv. I mostly play heroes and right now the fotm is for a team of 3 or 4 villains to all trow sharks. and that usually ends up being a dead hero considering stalkers and some of the veats can crit. so they get the benefit of extra damage from a power that will also immobilize anyone that doesnt have combat jumping and ss.
I pvp with a thugs pain but haven't actually done the respec into the patron powers. I plan to build for regen and plus health to stack with my buffs. My brother has another thugs/pain we plan on huddling and using painbringer on each other i order to make us really hard to kill.
my ninja/psn and my necro/storm used to be great team pvp toons.
with the +res given to everyone except mm's and melee's, it's just a farm target now.
I actually PvP quite often with a Thugs/Poison on Infinity. Kinda retiring him though as I been experimentin' with other PvP builds that are not MMs.
I also PvP on a Thugs/Poison, but on Freedumb. I focused primarily in +HP and +Regeneration for my set bonuses. Overall, I'm very pleased with the toon.
...although I can't help but cringe when my Bruiser wants to tackle another player, all by himself, in a 1v1.
I also PvP on a Thugs/Poison, but on Freedumb. I focused primarily in +HP and +Regeneration for my set bonuses. Overall, I'm very pleased with the toon.
...although I can't help but cringe when my Bruiser wants to tackle another player, all by himself, in a 1v1.
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Thats actually my 2nd MM i'm making for pvp. I think /poison has great potential.
I have a 50 mercs/poison, it's alright except for the whole "if they have SS, they run" thing. Mercs is a little better for stopping runners, but the fact is that if they want to get away, there's not much you can do.
You also HAVE to take mace, for powerboost. I can't imagine not taking PB on a /poison.
I have a 50 mercs/poison, it's alright except for the whole "if they have SS, they run" thing. Mercs is a little better for stopping runners, but the fact is that if they want to get away, there's not much you can do.
You also HAVE to take mace, for powerboost. I can't imagine not taking PB on a /poison.
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Landing a PB'd Envenom is an off button for Elude or defense-oriented builds
i seen a level 42 MM own everyone in RV one night with a bot/pd build.
Since mids doesnt have PVP enhancements yet, I can't post a build from there, but here are screenies.
Build with patrons
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how do you afford all of those IOs?
Cuz i'm having a blast with mine. Let me tell you, ninja/dark should be the new FOTM. I haven't had a problem with any ATs giving me trouble. Sometimes i'll go 0-0 with a Fire tank. But i've managed to beat a good thugs/pain (gang war is crazy!), robot/traps, ill/storm, and various corruptors and blasters. If anyone needs some good advice for ninja/dark feel free to ask. I also went a very unconvetional patron power pool for pvp.
Oh and for PVE build, i'll get tells every once and awhile about asking for help with EBs and by the time the owner of the mission gets fully buffed up the EB is usually already dead. Ninjas/Dark ftw!