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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Just a point of clarification for those that may not know. It's a Chance for KD AND converts KB to KD for the power it's in.
    What're the proc chances, anyways? I'm thinking of putting it in Lightning Field.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    Unfortunately I never got to try this on test before it wnet live or I' have voiced my opinon of the lack of a place to replace inspirations at the very least.
    Talk to the Popcorn guys. They sell inspirations.

    But personally? I've had a lot of fun with the event. It's a neat little thing there. Could it be better? Sure. Nothing is perfect, after all. But I'm not going to throw a giant net tantrum over hypotheticals. I had fun, so therefor that's good enough for me.

    Yes, the AV fights are a bit of a challenge, but honestly? I prefer a challenging AV fight to just a Rofflestompfest.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Space pirates! What a great jokey set!!!11!

    And Clown Summoning is a non-starter.... why?
    Because Space Pirates are awesome.

  4. As a note: the cape's skull fades in and out, and Posi and Zwill mentioned that all the parts will be available for males and females. Also there are several parts they didn't show, like the Claw Hand. And hooks will be available for both hands.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    See, you get it! They need something to set them apart from the Rikti and the Nictus outside of "no, see, the big blue guy totally said they were powerful". And being crazy buccaneers, who seem really ridiculous but are, nonetheless, super-legitimate as threats go, would be a great way to do that.
    It'd be the best alien invasion ever. Thousand upon thousand of marauding space pirate ships, coming out of the skies.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
    Y'know, now that I think about it, the Battalion pretty much ARE space pirates. Going planet to planet and stealing all the pretty things. Doubt this is in any way related, but...
    Hey, I think it'd be awesome if they were actually space pirates. Biggest threat to the galaxy turns out to be a bunch of space buchaneers flying through the galaxy in pirate ships.
  7. Doc_Reverend

    Taken 2 trailer

    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    "I don't always play movie villains, but when I do, it's against Liam Neeson. Stay badass, my friends."

    Sadly, I looked it up and it's Rade Serbedzija who plays the bad guy, not Jonathan Goldsmith. They just look very similar. Though Serbedzija's accent is authentic, or at least closer to that part of the world, since he's Croatian.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    And of course they wouldn't leave Korra like that before next season, it's still a kid's show. Clifthangers like that upset the little ones to much.
    Actually, there's a meta reason for that. When they made the first season of Korra, they didn't know if there would be a second season. So they wrote the season as it's own self-contained arc, which means that everything has to be resolved by the end.

    Pretty late into production of Season 1 (or maybe even when it aired or was mostly done), Nick came back and commissioned Season 2. They couldn't really go back and change anything in Season 1, so Season 2 is it's own 14 episode story arc. The original show had three seasons to tell it's story, which is why Korra's pacing is so much faster.

    They've also said that they don't know yet if they'll get commissioned to make a Season 3 yet either. Might happen, might not.

    But still, very fun.
  9. Doc_Reverend

    Taken 2 trailer

    ... the bad guy is the Most Interesting Man in the World. Sure looks like him.
  10. Pretty sure that got retconned, in part because it doesn't make any sense at all. The Rikti, as so, so many people forget in their character concepts, are not marauding space aliens. They're alternate reality humans from a particular alternate version of Earth.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Oh crap, was that the one with David Caruso?
    Yup. Session 9. Sadly, the real Danvers State was demolished to put in apartment buildings back in 2006. ... several of which burned to the ground in a mysterious inferno in 2007.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
    Sonic, I forgot but don't it have some stuns?
    Sonic is all about the -Res.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    Rikits? Do you mean Rikti? Apparently, for some reason, the Rikti never attacked Praetorian Earth, only Primal Earth.
    There is only one Rikti Earth, just like one Praetoria and one Primal Earth. The Rikti may or may not be aware of Praetoria, but they've got no quarrel with them. For Praetoria to have been invaded by the Rikti, they'd have needed to anger a different parallel world of the Rikti, somehow, which would just be confusing.

    On the other hand, both Praetoria and the Rikti believe Primal Earth fired the first shots of the war... which explains their brief alliance (or possibly just the Rikti taking advantage of a bad situation) in the Apex TF.

    The Hydra are just a species the Rikti stumbled across during their hunt for Primal Earth, grabbed a whole bunch of, and dumped on Primal Earth. Who knows where they got Rikti Monkeys from. The Rikti are apparently generally quite a peaceful people, if a tad isolationist and xenophobic, unless provoked... then they try to absolutely annihilate their enemies.
  14. To add to the fun/confusion, Mother Mayhem's hospital in First Ward looks like the Danvers State Mental Hospital in northeastern Massachusetts.

    Though to be fair, Arkham Asylum is also deliberately modeled after Danvers State... because it was a hospital for the criminally insane built on top of the house of the chief judge at the Salem Witch Trials, had miles of tunnels beneath it, and was haunted.
  15. An incarnate Hellion. He's still a loser and a punk. Sure, he's got power and stuff, but the other villains still beat him up for his lunch money.
  16. I've solo'd AVs with my DB/WP scrapper at 51 (I'm shifted at +1), and at lower levels. It's mostly just a bit tedious against, say, Ghost Widow, unless you don't dodge her uberhold. Sorceress Serene was a bit more of a challenge at 39, since I lack some of my Incarnate Make Everything Easier powers. I prefer duoing or small teams, personally.

    Managed to duo the endbosses to Night Ward as AVs with my DB/WP scrapper and a friend's Elec/Elec brute. Was pretty tricky until we realized to kill the debuffer AV first (Serene is not the most dangerous one in that fight).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Maelstrom's first assignment was to kill his Praetorian self. Praet Des, ironically, is member of the Carnival of Light. She's very annoyed about being ordered around by her primal self.
    Really? When's that mentioned?
  18. So if I have both Praetorian Excalibur and Primal Excalibur, and dual wield them somehow... does that make me the King of England twice over? The Double King?
  19. I enjoyed them both. The redside one is a little better, just because, well, it starts out as your plan. Seriously, you have no contact for the prologue mission because the contact is you. And even then, your first contact is more or less a Minion. Well, maybe a Henchman. You've got a scheme, and they're working for you.

    And you make it work! At the end of the first redside arc, you're in a stronger position than you were before.

    I liked that they're parallel stories, in that they end up with the same situation at the end, but got there in very different ways.

    And I admit, since I've always really enjoyed the Clockwork King and his bizarre relationship with Penny, I find that bit fun. Just that he's not so much evil as dangerous, unstable, and tragic, but there's hope for him yet.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    It's interesting to see a new "Stuff Blasting" set, since the last few ones we've got where weapon sets. It benefits nicely from the new approach to animations. I feels like Kinetic Melee without the whooshing build-u (especially the tier 1) so people who had previously used Kin melee as a stand-in for water powers should be very happy with it.
    It actually looks like they used some of the Kinetic Melee animations in a few spots, or at least portions of it. Which I'm cool with. It's a very fluid set.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I havent gotten a Astral or EMP unless the whole iTrial is a success.

    Haven't farmed it yet. Though in my experience what worked the best was have 6 people as dedicated Well of Light destroyers while everyone else beats on Cole.

    However, some people are either to slow on the uptake to get the hell out of dodge when "air begins to tremble" pops up (I watch this based on people ding everytime to the lightning), or you have brutes/tankers thinking "I can take it for sure"
    Pretty much. The trial isn't all that hard if people pay attention and fight as a team. I rather enjoy it.

    It's just that many people go for the easiest possible route, rather than one requiring effort. I sometimes think the iXP should only be awarded at the end of the trial, win or fail.
  22. Really hope this shows up in the store after it goes out of the Rewards.
  23. I'm wondering if this'll result in lawsuits. This really screws over retailers and the toymakers who now have inventory collecting dust for nine months, and no way to sell the mountain of GI Joe toys they've already manufactured to be released with the movie. Gotta wonder if Paramount consulted with Hasbro on this one, because Hasbro's gotta be unhappy about this.
  24. Always been a fan of the Croatoa arc. It's got a nice blend of old school horror and the supernatural, and a recurring theme in CoH is that when magic and the supernatural break out, bad things happen. I'm also a fan of how they worked in the Celtic and English mythology, and kept the fact that the Red Caps are truly quite vile creatures (my Do Not Kill heroes make an exception for Red Caps).

    I'm still hoping that some day we'll get Tuatha de Dannan and/or Red Cap Lore pets.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    Hey, I'm just excited that I can make Frenzy a semi-useful close-range crowd mitigation tool for my Crab spider! Also, y'know, the animation for the power SCREAMS "knockdown".
    I'm thinking of tossing it in Whirling Fists for my Inv/Energy tanker. Throw a spinning punch that whallops everyone near me in the face? Now I spin around and knock everyone down!

    I wonder what throwing it in a damage aura would do, too...