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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    You, sir...
    Here is your interweb, and your cake, and my lifetime subscription to your newsletter.
    Yep, was thinking that too.

    Well done sir, well done.
  2. Dante

    VG Back-Plate

    You know, my first thought was Villain Group as in a Villain Supergroup so we could have our group emblems on our backs.

    Which would be awesome too.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Or not many actors are willing to accept wearing a mask full time. Or they want the facial cues that don't show up when wearing a mask.

    Not all actors can be Hugo Weaving.
    And we are so much poorer for that.

    If that's true, and given actor's egos, I can easily believe it, then they should be cautious what they sign up for. It's not like we don't see Spidey's alter ego a lot of the time either.

    Oh and one more thing: Peter, get a pancaking haircut!!
  4. Gets a big 'Meh' from me.

    And for the love of all that is holy, keep the PANCAKING mask on!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'm going with 2008's Hulk. This one is too small. Skin looks good, though.
    Absolutely agreed. I think maybe they've toned him down a little too much. There was something about 2008's Hulk that was incredibly primal and hit a chord with me. I guess I'll judge this one when I see it. I do think the skin tone is good though and I like that they've made his face look somewhat like Ruffalo.

    And yeah, I squeeed at the trailer too. Total nerdgasm.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Moon zone was before my time, so I can't speak to that, but there's something coming soon that might make you very happy. Not a moon zone, but yeah...it's cool. Can't say any more!
    Just as long as it's not another Praetorian zone, please. Pretty please?

    And if it's not the Moonbase, I'll settle for a space station. Given how amazing First Ward looks, I can't wait to see what the art team does with something like a space station.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I'm not Dante.

    I do not know the underpants dance
    I love it when I get pulled into threads. But seeing as I've been quoted...

    The reason I'm still peeved is that the EU used to get official player meets and yes, we even had the joy of seeing Noble Savage and War Witch come over to see us. These have now completely dried up.

    The only player meets we have these days are organised by a very dedicated player on her own time. And for the last one, the EU NC representative cancelled on the night before and failed to turn up.

    The reason EU meets probably don't happen is a) the devastation of NC Europe and b) general economic recession. So, ok, I understand and that's just the way things are. But when initiatives like these are offered, it'd be nice to get the participation of players who aren't conveniently down the street from the office (no disrespect meant to those travelling to the Plummit).

    For what it's worth, I think the voting is a great idea and I'm happy to be able to make some small contribution to the next costume pack. I also recognise that no product can be made by committee so there's a limit to how many players can get involved. It'd just be nice for players outside of the US to get that chance.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    Really? level 30?

    Special Events, Community events, Holiday events.... should always be for everyone.
    How hard is that to grasp?
    What he said. *sigh*

    I'm really starting to despair at some of the decision making at Paragon Towers.
  9. It's showing its age a little now but I still heartily recommend fellow Unionite Zortel's sticky on Hints, Tips and Tricks for New Roleplayers found here:

  10. I slot mine no more than 2x Acc and 2x Rech. If I have oodles of slots to spare, I might put an Endurance Reduction in there but as a Kin, that's fairly pointless really. No need to give it the full six slot treatment.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Becky's evil genius is lulling you into a false sense of security.

    Like, totally.
    Ok, after the day I've had, you totally made me lol with that one.

    Thanks, I needed that!
  12. Quote:
    ...as well as putting a previously minor character (who is much beloved) into the spotlight as a full-fledged hero in their own right.
    C'mon, we all know it's going to be Fusionette.

    Or at least it should be. For comedy value at least!
  13. Fusionette all the way.

    Why? Because she's likeable. Yes, she's a klutz a bit of a ditz but she holds her own, kicks the Rikti around a fair bit and actually manages to be annoying and charming at the same time. That's a tough balancing act so my hat off to the writers.

    Bimbeaux is just flat out annoying. The only time she makes me smile is when I'm pasting her to the floor in tip missions.

    EDIT: And Faultline is over five years old!? Jeez, now I do feel like I've been playing for a long time!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    How about "these guys winning would #$%^ up my own plans". That's not really a "for the greater good" thing, it's a "for my own good" thing. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable hook to me.
    It is.

    It just fails to be after the umpteenth time it gets used.
  15. I think players who want to be more villainous are being poorly represented in this thread. Not every villain wants to rule the world or destroy it. Wanting more villainous content does not mean every arc has to have the possibility of devestating vast tracts of land or ruling a pile of rubble. Sometimes it's as simple as the way other villains address you or getting away with a big pile of cash.

    Look at Dean McArthur and Leonard's arcs. In both of them you are the big shot, dangerous person who gets to be nice or nasty to them. They are your lackeys, doing what you tell them to do. Plus you get to finish Leonard's arc with a big sack of cash. Equally, as has been said earlier in the thread, after you finish a patron arc, the patron effectively concedes that you are their equal (most times) and decides not to cross you. Even Recluse agrees not to try and abuse your power after you prove how much of a badass you are to him.

    Villains are about gaining power. But a lot of the time, the arcs we have simply cast us as lackeys and mercenaries, never wanting to gain much for ourselves other than getting paid. Things are improving though. Tips are an excellent source of villainy and thing such as making the Mortimer Kal introduction into a tip mission was a stroke of genius. So kudos for those, we need more of them please!

    But co-op content is a nightmare. Co-op stuff always seems to be heroic in nature, mostly because there seems to be this fear that if there was a co-op task that required heroes to be less than whiter than white, no-one would play it. So it's always the villains that have to put their personal issues aside and play pretend hero. The opening to Redside New DA even makes a joke about it! Although I appreciate that co-op content is a cost saving measure, it's been used too often over the past ten issues to the point where if I see the term 'co-op', I immediately want to go and play something else.

    The writers have proven that they're capable of better. So it frustrates me no end when I see the cheap and easy way being taken every single time and just expecting villains to like it or lump it. Blowing up the world is impossible to do in this game. But at least let us get away with some real evil.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Is anyone else getting tired of being labeled a hero at the last minute?
    I got sick of it issues ago. It truly is beyond tiresome. First Ward didn't even bother to try and have any villainy in it. And from what I've seen of it so far, New Dark Astoria is going to be exactly the same.

    I'm hoping that this was a publicity error but I'm not counting on it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Define "species."

    Do mutants get their own, separate Well? Do androids and robots (the ones that are "real" enough to become empowered, that is)? Do the Coralax and the Snakes count as separate species, or are they "just" magically-modified humans? (Ditto for the Arachnoids and the technomagic that Recluse's scientists unwittingly wrought on them.) What about the Devouring Earth? Or the elves, the dragons, and the catgirls?
    I've been away from this thread for a few days so thanks for pointing out the immediate logic disconnect that I thought of the moment that I read this 'new lore'. Because it's not like we don't already have hybrid species in this game already do we? Especially not one with already established lore.

    Which Well should my Warshade go to to seek more power? He's half Kheldian so can I ask the Kheldian Well? Is it mad too? Does it have a boner for Emperor Cole so I have to bash his minions around too? Or does the Kheldian Well even believe in champions? Is it scared of the Battallion too? Or do all Wells agree on these points? Did they all have a nice little tea party and agree to be a bit bonkers together like a bag of mixed nuts?

    You see, it's this kind of writing that drives me up the wall about the Incarnate content. It's being written with very little regard for what it does to player characters. I mean, why even bring species into it? That makes the assumption that all characters must be human. In a game where we can make aliens, demons, other dimensional beings and even creatures that are just hyper intelligent shades of blue no less!

    And it's not that I can't adapt. I have adapted a number of times in the six years I've been playing. But the Incarnate lore keeps changing every sixty seconds. First the Well is passive, then it's awake and sentient and talking to me, then it's mad, next it's not sentient it's being directed. And now it has an extended family with a Well of Cats and a Well of Rodents and a Well of Aardvarks. *headdesk*

    The real issue here though is that the Incarnate lore is completely unavoidable. The Devs have chosen that in order to pursue the slots past Alpha, we have to subject ourselves to the trials and all the cruddy lore included with them. If the rest of the Incarnate powers had been implemented like the Alpha slot, I could happily carry on playing my 50s and thumb my nose to Prometheus and his god-modding plot. But instead, the Devs have painted themselves into a corner by insisting that we have to participate in this plot if we want those powers (same issue as the Patron arcs but they're nowhere near as dictatorial). And that means we all have to be funnelled down the same storyline, to hell with our concepts! I sincerely believe that there should be an 'Incarnate Difficulty Setting' that allows us to earn Incarnate rewards for an appropriate difficulty while playing through whatever content we enjoy.

    I have no problem with the Well as A source of powers, that's great and has always been at the core of CoX lore. But it's a poor device at best and not one that needs to be extended to all of the lore in the game. I had no problem with the Battallion as an enormous, world consuming foe, nor did I think Rularuu needed roping in. Both were fine as they were, I don't care what their connection to the Well is. The writers need to spend less time trying to retcon everything so it ties into their new lore and more time using a gentle touch to make sure they don't shoehorn in every player into their 'uberplot'.

    Apologies if the above reads like a rant. It's not, I just get verbose sometimes.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    What would such a meeting entail? Given the mention of computers, we're supposed to play the game, not just meet the other players?
    We play the game but we also get to shout and throw things at other players to distract each other.

    Plus the usual bizarre costume contests and ritual pub crawl in the evening.
  19. I think that sounds like a sensible plan.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Issen View Post
    But everyone KNEW that risk when they went to play in the sandbox, right?
    I wish I could say that was true. But as I've said before, there's nothing in character creation or tutorial that mentions the Well and how it empowers characters. In fact, the Well is barely mentioned in game at all until you get to Incarnate level. So one could create a character, freely play them till 50 considering their powers etc to be 'theirs', not gifted to them by some ancient power source. At which point they hit the Incarnate content and get treated to a nasty shock. This is part of the problem of the storytelling around the Well: it's simply not explained or foreshadowed enough in existing lore, it just got tacked on at the end of the game.

    Now as a Lore Junky, I don't have that excuse these days. But expanding on existing lore, adding that 'here's what's really going on' twist is a risky proposition depending on how far back you go. I was hesitant to create a magic using Praetorian because nothing in the Praetorian backstory mentioned what happened to magic there. And then a couple of issues later, *bang*, here's First Ward and where all the magic in Praetoria fled to. But that was only the difference of a few issues.

    The Well lore stretches back to the very beginnings of the game. It expands on a piece of lore that affects every single character ever created. If I were writing it, I would be very, very careful about how strict and defined that path was to more power. Because in doing so, I could trample on a lot of players' creativity. And alas, that's pretty much what the Incarnate lore has done, hence why some players feel rightfully annoyed about it.
  21. IIRC, the last time tweaks to the shapeshifting times was mooted, the developers said that they wanted to do it but it would take changes to the animation as it looked 'odd'.

    So I guess for this issue they didn't have the resources to have the animation team rework the animations. That said, I would love to see our shapeshifting time halved so I keep hoping for now.
  22. You know I'll be there. Embarrassing dancing and matching T-shirt included.

    If you need help, let me know too.
  23. In with the obligatory "When are you coming to Europe?" question.

    Now back to your usual programming.
  24. Ok, I'll play.

    What side do you pick more than others?

    I'm about 70/30 Blue/Red. I'd play villains more if there were more players and more Dev love for those of us who like to be evil. Plus there's too many arcs where I'm no more than a lackey and those bug me. I always feel the writers never quite got the hang of villainous writing although arcs like Dean's and Leonard's plus Tips show this is changing.

    What play style do you prefer?

    I'm a ranged DPS guy. Nothing makes me giggle more than seeing huge spawns fall over. I do like my debuffing too though and if I do go into melee, it's normally with my SS/Fire Brute who I always compare to being a melee Blaster.

    What power set(s) do you favor?

    Dark Miasma, Sonic Attack, Fire Blast, Kinetics, Superstrength.

    What zones do you like the most?

    Faultline, Cimerora, Rikti War Zone (I consider these to be the 'Golden Age' of CoX's zone design and mission writing. More recent additions are heavy on the pretty, less so on the writing.)

    Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

    Characters... not toons. And I tend to have a 50/50 split along with a few other robots and demons that are neither or both.

    Views on Role Playing?

    See my signature. I'm not that much of a social roleplayer though, if I stand around for too long chatting I get itchy feet. I like to RP within missions along with running AE RP arcs too. But if the whole team is OOC then I'll just concentrate on blowing things up.


    Born and bred Unionite although I have been dipping my toes into Virtue since the server list merged.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
    The Force is a particularly amusing comparison here because, well, Midichlorians, which has to be the gold standard of taking an explanation a step too far.

    There's a huge benefit, I think, to leaving something vague; namely that people will fill in their own details, which are possibly better than the ones that actually exist. I can't count how many stories I've read that seemed awesome until the author could no longer contain their desire to show us what the truth of their setting was, at which point nuuuuu why did you do that for $DIETY's sake stop explaining things!
    I think that you have hit the nail on the head.

    The real problem is that we've had over six years of being allowed our own interpretation of how our powers have manifested. To suddenly change all of that either shows complete contempt of player's own stories or ignorance at how much players love the freedom of creation this game provides.

    Had the devs chosen for a far vaguer and less deterministic way for us to access our incarnate powers, I doubt we would see this much criticism of their story.