506 -
I just want to be able to use the VEAT costume editor on more than one slot for my SoAs.
You can make player ratings, simply right click on the player or their name in the chatbox and select Add Note, you can then give the player's Global a 1-5 star rating as well as any additional notes you may have on them, these stars will display across all that player's characters.
To see your notes, right click on the character and select Edit Note. -
Magnetism sounds almost exactly like gravity. Try playing that and justify it by saying its all magnets.
However, with body type now being changeable thanks to the science booster, I wonder if we'll see some new body types being made available.
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I was going to say that its unlikely due to the amount of work that'd need to go into making new animations for *everything* for a new model type, not to mention porting over all the costume bits, but then I remembered what this thread's about.
So, maybe. -
No, I just like saying doom. I am DOOM, the self-proclaimed 5th horseman of the Forumpacolypse.
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We already have a DOOM.
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Fine, if I can't be DOOM, then I'll be DOOOOM! That's two BETTER!
Besides, I've been doomcrying for YEARS before whoever DOOM is has been doing it.
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DOOM would like to have a word with you about a little thing called Copywrite Infringement. As nobody out DOOMS DOOM.
Also, towards the OP, DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! -
/Kill it with fire
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Now see, that's exactly the idea we're talking about!
Kill everything with fire, with meteors! -
Call it whatever you like.
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I'd call it Fitness. -
CO has Swinging too and there do appear to be places where there is nothing tall enough to swing from (a big disagreement on the suggestion here). I guess they assume players can back up a travel power with another travel power if they want to. How about that?
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Alternatively, we could go the Spider-man route and simply ignore the fact that there's technically nothing available to swing from... -
The only new travel power I want is some sort of swinging power.
Largely cuz I want a grapple gun like Batman had in The Animated Series.
>.> -
I want Elude to be renamed "I Am A Leaf On The Wind".
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The problem is that then you get impaled when it crashes. -
The pyromaniac in me loves this idea.
Lets expand it to every zone, especially Atlas.
i17: Everything is on FIRE!!!1!! -
Honestly I feel that the only things that the SoA need are helmetless soldiers and the option to use the VEAT costume creator for each costume slot.
I wouldn't be opposed to the suggestions here but I do feel that they're somewhat on the nitpicky side. -
Its not how much experience a foe gives, its the risk:reward ratio for that foe that matters.
Farms are designed with the most relatively easy to defeat foes with the highest reward rate in order to maximize effectiveness. It doesn't necessarily need to be the enemy that gives the most XP per kill. All your idea would do would be to standardize rewards. Great that means that the Council, which spawns more enemies that others and are relatively easy to kill, could very well become the most efficient method of farming.
It doesn't stop it, it doesn't even slow it down, it just changes the parameters somewhat. -
They just didn't get immediately bombarded with farm-spam upon logging in from initial character creation on day one, and having a L50 by the end of the day, without ever leaving Atlas.
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The solution to this is to start in Galaxy City.
The "free to play" games also tend to make money from microtransactions. Not just for fluff type stuff either, but for gameplay necessities.
Dungeon Runners, when it still existed, kept all the really good loot reserved for those people who were willing to shell out cash for it, for example. -
There will never be microtransactions for anything tradable for influence especially anything that could be put on the market as that would be tantimount to paying real money for influence.
Needless to say, this suggestion would have a very bad effect on the ingame economy. -
The whole reason that XP was increased and debt halved in missions was to get people teaming instead of just constantly farming street mobs in hazard zones.
It'd still be farming, and it was farming then, only we didn't have IOs or markets so it wasn't seen as a problem then, so its not exactly a solution.
There will always be farming of one sort or another as it is the nature of certain sections of any given playerbase to find the most efficient methods of gaining the maximum amount of rewards possible. -
Or if you want this, you can just play Guild Wars with its henchmen and heroes. And quickly discover that hardly anyone actually teams there anymore due to the AI being smarter than most players.
Which isn't saying much. -
Here's a fun test for you to try.
Make a AE mission with Infernal in it.
See that axe on his back, watch as he uses his unholy demon magic to draw an axe out of his axe. So now he has an axe in hand and one on his back.
You can also try this fun experiment on Valkyrie or Battle Maiden, only instead of drawing the spear from her back, she draws a sword out of her spear.
That is why we don't have weapons on the back or side of characters.