



This is one of those ideas that sounds a bit silly, but if you think it through I think it's a good idea.

When I say sidekick I mean a real sidekick not just some random person who's lower level than you.

So this is the idea...

An AI controlled character that can accompany your main character whenever you wish. They only level when they are with you and you get to choose their powers and look.

#1. You would have to meet a requirement or do a story arc to get this sidekick.
#2. You cannot add a sidekick while in a mission
#3. Only one sidekick (The leader of the group) can have his sidekick in the group
#4. Sidekick work as though they are part of the group
#5. The leader of the team can still sidekick while havnig sidekick

PSU using something similar to this called Partner Machines

The player can also set various options about the Sidekick... through commands and they would get personality traits when they are made that cannot be changed or can only change over time For example... A sidekick may have the trait of arracking head on and keep dieing. After several time this trait would change, however, if they did not die and is more successful than not at it they would keep doing it.

Reasons for this...

it's cool.
Sometimes you want some back up but still be solo.
Sometime there are just not enough people you care to group with online.



What is a hero MasterMind?



Interesting idea, but ehhhh...I just can't get behind it.
Seems to me like we'd be stepping on the shoes of controllers a bit because in a way, their pets are kind've like sidekicks; not to mention masterminds.

Besides, it's supposed to be an MMO, therefore, they want to encourage teaming with others, giving everyone an NPC ally would just hinder that. Although, they wouldn't make great conversationalists, so teaming with them could get boring which would lead to others wanting to team with real people, meh.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Also need to revamp difficulty for effective teams of 16+



Also need to revamp difficulty for effective teams of 16+

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#3. Only one sidekick (The leader of the group) can have his sidekick in the group

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All sidekicks would have to be grouped as members of a team.



Only the team leader gets the sidekick and yet all sidekicks seem to count as members of the team seems to a) conflict, b) push people to want smaller teams. Just as much of a problem.

Would've been cool if it were introduced early in the game's progression, assuming the AI was better than it is currently. Fun suggestion, doubt it's happening outside of what you make in the MA.



Only the team leader gets the sidekick and yet all sidekicks seem to count as members of the team seems to a) conflict, b) push people to want smaller teams. Just as much of a problem.

Would've been cool if it were introduced early in the game's progression, assuming the AI was better than it is currently. Fun suggestion, doubt it's happening outside of what you make in the MA.

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A sidekick wouldn't always be with the party. You can call it when your outside of a mission and when it is called it joins the party.

I would like if the leader could call in any of the sidekicks of the team, but only one can be in a group at a time.



What is a hero MasterMind?

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This. And it's on it's way when Going Rogue goes live.



Or if you want this, you can just play Guild Wars with its henchmen and heroes. And quickly discover that hardly anyone actually teams there anymore due to the AI being smarter than most players.

Which isn't saying much.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"