Come Undone

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  1. Come Undone

    Life Drain

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Torrent is slottable for knockback. So all you do if you do like the knockback aspect is throw a Knockback enhancement in there and it's back the way you like it.

    Just did a quick test in mids. Using a power that now has KD (crowd control from mace) I 6 slotted it with all KB IOs, making sure making sure every single IO enhanced knockback (and because of ED, the enhanced value was cut by 85%, but anyway...) Maxed out knockback is 1.874. Current knockback on torrent is 10.39 unenhanced. So unfortunatly, if it was changed to KD there would be no way to get it anywhere remotely close to where it was through enhancing.
    Maybe if there was a way to switch between the two, but that's not a debate I want to get involved in, or bring here. And I can see why some would want to to be changed to KD, but like I said, I like the fact that it can knock things back into debuff patchs.
  2. Come Undone

    Life Drain

    I'd like to say personaly I'd dislike it if torrent got changed to KD. I currently use it to knock anything that escapes tarpatch patch in, and for positioning large groups into tight clumps to be more easily debuffed.

    However, as to life drain, I do agree it could use more damage. As is, it seems like a weak attack with a weak heal and a large end cost, and wouldn't even consider picking it up unless the other powerset I was using had no self heal, and even then I'd don't think I'd fit it in till a post i19 build.
  3. If you attack lower level opponents, the knockdown can become knockback, so that might be what you're seeing outside missions. No clue on the other stuff.
  4. Come Undone

    Bit of curiosity

    1. Maybe a little, depends on AT though.
    2. Well there is a hard limit for each AT, but it is far, far past the softcap and impossible to reach without external buffs/purples inps.
    But to your implies question, yeah, it makes def more important for some ATs over others.
    3. again, for some ATs/powersets, yeah. Although resistance does at least have the advantage of being it's own resistance to res debuffs.
    4. Yes
    5. Maybe. Depends on AT, powersets, and anything done with 1-3
    6. Maybe, although diffrences are nice to have, so it'd depend greatly on what proposed changes are.
    7. Depends, see 8. but nerfts I think would be bad.
    8. Again depends on AT, powersets etc. On a tank, with 90% res, 0 def you get hit alot, but none of the blows do signifigant damage. With 45% def 0 res, only 1 in 20 blows hit you, but those that do hurt alot.
    Also, def debuffs are far more common than res debuffs (and conversly, pool powers/buffs with def are more common than res), so for that reason I like to have resistance for characters I expect to be taking a beating.
    Although if 4 were adressed, than def might be more enticing for my tanks/scrappers since I could just add in resistance to back up the defense, rather than working the other way around
    9. Not really
    10. /shrug

    Sorry 8's so long
  5. Off the top of my head... ninja's are squishy, stay at range a bit too much.
    Bots block veiw, protector always sheilds me last (even going for my traps over me)
    Demons are noisy
    Mercs don't co-ordinate thier attacks to best effect (none of the pets do, but think it'd make the biggest diffrence for mercs if they were smarter about thier powers
    Arsonist is sucidal, and doesn't even have the decency to blow himself up as he dies.
    Zombies spread out too much for my tastes and don't seem to use thier self heal wisely.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, and there is a high chance as always, but can't you also get arachnos pets if you turn villain and choose a Patron that gives them? Such as the spiders, Mu, Widows and Corlax.
    Yes, you can. Not all ATs get patron pets, but brutes/tanks are among the ones that do get them.
  7. I have an elec/kin controller who can keep 16(maybe more, haven't stopped and counted for a while) mobs locked down with static field, and have most of them sapped within seconds to be wittled down at my leisure. As an elec/ you'll most likely want to be in melee for sapping to take advantage of conductive aura, so blasting at range would be counter-productive to sapping. Although I will agree with silverado that Mu is your best bet for a sapping APP/PPP by a large margin.

    For flinging stuff around, I'd say grav/storm controller or storm/energy defender (or maybe energy/storm corrupter) would be good choices, although I'd suggest making use of alternate builds. One build you could go nuts with knockback to send everything flying to the 4 corners of the map, other build could ease up on knockback to be a bit more team friendly.

    Most survivable is stone/dark tank imo, although silverado's suggestions are also good and have a fair bit more offense too.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
    I go by TP as well. IMO, it's best to bind the power selection to something easy to hit.

    Example: /bind <key> to powexec_slot 8

    I usually use the [shift] key, then left click when the bullseye is on the destination. (oh, and make sure the TP self power is in slot 8 . Also, sometimes I get a weird bug that I have to remap #1 key with the same /bind command back to slot 1; I dont understand why, but it works out in the end)
    On my stone tank I use same thing as Kractis except I go with /bind <key> powexec_name Teleport, that way I can move teleport off the main tray and still get around.

    Also, aegis 2 slot bonus adds movespeed as well, so I'd suggest making use of that when able. Taking swift is also a given, although won't have to worry about that once i19 comes around.
  9. It has 7 knockup/knockback protection that is unresistable and ignores enhancements, then it has 2 knockup/back protection that is unresistable and can be enhanced by adding enhance knockback enhancements, leaving the unenhanced total protection 9 for knockup/back, along with 2 hold protection and a bit of hold resist. No idea what it can be enhanced to since my MM just stuck an end reduction in there and was done with it.
  10. Elec armor does now have a heal (energize heals you, then adds +regen and end discount for some time afterward), so you can have both. The steadfast protection resistance/+3% def is a good thing to stick in one of your armors as well (I'd recomend grounded since you'll be well over energy resist cap anyway) If you can afford it, luck of the gambler +recharge would be another good thing to stick in hide.
  11. It's a bug. + damage enhancements also seem to affect +resist. I'm unsure if the damage being displayed is simply a bug, or if it is actualy being affected by the resist cap (ED and all that).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
    I was under the impression that the resistance could not go negative. Meaning that if your target has 20% resistance, then a 20% resistance debuff will do the same as a 30%, 40% or 258,786% resistance debuff.

    Therefore, in your example. Let us say the target has 20% resistance.

    i) 156
    ii) 172
    iii) 195

    You would cap out at 195, no matter how high you stacked debuffs, but you could always pack more damage on...

    Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

    In addition to what StatoNexus said (resistance can go into the negitives) There's also the fact that resistance is resistance to resistance debuffs, so therefore in your example, a 20% resistance debuff vs something with 20% resistance would only debuff it by 16%, down to 4% res, 30% res debuff would debuff it by 24%, down to -4%, et cetera. Also, negitive resistance makes the debuff stronger, so it something has -10% res, than a 20% resistance debuff it's would debuff resistance by 22%. so it'd then have -32% res.
    I am however unsure res debuffs are increased/decreased based on the resistance checks of the damage type they check against (ie, a sonic attack only checking smash and energy to see if it's increased/decreased) or if every resistance is checked individualy (never have had time to check the calculations mid battle).

    And sorry about the wall o' text.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    If all knockback were changed to knockdown I don't think anyone would complain since it would have the same basic effect without having mobs fly all over the place.
    While knocdown is usualy as good or better, there are some cases where knockback is better. Knockback can be used to knock an opponent who's escaped a debuff patch back in, or force a bunch of guys who tend to prefer range into a tight cluster in a corner more effectivly than a tank can (at least if it's into a corner rather than around)
  14. Demon Summoner/thermal and Elec/shield or shield/elec brute/tanker would likely be nice.
    As a MM pets provide damage/support while you focus most of your attention on supporting your friend, and thermal adds resists, heals, damage buff, and a couple debuffs. Pets will also add -res debuff, -rech, and some controls with the prince. Electrical melee and shield is a popular combo for major AE damage, shield being mostly def based will gain most benifit from added resists, and between the two of you you'll cover alot of damage types.
  15. Cutting telsa cage activation time a little would be nice, not sure if halved is nesisary, maybe just reduce it by say 15-25%?

    Synaptic overload seems fine to me.

    Have yet to train Gremlins, but based on what I've read and seen with others using them, I'd say they could use some extra powers as well. I'd like to see any/all (can always hope) of the following added: Havoc punch, shocking grasp (great damage and added hard control), A damage-less version of short circuit (would make them huge contributers to sapping effort) and maybe conductive aura as well (increase thier survivabilty a bit, and again increase sapping). Charged bolts might be useful, although I've never seen them produce knockback and I do like to spam chain on unslept things to keep them flopping.
  16. Well, can't offer too much advice for getting much tougher since my ele/elec brute is still a bit squishy, but you said you can only do +1 vs smash/lethal mobs. Smash/lethal isn't your strong suit, energy and end drain are, so freaks will be easier since you can ignore stunners (and even super stunners) while concentrating on stuff that can actualy harm you. If you do AEs, you'll want to fight stunners, mu, and sappers.

    As for increasing your survivability, tough/weave is a good start, slotting for def is always good advice, and rech will help with making stuff dead faster and getting heal up more often, so again agree with those. Perhaps consider switching villian for a little bit to get soul patron pool and shadow meld? Hitting it right before your t9 crash should make surviving it much easier, and it'll be up far more often than the t9 as a mini panic button.
  17. Come Undone

    Time bomb

    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Change it so that it gives a sizable +def during the interruptable period and allow it to take def sets.

    Maybe change the name to Chronal Detonator and have the text say something about how it uses chronitons to create a temporal loop as it detonates a Trip Mine thus multiplying the blast. While the device is activating it induces temporal skipping, making you harder to hit as you phase in and out of sync with time.

    There, you now have a LotG mule with a vaguely plausible reason for it being one.
    If time bomb gets altered to something that actualy distorts the time-space continium, I'll demand that the detonation animation gets changed to a wormhole opening up and a T-rex with a jetpack poping out to attack the baddies.
  18. You would need to use either the power anallizer craftable temp power, or I think suveillance (available to bane spiders or part of the munitions mastery pool for blasters) with the combat atributes window open. It should switch from showing your attributes to those of the enemy the power was used on.
  19. Come Undone

    Cold vs FF

    Most people I see as simply too bored to let it die, although there are one or two whom I think there might be an ounce of truth to my hyperbole, yes. It is good to see, that in some cases at least, the intent is to get FF buffed, although I think there would be better ways to do so than to keep going on about how they think cold is better, and think that buffing FF would be tricky, especialy with cottage rule in effect, and sticking to the theme of force fields.
  20. Come Undone

    Cold vs FF

    I have a question that maybe someone can answer. Why does this pop up so often, and why are the colds almost always going on and on about how FF is useless and if they saw a FFer in game they'd tell them to re-roll as cold and mock them if they didn't comply? (using hyperbole here if you didn't notice)
    Did a bubbler kill someone's parents? Are you (general you, not anyone specific), in your own way, trying to get FF improved? Are you (again, general) just bored?

    It just doesn't make any sense to me, and would like to figure out if this debate being brought up again and again is anything more than trolling.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
    because if you could crit from hide, why go into melee? Then you could just stand back with the blasters and range the crap out of things.....making your large (by blaster standards) def even larger since your not getting melee'ed, which is dangerous....unless your fighting longbow which do more from range than melee....but why are you fighting longbow you nefarious fiend!!! Youre hanging with blasters bringing fiery justice to evil do'ers everywhere!

    Oh justice, youre the whip topping on my sundae of do good.

    I'm pretty sure that's a Tick refrence, and even if it's not, I approve of the similie, and think I'd like to sig the last part

    However, I don't see critting from hide turning them into any thing close to blasters, given that attacking kind breaks hide and puts an end to more crits at least till they can placate.

    And that said, I'm more invested in my widow and haven't played my huntsman past 5 yet, so I really could care less if they buff them or not.

    And won't let me add it to my sig, saying it's too many lines =/
  22. Can't put TF's on -1 anymore, and I'm going to say no, you won't be able to solo all of them (although I have no experience with the top end builds made for soloing soloing AVs, GMs, etc). My guess is even with a top end build you'll at least need a partner for a good number of things, and full team for some things (like the MO badges)
  23. Come Undone

    I love my pet

    Originally Posted by Verren View Post
    How is Voltaic Sentinel? Is it a decent pet for dps and holding aggro? What level does it become available?

    Voltaic Sentinel can't be targeted or harmed, so it has 0 ability to hold agro. As for it's damage ability, it's pretty "meh" in my blaster's opinion, although it does have several upsides (can cast it around corners for pulls, and adds extra damage even while mezed).

    Also, I have several MMs, and have a couple controllers/doms, and excluding AI wierdness causing frustration, it'd be a much shorter list to name the pets I dislike. My MM's apreciate Oni's and Lynch's added controls, and while he's not that impressive now (just got him) my dom does like fly trap, even if his main job now is eating nasty alpha's while I throw out seeds. And PA great for taking bad alpha's or, distracting spawns while I click a glowie.

    Based on the OP, thinking I'm going to have to try a grav next, just a question of weather to try dom or controller.
  24. First, I'd like to say, in either case, I'm apreciative of the extra vet rewards I got, but I am wondering, now that I'm 4 vet rewards ahead, will it be a year before I earn new ones, or will I remain aproximatly 1 year ahead of my paid time from now on? I liked getting an extra badge every 3 months (or so, had to petition a few late ones), although if my badges simply stay as is till they catch up to paid time that would be understandable.
  25. Good post. Suspected a few of these things regarding regarding caps and degradation against higher level spawns, it's nice to see concrete confermation.

    You are however missing /poison's Neurotoxic Breath for MMs from your charts. It's a 30 degree cone, 60 feet long, 65% slow (with a chance to hold, although that's irrelivent for these charts). It has a 20 second duration and 30 second base recharge.