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  1. Personally I just can't be bothered worrying about combos on a Brute. And without combos, DB is rather lackluster.
  2. Ninja Blade would be good. Fast animations that won't get in the way of your heal clickies, and Divine Avalanche will give you softcapped Melee/Lethal defense on an otherwise mostly-defenseless secondary. Regeneration is pretty fun with Parry or Divine Avalanche.
  3. It just might kill you if you don't have it. Under mag 6 mez protection leaves you very vulnerable to any mob(s) that can double stack standard mez powers. Granted, you -could- just meticulously avoid fighting anything mez-heavy...

    Also, what EricHough said. Mace beams stink, rifle redraw stinks, CT:O stinks.
  4. 1) Only from a Hidden state, yes. All Widow 'Claw' melee powers can critical, regardless of which branch you pick, as long as you're Hidden when you use them. Psi powers or dart powers do not crit.

    2) Yes. As a NW you'd want powers from the regular Widow melee pool to fill out an attack chain anyway, as well as the Tactical Training toggles and Foresight.

    3) Yes. As there is no practical reason to remain a 'regular' Widow (unlike the 'Huntsman' build for Soldiers), most people seem to do this, myself included.

    4) No. Mutually exclusive - picking Follow Up will grey out and block Build Up/Aim, and vice-versa.
  5. How much Defense are you rocking?
  6. Masterminds are support ATs.
  7. I'd lose the proc and grab one more Heal. Keep in mind Fluffy's heal has a much larger AoE than yours while not being any weaker. Masterminds' personal version of Twilight Grasp has a nerfed AoE radius.
  8. I think he says 'crap' as part of a sentence before the fight begins.
  9. Col. Blitzkrieger, just because I want to see what the Incarnate system offers for non-super types. He's a guy in an electric powersuit.
  10. Col_Blitzkrieger

    Shield Offense

    'Shield Offense' reminds me of how dull the shield attack tree was in Dragon Age: Origins. (The rest of that game was dull as well, but that's off-topic.)

    1) Hit enemy with shield once for low damage.
    2) Hit enemy with shield twice for medium damage.
    3) Hit enemy with shield three times for high damage.
    4) Hit enemy with shield four times for very high damage.

    That's what the shield offense tree was like in DA:O. This would pretty much be what a shield offense set would be like in CoX, too - boring. And then there's the whole aforementioned issues with a shield toss ability leaving you without a shield, and shield offense being stupid by concept whenever not paired with shield defense. Granted, they could just give it a Parry-style attack that deals light damage and buffs melee/lethal defense for a while if it hits, but... Yeah.
  11. Never going to happen, but I'd just replace Beanbag with a ranged version of Follow Up and name it 'Draw a Bead'.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    For me, the winter's gift slow resistance enhancement only activates immediately after I TP. And then, only for 10 seconds or so.
    Are you sure the enhancement is what lasts only 10 seconds or so, and not the funky snowflake icon?

    For me, the snowflake icon only appears when I detoggle Super Speed on one of my toons that has it, and lasts ~10 seconds before vanishing. However, the slow resistance from the enhancement is permanently active, even if I don't have Super Speed active at all, according to the attribute monitor.
  13. Experienced this as well yesterday.
  14. 'Colloquial' doesn't mean 'not dumb'.

    Nothing to get bent out of shape over, but still, wouldn't mind that getting corrected. Not that it's going to happen, mind you. I think BAB once said that old power names are pretty much not going to get changed, ever, in response to people pointing out how retardedly named the Super Strength powers were.
  15. I think the screenshot will do the talking for me.

    Who in particular should I contact with this? Bugged it in-game anyway.
  16. Is the burning Perez Park map still gone?
  17. I can't see my costume at all due to Pocket D's low light, whenever I'm editing my costume at Trina the Body Sculptress. A spotlight or something in front of her would be incredibly convenient, as you do not always get a perfect idea of what things will look like in the game just from the costume editor itself.
  18. That's odd. The ambushes are all set to easy.

    Minions added.

    Should I give the EB access to more powers? He's Standard/Standard right now for Thugs/Dark Miasma.
  19. I don't recall getting any 'heroclix' in my CoHCE. Just a map.
  20. Well... I dunno. Call this a cheap self-promotion if you will, but I'd certainly appreciate it if anyone has a level 10-14 toon that they wouldn't mind taking through my lowbie arc and giving me an opinion on difficulty. Opinions on other aspects are welcome, too, but I'm mostly interested in difficulty.

    I did tweak it in various directions tonight.

    Arc ID: #405106
  21. More options is always good.

    By the way, one of the Top Cow City of Heroes comics had a medieval knight superhero, speaking in faux olde englishe and everything.
  22. Give the Commando back his Gun Drone.
  23. Nitpick: Combat Training powers are self-affecting passives, Tactical Training powers are AoE buff toggles.
  24. Now, a new Blaster secondary that borrows moves from Martial Arts mixed in with enough utility for a proper Manipulation set would be incredibly awesome, I'd definitely approve of something like that. Shoot things until they get close, then Crane Kick them away.