Too much accuracy?
i would still slot your powers with at least 1 acc, and 2 slots is fine for the combat training
theres no such thing as too much accuracy lol, although there is a cap, but its much higher than you could slot
how you plan to have it is pretty good, high defense enemies will still get annoying (since defense basically reduces your tohit, not accuracy)

CT:O gets a bad rap, but it's still fairly useful later on for the resistance to accuracy debuffs, as well as allowing for more flexible slotting.
I dont understand the mechanics. I was thinking that + accuracy was better than + to-hit. So, I am thinking I will still slot powers with 2 accuracy.
just to add math to things, heres the 'chance tohit' equation:
The master hit chance formula is:
HitChance = Clamp( AccMods × Clamp( BaseHitChance + ToHitMods DefMods ) )
* BaseHitChance is what the attack's chance of hitting would be if there were no modifiers at all no Enhancements, no buffs, no level differences, nothing
* ToHitMods is the sum of all ToHit buffs and debuffs (the debuffs will be negative)
* DefMods is the sum of all relevant Defense buffs and debuffs (ditto)
* AccMods is the product of all Accuracy multipliers, and
* Clamp(x) limits x to the range of 5% to 95%
ToHitMods and DefMods are 0 by default. AccMods defaults to 1.
So, lame man terms, Acc, is a multipler, where tohit is an additive. If your being massively debuffed on your tohit, or your opponent has high defense, your acc will actually overcome it faster then a normal tohit buff.
But, the flip side, is aside from normal slotting, and set bonuses, there's not many ways to increase ACC, and theres a metric ton of ways to increase tohit..
Hmm even in layman terms i am lost
So, considering I have a character with a direct Accuracy modifier I really should take it?
While I am asking questions can you help me with slotting Omega Maneuver? It doesn't have description like other powers so will enhancements still work on it? Should I give ti a full six slots and if i do what is more important? Accuracy, damage, recharge? ty
Basically slot omega like you would a blaster nuke, so lots of damage, and lots of recharge, with a sprinkle of acc, and end.
Its a VERY long recharge power, so its not up very much, so when you do use it, you want the most damage out of it as you can.
and, if you have to pick, pure acc is always better then pure tohit, and the fact that CT:O offers tohit debuff resistance, it helps when your getting debuffed. I would however, only slot about 2 ACC SOs, or common IOs in it, and still slot your normal attacks with about 1 SO/IO (or about equal to, using sets, if/when you get to that)
for omega maneuver i would 3 slot rech and 2 slot dmg and 1 slot acc, the dmg is horribly pathetic for a 6 min rech power so being able to use it often is always a plus
if you dont want to use 6 slots, i would definitly put at least 2-3 rech and 1 acc in it (so minimaly, 3 slot it)
and tohit will help your accuracy more IMO because my main toon has no +tohit (so hes at the base tohit) and has acc of like 1.57 on top of whatever the powers acc is and he still misses quite a lot)
the best case is have high values of both.
and as one of the previous posters mentioned, the power also gives you some acc debuff resist so that enemy accuracy debuffs do not affect you as much

and as one of the previous posters mentioned, the power also gives you some acc debuff resist so that enemy accuracy debuffs do not affect you as much |
And, according to the math from this site:
HitChance = Clamp( AccMods × Clamp( BaseHitChance + ToHitMods DefMods ) )
Basehitchance is 75%, and you said you don't have any tohit mods, so lets assume the mobs don't have any defmods, so half the equation looks like this:
(BaseHitChance + ToHitMods - DefMods)
(75% + 0 - 0)
(.75 + 0 - 0)
(.75) is your final 'basehitchance + your tohitmods, - the mods defmods'
and you said you have 1.57 acc, plus your slotting so im just going to assume ED capped acc, which is about 96%, so 1.57 + .96 = 2.53, which is your acc mods so, assuming your powers doesn't have any accmods of its own, this is how you figure out your accmods
AccMods = the power's inherent Accuracy × (1.0 + the power's Accuracy Enhancements + all global Set Accuracy bonuses)
Lets assume the powers inherent acc is just 1.0, which most powers are. Some are higher, but to make this simple, lets just pretend all your attacks are 1.0.
So, its now AccMods = 1.0 X (1.0 + .96 +.57)
Which turns into that above solution of 2.53.
So, now we can figure out that main equation, and your total hitchance against a even level foe (a white minion)
HC (HitChance) = (HC > 5%, HC < 95%)(2.53 X (.75))
Where the (HC > 5%, HC < 95%) is the clamps.
which comes out to 1.8975, and when thats converted to a percent, your looking at 189% hit chance, which due to the clamps, is still only 95%.
So, lets have some fun with this, shall we:
HC = (2.53 X (.65)) = chance to hit +1 minion.
HC = (1.6445) = Still 95% total hitchance.
HC = (2.53 X (.56)) = chance to hit +2 minion
HC = (1.4168) = Still above 95% total hitchance, so its rounded to 95%.
lets see just how high your total hitchance is against a max level minion (+4)
HC = (2.53 X (.39))
HC = (.9867) = Still, 95%.
Now all the above equations are factoring in defensemods of the mobs so they aren't buffed, or debuffed, and all of them are assuming are you zero tohitmods, which means your not debuffed or buffed.
But, yeah, Acc is generally better then Tohit, theres just much more ways to get tohit, then Acc.
ah tohit debuff resist (tohit and acc sometimes run together for me)
sometimes i confuse the 2, there is no acc debuff anything so no need for acc debuff resist, thanks for the correction

But, yeah, Acc is generally better then Tohit, theres just much more ways to get tohit, then Acc.
Example - with no to hit mods all you need to hit the accuracy cap against even level mobs is a 26% accuracy bonus, so a single even level SO (33%) will put you above the cap (99.75%). However, apply as much as a 5% to hit debuff and you will fall below the cap and most to hit debuffs are more than that. A simple 10% to hit debuff will require 46% accuracy to overcome - so you need 16% more accuracy to counter a 10% to hit debuff where you would only need a 10% to hit buff.
Now, if you didn't have access to TT:leadership as a VEAT i would say that CT: offensive was a fine power. However, you do have access to TT: Leadership and not only is it far more effective than CT: offensive but it's bonus applies to your entire team, not just you.
So while I can see taking CT: offensive at lower levels when you don't have TT: leadership I would generally suggest swapping it for leadership as soon as you can.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Yeah, to elaborate on what EricHough said, it's actually mathematically provable that a tohit buff will always improve your final hit chance more than an equal sized accuracy buff does.
Imagine that for a certain attack you initally have an accuracy modifier of a, and the tohit portion of the equation is initially b. Then, unbuffed, your final chance to hit with that attack is just a*b. If you have an accuracy buff of x, your new final chance to hit will be (a+x)*b = (a*b)+(x*b). If you have a *tohit* buff of x, your final chance to hit will instead be a*(b+x) = (a*b)+(a*x).
As you can see, the difference between them is that the accuracy buff improves your initial chance to hit by a factor of bx, while the tohit buff improves it by ax. However, b is the inital value of the tohit portion of the equation, and so is a number between .05 and .95. a, on the other hand, is the inital accuracy mod, and is so a number equal to at least one with no upper limit other than the total number of enhancements and set bonuses you can get. Thus, bx will *always* be a smaller number than ax, and the tohit buff will always improve your chance to hit by a larger amount than the accuracy buff. The only exception is if the tohit buff is large enough to run into the 95% cap, but in that case you end up at that cap either way so there's no difference.
Now, that doesn't factor in CT:O's resistance to tohit debuffs, or the fact that slotted CT:O gives slightly more accuracy than slotted CT:L gives tohit. Playing around with this in some plotting software, though, CT:O is better against even cons, when you have less accuracy slotted, or against stronger tohit debuffs, while CT:L is better when you are fighting higher cons, have one or more SOs worth of accuracy already slotted, or against only moderate amounts of tohit debuffing.
However, while CT:L isn't always stronger, it does provide its benefits to the whole team. For that reason alone, I'd always rather have CT:L.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Nitpick: Combat Training powers are self-affecting passives, Tactical Training powers are AoE buff toggles.
Well max ACC you can get is 1.9 if the combat status window is correct . wont past 1.9 ACC then its hardcapped .
(pop yellows and show ACC to see the result)
Other side whats the fascination of people slotting so much ACC into powers especially earlier on , teaming its beter to get Tohit (So leadership skills) and a kismet+6% to hit .
Nowadays with auto exemp , even 1 ACC SO garantees around 50% hit on a purple (not like old days where it was around 10%)
Solo dont bite more off then you can chew . too high levels xp is not worth the kill rate of slotting more ACC at cost of damage and kill speed .
Combat training offensive serves one purpose its tohit debuff resistance .
So if you like fighting a lot of COT missions that power works wonders .
And cheap too one slot is all it needs
Well max ACC you can get is 1.9 if the combat status window is correct . wont past 1.9 ACC then its hardcapped .
(pop yellows and show ACC to see the result) Other side whats the fascination of people slotting so much ACC into powers especially earlier on , teaming its beter to get Tohit (So leadership skills) and a kismet+6% to hit . Nowadays with auto exemp , even 1 ACC SO garantees around 50% hit on a purple (not like old days where it was around 10%) Solo dont bite more off then you can chew . too high levels xp is not worth the kill rate of slotting more ACC at cost of damage and kill speed . Combat training offensive serves one purpose its tohit debuff resistance . So if you like fighting a lot of COT missions that power works wonders . And cheap too one slot is all it needs |
I dont understand the mechanics. I was thinking that + accuracy was better than + to-hit. So, I am thinking I will still slot powers with 2 accuracy.
ty! |
At higher levels, it's still useful. It will always apply, no matter the attack. Again, vet attacks hitting 95% of the time is a Good Thing.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Hmm even in layman terms i am lost
![]() So, considering I have a character with a direct Accuracy modifier I really should take it? While I am asking questions can you help me with slotting Omega Maneuver? It doesn't have description like other powers so will enhancements still work on it? Should I give ti a full six slots and if i do what is more important? Accuracy, damage, recharge? ty |
(75+14-20)*1=chance to hit, Or in this case 69% chance.
If I had 3 slotted CT: O however it would be this:
(75+14-20)*1.22=chance to hit, or in this case 84.18% chance.
If I slot a single ACC single origin into the attack (I know, you can't with SoM) the acc multiplier would be 1.55 and I'd have an even better chance to hit.
The beauty of Combat Training-Offensive is that it applies to everything you do with a to-hit check except pets.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Hello folks.
I have a lvl 32 Spider (both builds) and absolutely love it. I have taken "Combat Training: Offensive" and so far two slots on it. Now, I usually put two accuracy and three damage enhancements on an attack power. Do I need two accuracy per power if I have the combat training? Is there some sort of cap on accuracy?
If it does work to keep both enhancements and the accuracy power I am hoping i get good enough to start ignoring enemies' defense.