Dark Servant Slotting
I currently have 4 Dark Watcher's Despair (To Hit Debuff IOs) with 2 recharges in Dark Servant. Never noticed Dark Servant not pulling its weight with no accuracy.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.

the 2.00 acc is the acc of the summoning the pet not the pets abilities themselves (a lot of the "drop" powers show this like Rain of fire).
On to slotting, There are many options for the servant my favorite is to hit the enhancements that can hit several of his abilities at a time. 3 of his 5 powers require to hit checks (twilight grasp, pet gaze, and teneb tentacles) so Acc is important, he gets the supremacy bonus from the MM so usually around 40% is plenty. All of his powers except his hold has a -to hit component so that is another important one. Recharge is important for the MM version since it's not perma like the fender/corr version (3 SOs will make him near perma, but hasten and set bonuses will get you get away with less). I havent found much use in slotting him for heal since he's not a very reliable healer, I just consider his heal extra and don't count on it.
I have always ended up Frankenslotting my servants with pieces from the to hit debuff and accurate to hit debuff sets, focusing on rech, to hit debuff, and acc. If you can afford it I would also put the Cloud senses' proc in him, since it can proc from all his abilites except the hold.
Level 50s: to many to remember at this point
How's this?
Level 38: Dark Servant
This would leave me with 53% ACC, 27% HEAL, 96% RCH, and 47% -ToHit. And it also have the damage proc that Brynstar suggested!

I'd lose the proc and grab one more Heal. Keep in mind Fluffy's heal has a much larger AoE than yours while not being any weaker. Masterminds' personal version of Twilight Grasp has a nerfed AoE radius.
I always found that the servant never heals when I need it, so I never bother with heal, but I found the proc to be very useful and turn him into a little bit of a damage dealer. The demons add some useful healing as well, so I think heals are even less important in the servant with demons as a primary.
It's really 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of another.
Try it either way and see what ya think.
Level 50s: to many to remember at this point
I have 3 MMs to date.
I have found I am not able to include Hasten in any so I've decided to build up as much recharge as I can from sets.
So I have my Dark Servant slotted with 4 pieces from the Clouded Senses set:
- accuracy/recharge
- accuracy/to hit debuff
- to hit debuff/endurance/recharge(acc/end/rech preferred if avail.)
- chance for negative damage
- I use a 5th slot to place a to hit debuff/recharge from Dampened Spirits to get perm.
the 2.00 acc is the acc of the summoning the pet not the pets abilities themselves (a lot of the "drop" powers show this like Rain of fire).
On to slotting, There are many options for the servant my favorite is to hit the enhancements that can hit several of his abilities at a time. 3 of his 5 powers require to hit checks (twilight grasp, pet gaze, and teneb tentacles) so Acc is important, he gets the supremacy bonus from the MM so usually around 40% is plenty. All of his powers except his hold has a -to hit component so that is another important one. Recharge is important for the MM version since it's not perma like the fender/corr version (3 SOs will make him near perma, but hasten and set bonuses will get you get away with less). I havent found much use in slotting him for heal since he's not a very reliable healer, I just consider his heal extra and don't count on it. I have always ended up Frankenslotting my servants with pieces from the to hit debuff and accurate to hit debuff sets, focusing on rech, to hit debuff, and acc. If you can afford it I would also put the Cloud senses' proc in him, since it can proc from all his abilites except the hold. |
Incorrect that the DS gets Acc/ToHit bonus from Supremacy. Supremacy only affects henchman, not traditional pets.
Correct that procs only go off when the power used by the pet could be slotted with it. Since every power the DS has a -ToHit component, then Clouded Sense's proc has a chance to go off with every attack the DS makes. Well worth it. A Heal proc would only go off when the DS heals.
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How's this?
Level 38: Dark Servant
This would leave me with 53% ACC, 27% HEAL, 96% RCH, and 47% -ToHit. And it also have the damage proc that Brynstar suggested! |
Why so much Recharge? Do you not have Hasten?
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Why so much Recharge? Do you not have Hasten?
At this point in her career, I'm not caring all that much about set bonuses. I'm trying to get as much +Recharge as I can get, but it's not a priority.
As for Hasten, I doubt I'd take it. Personal taste. I don't like random fiery hands!

Level 38: Dark Servant
Acc: 39%
EndDisc: 56%
Rech: 95.6%
-ToHit: 39%
Set Bonus Totals:
So, a few things:
1. Note that the 95.6% Rech is almost what you have, however, since there is an IO Set Bonus of 6.25% which is unaffected by ED, the Rech for the DS will be 101.85%. Plus, that 6% global recharge for all your powers.
2. The heal of the Dark Servant doesn't come as often as you want when you want and where you want for anyone's survival except for the DS. Not worth it to enhance it, IMO.
3. The EndDisc seems like a lot, but the DS uses *a lot* of END to cast. This amount of EndDisc is the difference between the DS sucking 1/3 of of your END bar down to 1/5 of your END bar.
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Call me nutty, but I like 6 slots of Dampened Spirits. The bonuses are pretty nice.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
1. Note that the 95.6% Rech is almost what you have, however, since there is an IO Set Bonus of 6.25% which is unaffected by ED, the Rech for the DS will be 101.85%. Plus, that 6% global recharge for all your powers.
2. The heal of the Dark Servant doesn't come as often as you want when you want and where you want for anyone's survival except for the DS. Not worth it to enhance it, IMO.
3. The EndDisc seems like a lot, but the DS uses *a lot* of END to cast. This amount of EndDisc is the difference between the DS sucking 1/3 of of your END bar down to 1/5 of your END bar.
Everything else seems fine, and as much as I'd like to slot some heal in there, I think that's the best I can get by maximizing what DS is actually good at. Thanks a lot!

Correct that the DS's Acc is not 2.00. It is 1.00.
Incorrect that the DS gets Acc/ToHit bonus from Supremacy. Supremacy only affects henchman, not traditional pets. Correct that procs only go off when the power used by the pet could be slotted with it. Since every power the DS has a -ToHit component, then Clouded Sense's proc has a chance to go off with every attack the DS makes. Well worth it. A Heal proc would only go off when the DS heals. |

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
well dark servant need 2 recharge to be perma, that's mandatory.
he also need 2 heal because that's his primary function.
for remaining 2 would be the best 2 accuracy, because missed midnight grasp sometimes can be a reason for a wipe. i would even slot 3 accuracy if there would be possible to 7 slot this power.
about -tohitdebuf. its not like u don't have already darkest night, which is more then sufficient for its job. most likely the target will land on the tohitdebuff cap pretty fast anyway.
about hold enh. fluffy has only one single target hold, which isn't that impressive on recharge/duration ratio. even with 2 holds it will not be perma and not that much of use during boss/AV fights.
IMHO the only useful set is the "touch of the nictus", which covers all the needful aspects, recharge/accuracy/heal. and makes fluffy somewhat a damage maker with the proc.
well dark servant need 2 recharge to be perma, that's mandatory.
he also need 2 heal because that's his primary function. for remaining 2 would be the best 2 accuracy, because missed midnight grasp sometimes can be a reason for a wipe. i would even slot 3 accuracy if there would be possible to 7 slot this power. about -tohitdebuf. its not like u don't have already darkest night, which is more then sufficient for its job. most likely the target will land on the tohitdebuff cap pretty fast anyway. about hold enh. fluffy has only one single target hold, which isn't that impressive on recharge/duration ratio. even with 2 holds it will not be perma and not that much of use during boss/AV fights. IMHO the only useful set is the "touch of the nictus", which covers all the needful aspects, recharge/accuracy/heal. and makes fluffy somewhat a damage maker with the proc. |
I do not agree that the primary function of the Dark Servant is to heal. It is a very nice function but not the primary function.
Dark Servant > Darkest Night 30% tohit debuff
Dark Servant > Tenebrous Tentacles 5% tohit debuff
Dark Servant > Twilight Grasp 5% tohit debuff (10% dmg debuff Nice!)
Dark Servant > Chill of the Night 30% PbAoE tohit debuff centered on Dark Servant
That's the real deal for my mastermind: 30% PbAoE on Dark Servant - base. When the warwolves are running through the tar patch like its nothing or when the Carnie strongmen are trying to pound my little head to mush, I hug the dark servant for uber debuffing.
6 slots of inexpensive dampened spirits puts my level 50 MM at 56% tohitdebuff, 96% recharge, and 68% endurance cost reduction. Dampened gives me 2% dmg boost, max endurance +1.8%, increased negative energy resistance 2.5%, increase recharge time by 5% (not shabby), and decreased duration of mezzes by 7.5%.
I have an easy 25% global accuracy bonus from glimpse of the abyss in Fearsome Stare, Trap of the hunter in my Immobilization power, and Neuronic Shutdown in my Hold power. I know that global accuracy doesn't apply to mastermind pets. I seriously don't know if Dark Servants are included in that exception or not. The global is in effect when the Dark Servant is summoned.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I do not agree that the primary function of the Dark Servant is to heal. It is a very nice function but not the primary function.
Dark Servant > Darkest Night 30% tohit debuff Dark Servant > Tenebrous Tentacles 5% tohit debuff Dark Servant > Twilight Grasp 5% tohit debuff (10% dmg debuff Nice!) Dark Servant > Chill of the Night 30% PbAoE tohit debuff centered on Dark Servant |
-3,75 from twilight which stack, up to -16 from darkest night, -11 from fearsome stare.
and even unenhanced -tohit on fluffy is more then enough to do the job.
keep in min -tohit doesn't reduce damage, only probability to get hurt. so when the pets actually DO get hurt u need them back on 100% life as fast as possible, otherwise they are toast.
fluffy IS for healing, he has bigger heal radius then mm himself, he use it well and often. and most important is the fact that he use it while mm got stunned/mezzed. he is a backup healer.
also you can not count on the fact, that you can cover whole spawn with complete -tohit cap you can reach and even if a single mob, say on +3 difficulty hit tier 1 pet it will crumble on about 5-10% remaining life, which give you about 1-2 second to heal him back on 100% otherwise next attack WILL kill it.
you just cant rely on debuffing to keep stuff alive, that what for healing is.
6 slots of inexpensive dampened spirits puts my level 50 MM at 56% tohitdebuff.
point is - fluffy is WAY BETTER healer then you. just -tohit will not save your pets from dieing if you can not heal them fast enough.
btw, my /dark mm has zombies, which send a mob in to -tohit cap all by themselfs. do you think it makes them nearly invincible? man, in the heat of the battle they die like flies, they get "onehitted" if they are not at 100% life.
also keep in mind that its well known about AVs and elite bosses resistance to debuffs, but no one ever heard about pets or teammates being resistant to heals. lol.
mm's own powers have enough -tohit, really.
-3,75 from twilight which stack, up to -16 from darkest night, -11 from fearsome stare. and even unenhanced -tohit on fluffy is more then enough to do the job. ... btw, my /dark mm has zombies, which send a mob in to -tohit cap all by themselfs. do you think it makes them nearly invincible? man, in the heat of the battle they die like flies, they get "onehitted" if they are not at 100% life. also keep in mind that its well known about AVs and elite bosses resistance to debuffs, but no one ever heard about pets or teammates being resistant to heals. lol. |
I also remember that it takes greater accuracy to land twilight grasp on an EB or AV, so the heal is resisted in its own way. It's my experience that the dark servant's heal is more than enough to heal (and you can't increase the frequency of heal by slotting heal enhancements) in a majority of situations especially since my dark miasma masterminds tend to spam twilight grasp for the to hit and -damage debuffing.
If my pet is damaged to with 10% of its hitpoints, I certainly CANNOT rely on the backup heal of Dark Servant to go off when I want it to. I better have a plan to heal the pet myself, debuff the spawn or prepare to resummon it.
Dark Servant's primary function is tohit debuff.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I do indeed intend to cover more of the spawn with soft-capped tohit debuff by increasing the debuff of the dark servant.
face the facts:
chill of the night is only a 10 feet wide, basically meele range.
darkest night also a 10 feet.
thats 628 square feets. in total.
twilight grasp is a 20 feet power and heals around 500 if slotted.
thats 1256 square feets.
a typical spawn is up to 40 feets wide, thats 5024 square feets.
your debuff will cover only, lets hammer it down, 8-12% of the total spawn width. basically every tenth of them will get one of the debuffs and _may be_ every twentieth get both.
of which -hit cap of the spawn you talking about?
thats a decision, either debuff _a bit_ more few of them or heal _way_ more all of friendlies.
I also remember that it takes greater accuracy to land twilight grasp on an EB or AV, so the heal is resisted in its own way.
If my pet is damaged to with 10% of its hitpoints, I certainly CANNOT rely on the backup heal of Dark Servant to go off when I want it to. I better have a plan to heal the pet myself, debuff the spawn or prepare to resummon it.
thats 75% of their life being healed with a single strike. (and half of the life of the average player btw.)
fluffy IS the strongest AE healer you can have on red side. period.
no, it is not.
I recently got a Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma Mastermind to level 39, and I'm really new to the whole Dark Miasma business.
I checked out a few guides on Dark Miasma, and all of them suggest putting at least one Accuracy Enhancement in one of the slots. But when I looked at the in-game numbers, the pet comes with 2.00x Accuracy on its own.
Is the +ACC really necessary, and if so, why? I'm really curious.
Also, what seems to be the best way of slotting Dark Servant for Masterminds in general? I want a lot of -ToHit from it. But a decent heal would also be nice.