Chance for +end question
To the best of my knowledge (and I have been gone for several months) Endurance reduction used in the dwarf form and squid toggles only reduces the cost of running the toggle itself not the powers contained within the dwarf and squid forms.
since the toggles run cost is extreamly low the -70% endurance reduction is maybe at best saving you .5 endurance per second (and i doubt its that much).
If your looking to save endurance I suggest capping your dwarf ressitance and using a single extra slot to put in a Performance Shifter +chance for endurance, and then slot your dwarf powers for endurance reduction.
While trying to get all your powers costs reduced through slotting just one toggle would be cool I'm pretty certain it simply doesnt work that way and shouldnt as that would be more than slightly broken in the players favor (welcome to the Kheldian slot crunch).
As for the winters gift proc its always on so using it in teleport is probably the best place for it, as it simply works reguardless whether you ever teleport or not.
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
As for the winters gift proc its always on so using it in teleport is probably the best place for it, as it simply works reguardless whether you ever teleport or not.
Also, the winters gift proc is NOT always on. I sure thought it would be when I slotted it there though =(
One of Six, Cannibal 6
Are you certain?
Again it's literaly been months since i even looked into the numbers but as i recall the winters gift was a ressistance to slow effects.
Is this correct or am I thinking of another set?
In anycase with luck i'll be back in the game tomorrow and can take a look myself as dwarf teleport is where I have had my winters gift slotted for over a year now.
Additionaly I didn't understand your endurance reduction being irrelivant with aegis comment. Could you explain that please as I'm not sure what you mean.
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
My aegis set is giving me the end reduction, but I am not going out of my way to slot for it. The reason that I have aegis in for resistance and the AoE defense bonuses.
For me, the winter's gift slow resistance enhancement only activates immediately after I TP. And then, only for 10 seconds or so.
I am thinking of promoting that enhancer into Dwarf Form since -recharge is so deadly to me right now.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
Gotcha, thats clear to me now.
As an aside, will the dwarf form even take travel sets? I know Nova will but I didn't think Dwarf did.
If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.
Also. I might well be wrong about winter's gift. It is listed in real numbers as working at all times. Maybe it is just that the buff icon doesn't show up except after I TP.
Still, it seems like my slow protection is better right after I tp, but that could be just the placebo effect.
One of Six, Cannibal 6
"Quit cryin'! Do some pushups or something!" --Bernie Mac
You can actually repeatedly toggle on and off for extra chances at the +end.
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For me, the winter's gift slow resistance enhancement only activates immediately after I TP. And then, only for 10 seconds or so.
For me, the snowflake icon only appears when I detoggle Super Speed on one of my toons that has it, and lasts ~10 seconds before vanishing. However, the slow resistance from the enhancement is permanently active, even if I don't have Super Speed active at all, according to the attribute monitor.
To the best of my knowledge (and I have been gone for several months) Endurance reduction used in the dwarf form and squid toggles only reduces the cost of running the toggle itself not the powers contained within the dwarf and squid forms.
since the toggles run cost is extreamly low the -70% endurance reduction is maybe at best saving you .5 endurance per second (and i doubt its that much). If your looking to save endurance I suggest capping your dwarf ressitance and using a single extra slot to put in a Performance Shifter +chance for endurance, and then slot your dwarf powers for endurance reduction. While trying to get all your powers costs reduced through slotting just one toggle would be cool I'm pretty certain it simply doesnt work that way and shouldnt as that would be more than slightly broken in the players favor (welcome to the Kheldian slot crunch). As for the winters gift proc its always on so using it in teleport is probably the best place for it, as it simply works reguardless whether you ever teleport or not. |
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
For both PBs and WSs
In Nova I slot:
Perf Shifter +End
Perf Shifter End Mod
set bonus 5% movement increase
In dwarf I slot:
Perf Shifter +End
Perf Shifter End Mod
set bonus 5% movement increase
Impervium Armor: Psi Resistance
Imp Armor: Resistance
Imp Armor: Res/End
Imp Armor: Res/End/Rech
set bonuses 2.5% recovery, psi def 1.88%, max end +2.25%
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Also. I might well be wrong about winter's gift. It is listed in real numbers as working at all times. Maybe it is just that the buff icon doesn't show up except after I TP.
Still, it seems like my slow protection is better right after I tp, but that could be just the placebo effect. |
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Yeah, check your real numbers. Winter's Gift should be on all the time once you slot it in to one of your travel powers. I find Performance Shifter to be a nice enhancement, but I usually want to save my slots for other things... I don't think I want to slot it more than once just to have it at all times... my khelds are all desperate for their slots.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Yeah, check your real numbers. Winter's Gift should be on all the time once you slot it in to one of your travel powers. I find Performance Shifter to be a nice enhancement, but I usually want to save my slots for other things... I don't think I want to slot it more than once just to have it at all times... my khelds are all desperate for their slots.
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In Dwarf form, what is the best endurance solution for the 6th slot (the first 5 slots are aegis, with around 70% end redux):
A chance for +end proc. from performance shifter
50 IO End Mod.
Also, do any folks use the Winter's Gift global in it? Is it always active when in dwarf form? (I put it in the TP power, but that has been obviously disappointing).
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
One of Six, Cannibal 6