Soldiers need both armors?
I think it's a decent choice in your late fourties, if you're out of other choices.
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:
If you've got bane spider armor, wolf spider armor is totally skippable. All wolf spider armor gives is 3% S/L resist and mag 2 mez protection. Bane armor gives 7.5% res all, 20% max HP, and mag 4 protection. The only benefit to taking wolf spider armor would be the extra mez protection, but mag 4 is already enough for the vast majority of situations (and where it isn't, an extra mag 2 isn't likely to save you). While if you had unlimited power slots it might be useful, it's totally not worth it given how many other powers you have competing for your choices.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
Thanks Muon. Thats what i was thinking. Just wanted to hear it from someone else first.
I did take both armors on my mace bane melee build, primarily because my only alternative was to take one of the first two ranged mace attacks (which suck), one of the soldier gun attacks (which cause lots of redraw) or combat training: offensive, which tends to be a nearly useless pick considering how much accuracy I got from my IO slotting. The wolf spider armor, while not an awesome pick, is a better pick than CT: Offensive if only because taking both armors allow you to slot a steadfast prot -KB IO in one and a steadfast protection: +3% def IO in the other.
This is a pretty specific case though - I put that build together as a secondary build around L34-35 and used it for soloing so the fact that I only had 2 attacks by L12 (bash/pulversize) was not a big deal, since I almost never SK'ed down low enough to lose any attacks. My other build on that character is a huntsman build (bane soldier that only takes gun attacks and group buffs) which is what I used in groups.
If I understand the way status protection works, though, there IS an advantage to taking both armors. Since the bane armor only gives you 4 points of status protection that means that 2 normal holds/stuns/etc will be enough to hold you as they will stack up 6 points total. The extra 2 points from the wolf armor will mean it takes 3 normal holds/stuns, etc to overcome your protection, since the total status effects need to be higher than your protection.
Mind you, I never took more than the bane armor on my huntsman build and never had any problems - but he capped ranged def fairly early and leveraged WaWG to keep foes at range (or played tag with them). If you are playing a melee bane you might need the extra 2 points, especially against foes that stack a lot of stuns up.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I did take both armors on my mace bane melee build, primarily because my only alternative was to take one of the first two ranged mace attacks (which suck), one of the soldier gun attacks (which cause lots of redraw) or combat training: offensive, which tends to be a nearly useless pick considering how much accuracy I got from my IO slotting. The wolf spider armor, while not an awesome pick, is a better pick than CT: Offensive if only because taking both armors allow you to slot a steadfast prot -KB IO in one and a steadfast protection: +3% def IO in the other.
This is a pretty specific case though - I put that build together as a secondary build around L34-35 and used it for soloing so the fact that I only had 2 attacks by L12 (bash/pulversize) was not a big deal, since I almost never SK'ed down low enough to lose any attacks. My other build on that character is a huntsman build (bane soldier that only takes gun attacks and group buffs) which is what I used in groups. If I understand the way status protection works, though, there IS an advantage to taking both armors. Since the bane armor only gives you 4 points of status protection that means that 2 normal holds/stuns/etc will be enough to hold you as they will stack up 6 points total. The extra 2 points from the wolf armor will mean it takes 3 normal holds/stuns, etc to overcome your protection, since the total status effects need to be higher than your protection. Mind you, I never took more than the bane armor on my huntsman build and never had any problems - but he capped ranged def fairly early and leveraged WaWG to keep foes at range (or played tag with them). If you are playing a melee bane you might need the extra 2 points, especially against foes that stack a lot of stuns up. |
I was going through mids for a bane build on my soldier (so close to 24!) and in the end I took both armor powers, making the Wolf Spider armor a set mule for steadfast prot -kb and I think the +3% def.
I like having both the wolf spider, and crab/bane armors. Why? More passive status protection is a Good Thing. It's the difference between using an awaken and running the frell away, and being disoriented after using the awaken.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
I haven't taken Wolf Armor on either my Bane or Crab, and I've never missed it.
The Crab really doesn't need the extra mez protection as they're already around scrapper/tanker levels of protection via Fortification + Crab Armor (those two let me resist Nictus-Romulus' rez-stun).
Bane's can benefit from it a bit more being as they don't get a mez protection toggle, but my experience was that the 4 points from Bane Armor was enough when combined with the fact that my decent (now soft-capped) defense meant most mezzes weren't even hitting me in the first place. The chance of there being enough mezzes of the same type aimed my way to overcome 4 points of protection is fairly low in PvE situations, nevermind the chance that enough of them will actually hit all at the same time. On the trip from 1-50 (and some tf'ing at 50) I maybe got stunned once or twice vs masses of Green Ink Men, and held a couple times by Rikti - we're talking single digits for total times mezzed on the journey, probably fingers-of-one-hand numbers.
I'll admit that passively resisting awaken-stun is a nice perk, but it's not worth an entire power choice just for that imo.
I haven't taken Wolf Armor on either my Bane or Crab, and I've never missed it.
The Crab really doesn't need the extra mez protection as they're already around scrapper/tanker levels of protection via Fortification + Crab Armor (those two let me resist Nictus-Romulus' rez-stun). Bane's can benefit from it a bit more being as they don't get a mez protection toggle, but my experience was that the 4 points from Bane Armor was enough when combined with the fact that my decent (now soft-capped) defense meant most mezzes weren't even hitting me in the first place. The chance of there being enough mezzes of the same type aimed my way to overcome 4 points of protection is fairly low in PvE situations, nevermind the chance that enough of them will actually hit all at the same time. On the trip from 1-50 (and some tf'ing at 50) I maybe got stunned once or twice vs masses of Green Ink Men, and held a couple times by Rikti - we're talking single digits for total times mezzed on the journey, probably fingers-of-one-hand numbers. I'll admit that passively resisting awaken-stun is a nice perk, but it's not worth an entire power choice just for that imo. |
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
It won't kill you if you don't have it. But it's a nice little bonus/slot mule/whatever you want from it if you do.
Personally, I do, because I like having whatever small edge I can get
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
It just might kill you if you don't have it. Under mag 6 mez protection leaves you very vulnerable to any mob(s) that can double stack standard mez powers. Granted, you -could- just meticulously avoid fighting anything mez-heavy...
Also, what EricHough said. Mace beams stink, rifle redraw stinks, CT:O stinks.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
It's a nice bonus though. And it's not like I'm short on power picks. Especially now that I don't need a travel power (thanks to Ninja Run). Now I need a respec to pull slots out of sprint, swift, and mental training. No longer need the insane run speed slotting.
Seriously, you talk about being able to skip a travel power and while I agree that ninja run + hurdle + mental training you don't need super jump or super speed but going into the leaping pool for combat jumping is always a good choice on a VEAT. You get a whopping 2.5% def to all positions for a cheap 0.07 end/sec and can slot a lot of usefull IO's (karma -KB, kismet +acc, LoTG +recharge). If you want more def you can dive into the leadership pool for another 3.5% def as VEATS get leadership bonuses nearly as good as defenders, or double up assault with TT: assault for a whopping 30% damage boost to all in your group. Indeed, while I personally don't like the power I would take CT: Offensive long before I took the wolf spider armor on a crab.
In summary, while you are free to build your character however you wish please don't try to push bad advice to folks asking questions on the forums.
EDIT: Ok, I will note that you do get an extra 2 points of fear and confuse protection from the wolf spider armor to stack with the crab spider armor for 6 total - but its still a pretty minor benefit from a single power pick. Everthing else you get from the armor is pretty much a waste on a crab.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Where my build focuses on just Crab Spider stuff, and picking up Stamina. Travel I leave to Ninja Run and Sprint with the jump jet as needed. I'll be able to get pretty much every power I wanted. Wont have an Aim or Buildup type power, but I don't think I'll need one.
I honestly don't think I'd notice any difference at all between having Wolf Armor and not on my Crab, besides the awaken rez-stun. I'd certainly notice much more of a contribution from most of the powers I skipped.
Yeah, wolf spider armor isn't a huge benefit. If you have other things you want, they can be a better choice. Interestingly, while my Crab build (fort and both passive armors) never gets held in PvE, my wolf spider build (fortification and wolf spider armor only) does occasionally get held.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
You get a whopping 2.5% def to all positions for a cheap 0.07 end/sec and can slot a lot of usefull IO's (karma -KB, kismet +acc, LoTG +recharge) |
Ok so you attack another poster about their opinion and spew this useless stuff. Why would anyone use CJ as a IO mule when Crabs already have a defense auto power and a defense toggle available. CJ is good for mobility and a little defense, but it is not needed as a defense IO mule.
Yes, one would never want an extra slot for another IO like +recharge, etc. Depending on the build and what you can do, it might be nice. Or not. Really depends.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Ok so you attack another poster about their opinion and spew this useless stuff. Why would anyone use CJ as a IO mule when Crabs already have a defense auto power and a defense toggle available. CJ is good for mobility and a little defense, but it is not needed as a defense IO mule.
I mentioned the slotting options for CJ because in an earlier post I had mentioned that one of the few valid reasons for taking wolf spider armor is it gave you a place to put one of the two usefull steadfast protection IO's (the +def and the -KB) so the fact that you can put a karma -KB in CJ means that you are free to put the steadfast protection +3% def in the crab spider armor instead of a -KB.
Ultimately though my main point was that insisting that 3% smashing/lethal resistance (and 2% psionic - can't forget that) made it worth taking the wolf spider armor on a crab build is completely off base. I threw out the other suggestions as to powers that would benefit you a LOT more in a crab build that could take the place of the wolf spider armor.
As many posters have noted - there are so many good powers available to VEAT's that taking the wolf spider armor is only of benefit in a VERY limited circumstance and even then only if you don't have other choices at that level. Crabs do have other choices.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I have a bane that im going to respec. How important is having the wolf spider armor or is it skippable?