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My first thought was to go for the cadiac boost because I run alot of toggles and I'm always fighting my endurance bar. Then I noticed Nerve radial boost increases defense buffs by 20%. And defense is what FF is all about so is there any reason not to go for the 20% def buff and just work on my end in other ways? Opinions please.
Ive made a new EM stalker and was wondering if total focus was skippable with a high recharge build. I know it does a ton of damage so I feel kinda dumb for asking but on a /sr stuff is tight. What are good attack chains? I was hoping that AS, Energy Xfer, Bone smasher and barrage would suffice or is it just dumb to ditch TF? Ive never played the set to a high enough level to get it but the animation time on it looks bad.
Thanks Muon. Thats what i was thinking. Just wanted to hear it from someone else first.
I have a bane that im going to respec. How important is having the wolf spider armor or is it skippable?
What pet would be the best one to cast hell on Earth on? Who's the biggest damage dealer?
Also, is it worth slotting any damage procs in any of the demons? Do any of them use a slow, kb or hold powers enough to make it worth it? -
Well the I guess I wont be using poison again. Ty for the help.
Is the Poison trap fro the Poison secondary the same as from the Traps set?
Ok I changed my build plan last night to the above build except I had psi dart in instead of scare. Does scare work well with people running tactics? And will I be ok with just the one attack I can use while mezzed?
I wasnt able to fit Scare or drain psyche in my build. The only thing I could drop to fit one in is vengeance taken for Lotg & kb IO. How much resistance does tactics give to the fear?
Ive seen severa lbuilds just stick and endurance reduction in accro and call it good. Looking at mids it apears that you need to cram a few kb IO's in it to get up to the 40's in kb protection. Am I wrong?
Glad to hear. I went with psi/mm. Does MM have anything going for it in pvp?
I see so many people saying psi is so great. What about it makes it great? Im leveling one up right now so Im curious.
Quote:And knockup is unenhanceable right? So this power should just be slotted as tho it is a regular ranged attack?as of i14, the last time i tested it, slotting kinetic crashes does not increase the magnitude of knock-up powers (notice i said knock-up, not knockback).
Another question then. If you say have 40 points of kb protection you still get flipped on your ear with a power that does knock up? Or do they cover each other? -
I was on mids slotting kinetic crashes into it and it didnt increase the magnitude. Only generics were showing an increase. Is mids just incorrect than?
Also what of the holds & immobilizes? Is it worth it to get as much duration out of these as possible? Or concentrate on damage/procs? -
Also does KB sets not enhance the mag of lift? Mids was only showing generic Io's increasing mag?
Trying for a mix of bonuses & enhancing acc/dmg/rech end.. Are people also trying to enhance hold/immob/kb numbers too?
I assume that 3 melee attacks is more than sufficent for zone pvp? I just made a build up on mids and put 4 in. Is Crane kick prefered over Axe kick? Thinking of droping axe kick for maybe the taunt so i can get another 7.5% recharge. Good idea or no?
Does targeting drone+ Tactics + Per IO get you even close to Stalkers Stealth cap or is it just a waste of time?
Well, I don't feel like making another scrapper. I don't have the time. I know this isnt one of the builds you see everyone using, but its what I have. So since i am going to use it advice on the question asked would be appreciated.