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  1. Does the Detailed Info tab on the powers in the tree not give the info you are looking for? It looks specific to me, but I'm not a numbers player, so maybe it's missing something(?).
  2. I have to agree with Primordus.

    I think it's a good idea in principle (btw, it also appears fpr some special temp powers, e.g. in iTrials and for switching between First Ward and Night Ward), but surely we should be able to close it if we want, and -- even more important -- decide where it will appear on our screens. Right now it's causing 2 other elements of my UI to be obscured.
  3. Don't feel bad: no matter how careful you are, there's always someone on this forum who will find a reason to flame you. It's not your fault. :-)
  4. Besides, if RedSwitchblade had started a new thread, someone would have flamed him for not searching to see if this subject already had a thread.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    It's still not a new point. It's not like this is the first MMO that's ever given a minimal amount of free time when desperate to keep the playerbase from leaving.
    Thank you: this is more to the point that I hope people will discuss.

    While 1 day may be minimal on a cosmological scale, I think when free time > downtime that makes an argument for its relative significance. Even my isp won't give me money back for more time than the service was down.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    It's not really a new point, though. This is quite a deadhorse topic at this point.
    OK, I see how perhaps my original post may have been unclear, so I've edited it to specify the new point as opposed to the entirety of the old topic.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Oh look. This thread again.
    Hyper, I appreciate the voicing of your opinion and have seen many posts from you on the forums that contribute significant points to discussions. But I have to ask respectfully: was that bit of snark really necessary, considering I already acknowledged the pre-existence of the argument and brought up a specific new point that I wanted folks to discuss?
  8. Almost every time there is unexpected downtime in CoH an argument quickly ensues on the forums between the folks who think we should get game time back for the time we were unable to play and those who say this is an unrealistic expectation. I have stayed out of the discussion because I think both sides of the argument have merit. But another MMO that is still rather new just gave subscribers a free day to make up for an unexpected downtime following a major release. I wonder if other MMOs may start to follow their lead...

    I don't want to start another flame war, but I'd like to know what people think about this* in a civil, constructive discussion. Have other MMOs done such things before now, or does this set a precedent? I do think this lends a bit of weight to the idea that we are entitled to something back for outage time, since at least one MMO has apparently agreed with that concept, but I don't plan to ragequit if it doesn't happen.

    *By which I don't mean the entire old argument, but how the fact that another MMO is doing it bears upon the issue.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
    The NCSoft Launcher has an option in one of its menus to auto-close itself after launching a game. Try turning that on - it helped me a bit.
    Same here. This was happening most of the time for me until I set it to close after starting the game. Hasn't happened to me since.
  10. I would like to see some evidence that any mission text error reported has ever been fixed, and then I'll take the time to compile an extensive list of the errors in the DA arcs. I don't believe there's a single DA arc that doesn't contain at least one error. As I have mentioned elsewhere, while there have been text errors in the game since launch, the problem seems to have grown much worse since around the time Freedom launched.

    There seem to be both typos (unintended presses of keys) and misspellings (apparent misunderstandings regarding correct spellings of words), as well as the incorrect choice of words -- sadly, this last category seems to happen most often when the writer seems to be attempting that little extra bit of creativity. ("Ah, I see what you were going for, but, sadly, that is not it.")

    My problem with this is twofold: (1) with so many MMOs out there, the lack of professional polish could chase away the more discerning potential subscribers and (2) it breaks my suspension of disbelief -- not from severity as much as frequency. As I read the quite excellent story of DA, I wanted to believe in it -- to get caught up in it emotionally -- but my ride was repeatedly smacked in the face by these annoyances. So my "Wow, this is cool" keeps getting knocked over by interruptions ranging from "*sigh*" to "I do no' think tha' word means wha' you think it means" to the temporarily game-stopping "Huh? What the heck are they trying to say? ...... Ohhhhh! They meant..."

    When my left brain keeps getting prodded into action, it eventually decides to play a game that it finds more amusing than the actual game: "How long will it be till the next error? Can we make it to the end of the arc...?" Needless to say, this really annoys my right brain, which is trying to enjoy the game as (I assume) it is intended.

    Zwill, you mentioned how fixing these errors would impact other work. If mission text were written in any modern editing application with spelling and grammar checks I am convinced that 90% of these errors would never make it to live, and thus no repair time would be required. And that really would not take much time at all.

    As for the question of hyperbole, perhaps GG had a good idea: if we had a sticky thread to track reports and repairs, we'd all be able to see whether reporting text errors actually results in fixes, thus indicating whether our time reporting them is worthwhile.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Taosin View Post
    I guess I invest in the game, and feel let down when let-down by the basics.
    I hear ya, Taosin! I feel that way when trying to read mission text in any new content since Freedom launched. If I had been able to make it through just one of the new DA arcs without being tripped up by a grammatical error, misspelling, or typo I would have been so pleasantly surprised.

    Maybe one day there will be versions of mission content that have been passed through a basic editing application's spelling & grammar check available on the market. ...for just 800 PP!!...
  12. Thanks, that's a good way to look at it: the timer is based on the selection of a particular reward. I was overcomplicating the issue.

    Hmmm...just thought of a follow-up question. Let's say I have a lot of time to play today and not much time to play tomorrow, so I play long enough to make the reward table appear a second time within a day. I want to choose the same reward each time the table appears. If I log off with the reward table on my screen and wait 20 hours, will it still be there waiting for me when I log back in, allowing me to choose any reward because the timer has expired?
  13. Hi Folks,

    I understand that the reward cooldown when doing DA arcs via flashback is 20 hours.

    Is the cooldown based on the table or the arc?

    Here's the example:
    The Dream Doctor's arc gives a reward halfway through and another at the end. Could one pick the same reward (e.g. components) for both, since they are part of the same arc? Or is the 20-hour cooldown between appearances of the reward table regardless of the arc to which they belong -- meaning if you are going for one reward repeatedly, you need to pause for a day in the middle of the Dream Doc's story?

  14. Kudos to the team for all the bug fixes in today's patch! That was very impressive.

    Can we get the following two items added to the list, please, so we know that they have been acknowledged?

    1) overzealous KB/fall-down physics
    2) inability for non-combat NPCs to follow hidden stalkers


    EDIT: Or an assertion that these are WAI.
  15. He keeps refusing to accompany me on missions in caves or sewers. Sure, it *looks* like he's getting stuck in the terrain, but I know he's just afraid to fight. :-)

    (Seriously, has the fact that he keeps getting stuck ankle-deep in terrain been reported and acknowledged yet? Or is this just to prepare me for running these DA arcs with my stalker, where the bugged AI will prevent pretty much any NPC from following me?)
  16. CinnderScot

    May we walk?

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Movement speed in the Personal Stories was increased during Beta due to player feedback about how slowly we moved through them.

    EDIT: See the first line of my sig for the explanation that fits best.
    I have quoted that excellent line of your sig before, but it doesn't apply here. I'm not asking for movement speed to be reduced. I'm asking for us to have access to the Walk power that gives us the option. First rule of software programming: give users a simple option and then almost everyone can be happy.
  17. CinnderScot

    May we walk?

    Any chance we could have the ability to turn on the Walk power in these new non-combat NPC background stories? Given that they are all about immersion and story instead of fighting, it would add a good deal of realism if we didn't have to jog everywhere.
  18. I've played a char in that ...other game... all the way to 50 without teaming once, and I also have a char over there that always plays as part of a team. So I've looked at both sides, and I have to say I agree with Arc completely.

    The other thing that stands out for me about CoH is how much more noticeable the progression of power is from 1-50. My 50 in that other game still has about the same difficulty fighting a tier 3 enemy ("boss" to us; "elite" over there) that she did when she first was able to take on an enemy of that level. My main char here (a blaster) used to have to run if she aggroed too many minions; now she doesn't even blink at soloing an EB. I really like the feeling of growth that CoH offers.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    ...actually is somewhat believable, even though it does seem a bit more extreme than real bodies would react at times.
    I see what you're saying, but this problem is a heckuva lot more than just a bit more extreme than real bodies would react. As I mentioned in my thread on the same topic, a body can take 20 seconds or more to finish falling. That is not even remotely realistic, unless we're on the moon. ((You heard it here first: MOONBASE IN i23!! The physics model has already been prepared!!))

    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    We would need a new game to fix many of the issues this game has, and this is one of them. It would take new models, new skeletons, new animations and better physics systems.
    I disagree, because it used to work. We don't need anything new to fix this; we need the old code back. Please, devs.
  20. I'm sure this has been discussed on the forums before, but I notice it is not listed in Known Issues. Does this mean it's WAI?

    I'm talking about the strange behaviour that started somewhere around i20 or i21 where mobs that are knocked down/back take a reallllly long time to finish falling down, their various body parts jostling with one other for position on the ground, such that they can take 20 seconds or more to finish "falling". The larger the creature, the longer they will keep "falling".

    Sure, it works to my advantage compared to the way falling used to operate, but it feels like cheating, and it looks silly.

    Is somebody working on this? Can we at least get acknowledgement that it's a problem?
  21. You're absolutely right, Lycantropus, and well-said! I've noticed that MMOs (not only this game) are getting lazier and lazier lately when it comes to documentation, apparently expecting the community to do their job for them. But I don't know of any other MMO that doesn't give you a pop-up warning before binding an item to a character.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
    This is a no for me too (though I may throw some stray reward tokens at them).

    I am against these as a product and don't want to see future ones implemented in the same way. I vote no. I only want the costume set and won't pay a random amount for them.

    If you had let us buy the costume pieces individually, a la carte, then I would probably have bought some packs to try my luck. As is, nope.
    Hear hear!

    Remember when Freedom was about to be launched and they said that the cornerstone of the concept was that we would be free to choose the things we wanted and not have to buy packs of stuff just to get access to the one or two items we really wanted? Remember that?

    And that was in reference to packs with set, known content.

    I have this growing uneasy feeling that a game that was made by comic book lovers for comic book lovers has been taken over by some P.T. Barnum-esque snake oil salesmen. "This way to the Egress! Only 800 PP!"

    Super Packs make me Super Sad.
  23. OK, you've had a week to settle into the new get back to work!

    We want more Zaine!!!

  24. Same here. Stellar performance before last week's update. Now, graphics elements go missing (had to laugh when in a MoM the pop-up text told me I had to "eat" the Nightmares), followed by ever-decreasing performance if I try to turn, and eventually an out-of-memory crash. If I restart the game when the symptoms start to get bad, I can avoid the crash.

    Interestingly, the power effects of 24 leaguemates or moving forward and backwards in a straight line don't seem to cause any choppiness. Or maybe it's just not as noticeable as when I turn the camera?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    How many people are still seeing 'out of memory' crashes?
    I never had a single one till last week's update, and now I get them about once every couple hours, preceded by an ever-choppier game when I try to rotate the camera. Ran a MoM last night and my system could handle all the crazy graphics from 24 people fighting if I stood still, but if I tried to move it became a slide show. You can imagine how many times the pink circles of death got me.