
Caption Champ 4/16/10
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Checking the papers for game scores? NAHHHHH!
    Checking the papers? The PAPERS!? What is this, 1990? Who checks scores and stats anywhere other than the internet any more?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
    ...and violated the terms of the new EULA by using what appears to be your real name in the thread title.

    "You warrant and represent that You will not use any Service, Content or Software to provide any information that could be used, directly or indirectly, by another user of the Game to identify You in the real world. You warrant and represent that You will not use any Service, Content or Software to obtain any information that could be used, directly or indirectly, to identify another user of the Game in the real world. "

    Have you seen that new EULA? Wowza.
    Um...doesn't that make participating in Freedom Friday a violation of the EULA, at least technically?
  3. * Why Avatea has taken to wearing a burqa on Wednesdays.

    * Why Avatea will not be venturing on camera from this point forward.
  4. ** Villains in Paragon City. Make separates of the Paragon City zones with villain missions and NPC heroes trying to stop you. Put NPC villains in hero side zones.

    ** Wait for archetypes. Players don't choose an archetype right away, but wait until they've gotten their feet wet before training into specialized skills (melee, ranged, defense, control, buff, summon).

    ** Megapowersets. Instead of having "fire blast" and "fiery melee" and "fiery aura" and "fire control" and "thermal radiation", just have "fire". Of course players will be more effective if they choose powers that fit the archetype they've trained into.

    ** Instanced PVP: One hero, one villain, one bank. Or jewelry store. Or high-tech lab. Or political target. Or teams of heroes and villains.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    WTF is all I have to say.
    What about the Waldo Task Force?
  6. Then again, a recent study showed that generally people like stories better when they're told the spoilers in advance.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This means that if I were to host Ustream, it would be from my bed, me hacking and coughing, unshaven and unshowered, with my kids jumping on my head and pointing at the camera going "I WANT TO SAY HI TO EVERYONE!".
    In other words, Best! Dev Chat! EVAH!!
  8. Chris_Zuercher

    For Zwillinger

    ZOMG! Awesome! I've been playing this video nearly non-stop since yesterday. Me so excited! Me so excited! Fun fun fun fun! She's so much better than most of the stuff on the radio today.
  9. I'd always assumed that Powers Division had enough influence to either convince people to look the other way with certain recruits or convince Cole that they could better keep a watchful eye on magic users if they had an official role than if they were outlawed outright.
  10. This was one thing (of several) that brought the Green Lantern film down: lack of good villain. Hector Hammond began as actually a sympathetic character, a well-meaning guy who simply lacked ambition and was met with the disapproval of his achiever dad. But a guy who'll never amount to much as a regular guy is still not going to amount to much as a villain no matter what his powers are or how powerful he is. And Parallax was just the same malevolent cloud of ultimate malevolency but no personality we saw in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. It wasn't interesting in those movies and it wasn't interesting in this one either. Even though Parallax was powerful enough to threaten the entire Green Lantern Corps, it still failed as a villain.

    Contrast with Lex Luthor and Joker, two villains with no real superpowers but are still regarded as two of the best villains in superhero fiction. It's because they are interesting characters and find ways to make things happen. Luthor may not be able to go toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel, but he can concoct schemes to throw him off-balance and create devices that can put him on a more level footing. The Joker is also adept at hatching schemes that endanger a great many people, and he will cross lines no one else will cross. It's been said that when supervillains want to scare each other around a campfire, they tell each other Joker stories.

    Plus they have motivations beyond merely stomping on the good guy. The Joker enjoys the game, wants to sow chaos and prove that civilized life is a lie. Luthor wants to prove his superiority to a man with godlike ability.

    On a side note, "bad villains" can become good ones if they play up their badness. I recall a story in the Spider-Man comics where the Gibbon, Kangaroo, Grizzly and Spot joined forces in a "Legion of Losers". It was a story played up for laughs, but it worked quite well.
  11. I'd always wondered how the dispatchers knew how to precisely label each crisis so I knew which one fit my particular fancy at the moment. Truly they are the unsung heroes of Paragon City, tirelessly working to help me know where to get my loot, er, where the fair people of the city need help the most.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Coyote is present in the new tutorial.


    - Z
    I appreciate that you included a smiley face with this announcement. I for one found it particularly reassuring.
  13. Chris_Zuercher

    UFO over the UK

    At times like this I turn to Senator Vreenak for his expert analysis.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Didn't Supes and Cap have a lovechild and name him Statesman?
    He'd actually be love child #2 for them. Their first was the Amalgam Comics creation Super-Soldier.
  15. Can't sleep now...Mother Mayhem will get me...

    Can't sleep now...Mother Mayhem will get me...

    Can't sleep now...Mother Mayhem will get me...

    (Great promo, by the way. )

    Can't sleep now...Mother Mayhem will get me...
  16. Oooooooooh! Gravity! All this time I thought everybody was talking about the woefully underapprecated gravy control power set. As for me, I'm specifically going to avoid rolling a gravity/time controller just because everybody else will be doing it.
  17. I've already been calling them "freeps". Rhymes with "peeps", which is slang for people.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I dunno...seems awfully evasive and ambiguous...

    Seriously, the efforts to squash any and every rumor that springs from the nightmares of every Chicken Little.
  19. Hilarious! But two seconds after I surf to another page all I'm going to remember from this is...

    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    we’re getting Pony Travel Power in the next issue!”
  20. Steadfast


    Suckas ('cause, you know, it's people paying for a free game)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
    What if I DID buy slots earlier before Freedom and ALREADY HAD 36 slots unlocked on Virtue, now where are those 8 slot tokens? They can't go to Virtue, it's full.
    Bought slots add to your total of unlock tokens. Assuming that you used all the slots earned through the veteran rewards program and going Rogue on Virtue, you'd have to have bought 16 additional slots. So if you drop back to premium you'd have

    --2 tokens base
    --6 tokens earned through veteran rewards
    --2 tokens earned from buying Going Rogue
    --16 tokens from character slots purchased

    for a grand total of 26 unlock tokens. Once you resubscribe, all the slots you had previously would unlock and you'd have full access again.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    -You will be able to see every piece for sale in the Tailor
    -Non-bought pieces will have a lock icon and can be bought then and there
    -There will be more tailors placed in the game
    This "try before you buy" feature in the tailor was unexpected, but very welcome news. *applause*
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    When is this expected to hit the air waves?
    This fall. Which would make it one more thing that's coming out Later This Year™.
  24. I'm not sold on the animation, but the fact that it's being produced by Bruce Timm has me interested. Timm's series (Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited) have a tendency to become classics.
  25. Aw! Any sad feelings of EMPulse leaving are overwhelmed with "Yay! Baby!" happy feelings. Congrats!