Lisa Knows when Freedom will go live




Hello all.

Freedom will go live on one of two dates in September.

Both are on Tuesday.

They are:

Sept 13th
Sept 27th

How do I know this you ask?

Because although Tuesdays are my scheduled days off, I have jury duty on both of these dates

If Freedom is indeed launched on one of my scheduled jury duties, I Plan to go into the courtroom, sit in the first row if possible, looking like I know everything and can't have my opinion swayed by anything the lawers might say...

I will also, without listening to the first bit of what the trial is about, scowl mightily at the defendent to let him/her know I know he/she is guilty and I will vote accordingly.

This will probably get me chosen by the admiring prosecution, and I will go into that jury room with the same zeal to find him/her guilty that I give to wanting a solo path to the incarnates.

Yes, an innocent man/woman might be found guilty, but that is what they get for dragging me away from the first day of Freedom, which I would have been able to participate in since it was my day off.

Am I joking? I would like to say yes, I take my civic duty very seriously,but..the scary thing is..if I miss the opening of Freedom because of jury duty I might indeed act in such a manner


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung

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