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  1. Chazzmatazz

    Time Bomb?

    Siren's Song + Time Bomb is pretty funny. I believe someone came up with the name The "Rude Awakening" for it.
  2. Chazzmatazz


    I would alter human DNA so that when humans lied their ears would luminesce like a firefly's backside. That would be pretty funny for a while.
  3. My 10 votes:
    American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
    Armor, by John Steakley
    Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card
    The Lord of the Rings trilogy, by J.R.R. Tolkien
    Neuromancer, by William Gibson
    Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury
    The Stand, by Stephen King
    Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
    Time Enough for Love, by Robert Heinlein
    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne

    Trimming the list of loved stories down to a mere 10 was a brutal exercise. So many honorable mentions it hurts.
  4. Super gratz to you and "Welcome to the crazy world" to little Piper!
  5. I think a "top 10" list for something so diversely awesome as sci-fi t.v. is a fruitless effort. For sci-fi lovers, it's like picking a favorite son/daughter. My top 20 list for this would fluctuate wildly on the whims of nostalgia. Some days I would defend fiercely the undeniable win of The Six Million Dollar Man and Space 1999 and other days they wouldn't even be remembered in discussing the topic. There are perhaps hundreds of legitimate "honorable mentions" for this category, including unsuccessful commercial projects that were very strong artistically (see Shawn Cassidy's American Gothic.)
  6. This is terrific. I'll try and make it but my work/sleep schedule may not permit. In any case, "All hail the Sisterhood!"
  7. Woohoo! I was looking straight down at just the right moment.
  8. I think Gaiman is on a roll right now. His stories are so cinematic in their feel. American Gods was great (I see Forrest Whittaker as Shadow), and I don't think people give him enough credit for Anansi Boys, which he just penned a screenplay for. Good Omens is terrific as others have said.

    If you like these two writers, but want to be crying with laughter, check out anything by Christopher Moore.
  9. Chazzmatazz

    Buffers rejoice!

    The "I hate SB!" people will have this reversed in no time.
  10. Chazzmatazz


    I give it 3/5. I really think it was a missed opportunity. There should have been 10 minutes less time in Asgard and more in Midgard/Earth so that we could have a more convincing redemption and more scenes with Ms. Portman. Also asking K. Brannagh to direct for 3D is really playing against his strengths.
  11. The NC Soft updater is failing to update. Giving me
    "Access to the path is denied." message. Then during repair attempts, "Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

    Log summary below. Any ideas?

    Summary For :
    --> MachineName: PRIORITY1-PC
    --> TimeStamp: 5/3/2011 4:20:28 AM
    --> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    --> AppDomainName: StubDomain
    --> WindowsIdentity: Priority1-PC\Priority1

    Exception Information Details:
    Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
    Message: Access to the path is denied.
    ParamName: NULL
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: _Launcher

    StackTrace Information Details:
    at System.IO.FileSystemInfo.set_Attributes(FileAttrib utes value)
    at NC.Utilities.FileUtilities.IsLocked(FileInfo file)
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.CheckForFileLocked(Str ing filename)
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String targetFilename, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.QueueTargetFileForRepa ir(String relativePath, String expectedHash, Int64 expectedLength)
    at NC.Patcher.FileOperationUnchanged.PreCommit()
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.PreCommit(FileOperatio nException[]& exceptions)
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupApplier.Apply()
    at NC.Patcher.FileGroupOperationPerformer.Perform()
    at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.PerformApplicationSteps(Fi leGroupApplicationSettings applicationSettings)
    at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyManifest(Mani festApplicationInfo manifestInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties, Boolean isResume)
    at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.InternalApplyPatch(PatchAp plicationInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.PatchApplier.ApplyPatch(PatchApplicatio nInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatch(PatchApplica tionInfo patchInfo, IList`1 propertiesFiles, PropertyBag otherProperties)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalApplyPatches(PatchAppli cationInfo[] patches)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.DownloadAndApplyPatches(Downloa dablePatchApplicationInfo[] patches)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.Repair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalRepair(Int32 maxNumPatchesToApply, Boolean updateToLatestFirst)
  12. I would choose mental/emotional perception/control with high degree of subtlety and no requirement to be in the presence of the person/persons to exercise the control.
  13. Chazzmatazz

    DING! Seven!

    Thanks for the best game I've ever played. It's like I designed the perfect game for me.
  14. Way to steal the 4 arrow shot from House of Flying Daggers.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Maybe they'll actually make Blade Runner good this time around...
    You have terrible taste, and perhaps even no soul.
  16. Looks like CSR is getting caught up with this and my char has been awarded the WTF awards for this morning's Apex.
  17. I bugged it and have had it escalated to level 2 CSR. They should get it sorted out.
  18. Having characters with well slotted versions of each, I select Full Auto, ONLY with Build-up. I like how fast it starts spewing out streams of orange numbers, especially since with RoA there is a big desire to use both Aim and BU, which frustratingly often leaves Arrows perforating already body-strewn (enemies defeated by teammates already) ground. I really don't run into that with FA.
  19. Went with the Miller/Jansen Daredevil run, but almost went Simonson Thor.
  20. I just want MOAR max slots per server. Please. Pretty please. Pretty please with sugar on top. How hard is it to add a 4th 12-slot character selection page? I'll GLADLY pay for unlocking the slots. Is it that they think I'll start a second account, cuz that ain't happening.
  21. Opening the Omega slot earns a beta invite to COH2
  22. Chazzmatazz

    Super Harmony!

    This is cute. Apologies if it has been posted.

    Super Harmony
  23. Chazzmatazz

    Duo toons

    I think a Son/Rad Cor and Fire melee/Dark Armor Scrapper would be pretty savage.
  24. Well, it looks pretty, but that is a baseline assumption at this stage of things. As for the rest, to hell with Fox and their cavalier disregard for character and story canon. They get $0 from me.