Time Bomb?




Okay. I know there's a lot of hate levied on this power - justifiable hate, as far as I can tell.

But.. does any good ever come out of this power? Is it ever useful?

I have a concept character on which Time Bomb would make a lot of sense. He's not quite at 38 yet, but I'm forward-looking.

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
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Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



well its really only useful for toe bombing. just slap it in the middle of a mob and continue on to the next mob

you might lay a Trip Mine for any straggler's that decide to follow you.

perma jump is ---> /up 1



What is 'toe bombing'?

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



When you've almost soloed a small or large group and found yaself dead just before you got the better of them. Time bomb +-/ trip mine might of been the thing to of done.

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Originally Posted by Lxndr View Post
What is 'toe bombing'?

I havent played a devices in 6 years so i dont know if the power mechanics have changed, but toe bombing for me was stealthing into a spawn and dropping a trip mine at there feet. Pretty self explanatory 8-)

I crashed a cadillac through the gates of hell and returned with a fistfull of dollars.



Siren's Song + Time Bomb is pretty funny. I believe someone came up with the name The "Rude Awakening" for it.



Time Bomb is somewhat amusing in a strategic sort of way. Full Invisibility is pretty essential. One use solo: Set up a "zone of death" around a corner with a bunch of trip mines and any other goodies you want to place, including Caltrops. Then go into the group around the corner, and lay Time Bomb into the middle of the group. Go back to your zone. When Time Bomb blows up, then the survivors come running around the corner into your zone of doom.

Once in a blue moon, I am able to use it on a team . . . like on the ITF when our tank has a bunch of Romans around him. Just lay Time Bomb, then go around the other side to lay down a few other things.

But for the most part, it is a power that is more amusing than actually useful.

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I've wondered if you could set up a time bomb and poison trap, then get a groups attention by full auto/flamethrower. The question is how much time you have before the time bomb goes boom and what radius it has, but it should be a doable thing. and for those who are running a fender, prolly a pretty good solo move.



If you place down a time bomb and then count to 9 and drop a trip mine you can usually get them to go off together. Its very good for soloing. To use it on a team you would have to go out ahead of everyone.

Playing on Freedom



@ Local man
I don't think you can attack while invisible or it at least breaks invisibility I think. Too lazy to read up on the power before posting though so I'm not so perfect either as I should just get the answer.

But Toe Bombing was coined with Device. Player would toss a smoke grenade while having cloaking device enabled on a group. Then they would run into the group and drop a Trip mine at the group of mobs feet. Then the player would zip back away from the mob in time to fire off Full Auto against the mobs at whatever was alive.

What eventually happened was players discovered that Super Speed does have a stealth component itself. So you now can use super speed with a Stealth IO proc which also adds to the stealth component of super speed and you can do the same as you could with smoke grenade and cloaking device. So in a sense Traps players can do the same. I know it works because I have been doing it with all my traps toons for quite some time now.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Been a while since I played Devices, but toe bombing was a big problem and trip mine had gotten a big nerf.

Blasters would just run around a zone stealthed, plant trip mine and zip off to next mob. You could run around brick seeing only the wounded survivors. This was very effective so trip mine got nerfed in its explosive power.



That was me on my fire/device blaster. Behind the jail in Brick. Fighting council...

Playing on Freedom



Attacks do break stealth... but mines don't count as attacks. They are summons. Summons do NOT break stealth.



Originally Posted by HyperEvolvedOgre View Post
Attacks do break stealth... but mines don't count as attacks. They are summons. Summons do NOT break stealth.
So.. with appropriate stealth, Time Bomb might be a good way to "soften" a spawn before it comes running?

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



Time Bomb is fun and it can be used well, but only on occasions. I wouldn't consider it one of my regular powers. Put it this way; if you think that a large mob will take longer than usual for your team to deal with, stealth your way in and plant it early. The 10 second wait is worth it when it comes to massive groups, in my opinion.



In general, Time Bomb is a great power for a game which is not City of Heroes.

In CoH, it's situational-at-best. I do have it on a /dev blaster, but that's because that blaster is built for soloing at xSeveral and has stealth. I use time bomb to open fights that then consist of enemies running through trip mines and falling down before they even get within line of sight of me.



Time Bomb's biggest hurdle is that it's part of Traps which is already one of the very best buff/debuff sets even with a garbage tier 9. Making it 'tier 9 awesome' would bork things without some other tweaks.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Time Bomb's biggest hurdle is that it's part of Traps which is already one of the very best buff/debuff sets even with a garbage tier 9. Making it 'tier 9 awesome' would bork things without some other tweaks.
Traps has lost a lot of its luster, so a buff to Time Bomb wouldn't tip the scales too much. I mean I wouldn't rate Traps higher than /Rad, /Dark, /Kin, Thermal, or /Cold.




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Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Traps has lost a lot of its luster, so a buff to Time Bomb wouldn't tip the scales too much. I mean I wouldn't rate Traps higher than /Rad, /Dark, /Kin, Thermal, or /Cold.
I don't know, you would have to explain what you mean by lost its luster.

I find it amazing that Poison Traps with 1 IO proc can hold over 10 mobs in combination between the proc and the power itself.

I can place a trip mine ( NOT Time Bomb, even I agree TB is no good ) pretty much at will only being hindered by its recharge rate.

I find it amazing that I can positionally defense cap any toon with traps.

I happen to have rad, dark and kin. I will admit I might not be the sharpest or have the highest technique of tactics. But those secondaries really cannot handle 4/8 farm as easily as my Traps can. If only for 1 simple reason they require an anchor to place debuffs on and then you have make sure you keep the anchor near the rest of the mobs. Just not that easy even with Darks 3 holds ( 2 powers and 1 pet ). On top once the anchor dies the delay in power recharge leaves you without defenses for a short time which ends up being disastrous sometimes. Where as with Traps your big issue is FFG getting clobbered. Luckily FFG is durable enough to handle general AV attacks.

So again I'm not that bright, but I certainly don't think I'm that dumb that I would have 2 Corruptors, 1 Defender and one Mastermind all with Traps that can solo 4/8 settings and Tank AVs and GMs.

I will agree to this, Traps can be some what of a setting up before a fight build depending on what setting your running on solo. I solo 2/6 or 1/8 with just FFG and main attacks and maybe poison trap. So yea on a 4/8 setting I set up before fight. I make sure my FFG is behind me or around a corner out of LOS when possible and I sometimes do admit it gets so crazy with double or triple pulls of 4/8 spawns that my pets, which FFG is considered do get some aggro. So those can be very bad if I can't find a way to isolate my FFG from the mobs. If I have ceiling height I might pop a few purples and fly up to get out of the way and regroup. If not I try to make sure where the choke points are so I have an idea where I need to retreat and regroup to, perfect example of this is the first door during the crey fire farm, its narrow and I can set up there and pull to there with minimal amount of issues of mobs getting behind me . I usually have a phase shift power temp for those moments as well

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives