Duo toons




I know this has been asked before, but I haven't seen recent threads of it with the advent of the Alpha slot and whatnot (If there is excuse my pooor search-fu). So, I'm going to ask this now:

If your opinion, what do you consider the "Strongest combo" of two toons is? It can be of any AT and power sets. And for the purpose I'm thinking generally. As in a combo that capable of mass AoE carnage and smiting GMs/AVs easily, Duo-ing all kinds of (Master of) TFs/SFs. A combo that is able to achieve great acts of craziness that other combos will be hard pressed to even think about. Of course, when looking that far, price isn't a problem. I'm thinking, for example, something along the lines of an ill/Emp troller and a Ill/Cold troller would be amazingly powerful. Or Fire^3 Dom and a Fire/Cold corr.

EDIT: I realize the game is pretty easy as is. That's why the difficulty settings are there :P


@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
I know this has been asked before, but I haven't seen recent threads of it with the advent of the Alpha slot and whatnot (If there is excuse my pooor search-fu). So, I'm going to ask this now:

If your opinion, what do you consider the "Strongest combo" of two toons is? It can be of any AT and power sets. And for the purpose I'm thinking generally. As in a combo that capable of mass AoE carnage and smiting GMs/AVs easily, Duo-ing all kinds of (Master of) TFs/SFs. A combo that is able to achieve great acts of craziness that other combos will be hard pressed to even think about. Of course, when looking that far, price isn't a problem. I'm thinking, for example, something along the lines of an ill/Emp troller and a Ill/Cold troller would be amazingly powerful. Or Fire^3 Dom and a Fire/Cold corr.

EDIT: I realize the game is pretty easy as is. That's why the difficulty settings are there :P

First, Dual boxing, or two separate players playing them?

Second. Way too many options available. Seriously. Though I would love to see a well coordinated Fire/Rad and Fire/Kin Corr team rip things up.



I would Say a Mind/Fire/Fire Dom and a Fire/Kin Corrupter. Could take anything not sure about GM though...



I've had some awesome duos over the history of the game... but I still have a soft spot for the duo of Scrapper and Defender, which is what got me my first level 50 (I was Empathy/Electric and my friend was Broad Sword/Invuln.) Back in the days before they buffed AVs and IOs had not been introduced, we duoed just about every AV there was, and a large number of the GMs as well (memorably, we took down one of Lusca's tentacles by ourselves.)

I doubt we'd be that great today at AVs, since we had essentially no debuffs, but for normal content, it's still quite awesome. I assume swapping the Scrapper for a Brute might be even more so.

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Dual Emp/Sonic defenders gets thrown around alot for this sort of thing.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I think a Son/Rad Cor and Fire melee/Dark Armor Scrapper would be pretty savage.



Two solid VEATs might be an interesting combination, though not perhaps the uber-tier you're looking for.

Or maybe Night Widow and Rad/Sonic Defender.



A Nightwidow/Crab duo is very effective... FCM and I have done that, and they're just scary together.

We also have a DB/WP Scrap & Shield/Energy Tank pair that are pretty terrifying. Both of those toons are well into "ridiculous build" territory on their own, though. Putting them together just made it even sillier. (And now they have Alpha Rares and a level shift on top of that. o_0)

We've also had good luck with a Sonic defender/DB Brute pair, a Trick Arrow/Archery defender and a Demons/Thermal mastermind and a Spines/Fire scrapper and a melee-defence build DB/WP tank.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I had the pleasure of getting in a PuG a while back that might as well have been a duo between an SS/Fire Brute and a Plant/Cold Controller. The rest of us were there, and we were not necessary. The carnage was awesome to behold.

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
First, Dual boxing, or two separate players playing them?

Second. Way too many options available. Seriously. Though I would love to see a well coordinated Fire/Rad and Fire/Kin Corr team rip things up.
It's two separate people playing them, I forgot to mention that :P

I kinda like the idea of Fire/Rad and Fire/Kin corrs to be honest.

While the Emp/Sonic 'fender duo would be very solid survivability, killing any large mob is gonna take a while with all the ST damage,and Howl isn't exactly a great attack power =/

The Duo VEAT idea is cool...Not too sure about the Tank

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



As mentioned, emp/son, fire/kin-rad, VEATs, and defender/scrapper all do very well.

My #1 vote would go to emp/son of course, as I love mine to death. Though a pair of fire/rad trollers would do very good as well, I know my single fire/rad has multiple builds for either mass AoE carnage, or AV/GM soloing, and I'm sure 2 of them would be amazing. VEATs are also very good when paired together, though the endurance will need some IO coverage.

Though I have a new combo in mind I want to try, a fire/cold controller and a dm/elec scrapper. Get the troller to def cap the scrapper, give them both some good recharge bonuses, and watch the chaos.