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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Dee View Post
    Why hello there sexy peoples!
    Welcome back!!! Looking forward to the return of your shenanigans.
  2. I agree with most of the others: melee archetypes (AT's) like Scrapper, Tanker, Brute are generally easier to play right-out-of-the-box. You'll then find that certain powersets and powerset combinations have their ups and downs in survivability and aesthetics. Generally though, the game is set up so ANY powerset combination of any archetype should be able to solo -- just not as easily or at as high of a difficulty level as the melee'ers can do it.

    Personally, I liked learning the game as a Blaster. In the grand scheme of things, sure I was squishy, but it forced me to learn a little more strategy than if I was a Spines/Regeneration Scrapper (normally I'd say "no offense to the spines/regen scrappers", but, what the hell, you know you had it easy).

    Hope you also don't deprive yourself from a lot of teaming. It's fun to see how different AT's and powersets interact with each other once you really get going.

    Later on, you might find that you like solo'ing with a Defender, Controller, or Corruptor even more than with a melee'er. They just require a little more finesse.
  3. Duh, they're inside watching football.
  4. An interesting Sunday to say the least! Two 15-points-scored winners (Steelers, Dolphins), Megatron got robbed, Peyton threw for 3 TDs and 433 yds and LOST, Jerry's Cowboys suffered defeat in DC after a Holding call ended the game, Vick ran for 100 yds and created a QB controversy, and Leonard Weaver's knee bent in a way that would make Gumby cringe!

    Tonight's Monday Night Football openers (Ravens@Jets, Chargers@Chiefs) will determine this week's prize winner. If Anquan Boldin lights it up, Shnax (WRs = 31 pts) could potentially pass up the Bio Hazards (WRs = 44 pts) who are anxious to see what Bowe can do. Good luck to both!

    P.S. How 'bout them Stillers?!?!? 15-9 in an OT nail-biter, but I'll take it!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
    Yeah,but I'm unable to be at any event.Expensive plane tickets stop me from meeting the COX communnity in person which would be so much fun!
    The costume codes aren't even that common when you attend the dev events, they don't throw them out like beads at Mardi Gras or anything. Just keep staying tuned for contests!

    There's also the possibility of the Halloween event being right around the corner, and you can get one of the temporary Hardsuit costumes to keep you satisfied for a few weeks.
  6. New Commish Post on the league page.
    Week 1 Challenge: Team with the most points from their three "WR" spots ("W/R" option doesn't count) wins a shiny crafted IO set enhancement! Not a junky one!

    Get those PPR ballhogs active!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hawkeyed View Post
    Not a bad draft at all.

    Whos all in it this year?

    1) Hawk
    2) Shnax
    3) Cat
    4) Mike The Red
    5) Biohazard
    6) Trezen
  8. Yeah I'd probably go to specific AT/build threads for better suggestions... my go-to will probably be Leadership toggles though (curse you, end costs!).

    I'll also be taking advantage of Stealth (Defense slots = LotG 7.5% Recharge!) and Recall Friend regularly for convenience without hogging too many slots. Some of my toons will just get a few Primary/Secondary choices earlier, allowing me to take more Ancillary/Patron power pool powers later on. So that's my plan for the moment.
  9. I also experienced the crashing the week i18 launched and have since stuck to 10 channels, haven't tried it again.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JustChillin View Post
    I had the same problem, I abandoned the mission and got it back and it was in Atlas Park instead, so that should work.
    You joined the forums in November 2004 and THIS was your first post?!?!?

    I am both impressed and confused. You should be applauded.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Greenblood_NA View Post
    mutant = self power bonuses.. cool costume pieces
    ... aaaaand the chance to turn into a Rikti Monkey at an inconvenient time... like, oh I dunno, during the AV battle in the Cathedral of Pain. THAT was a fun one to jump around in.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GunnTharr View Post
    Do I ever feel like a noob.
    GunnTharr "conceded" to feeling like a n00blet.

    Originally Posted by Catastrophe View Post
    Glad at least one of you melee addicts is willing to admit your inferiority!
    I'm "conceited", as I poke fun at scrappers any chance I can get.

    Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post
    That's the most conceded thing I've read in a long time. O_o
    If you have the Internet (and I'm betting you do), please excuse my skepticism that my quote was the most "conceded" (AKA "conceited") thing you've read in a long time. Especially on this forum!!

    Okay time to go home.
  13. Yeah the Jeter Clutch shoe was part of the Air Jordan collection.

    It's all about cross-training! Many athletes play alternative sports for fun and to work their non-primary-sport muscles, especially guys like Jeter who play one of the more physically active positions on the diamond (shortstop).

    ... plus, anything with the Air Jordan logo sells like hot cakes.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    A lot of you still remember the ads, so they worked in terms of reinforcing those brands. Although, they probably didn't convert to sales.
    I don't think Nike Jumpman shoes are really targeted at the same demographic as MMOs are...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GunnTharr View Post
    Do I ever feel like a noob.
    No wonder I play mostly tanks & scrappers.
    Glad at least one of you melee addicts is willing to admit your inferiority!
  16. Catastrophe

    Forum help

    Originally Posted by PuddlesofPink View Post
    If I did do it way back when, I sure don't remember doing it or know why I would.

  17. Catastrophe

    Forum help

    My ideas:

    1) Your account was h4x0r'd (hacked).

    2) Someone you know had your login info (way back when and/or recently) and chose PuddlesofPink for fun while browsing the forums.

    3) YOU chose PuddlesofPink, got embarassed, but don't know how to change it, so you're cleverly asking what happened like you don't really know.

    (If you don't think it's any of those, maybe ask a community rep about your forum registration and use? And is your game account still intact character-wise?)
  18. Yeah I don't think it's necessary to avoid it until you're all Incarnated (did I just make that a verb?), especially since the trial was made with the intent that you shouldn't need Incarnate slots/abilities/mojo/voodoo to complete it.

    It does, however, take decent recruiting, timing, and leadership to pull off. Not really something to tackle by spamming "Hey if you want to do CoP come on over", you'll just get frustrated. It's more of a "If you want to take this thing seriously, bring your A game and we'll take care of business" thing.

    I like that it's not a sure-win every time (I'm looking at you, beloved Hami Raids of old). We need to get taken down a few notches sometimes, don't want to get too big for the game's britches. (Though un-bugging the trial would be nice, too)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    What in the name of all that is holy are we doing still talking about ED??????
    How can you possibly talk about Soldiers of Arachnos (i12) and Claws/Willpower Scrappers (i11) WITHOUT talking about ED (i6)?!??!?!?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    That's not true. You always zone in on whichever side you entered the base from.

    Just tested it on several characters, both vigilante and rogue, to make sure I wasn't crazy. Every time I zoned from Atlas i zoned into the Paragon side. Everytime I zoned from Grandville i came in on the Rogue Isles side. Didn't matter which alignment I was.
    I stand corrected! Who was the yoo-hoo on here last week saying it was exactly the opposite?? Thought I tried it and experienced the same, but I was drinking, so...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    Pocket D, Vanguard base in RWZ, Midnight club, or the submarine in Sharkhead Isle that takes you to Ind. Port.
    ... don't think I needed to add that, but just to make sure.

    **edit, as the following has been corrected as being untrue, though I've heard conflicting claims. Maybe a bug? But it's now guilty until proven innocent...**

    You'll notice that if you're "Rogue", no matter how you get to RWZ (from redside or blueside), you'll always zone in at the redside entrance. Likewise, Vigilantes always zone in blueside. You can then use either exit."
    **/end edit**

    And as long as you're "Rogue", your Ouroboros portal will only give you redside options, so you may want to avoid that method so you don't lose your Hero tips.

    Tourists beware!
  22. Also make sure you read the pop-up warning when you're crossing over to Paragon City. You'll note that any pending tip missions you're holding on one side will be lost when you travel to the opposite faction. Not a big deal if you lose your Rogue Isle tips since you're going all Heroic, but if you're holding Hero tips, you'll want to stay in Paragon City.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I'm pretty sure Bill Z holds the record for the highest DPS done with a Claws scrapper, and he was around 220 or so I think.
    I'm sure Bill went way above 220, but the machine thought it was a mistake so it stopped counting at 220. He defies (defines?) the laws of Scrapperdom.
  24. Catastrophe


    Originally Posted by TrueDarkLord View Post
    whats some fun content endgame (higher than lvl 30)
    If you want high-level stufz, I've found all of the Patron arcs to be entertaining, as are the arcs from Television, Efficiency Expert Pither, and the Vanguard contacts in RWZ. I'm also a big fan of any TF/SF, whether it be blue, red, or co-op. I think there's a lot of re-playability in them but YMMV.

    I encourage you to pony up the $30 for GR though so you can take your perma-dom through arcs by Maria Jenkins, Unai Kemen, and Crimson for more "endgame" content. Don't forget AE too, some players have come up with pretty neat stories and mission sets.

    Then there's always the popular "Roll a new character and do it all over!" choice. If that doesn't fit your fancy though, maybe you should go back to farming pillboxes.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    The problem is, the AV is currently bugged. It should NOT be able to attack from within it's shield the way it is. This is causing what can be an insurmountable obstacle since coping with the huge spawns AND an AV who can attack with complete impunity can be somewhat overwhelming.
    While that indeed is annoying, the problem I've heard of more is just overcoming the AV's regen. If you get enough of the right buffs & debuffs, the AV battle's been fairly smooth for me, especially when loading up on heavies, nukes, shivans. Just gotta use a very big -Regen stick. Like the biggest one evar.