That'd be up to you really. What I consider fun may not be fun to you and vice versa. All I can suggest is to try some stuff out. Hit Ouroboros and run some arcs, run some SF's, or explore the non-farm AE missions. You're more likely to find something you consider fun by actually searching for yourself, rather than asking here.
whats some fun content endgame (higher than lvl 30) |
The good news (for now) is that aside from being able to do morality missions, there's actually no content available for level 50s in Going Rogue. However, we do know that the upcoming endgame system will tie into Praetoria and that you will need GR in order to access it.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
If you want high-level stufz, I've found all of the Patron arcs to be entertaining, as are the arcs from Television, Efficiency Expert Pither, and the Vanguard contacts in RWZ. I'm also a big fan of any TF/SF, whether it be blue, red, or co-op. I think there's a lot of re-playability in them but YMMV.
I encourage you to pony up the $30 for GR though so you can take your perma-dom through arcs by Maria Jenkins, Unai Kemen, and Crimson for more "endgame" content. Don't forget AE too, some players have come up with pretty neat stories and mission sets.
Then there's always the popular "Roll a new character and do it all over!" choice. If that doesn't fit your fancy though, maybe you should go back to farming pillboxes.
I encourage you to pony up the $30 for GR though so you can take your perma-dom through arcs by Maria Jenkins, Unai Kemen, and Crimson for more "endgame" content. Don't forget AE too, some players have come up with pretty neat stories and mission sets.
Then there's always the popular "Roll a new character and do it all over!" choice. If that doesn't fit your fancy though, maybe you should go back to farming pillboxes.
Try soloing some TF's.
i have been focusing most of my in game time on marketing/farming/ and...well pvping
im getting bored and am going to specc my mind/fire into a permadom pve build and
whats some fun content endgame (higher than lvl 30)
no i didnt buy GR