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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InOnePiece View Post
    Still holding out hope for something miraculous to happen, but if the servers really do go offline, can we PLEASE make that happen on December 21. For the Mayans...
  2. Just came in from the pub and walked upstairs ready to slot up a brand new toon as I was sitting on a few B.

    Then it hit me, so I gave random inf out in atlas then spent like 4b on prestige.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    And slapped.

    Can't forget the slap to the face.

    It's all gone to the Koreans.
  4. So after everything that has gone on, CoH is closing etc etc, you MUST have some dirty secrets for us!

    I mean anything, stuff we never would of found out, cool, weird, interesting or just damn boring, doesn't bother me.

    Surely there are several things you've wanted to say over the years but couldn't for X and X reason.

    Perhaps now you can?

    I dont expect a response, but maybe a redname will read this, and just before the forums shut down they can [Reveal] all.

    So everyone throw a question that you've always wondered in this thread, and we will see if it leads anywhere.

    My question is; did you devs play the game on alternate private accounts? Or was you genuinely not playing it as it was your life for so many years?

  5. Counter-strike 1.6, no more MMOs for me.

    I have a lifetime DCUO account but highly doubt I will play it. Highly.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Lots of people are saying that. Forgive me, but... if you truly wanted to support the game, you'd have already been a paying subscriber.

    Not pointing any fingers, but those who "were going to come back" have contributed greatly to this outcome.
    Oh sh.
  7. I'm just waiting for some evil genius to figure it out, should only be a matter of time, I say in GREAT hope lol.. but even then I cant see someone being able to create a server capable of handling the amount of people that play, so therefore if it did indeed happen i'm sure only a select few people would actually be playing the game.
  8. The Warhulk King!

    Clock king hasn't got **** on him! xD
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I salute you sir for pointing out the bourgeois exploitation of the proletariat in the form of a never-ending crack addiction to ever-greater levels of virtual power. Down with marketing!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
    They still haven't even added Street Justice.
    Says it all then, really.
    Unless in time they will just add ALL the recently released powersets at once, I mean for all we know they could be waiting for Bio armour to be released, and the psi melee sets etc then do it all in one go, I can only assume it saves some time doing them simultaneously.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Well, don't want to repeat sets on these guys, but the Mind/TA Controller might be interesting. As would the Grav/Psi Dom.
    Really fun to play actually, well, the way I play it anyway.
    I play it more as a tank, a farmer if you wish, slotted all the aoes for damage and with drain psyche and rebirth i can cap regen at 132hp/ps.
    After the grav psi I made a plant/psi, and haven't played my grav since, sadly.
    9 AoEs on my plant/psi, two ST attacks.
    SO fun!
  12. My Grav/psi dom is the only dom of those sets ive seen around, i'm sure there are plenty but not seen any on Freedom.
  13. Used 3478-EKF6-6CE5-VR25-35DC , took about 10 tries.

  14. What graphics card, and PSU do you currently use on said machine?
  15. I am far from a wiggle-whiffed winklepicker, you dankish fen sucked pidgeon egg.
  16. Cag

    PVP training

    *Stays tuned for lesson 2, and the rest of the saga.'
  17. Code:
    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormDevil View Post
    It was you! *Scowls*
  19. Cag

    PVP training

    After looking at it again, you need to sort out the two more KB IOs, perhaps drop a power for conserve or somehow sort out the endurance.
    With the proc situation coming up I tried not to slot too many, normally I'd have two procs per attack, but cut a little slack for the up and coming changes.
  20. Cag

    PVP training

    Gave your build a quick shot.
    Didn't want to spend too much time on it, so you'll need to adjust a few things, including finding two slots for two more KB protection IOs.
    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  21. Nature's Psyche.

    And no, its not a nature toon; just happened to be my luck I created that plant dom a day before nature was released..
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    One that I thought they missed was The Last Airbender. However the whole race bending controversy about the cast may have turned the hype down enough that the poor acting and special effects wasn't as disappointing.
    I do concur, I thought they could of made that film spectacular, as the core story was an interesting one.
    I didn't find the acting so bad, perhaps the little ones acting stuck out the most for me, but all that being said I'd still give the film a 6/10.
  23. I often google random things to find a name for my toons, as I am the world's worst name namer =P

    Usually search 'funny character names' and the likes, as I dont take names too seriously.
    Another toon I googled french names, found two, and pieced them together.
  24. Cag

    Ill/Kin build?

    Whats your price range?