Hello New Player Here!




I just got signed in and I am downloading the client now. I am an older player of RPG dating back to the days of TSR D&D first edition. My game name is Baodeath and I am looking forward to playing this mmo with you. Sounded like a great game, lots of fun from what little I read. I am also impressed by RLSH (real life super heroes) the ones running around doing good things with or without a costume. I hope I posted this in the right area, can someone tell me what is required for VIP status?

-- Baodeath



In case this isn't a joke thread, NCSoft yesterday announced that City of Heroes is being shut down. The Development team has already been disbanded, the store is supposed to have been disabled, and the servers will be shut down on November 30th.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by ba0death View Post
can someone tell me what is required for VIP status?
A time machine would be a good start... :\

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



No joke.

Crap... I just cancelled the download, what an awful thing. They should have a sign or something at download. Are they at least going to allow you emulation? "Earth and Beyond" from EA games only ran 2 years but has been in emulation since.

How sad, my deepest sympathies

-Baodeath aka Wendy Hardy



Nope. They basically just shot us and the devs in the face.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
And slapped.

Can't forget the slap to the face.

It's all gone to the Koreans.



Originally Posted by ba0death View Post
I just got signed in and I am downloading the client now. I am an older player of RPG dating back to the days of TSR D&D first edition. My game name is Baodeath and I am looking forward to playing this mmo with you. Sounded like a great game, lots of fun from what little I read. I am also impressed by RLSH (real life super heroes) the ones running around doing good things with or without a costume. I hope I posted this in the right area, can someone tell me what is required for VIP status?

-- Baodeath
I know it when I see it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



OP.. you just missed out on the greatest MMO ever made, and definitely the most underrated.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Bad timing OP ... this thread has just made me a little sad now.

Now they'll never get to appreciate the awesomeness that is/was City of Heroes.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



You still got 3 months bud. It may not be long, but enjoying this game for 3 months is better that never enjoying it at all.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Indeed, 3 months is 3 months and best of all no need to pay anymore.

But yes, your timing is bad.



Originally Posted by ba0death View Post
No joke.

Crap... I just cancelled the download, what an awful thing. They should have a sign or something at download. Are they at least going to allow you emulation? "Earth and Beyond" from EA games only ran 2 years but has been in emulation since.

How sad, my deepest sympathies

-Baodeath aka Wendy Hardy
The devs were taken by surprise too - yesterday, they were promoting the next content patch on Facebook, then 3 hours later they put up the goodbye post.
The game is still profitable, with an extremely passionate and dedicated fan base, and there are soem things being planned to try and save the game and the community in some form, inlcuding emulation.
I think that you should finish the download, and check out the game, and maybe you'll see why so many of us aren't going to just lie down and let it die.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I say go ahead and play while you can. If you buy a stand alone game you might get 10 to 20 hours of play out of it. If it's really good you might be able to get 100 hours of play. Here you will have potentially thousands of hours. And you will spend at least 100 of those in the character creator.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Maybe I will reconsider if they reconsider but it would be silly to put so much effort into downloading 4 GB just to blow it off. I really hope the people change their hearts about this decision.

I read some post about people blaming GW2. I know some people who play Guild Wars (the first one) and they are concerned they might be next to be chopped. If what I read here today, is any idea how they plan announcements, think about all the people buying into Guild Wars at $40 just to get the "back story" for the sequel. I don't think I will be investing any money too soon until I see more stability in this company's decision making process.

Again Best Wishes,

-- Wendy Hardy