Fire/Em Blaster Build




Looking for any help with my Fire/Em Blaster build... Planning to zone and maybe 1v1.
Couldn't care less about getting the 20 HP I'm missing.
I like dmg buffs, but I want high rech for KO blow.
Not sure if the acc on this build is overkill.
I adore dmg buffs.
I open to changing my epic, I chose leviathen for KO blow and the ranged mez to drop rad togs and such. I also considered ice, however I would like a ranged mez for rads, and ide prefer not to take stun from the energy set, as I have no experience with it.

Thanks for any feedback,



looks great.

You've got a Karma D/E in Grant Invis and Stealth, I presume those are supposed to be kb protection? regardless I'd use those slots elsewhere. (you dont need to slot for defense and you dont need more than 42 kb pro.)

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.96

Click this DataLink to open the build!

perma jump is ---> /up 1



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |