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  1. Looking for any help with my Fire/Em Blaster build... Planning to zone and maybe 1v1.
    Couldn't care less about getting the 20 HP I'm missing.
    I like dmg buffs, but I want high rech for KO blow.
    Not sure if the acc on this build is overkill.
    I adore dmg buffs.
    I open to changing my epic, I chose leviathen for KO blow and the ranged mez to drop rad togs and such. I also considered ice, however I would like a ranged mez for rads, and ide prefer not to take stun from the energy set, as I have no experience with it.

    Thanks for any feedback,

  2. I'de love to get in on this, and ill work on moving one of my two toons over there asap, although I'm quite poor atm hahaha.... Also, how long will these events be taking place for?

    Thanks, Mezze
  3. wriath

    Chat bind help

    Thanks! That worked well!
  4. wriath

    Chat bind help

    Trying to get my enter button to display a word in the typing area before I start actaully typing, such as

    *presses enter*


    *begins typing*
    (Mezze) Hello heroes!

    I've done this before, but Ive been experimenting for the past hour and havn't had any luck!
    Any assistance is appreciated.
  5. wriath

    Fortunata Damage

    I actually decided to go with gloom and took darkest right... since TS is so silly.

    And with reactive i found that if I get two more attacks off instead of shatter, it seams like im doing more damage, but I could be wrong. And gloom is cool looking anyway
  6. wriath

    Fortunata Damage

    Thanks for breaking the ice Kat. And yes, it has been complained about, but i wanted to add more detail to it than.."fix plz thnks"
  7. wriath

    Fortunata Damage

    As I play my Fortunata in RV, I become increasingly annoyed about how much damage output I have, compared to my low survivability due to diminishing returns. So, let's define the Fortunata's spot in a PvP environment.

    Firstly, Forts do not have the mez capability of a controller or dominater, since the base hold in dominate is a mear two seconds. Therefore the damage output should be higher than that of a controller.

    Fortunatas are also not tanks, lacking a major "oh crap" button, having very little eluvisity, having VERY low defense-debuff resistance and lacking the definitave power of Taunt. So Fortunata damage should be higher than a tank.

    Fortunatas are not blasters, having slightly higher survivability. So the Fortunata's should not be as powerful as a blaster's (as it was before the nerf bat).

    Now lets compare the damage of the Fortunata's primary attacks, to similar powers in other sets (according to Mids' Hero Designer).

    Fortunata's Mental blast-97.53 damage
    Dominators's Mental blast-139.7 damage
    Controller's Mental blast-145.3 damage
    Blaster's Mental blast-145.3 damage
    Defender's Mental blast-97.53(not counting the base 30% damage buff)
    Corruptor's Mental Blast-97.53

    The base damage of the Fortunata's mental blast is far lower than the rest of the ATs. The Controller and Dominator versions of Mental blast does more damage, yet the AT has greater mez potential, and are arguably more survivable than a Fortunata. The Blaster's version is about 150% as powerful as the Fortunata, which I find unacceptable because of the offensive nature of the Fortunata AT. I propose the damage of the Fortunata's mental blast to deal AT LEAST 125% of its current base damage, or 121.91 damage. Now, let's move on to telekinetic blast.

    Fortunata's Telekinetic Blast-75.59
    Blaster's Telekinetic Blast-115.4
    Defender's Telekinetic Blast-80.1(not counting the 30% damage buff)
    Corruptor's Telekinetic Blast-80.1

    The Forunata's Telekinetic Blast is under par with the rest of the ATs, doing less damage than both the Defender AND Corruptor versions of the power, where both Defenders AND Corruptors are support in the pvp environment. I propose that the Fortunata's version of Telekinetic Blast have it's base damage increased to something between the Blaster and Corruptor version's, about 110%, or to 87.55 Damage. Let's move on to Subdue.

    Fortunata's Subdue-106.6
    Dominators's Subdue-139.7
    Blaster's Subdue(although it acts differently)-133
    Defender's Subdue-102(not counting the 30% damage buff)
    Corruptor's Subdue-102

    Out of the Fortunata's powers, I find that this is the most well balanced, BUT it should still do slightly more damage than the Defender or Corruptor versions of the power, since the fortunata does not fill the support role that both the Defender and Corruptor do. The damage of this power should be increased by 115%, or to 122.59 damage. Let's move on to the final, and most imbalanced power, dominate.

    Fotunata's Dominate-84.05.....2 second hold duration
    Dominator's Dominate-110.2.....4 second hold duration
    Controller's Dominate-76.41.....4 second hold duration
    Defender's Dominate-102.1(not counting the 30% damage buff).....2 second hold duration
    Corruptor's Dominate-117.8.....2 second hold duration

    This power is severely imbalanced. The Dominator version of this power does about 130% more damage than the Foruntata's Dominate, yet it has DOUBLE the hold duration. The Corruptor's version of Dominate is FAR more powerful(140%!!!!!) than the Fortunata's version, and the Corruptor is a support Specific AT. This power's damage should be increased by AT LEAST 130%, or to 109.27 damage.

    If these changes are made, I believe that the Fortunata will once again have a place in the PvP environment that is not called a "Farm Target", or "Useless". Let me summerize the changes....

    Mental Blast-125% of its base damage, or 121.91 damage.
    Telekinetic Blast-about 110% of its base damage, or 87.55 damage.
    Subdue-115%, or 122.59 damage.
    Dominate- 130%, or 109.27 damage.

    If you think I missed anything or should have included something else, please don't hesitate to inform me. Thank you for your time.
  8. 12281 people talking
    Do you think travel supression should be removed from City of Heroes pvp?

    I do.
  9. Cleverbot.com

    Please troll to this instead, thank you.
  10. Ares..... Roll a widow, cap your perception, and call it day. No one wants to hear you whine.
  11. wriath

    Telth is mad

    I apologize for absence and for any comments I made about suffer, I was a bit "impaired" last night. Didn't know that he wasn't the first to duck out.... There are those poor leadership skills I told you about when I formed the team Kat ;P And shot tells me I have been moved to the draft, is that true? I can log on after a few more hours of work I have to get done.
  12. wriath

    Telth is mad


    The redneck would be the unfaithful one. Rofl
  13. Wants a team that doesn't suck as hard as Burn's stalking abilities.


    Oh and I'm the best stalker in the game, nbd.
  14. wriath

    Telth is mad

    What happened to my league team? You wanted people to form teams and you just disbanded one for it's captain being busy for a week. Have fun getting facerolled by exile every week. Quit now or forever hold your peace.
  15. Thanks, ill check that out in the morning.
  16. So I noticed this moring after I put some IOs in my fire fire dom, that when I drag my mouse over an enhancement, I can't see what it is! Is there a way to fix this!?
  17. I did a NW build that had a 56% dmg bonus in pvp a while back..... Then i respeced for more def... Cutting my dmg bonus to 20%.... I was only doing 9/10 less dmg in sirens.... So the moral of this story is.... Dont build veats for dmg bonuses.... I recently respeced into fort for the pvp league, and the ONLY thing that can save you, are procs.
  18. What are your in-game Globals?: @telth
    What are your PvP characters?: Arch/dev blaster, MA/SR scrap, psi em blaster, Emp/nrgy fender, WP/SS tanky, Fort, nrgy/regen stalker
    Which of these characters are on Freedom?: All
    Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: Sure
    Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: Totes
    Do you have a mic and ventrillo?: Need a new mic
    What is your general day/time availability?: After 4 weekdays, mostly free weekends
    Briefly describe your PvP experience: Been zoning for a yearish now, done some arena stuff.
    List a few character names of PvP toons you play: xXWIDOWERXx, Trickshotte, Regret', Frencix, Monsuro, Wriathe

    The Arch dev, ma sr, energy regen, and widow are 50... Others are still sitting at 40.
  19. Once i get back to my comp in the morning i can post my current NW build.
  20. So, after playing a lot of zone pvp for the past two years, I've decided to move more towards the next step, arena. SO, yesterday i did a few duels using my lolwidow, and found it unsatisfactory. Im sure its built right, but i guess its just how broken widows are. So for arena, what build should i be using? (im mostly talking about dueling blasters and doms here) sonic pain corr? Rad therm corr? even a lolregen?

    Thanks for the help.