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  1. More than for any other game I've played, the CoH forums are an essential part of the experience.

    Saving them would be a great step.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
    I like where this is going. A game funded, created, and run by the players! Kind of crazy but isn't that what Community is all about. Also, I keep thinking about mission architect. If we can't get the full game running would there be a away to get the M.A. portion of the game functioning? I could see some interesting possibilities there.
    There's a precedent for this in Middle-Earth Play-by-Mail, a turn-based game that began in the days before email. Begun by one company in America and another in the U.K., the game began to flag until it was reborn through purchase by a small group in Wales.

    They run it with a lot of heart and have expanded the game, but they have only the rights to administer it, not to alter the game code, so they've proposed a player-purchase of the code rights. Given the limited overlap with LoRO, it may happen. I wonder if that could be so here?
  3. I still remember my first day on CoH, when Polaric arrived at Atlas Park before an incredible collection of characters.

    There were dancers, jokers, and wanderers. Workers and idlers. Prima-donnas and wallflowers of every shape colors... some leaping, some sitting, some floating above it all. I had no idea it was possible to gather such people in one place, and I was thrilled.

    Polaric will be there, of course, as part of him - and me - never left.
  4. So many, many good things in this game, it's hard to pick just 5. Here are mine:

    5) NPC banter.
    Brilliant. Funny. Surprising.
    "We are very unhappy and that is why we are holding these protest signs!" - Anonymous protestor in Praetoria

    4) Rewarding teaming.
    Any class combo can have fun.

    3) Great sound and music.
    Amazingly good, really.

    2) You are your character.
    A decade later, and it's still the best character-design around.

    1) You feel like a Hero.
    In no other MMO, have I felt so capable through all levels. Even travel was exciting: I run and leap around the city for hours.

    I still remember my first flight and will my whole life. Moments like that are the true fate of the game. Even when we can't play, it isn't gone.
  5. CoH has been a superb experience - my first MMO and still the gaming highlight of my last eight years - so here's hoping that Z and all the other good folks at Paragon will find a good new venue for sharing their creativity, humor, and sense of adventure.

    I'm sorry for all the things I said about you when I was lost in Perez Park.
  6. Same problem here, regardless of server. Any solutions yet?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
    71 or 72ish% global recharge + Hasten with 3 white SOs -- but you need to be Johnny on the Spot with hitting Hasten and Dom -- it's a lot of micro-management.

    If you go with 71+ Hasten with 6 white SOs, you will have a few seconds of overlapping Domination, meaning you won't have to be so fast with trigger finger. Or you could have less global recharge.

    However, low-80s + 3-slotted Hasten is, IME, the sweet spot between having some overlap and not going into multi-billion inf builds.

    If you have 130ish global recharge, you don't need no stanking Hasten, but you're looking at an absurdly expensive fire / fire build.

    For a much more thorough guide, look here.
    This is extremely helpful as a rough target, along with the linked guide. Thanks.

    But isn't six-slotting Hasten a cheap way to boost your Recharge - far cheaper than even the least-popular Sets?

    Given the ED Math, Each of the 4th to 6th Recharges in Hasten offers about 6% more recharge (with a level 50 IO).

    Yes, that takes a slot, but most Perma-builds add additional slots in places we otherwise would not. The OP in this thread 6-slots Health, and the sample guide linked above 6-slots a resistance shield, for instance, to get roughly the same recharge you gain from one slot of Hasten, no? What am I missing in the math?
  8. Once again, the CoH Forum is packed with good suggestions. Thank you.

    Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
    Sounds like you want an early bloom solo set.
    Yes, well said. If that means

    Storm, Dark, Traps, or Rad since those are the only sets that bloom early (pre-20) on for soloing purposes
    If that's so, and if Sonic as a primary is off the list, I can narrow it down to Dark, Traps, or Rad. Storm sounds fun, but I think it's better suited to a more experienced player. Rad is new to me as a primary and Traps is new altogether, both pluses. I've played Dark on an MM, but then again, I sure enjoyed it and never took him past his 20s (I just found a Dominator a better match for me). Now Dark is again tempting here.

    For any of those, I'll probably pair with /Sonic, especially given Kelenar's observation about Rad:

    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Rad/ is one of my favorite sets, but by itself, I find it a little subpar for soloing with no really reliable way to avoid getting mezzed... and when a lot of your defenses are in toggles, that hurts. If you go Rad/Sonic for Siren's Song, that weakness goes away and you have a delicious wrecking ball of a Defender.

    Any thoughts on how Dark/Sonic, Traps/Sonic, and Rad/Sonic would play differently?
  9. Powerset suggestions for my first Defender?

    - Must able to solo, as well as Defs can.
    While I prefer teaming, I play for short blocks in the day, so end up solo much of the time.

    - Should be versatile.
    A variety of approaches for fights is great.

    - Should rely on ranged powers
    I do better out of melee distance.

    - Should feel 'complete' relatively early.
    Since this is my first Defender, I don't want to wait until 32 to get a feel for it.

    This description of Dark/Dark sounds great:
    your variety of gameplay is astounding. You can heal, you can debuff, you can control, you can tank, and you can blast. You have a power for every situation.
    but this part may not suit my solo jaunts:
    You're weak. Face it.
    I've read elsewhere that Dark/ and /Dark pair nicely with other powersets. Suggestions?

    And this description of Storm/Sonic is also appealing,
    Storm powers are extremely varied and versatile. You get two pets (sort of) and can debuff defense, accuracy, and speed
    but I'm wary of Storm's knockback as a beginning Defender:
    It takes time to learn and use your powers well enough not to piss off your team members.
    plus I might enjoy being able to offer a bit more in healing, though it needn't be much. Maybe another pairing with Sonic?

    I love my Ill/Rad controller. He can do a little of a lot of things: a little aggro control, a little buffing, a little healing, a little damage. Similarly, I also love my Mind/Fire Dom for his range of tactics. I use different powers depending on my enemies and the needs of my team.

    There must be options for that with a Defender. Suggestions for a newcomer?
  10. True, that looks good post-i19.

    Rain of Fire uses a fair bit of Endurance, as does attacking as quickly as you're able when Hasten is up. Without Stamina, you may feel it in those cases. I also find it essential for Telekinesis, which you've opted to skip. It's not essential, but it's fun and powerful.

    You've also opted not to go for Total Dom, and that's fine. Some players love it, but many don't, given its short duration. I have it and I'm considering dropping it.

    Those are the big choices as Mind/. For /Fire, the main question is whether you want Consume. Is it a cheaper (single-power) alternative to Stamina? Maybe. Doms can get by with occasional endurance boosts. But a mind/fire dom can do a lot of attacks at range, so you'll want to consider if your playstyle brings you into melee distance. If so, it may suit you. If not, you may not need it post-i19, and it may not be enough pre-.
  11. Suggested Patron Power set, to get AoE attacks?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Iguanadon View Post
    Fire is very cool in terms of damage output. However many AV/EBs will have resistance/def to fire damage which in turn reduces the significance of that higher damage output. Whereas some of the more exotic damage types that may put out less damage compared to fire aren't resisted as much throughout the game.
    That's exactly right. The other drawback is lack of a buff from Fire. And though Mind and Fire compliment each other well in terms of resistance, for the power boost sought by the OP - he asked right away about recharge - Energy (or Cold) may be a better secondary.

    Silas' views on these powers are the same as mine,

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Total Domination is actually fairly skippable. I did take it on my Mind Dom, but fairly late in the build and I don't get a lot of use out of it. It's mainly a tertiary panic button, Terrify/Mass Confusion/Mass Hypnosis being my main big spawn mez powers.

    The thing about Mind is that it's fantastic at locking down small spawns, with Levitate, Dominate, Confuse and Mesmerize you've got all the tools you need to ensure a solo spawn is totally shut down as you kill them.

    Solo I can Mesmerize one target, then use Dominate on the other and kill it. Teaming I'll Dominate one mob, then use Levitate on another while Dominate recharges. You want to be cycling Dominate through to mez the troublesome mobs in a spawn like Sappers, Surgeons, etc.

    Levitate: good filler mez for when Dominate is recharging, decent damage.

    Mesmerize: much more useful solo than teamed, comes in very handy if you're sleeping the Freedom Phalanx in the RSF.

    Dominate: bread and butter hold. Slot it, use it, love it. It cuts through ranged defense since it's only typed as psi, animates fast and is generally great.

    Mass Hypnosis: Your soloing "I win" button. Take ASAP, love it.
    with these exceptions:

    - Confuse is a terrific power, even early on. With it, you can now easily control three mobs at once, and with a bit of juggling, four. And that's without any AoE controls.

    You're in great shape even at early levels, and once you reach Terrify, which has a a near full-view radius and a good hit rate, you're one tough Villain.

    - Total Domination is skippable if you're tight on slots and want another power. Six slotted - recharge, accuracy, and hold, it's fine, but it trails your other options.

    - Telekinesis is much more than a gimmicky hold. I never, ever regret having it, though it comes alive only after you get Stamina; it may be worth delaying until then. In return, it offers an AoE hold that always hits. It's been a life-saver, and team-saver, more often that I can recall.

    - Mass Hypnosis is a great solo power, as mentioned, but it's also a good teaming power when you're with a group that risks accidentally drawing a second group. It's group-wipe insurance.
  13. I'm having trouble importing your data. Can you post it as a Mid's link?

    Anyone else pasting this successfully?
  14. CB_GB


    I love mine. Strong solo, and clearly a huge help to groups.

    But I'm new to them, and have just hit 40. Is Mu Mastery the preferred option for Mind/Fire?

    And will other Mind/Fire doms smack me for skipping Total Domination? It's not a bad power - it just hogs so many slots to make it viable that I'd love to put them elsewhere.
  15. Most of the problems listed here are worse than mine, but just in case it helps, here's what helped my trouble.

    With i17, I experienced heavy graphics 'stuttering' for the first time, and the key to fixing it was reducing shadow detail, especially 'Shader Quality.' None of the other graphics adjustments I tried helped nearly as much.

    For anyone with just that display trouble, it's at least worth a try.
  16. Quote:
    (regarding people saying "I can make a wakie")
    Wakies can be in-combat self-rezzes. I've done it many, many times. I will continue to do it many, many times.
    There's a real difference between a rez that can bring you up fighting in the middle of a raging battle, and one applicable only at the fringe of a thinning fight. I don't die often, but I've sure been grateful more than once when Resurrected.

    But folks here don't seem to mind wakies, and that's good to know.

    As I said in my original post and above, both are nice, but I have room for one at 30 and the other not until 49 if at all.

    Since I've been asked dozens of times for a rez, and never for -regen, I expected Mutation to be a hands-down team favorite. It didn't even occur to me that some might prefer LR until Local weighed the tradeoffs after his excellent ill/rad guide .

    This week, I respec with a team-oriented build and thought I'd ask folks in the Forums which of these they prefer. I'm glad I did: my own preference (I'd rather have a teammate rez me than offer a situationally specific debuff) seems to have biased my expectations.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post
    The opening Q is absolutely drooling with sarcasm.
    Not at all.

    In this thread, I'm not trying to rank the various Radiation powers, but rather I'm asking whether you would prefer to have a teammate with an in-combat rez or a debuff useful in particular situations. It's a fair choice.

    I pick both
    While they're both useful, I wouldn't choose them over the other powers I can get between. I'll get one at 30, and the other not until 49 or at all. That's a significant stretch, especially with SSK teaming becoming so popular.

    I've had teams ask me for a rez, and I've had to decline, as I took LR. Now I'm planning a new build and wanted to see which people valued more in a teammate.

    it's easy enough to make a wakie.
    I can make an awaken.
    I can make myself an awaken.
    Sure. It's a question about the relief of an in-combat rez, whether from Mutation or Howling Twilight or Resurrect.

    Because LR isn't that great for AV-killing. Resistance debuffing (Enervating Field, for example) is far more effective at hastening an AV's defeat than Regeneration debuffing, and the slow is rarely all that useful.
    As I mentioned in my original post, LR has made the key difference in several AV fights, but I agree that Enervating Field is far more useful (in any fight, not just for AV's). There's no question that I'll keep EF.

    I appreciate that some players have gotten good use of Fallout, which is too situation-specific for me. I know what works for me - I'd never skip Radiant Aura or EM Pulse as others have here. If Fallout works for you, I respect that.

    What I don't know is how the teammates who wished for an in-combat rez would value it against an AV-oriented debuff. I'm surprised to see the calls for LR, but I'm glad to know it before I rebuild.
  18. Would you rather have a teammate with Lingering Radiation or Mutation ?

    LR is a terrific AV-killing boost. While it also helps slow enemies in the area, its best feature is reducing target regeneration. You've all seen the sort of situation where it shines: your team is pounding on an AV, and a whole minute (or more) goes by when you wonder if you're making the health bar drop at all. LR can push you over the top.

    On the other hand, an in-combat Rez is a welcome rescue. Mutation revives you with a 90-second bonus to hit, to damage, and to endurance recovery. There's a temporary weakness afterward, but it passes quickly, and 90 seconds is usually plenty to get your feet under you.

    Both are nice, of course, but every power choice displaces another, and in my build, there's room for only one for quite some time.

    Which would you rather have in a teammate?
  19. No worries all around.

    Roderick, thanks for testing that. Since I'll be getting by with the Flight Pack, and not with the Fly power, I'll keep an eye on my timer.
  20. The more I play, the more impressed I become with this guide.

    It not only explains the utility of various powers, it puts them into context in both the discussion and the sample builds. That's important, because builds are about choosing from competing options.

    On that note, I'd suggest one change particularly for new players, like me: take Mutation earlier.

    If you team at all, this spares the expense of slotting a second build to be more group friendly. For someone struggling to afford IO's, it's costly to make a whole new "team oriented" build based around one power.

    Mutation fits nicely in Local's suggested builds at 30, bumping Lingering Radiation until later. Why move LR? In fast moving groups, it gets less utility, both because of its slow recharge and because mobs don't last long enough for its benefits to shine. When soloing through small groups, its slow powers often aren't needed, as you can lock down each enemy without it.

    It's not a bad power. It's most useful when moving through tougher mobs, and three times in the past month, its Regen debuff has made the difference for my team in wearing down an ornery AV. But it's less useful than the powers preceding it, and it can be bumped to 49 (or to 35, displacing Flash), while allowing your character earlier access to a valuable rez, all in a single build.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xalaqia View Post
    Any villain can purchase a 2hr jetpack in Grandville from the jetpack vendor for 10K.
    Yes, I listed in my above post as a good option.

    My main question is whether or not that really acts as a replacement for Fly. Will my villain spend his days kicking his sputtering, smoke-belching pack while other villains gleefully float around him?

    I still see lots of characters with Fly, and I wonder if that's for the extra speed, or because the pack can run out at inconvenient times? 10,000 Inf every now and then seems a small cost to pay for a whole 'nother power, or two.

    Does anyone use a Rocket Pack as their main travel power?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MinMin View Post
    - Assault or Maneuvers?
    - Vengeance or Ball Lightning?

    Depends. How many LotG +recharge IOs do you have access to?
    One if I'm lucky. Zero is probably a safer bet.

    The reason why you see the Leadership pool on so many Fire/Psi Doms is that both Maneuvers and Vengeance can be slotted with that IO.
    I'm consistent about selling to the market, but I'm neither an ebillionaire nor a vet with a posse of toons at 50. I really won't be stocking up on LotG +recharge. I won't have Perma.

    Does Leadership then lose much of its value for this build? I'd gladly use the slots for other powers.

    If you took SS instead of Fly you'd have a spot for another power. SS isn't as bad as people think - rememeber there is unlimited Jet Pack powers now.
    It's extremely appealing to have an extra slot - or two if I skipped travel powers altogether. Is it really possible to get by with just Jet Packs, or will I be kicking myself at level 30?

    For me, SS is as bad as people imagine. Redside maps are very, very unforgiving to newcomers finding their way around on the ground. Fly is the best match for me while I'm learning the layout, so the question is, "Can I simulate that with a Rocket Pack, or will I be the kid on a Big Wheel while the rest of my team screams by on Green Machines?"

    Originally Posted by Avlorik View Post
    Are you planning on using recipes or just IO's for enhancements?
    At 27, I'll fill up with level 30 standard IO's. Then I'll gradually replace them as I can afford sets. I won't have Perma, which I can appreciate more than I can afford.

    As far as Smoke goes, it's situational. I personally haven't taken it on either Fire/Psys I've got (2 perma Fire/Psys).
    That's how I felt in planning my ill/rad controller, but I've found Superior Invis to be terrific. Maybe with a Dom I won't feel the need to sneak as much.

    I'd take Cinders at 26. It's the ruh-roh power to use when too many foes are attacking all at once on ya.
    I can see that being useful. Thanks, too, for suggesting moving up Hurdle.

    Patron Powers, think of changing over to Soul Mastery.
    Sounds like the main difference is the acc/dam boost of Soul Drain? Mu Mastery is more for Endurance?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    if you are 'combat' level 5, and not 'threat/security' level 5 (i.e., HAVE NOT trained up yet), you DO NOT count as level 5
    That was the issue for me, thanks. I wonder if I could now get the reward, after training, by running it again?

    Since Contacts treat you as your combat level, I didn't expect the rewards to be dependent on training.

    On the general topic of this Thread, it's worth recommending that newcomers either get their pack in Grandville or pick Fly as a travel power. The alternative methods require specific steps that are easier to follow if you've already done them once, or are going with someone who knows.

    The Villain side requires more knowledge from experience and a great deal more vertical travel than on early Hero side maps. Movement within zones is harder - there are more dead-ends, more barrier walls, elevators, and fortresses - and travel between zones is fragmented by multiple (unmarked) routes.

    Player-shared knowledge is weaker on the Redside, too, which makes it harder to figure out where you're going. The incorrectly listed location for Marshall Bass on ParagonWiki is just one example.

    Imagine as a new player trying to figure out where you can go from Atlas Park by looking at this map. The list at the bottom makes it clear both where you can go and how to get there.

    Now compare it to the map of Mercy Island from the same site. Where can you go? Beats me.

    I'm still having a great time Redside, but getting around is much, much easier once you already know the layout.

    Until then, make sure you can Fly.
  24. Good information, thank you! I was flummoxed.

    Roderick's is the one that applies to me: next time I'll take the time to train. Levels went fast during Double XP!

    A follow up question: with, say, 10 minutes left on a Grandville pack, can you buy a new one to reset the timer to 2 hrs, or must you first use up the existing pack?
  25. What else do I need to do to get a pack from a Mayhem Mission besides complete it?

    This weekend, my whole team got the pack from Atlas, but I did not. Since I was at the end of the level range, and leveled in the middle of the mission, I guessed that perhaps I had outgrown the reward range.

    But today, with a different character, I was firmly in the range to receive the KR Pack. Everyone else did. Mine just didn't show.

    As a returning player, much of this is new to me. Is there something more I need to do to receive a pack (it isn't listed under Rewards in the dialog box I get at mission end), or to find it? When I click the Powers tab, I see all my other powers, including the Origin Temporary, but no Packs.