Mind/Energy Advice and info wanted.
Hello all,
After trying several /Nrg doms, just by chance and lvling luck, the Mind/Energy has come to ther forefront and will be what Im going to work on. Im not even sure I think its the best, but I need to stick with one for a while, and he won. |
So to keep my spirits and interest up, I have been thinking of builds and direction with guy. I have no real Dom experience. I have been reading everything I can and getting atleast a theoretical feel for them. Practical experience is coming slowly. Im suprised to find that the mind is both fun and effective at this point (lvl 26) both soloed and teamed. The team is what most suprised me, and that the group sleep is actually useful on fast moving teams.
I mostly play him like a ranged blaster, and is what I will continue to do. |
On to the questions. It appears I have three general ways to go. Build for defense, recharge (heading for perma dom) and pure damage.
Considering my choice of Mind/Energy, what is the pros and cons of these plans for team, solo and cost. My general guess. I think I can fairly cheaply Perma Dom him at 70% or so recharge with use of the KB sets. This lowers my damage, as the set of six only gives 68% damage increase. This build seems best for soloing, fairly cheap, maybe second best team build. |
Having 2 confuse and 2 sleep powers, you can slot Call of the Sandman and Malaises Illusions for cheap recharge. Depending on your funds, the purple sleep and confuse sets are also fantastic as well as very affordable.
Defense. Seems expensive, good solo, less needed on teams and maybe less valuable.
Damage. Always good. Best on teams, maybe middle of the road on cost and solo power. |
While Doms do have good damage, building for +dam isn't a very effective route to go. I generally view any +dam I get from bonuses as a nice side-effect, but not a main goal to build for.
Permadom is very worthwhile, but you don't have to lose out on damage to get it. You definitely shouldn't either, since a lot of the benefit of permadom allows you to play more aggressively where you'll want as much damage as you can get.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Thanks Silas.
Since my present Villians bank account is a couple million, not sure the ways I see to get there are within my grasp anytime soon. So I can continue to just build with frakenslotting, getting the most bang per individual power, but no real set bonuses or go the KB set route, unless Im missing something.
I did use the sleep and confuse sets in the build I have been working on, but dont see any cheap alternatives to get the 7.5% recharge bonus. Cheap being under .5 billion.
Ill keep working and earning and see how it goes.
Im really struggling on which Mind powers to prioritize or expect to get mileage out of in the later stages. I just got Terrorize, which I love, as Im a fan of fear powers.
Total Domination is not giving me much of a warm feeling, the poor acc might be the present problem, as its poorly slotted for me now.
Not sure if its worth thinking about taking on AV's or even EB's with this combo, and if so, which of the single target powers, Confuse, Mezmerize, or Domination will prove most useful late game.
Teaming I dont use any of them, solo I use them all, and find each useful in its way. I even wonder if Lift might not be worthwhile, though I already have a decent single target attack chain.
Im comfortable with the Energy powers, as I have many hours on my lvl 50 Nrg blaster. The Mind powers, even after reading the guides, seem more a matter of taste.
Further opinions on them, and what types of hunting they are each good for?
Im really struggling on which Mind powers to prioritize or expect to get mileage out of in the later stages. I just got Terrorize, which I love, as Im a fan of fear powers. Total Domination is not giving me much of a warm feeling, the poor acc might be the present problem, as its poorly slotted for me now. |
The thing about Mind is that it's fantastic at locking down small spawns, with Levitate, Dominate, Confuse and Mesmerize you've got all the tools you need to ensure a solo spawn is totally shut down as you kill them.
Not sure if its worth thinking about taking on AV's or even EB's with this combo, and if so, which of the single target powers, Confuse, Mezmerize, or Domination will prove most useful late game.
Teaming I dont use any of them, solo I use them all, and find each useful in its way. I even wonder if Lift might not be worthwhile, though I already have a decent single target attack chain.
I've got all of the ST controls from Mind, because they're all useful and ST Domination (pardon the pun

Solo I can Mesmerize one target, then use Dominate on the other and kill it. Teaming I'll Dominate one mob, then use Levitate on another while Dominate recharges. You want to be cycling Dominate through to mez the troublesome mobs in a spawn like Sappers, Surgeons, etc.
Im comfortable with the Energy powers, as I have many hours on my lvl 50 Nrg blaster. The Mind powers, even after reading the guides, seem more a matter of taste.
Further opinions on them, and what types of hunting they are each good for? |
Mesmerize: much more useful solo than teamed, comes in very handy if you're sleeping the Freedom Phalanx in the RSF.
Dominate: bread and butter hold. Slot it, use it, love it. It cuts through ranged defense since it's only typed as psi, animates fast and is generally great.
Confuse: Useful soloing, more niche use teaming. Can be put off till the 30s/40s.
Mass Hypnosis: Your soloing "I win" button. Take ASAP, love it.
Telekinesis: eh, gimmicky AoE hold. I skipped it. Huge end cost for something I didn't really need. For big spawns I have Terrify, Mass Confusion/Hypnosis or Total Domination.
Total Domination: can be put off till later, good panic button. Stats are pretty poop though, needs a fair few slots to be good.
Terrify: fantastic power, teamed or solo. My default go-to power for big spawns on teams. Fear the minions/lts, ST the bosses.
Mass Confusion: hilarious power. Another good AoE control power.
Mind has a whole lot of awesome powers, which unfortunately means there's not much I'd recommend skipping. Telekinesis is fairly skippable, Total Domination sorta but I like having it.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Hello all,
My general guess. I think I can fairly cheaply Perma Dom him at 70% or so recharge with use of the KB sets. This lowers my damage, as the set of six only gives 68% damage increase. This build seems best for soloing, fairly cheap, maybe second best team build. |
Defense. Seems expensive, good solo, less needed on teams and maybe less valuable.
Damage. Always good. Best on teams, maybe middle of the road on cost and solo power.
So any advice, corrections to my assumptions. Is perma dom worthwhile if I lose out on damage?
Anyway, looking forward to any advice or input. Robber. |
Originally Posted by TrainRobber
Not sure if its worth thinking about taking on AV's or even EB's with this combo, and if so, which of the single target powers, Confuse, Mezmerize, or Domination will prove most useful late game.
Originally Posted by TrainRobber
Teaming I dont use any of them, solo I use them all, and find each useful in its way. I even wonder if Lift might not be worthwhile, though I already have a decent single target attack chain.
Originally Posted by TrainRobber
I did use the sleep and confuse sets in the build I have been working on, but dont see any cheap alternatives to get the 7.5% recharge bonus. Cheap being under .5 billion.
Positron has stolen my Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
I have a Mind/Energy on my own. Far from perma, but with a solid 63ish recharge.
So far:
5 x 6.25 (Two Confusion, Two Sleeps, Fear)
3 X 7.5 (Two holds, Power Bolt)
2 x 5 (Bonesmasher, Res Armor)
Currently level 43, and 3 other blasts are slotted with Thunderstrikes, which come in handy for extra accuracy for the AoE controls. I guess I could pick up an extra 15% recharge in the blasts, but concerned how that would hurt my DPS.
Outside of purples, KB on blasts, and LoTG, and burning way too many slots on defense powers, all of which I'm unsure I want to do. Anything else I could slot for more recharge?
All I'm thinking of is Lift, Sniper, and the Patron Pet.

I took out my DM/SR lvl 50 soft capped Scrapper. Havent played him a year or so. My god, he is simply unkillable against normal mobs, and he is a cheaply built version at that.
I did it because I wanted to see how good Defense was, as I havent played for a year. I had been getting owned by an EB in an Ouro arc on my Mind/Nrg and wanted to see if defense is worth it. Well, I think it is. I can soft cap range for a reasonble price without going perma dom. Im seriously considering changing my focus to that now.
The only thing that is holding me back is I did a quick and dirty look at burst damage, for both aoe and single target over several doms and corrs. Im sure dps translates roughly out about the same for rankings. I cried when I saw how badly Fire outclasses everything else I looked at. I think I could have nearly burned the EB Down in two cycles of the chain.
Hehe, the AE farms are fixed and Im really wondering if I should continue with my Mind/Nrg or start either the Fire/Traps or ?/Fire Dom.
I have a Mind/Energy on my own. Far from perma, but with a solid 63ish recharge.
So far: 5 x 6.25 (Two Confusion, Two Sleeps, Fear) 3 X 7.5 (Two holds, Power Bolt) 2 x 5 (Bonesmasher, Res Armor) Currently level 43, and 3 other blasts are slotted with Thunderstrikes, which come in handy for extra accuracy for the AoE controls. I guess I could pick up an extra 15% recharge in the blasts, but concerned how that would hurt my DPS. Outside of purples, KB on blasts, and LoTG, and burning way too many slots on defense powers, all of which I'm unsure I want to do. Anything else I could slot for more recharge? All I'm thinking of is Lift, Sniper, and the Patron Pet. |
Additionally an advantage of Decimations and Entropic Chaos sets is that they give 6.25% global recharge bonus.
Positron has stolen my Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
I took out my DM/SR lvl 50 soft capped Scrapper. Havent played him a year or so. My god, he is simply unkillable against normal mobs, and he is a cheaply built version at that.
I did it because I wanted to see how good Defense was, as I havent played for a year. I had been getting owned by an EB in an Ouro arc on my Mind/Nrg and wanted to see if defense is worth it. Well, I think it is. I can soft cap range for a reasonble price without going perma dom. Im seriously considering changing my focus to that now. |
Yes you want defense so you can jump in mobs and throw your mez. But you need domination perma so that your mez lasts long enough for you to kill the mob. Soft capping the defense on a dommie.... would be interesting but I think you'd loose too much recharge to make it worth being a primary focus without a very expensive build (off the top of my head I think you might be able to get Tier 1 Perma Dom and Soft capped def).
However, a thing to remember is that your SR has defense debuff-resistance through the roof - you're dommie won't have that.
The only thing that is holding me back is I did a quick and dirty look at burst damage, for both aoe and single target over several doms and corrs. Im sure dps translates roughly out about the same for rankings. I cried when I saw how badly Fire outclasses everything else I looked at. I think I could have nearly burned the EB Down in two cycles of the chain.
Hehe, the AE farms are fixed and Im really wondering if I should continue with my Mind/Nrg or start either the Fire/Traps or ?/Fire Dom.
Decisions. |
/Fire /Earth /Psi /Thorn all have better AoE potential for farming. But I'd recommend getting more familiar with the powersets and picking which makes the most sense for your playing style.
Positron has stolen my Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
You won't loose that much damage/hit if you change out Thunderstrikes for Decimations or Entropic Chaos. I haven't data mined this, but I'd bet that you'd make up for the small decrease in damage/hit by doing a greater amount of damage/time as your powers will recharge faster even if they're weaker.
Additionally an advantage of Decimations and Entropic Chaos sets is that they give 6.25% global recharge bonus. |

I already used up my 5 6.25% in the control powers, so slotting Decimations and Entropic Chaos does nothing. However, if I hit 50 and choose to slot purples, I will most likely go for the sleep / confuse since they are cheaper, giving me room for those later down the road.
Positron has stolen my Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
I have a build that doesnt seem impossible to afford that gives me perma dom 1, at 77% recharge. It hits 42.6 Ranged defense and 27.4 S/L defense. Seems pretty good. I threw in Poison Ray for the -Resistance. Not sure if it stacks with itself, Im thinking it doesnt.
Still, all in all, it seems like while this build has zero AOE, it might be a fairy good big game hunter. Bosses and EB's probably easy enough, Im guessing my lack of a heal makes AV's undoable.
Im wondering if Aid Self along with that nice Ranged defense would be better than the Scorpion shield though.
Fire is very cool in terms of damage output. However many AV/EBs will have resistance/def to fire damage which in turn reduces the significance of that higher damage output. Whereas some of the more exotic damage types that may put out less damage compared to fire aren't resisted as much throughout the game.
Silas' views on these powers are the same as mine,
Total Domination is actually fairly skippable. I did take it on my Mind Dom, but fairly late in the build and I don't get a lot of use out of it. It's mainly a tertiary panic button, Terrify/Mass Confusion/Mass Hypnosis being my main big spawn mez powers.
The thing about Mind is that it's fantastic at locking down small spawns, with Levitate, Dominate, Confuse and Mesmerize you've got all the tools you need to ensure a solo spawn is totally shut down as you kill them. Solo I can Mesmerize one target, then use Dominate on the other and kill it. Teaming I'll Dominate one mob, then use Levitate on another while Dominate recharges. You want to be cycling Dominate through to mez the troublesome mobs in a spawn like Sappers, Surgeons, etc. Levitate: good filler mez for when Dominate is recharging, decent damage. Mesmerize: much more useful solo than teamed, comes in very handy if you're sleeping the Freedom Phalanx in the RSF. Dominate: bread and butter hold. Slot it, use it, love it. It cuts through ranged defense since it's only typed as psi, animates fast and is generally great. Mass Hypnosis: Your soloing "I win" button. Take ASAP, love it. |
- Confuse is a terrific power, even early on. With it, you can now easily control three mobs at once, and with a bit of juggling, four. And that's without any AoE controls.
You're in great shape even at early levels, and once you reach Terrify, which has a a near full-view radius and a good hit rate, you're one tough Villain.
- Total Domination is skippable if you're tight on slots and want another power. Six slotted - recharge, accuracy, and hold, it's fine, but it trails your other options.
- Telekinesis is much more than a gimmicky hold. I never, ever regret having it, though it comes alive only after you get Stamina; it may be worth delaying until then. In return, it offers an AoE hold that always hits. It's been a life-saver, and team-saver, more often that I can recall.
- Mass Hypnosis is a great solo power, as mentioned, but it's also a good teaming power when you're with a group that risks accidentally drawing a second group. It's group-wipe insurance.
Hello all,
After trying several /Nrg doms, just by chance and lvling luck, the Mind/Energy has come to ther forefront and will be what Im going to work on. Im not even sure I think its the best, but I need to stick with one for a while, and he won.
So to keep my spirits and interest up, I have been thinking of builds and direction with guy. I have no real Dom experience. I have been reading everything I can and getting atleast a theoretical feel for them. Practical experience is coming slowly. Im suprised to find that the mind is both fun and effective at this point (lvl 26) both soloed and teamed. The team is what most suprised me, and that the group sleep is actually useful on fast moving teams.
I mostly play him like a ranged blaster, and is what I will continue to do.
On to the questions. It appears I have three general ways to go. Build for defense, recharge (heading for perma dom) and pure damage.
Considering my choice of Mind/Energy, what is the pros and cons of these plans for team, solo and cost.
My general guess.
I think I can fairly cheaply Perma Dom him at 70% or so recharge with use of the KB sets. This lowers my damage, as the set of six only gives 68% damage increase. This build seems best for soloing, fairly cheap, maybe second best team build.
Defense. Seems expensive, good solo, less needed on teams and maybe less valuable.
Damage. Always good. Best on teams, maybe middle of the road on cost and solo power.
These are just my guesses. I play blueside and until the last 3 weeks, had been away from the game.
So any advice, corrections to my assumptions. Is perma dom worthwhile if I lose out on damage?
Anyway, looking forward to any advice or input.