33 -
As there are various changes in gameplay it would be nice to have the ability to convert existing incarnate enhancements.
If you've got a tier 5 incarnate enhancement, you enjoy it for a bit, and then lo and behold there's a revelation for yourself that there's a better way to build your character (either do to dev changes in the game, a current trend, or something you merely overlooked). It would be nice to be able to change the existing tier 5 enhancement to the one you need for your new build.
I'm not really picky as to how we get to converting these enhancements - be it simply getting beau-coup threads - or a mission/arc to run. I just know since there's really no one else that can gain from me having put in the work to get one incarnate enhancement I shouldn't be penalized for the lack of foresight to anticipate that I may possibly need a different enhancement to begin with. -
Doesn't necessarily hafta be GR questions... just questions in general.
I saw this on the site the other day and I was wondering what questions you guys would ask the devs if you thought they actually would answer.
Razor Dev Q&A -
7.5% recharge for 4 slots is a good reason to keep the imps.
Fridays are hit and miss for me and PI - either going out or passing out... or both.... generally aren't there less people playing on Fridays?
Thursday or Sunday could work. -
Quote:I'm not sure either, but its possible that there could be a way to make it work... since this is strictly an end refill, not a recovery boost it'd play a bit different than DP... but it would be great if you could get it to work out.
I'm not so sure that would work, the endurance consumption of the build is pretty intense overall. Once I have permadom and consumption on higher recharges on live, I could give this a thought though.
Thanks for the reply. -
Quote:I don't think anyone is knocking your play style, style is style, everyone has their preferences...With all that said, I know perfectly well that I could slot/play a bit more intelligently and probably not need stamina at all. But I like putting myself in a very fluid and frantic environment that I need all my tools to survive, and I like not having to pay (much) attention to my blue bar. Oh, and Stamina does help for single hard targets and/or running lots of toggles.
I am not saying that a Mind/Psi needs Stamina, just that it can be a luxury w/ some playstyles.
But what you're describing is what everyone else can do without Stamina. All of the dommies I've made and helped others make can all run ahead of the team, lock down everything, kill the mob and move on without any help - this isn't exactly new terroitory with what you're describing. This is just what dommies can do when they have perma domination.
The added benefit of not getting the Fitness pool is the ability to grab three extra powers that can be more functional and you can get better slotting/bonuses from it. The argument people are making is that 'Yes, you can do it without Stamina'. -
Why slot Incinerate with purples and not Blaze? Blaze has a higher base damage and will get a bigger increase from slotting it with purples than Incinerate.
Also, you can change up the slotting on Hot Feet to a different set to get a better end discount and not waste the purples on that power. You could even get more defense from changing this up.
I think you should definitely get rid of fire breath and get combustion. Slightly longer casting and recharge - but more foes will be affected and better DoT duration.
You may want to check and see if you really need Stamina in this build. I'm guessing you could get good enough to play without the need for it.
Lastily I assume you will probably want to put something in SS. -
If Wintervoid is using DP correctly (jumping into the middle of a mob and hitting the power) he should be at the end recovery cap for 30 seconds and then have at least 100 end to use til domination goes off again. I'm gonna guess he's got a low recharge build, a bunch of toggles, and doesn't hit DP as often as he needs to. One possibility is that he's not positioning his domi correctly to get DP to hit an entire mob and thus not getting max end recovery. And another is that his attack chain just isn't that good. Yet another possibility is that his attack/holds are not optimized for end cost and cost more than they need to.
There's no reason why you NEED stamina in a /psi build unless you can't get your recharge up to use DP regularly. This is because DP when used right can get a player to end recovery cap, and then you rely on domination to go off for the rest of it. The three powers taken just to get stamina is a waste of three powers that need a lot of slots in order to get recharge bonuses out of them - and DP can do a better job than Health and Stamina. -
Thanks for organizing it Gris. I definitely agree with you on all the points made. They are all reasonable things that can be improved on.
Kinda wonder if we could just fight through 50% since Hami popped so fast...
Remind me next time you see me on to tell you about a different way for handling the blues. Good to kick Hami's booty a third time. -
I think overall I liked your previous build better. Even though it had fly =P
I personally shoot for 130% global recharge bonus without hasten. The reason for this is playability - you don't need hasten in your build if you have that much recharge (and I can't wait till I get the vet badges to get rid of it!). Domination will stay up by itself without any use of Hasten, and I've grown to like playing that way. I basically have a higher 100% recharge time than someone with 62-80% recharge that needs to hit Hasten to keep up their perma dom (because of the downtime for Hasten) - even though mids might tell you otherwise. Additionally you'll find that higher recharge leads to higher damage output. I know there's a huge swing back to lower recharge values - but I personally love my tier 3 crazy recharge.
Your defense wasn't bad before - somewhere north of 15% is nice, but the key component to go with that is that you need the 55%+ resistance to make it worthwhile. I've tried the scorpion shield, and was utterly disappointed with it. You would need to slot more for defense than what you are currently in either of your builds. If you are going for a defense (and no resistance) build, you'll also want to maximize HP so you can survive the hits you take.
Other than that the totals looked very good - and its just a matter of getting use to the powers and being sure that they work for your playstyle. I know what kind of attacks and mez I like, which you may or may not like. You may find that some of the powers once you start playing with her more aren't that used. -
Quote:To go back to your initial inquiry, you could do CI in Total Focus and Oblits in Whirling Hands. That would give you 10% extra recharge. And you could get another 7.5% from Sniper Blast.I already used up my 5 6.25% in the control powers, so slotting Decimations and Entropic Chaos does nothing. However, if I hit 50 and choose to slot purples, I will most likely go for the sleep / confuse since they are cheaper, giving me room for those later down the road.
You can never have too much recharge.
Its not a bad build. There's room for improvement, but I think you're survivable numbers on close to where they need to be. I think you'll figure out better how to slot it and what powers you need more once you start playing with him after you put this build into use.
I agree with picking up Weave instead of Invis - Weave you can actually use - if you use Invis you're not doing anything else.
Speaking of powers you probably won't use, Confuse. Your ST hold and sleep will be more useful than a ST confuse.
Overall I think this is a great improvement from your initial build and you should test it out to get a better feel for how it will play.
Good luck with it. -
Awhile back there were some posts of various dommies soloing 54 AVs and what not. It can be done - its expensive and the battles are time consuming (stacking mez/and perma killing regen). But you most certainly can do it. Softcapping S/L def is possible - but I haven't tried doing it with keeping up maximium recharge (which would be where the real problem comes in).
You probably don't need to softcap your def if your recharge and mez are high enough. But that's just my opinion. I would focus on recharge more, because if you have anyone locked down and if DP is perma on them that will essentially mean that they aren't regening or attacking you... which you should be able to kill given enough time. -
Quote:Double edge sword here....I took out my DM/SR lvl 50 soft capped Scrapper. Havent played him a year or so. My god, he is simply unkillable against normal mobs, and he is a cheaply built version at that.
I did it because I wanted to see how good Defense was, as I havent played for a year. I had been getting owned by an EB in an Ouro arc on my Mind/Nrg and wanted to see if defense is worth it. Well, I think it is. I can soft cap range for a reasonble price without going perma dom. Im seriously considering changing my focus to that now.
Yes you want defense so you can jump in mobs and throw your mez. But you need domination perma so that your mez lasts long enough for you to kill the mob. Soft capping the defense on a dommie.... would be interesting but I think you'd loose too much recharge to make it worth being a primary focus without a very expensive build (off the top of my head I think you might be able to get Tier 1 Perma Dom and Soft capped def).
However, a thing to remember is that your SR has defense debuff-resistance through the roof - you're dommie won't have that.
Quote:The only thing that is holding me back is I did a quick and dirty look at burst damage, for both aoe and single target over several doms and corrs. Im sure dps translates roughly out about the same for rankings. I cried when I saw how badly Fire outclasses everything else I looked at. I think I could have nearly burned the EB Down in two cycles of the chain.
Quote:Hehe, the AE farms are fixed and Im really wondering if I should continue with my Mind/Nrg or start either the Fire/Traps or ?/Fire Dom.
/Fire /Earth /Psi /Thorn all have better AoE potential for farming. But I'd recommend getting more familiar with the powersets and picking which makes the most sense for your playing style. -
Quote:You won't loose that much damage/hit if you change out Thunderstrikes for Decimations or Entropic Chaos. I haven't data mined this, but I'd bet that you'd make up for the small decrease in damage/hit by doing a greater amount of damage/time as your powers will recharge faster even if they're weaker.I have a Mind/Energy on my own. Far from perma, but with a solid 63ish recharge.
So far:
5 x 6.25 (Two Confusion, Two Sleeps, Fear)
3 X 7.5 (Two holds, Power Bolt)
2 x 5 (Bonesmasher, Res Armor)
Currently level 43, and 3 other blasts are slotted with Thunderstrikes, which come in handy for extra accuracy for the AoE controls. I guess I could pick up an extra 15% recharge in the blasts, but concerned how that would hurt my DPS.
Outside of purples, KB on blasts, and LoTG, and burning way too many slots on defense powers, all of which I'm unsure I want to do. Anything else I could slot for more recharge?
All I'm thinking of is Lift, Sniper, and the Patron Pet.
Additionally an advantage of Decimations and Entropic Chaos sets is that they give 6.25% global recharge bonus. -
Quote:Somewhere between 62.5%-80% global recharge will be needed depending on how many slots you put on Hasten.Hello all,
My general guess.
I think I can fairly cheaply Perma Dom him at 70% or so recharge with use of the KB sets. This lowers my damage, as the set of six only gives 68% damage increase. This build seems best for soloing, fairly cheap, maybe second best team build.
Quote:Defense. Seems expensive, good solo, less needed on teams and maybe less valuable.
Quote:Damage. Always good. Best on teams, maybe middle of the road on cost and solo power.
Quote:So any advice, corrections to my assumptions. Is perma dom worthwhile if I lose out on damage?
Anyway, looking forward to any advice or input.
Quote:Originally Posted by TrainRobberNot sure if its worth thinking about taking on AV's or even EB's with this combo, and if so, which of the single target powers, Confuse, Mezmerize, or Domination will prove most useful late game.
Quote:Originally Posted by TrainRobberTeaming I dont use any of them, solo I use them all, and find each useful in its way. I even wonder if Lift might not be worthwhile, though I already have a decent single target attack chain.
Quote:Originally Posted by TrainRobberI did use the sleep and confuse sets in the build I have been working on, but dont see any cheap alternatives to get the 7.5% recharge bonus. Cheap being under .5 billion. -
The fitness pool includes Stamina and Health - that's what you need to get rid of - not tough and weave. If you look at your survival numbers, you loose approximately 20% resistance (there would be even greater losses with some changes to your slotting).
Additionally, the extra accuracy mods in drain psyche and total domination are unneeded. Even if you have a statistical 100% chance of hitting a mob (with defense adjustments already taken into account) you have at most a 95% chance of hitting due to the 5% rule. So going to extremes of maximizing your accuracy with these powers instead worthwhile and the slot can be better served with some other enhancement or being used in a different power.
Finally, I'd choose a different travel power set than Flight. Flight is the slowest travel power, and switching between your tier 2 and tier 3 travel power is a nuisance. If you intend to farm, really the best choice is Super Speed. SJ could work - but that depends on how spread apart spawns are and the slotting of Combat Jumping. -
I'd drop Summon Seer, Soul Drain, Dark Consumption and Recall Friend.
The reason for getting rid of those four powers: Dark Consumption is unneeded due to Stamina, Summon Seer is unneeded due to Singularity, and Soul Drain has too long of a recharge time. Recall Friend - sure its a useful power, but there are much better powers to take over it.
Instead of these powers, I'd grab Boxing, Tough, Weave, and Dark Obliteration (not necessarily in that order). I would also take Dark Embrace ASAP. This will improve your survivability and increase your AoE damage output. -
oO does this mean I get entrusted to lead another green team and act like I have Tourette's?
I was a little disappointed I didn't cause Gris a heart attack on TS.
Fun TF to get back into the swing of things, thanks for letting me tag along. -
Depends on the build and what you're fighting... but most likely you'll need to mez the mobs first then hit your attack chain... and apply further mez as needed.
I may be interested
What matters most is what kind of team you're playing with on what kind of dommie is most useful to bring.
If you're teammates regularly have two mind/ doms they probably don't need a third. Does you team over aggro? A plant/ dom would likely be good for taking away some of that pressure. Does you team need more debuffage? Maybe a stone/ or a /thorny would prove to be useful due to the inherent debuffs in the powersets. Is the rest of the team set and you just want to show off your crazy holding skills? Roll a ice/ and enjoy playing with your ice blocks and bouncing mobs. Need damage that isn't resisted by many critters, /psi is where its at.
Really the point is that if you're gonna make the third dommie on the team - make it so you aren't doing the exact same thing that the other two are doing so that you have a useful role on the team and you're not just the backup. -
Yes you're right Terrify is 90 degrees - so the effectiveness of the power will very greatly on the positioning of your character when you cast it. Terrify definitely seems to be a good power to use with PSW - I guess I had never really looked at this power in depth - it seems like the goto every-mob-mez whereas mass hyp is better for preventing unnecessary aggro and total domination just seems too slow and bulky compared to terrify.
If I had to nitpick, the two things I'd point out is if you get adds to what you're fighting or if it takes longer than the duration of terrify - your toon needs to reposition to recast terrify and hit the majority of the the new/exisiting mob - then reposition again to use PSW... yay for travel suppression. The other problem would be with bosses and AVs that have protection to terrify - it would be hard to stack enough fear mez with another dominator for the mez to take effect, since likely chances they don't have terrify.
I think overall it really depends on the play style of the user and what they prefer to do. For me - I know I wouldn't desire to be reliant on my every-mob-mez to be dependent on my positioning. Especially if that positioning doesn't coincide with the positioning for my main attack.