are the forums going too?
I would assume so. Are Tabula Rasa's forums still up?
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They may even go before the servers come down. No real way of knowing.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
Well, there are a few forums out there composed of CoH players and probably a few more being made.
The 2 main TR forums were PlanetTR (now shuttered), and the "Unofficial TR" forums (which i started, ran, and still keep up although in a non skinned version).
But yeah...
Save anything important by:
1) Go to <- replacing anyaddresshere with the address you want to save - it should go to a page saying the page has now been added to The Internet Archive and will be available within the next few months. This is a permanant archive of The Internet and is as close as you can get to engraving a website on stone Ozymandias-like:
2) Go to and save the page on there, you can then afterwards access via
You can save forum threads this way!
3) For downloading every thread in the forum, try Offline Explorer from or your local Pirate Bay, you can use this to download every thread on the forum using a crawl limit of 0 and the range{:1..300000}
this site is under con atm. it looks like it will be for us old timers
I wonder if maybe we could get Jason Scott's Archive Team to help us archive the forums? There's a lot of history and community culture here that I'd hate to see just up and vanish.
bump ^
bump ^^^
More than for any other game I've played, the CoH forums are an essential part of the experience.
Saving them would be a great step.
bumpity bump
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Bump ^^^^
along with servers going down or will those still be up too?