Not Getting Packs from Mayhem Missions




What else do I need to do to get a pack from a Mayhem Mission besides complete it?

This weekend, my whole team got the pack from Atlas, but I did not. Since I was at the end of the level range, and leveled in the middle of the mission, I guessed that perhaps I had outgrown the reward range.

But today, with a different character, I was firmly in the range to receive the KR Pack. Everyone else did. Mine just didn't show.

As a returning player, much of this is new to me. Is there something more I need to do to receive a pack (it isn't listed under Rewards in the dialog box I get at mission end), or to find it? When I click the Powers tab, I see all my other powers, including the Origin Temporary, but no Packs.



If you already earned it at some point previously, you can not earn it a second time.

Other than that, I suppose you should have been rewarded the power like everybody else.



Also, you have to be trained to the minimum level for the reward to receive it.

For example, if you are level 8, but have only trained to 4, you will not get any temp powers via Mayhems/Safeguards, as Atlas requires a minimum of level 5. Each other has a minimum level 5 greater than the previous. There is no maximum for any of them.




Also, for the Atlas Park mission, if you have the Raptor Pack from Grandville or the Shadow Shard already, you will not receive a new one upon completion of the mission. However, I believe that if you delete your purchased pack (or let it expire), then run the Atlas bank mission, you will get the Raptor Pack upon completion (this is even if you have done the mission before without getting the pack).



Good information, thank you! I was flummoxed.

Roderick's is the one that applies to me: next time I'll take the time to train. Levels went fast during Double XP!

A follow up question: with, say, 10 minutes left on a Grandville pack, can you buy a new one to reset the timer to 2 hrs, or must you first use up the existing pack?



You can only have one at a time. If you try to buy a second, it will say something about a full inventory.

Many Temp Powers can be deleted by right-clicking them from the Powers window (NOT the power tray). I THINK the Raptor Pack can be deleted, if you want to refresh it before it runs out, but I've never tested it.




I'm fairly certain that it resets the timer.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Many Temp Powers can be deleted by right-clicking them from the Powers window (NOT the power tray). I THINK the Raptor Pack can be deleted, if you want to refresh it before it runs out, but I've never tested it.
I believe Rod is correct -- simply open up the "Powers" window (like he pointed out, NOT the icon in your Power Tray), scroll down to find the temp power in question, right-click it and select "Delete". At that point, you will again be eligible to purchase a new Raptor Pack.

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Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'm fairly certain that it resets the timer.
If you try to buy the pack from the vendor when you already have one, the vendor will take your 10K inf, but not give you a recharge on the pack (so you are out 10K). Definitely delete the old one first from your powers before trying to buy a new one.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
If you try to buy the pack from the vendor when you already have one, the vendor will take your 10K inf, but not give you a recharge on the pack (so you are out 10K).
I'd say /bug that, because it's clearly Bad and Wrong behavior. If they don't want you overlapping the things, the vendor should just tell you to sod off, not take your non-money and give you nothing.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'd say /bug that, because it's clearly Bad and Wrong behavior. If they don't want you overlapping the things, the vendor should just tell you to sod off, not take your non-money and give you nothing.
The first time I tried to buy a pack, I had a Raptor Pack from a Mayhem already, and was testing to see if the purchased one counted as the same one or not. He did tell me to go away. If he allows you to pay for one and doesn't give it to you, that's a recent bug, and should definitely be reported.




Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'd say /bug that, because it's clearly Bad and Wrong behavior. If they don't want you overlapping the things, the vendor should just tell you to sod off, not take your non-money and give you nothing.
I just tested this now, since I was buying a new Raptor Pack anyways.

I bought a new pack, turned it on for 5 seconds, then verified that it had less than 2 hours of use left. Then I bought a new one, WITHOUT deleting the previous.

The "you just bought something" ding played, but my Raptor Pack stayed at 1:59:55, and no inf was deducted. I clicked the "Buy" button several times, and each time the sound played, making it seem like I had bought another, but nothing actually happened.




Not Getting Packs from... 10-19-2009 05:08 PM Wrong, as usual.
*snrk* since when does an indefinite statement qualify as wrong? It wasn't like I was claiming certitude or anything. I was going on a vague memory from months ago because truthfully I almost never buy a pack.

Thanks though, whoever repped me provided my amusement for the day.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



No worries all around.

Roderick, thanks for testing that. Since I'll be getting by with the Flight Pack, and not with the Fly power, I'll keep an eye on my timer.