Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post

    What is this "we" you're talking about, Kemo Sabe ? Unless you're a Redname in disguise, "we" don't add any content to this game, the Devs do.
    Granted. English language 9,001 Me 0.

    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    Simple: just like some content (ex. Grandville, Founders Falls, etc.) cannot be played until you're high enough in levels, the Battalion stuff will be gated behind requirements of "X Level Shifts" - Level Shifting is simply raising the Level Cap without having to raise the Level Cap, ifyaknowwhatImean...
    That's just it. From what we know of the Battalion its going to be a story ark of the same scale as the Praetoria one. That is a lot of content to be gated behind VIP and +3 level shifts.

    Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
    "Reboot" which is totally hypothetical at this point, and which (looking into my trusty Magic 8-Ball) more likely won't happen.
    I don't think either one of us can say one way or the other for sure if COH 2 is going to happen. But in my opinion it is more likely to happen now that is to not happen.
  2. As a player base how many incarnates do we think the developers should expect us to have per account? I ask this because of some of the talk in the L54 Battalion thread. It seems that there are some people that feel that they have not had time to get their characters up to level 53 yet. And it would seem that there are even those that feel they should have time to get all of their level 50s to level 53, and they have servers full of 50s. And then there are those without many or any level 50s to begin with.

    So how do you foresee the future content being delivered? Invasion stile where they spawn X levels higher than you? In all zones? Across all levels? How inclusive should the content be?

    Let us start with an informal survey.

    Some definitions

    • Fully Incarnated: I use this phrase to refer to a character with one T4 in each available incarnate slot Alpha/Judgment/Lore/Destiny/Hybrid
    • Incarnated: I use this to refer to a character with Alpha/Judgment/Destiny unlocked and has something slotted in them.
    1. How many characters have you fully incarnated?
    2. How many characters have you incarnated?
    3. How many characters have you rolled with the intention of making them Full Incarnates?
    4. Do you have any characters that you, for whatever reason, are not going to make Incarnates?

    What all of this boils down to is how much content is going to be made that only VIP's can use and then how many of those VIP's are going to play it? There are many on these forums that screamed bloody murder when they couldn't solo their way to full incarnates. And now some of those same people are still saying "More solo content! I don't want to farm the same story ark over and over." I can understand this. But I ask you, when do we stop adding solo incarnate content? When we have enough to make it a stand alone game?

    In comic book terms this is the big world shaking event. (That is right before the reboot*) This is when Superman, Batman, Ironman, Hulk, Lex Luthor all put on their game faces, and somebody makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the planet. Well our Incarnates are now playing those same rolls. And, to use a comic book term, there's only so much page space. Even if that page is a fold out poster we still can't fit all the Incarnates onto it. Not to even mention all the sub level 50 heroes. So we have to limit our cast somehow. My query to you is... How?

    * COH 2
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    And it used to take 2 months to hit 50 now people do it in 2 hours. Point is they will probably reduce the requirements to create lower end incarnate powers.

    No they probably wont. We can already unlock the alpha slot for another 50 and send them threads all without ever taking that toon through a iTrial. I think that is as far as the devs are going down that path.

    What we have to look at here is what is a reasonable number of toons to have fully kitted out with IO's and T4 incarnate stuff? How many per-account? And how long should it take to do that? Do you give the soloers time to do it? Or do you expect your players to do some soloing and some iTrials and ignore the extremists like they have been?

    If you want to talk about developmental decisions of this kind we have to approach it like the devs do.
  4. It's not a bad idea... if you play scrapers/brutes/tanks.

    But what about the defenders/coruptors/blasters? Often people (even those that use IO's) don't soft-cap them. Hell even my softcaped dp/traps has problems on +4/x8 in DA.
  5. It's Pocket D.

    It's Pocket D on Virtue. Hive of scum and villainy. All those horror story's about it are at least 1/2 true. You really have to ask this?

    Also MMORPG.

    Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Hey, atomicdeath, I'm not sure if you noticed, but we have a Suggestions & Ideas forum down a few from here. It's pretty cool. It's where you put suggestions.

    Are you suggesting he take his suggestion to the suggestion forum with all those other suggestions!?!

    What an outrageous suggestion!
  7. But nobody uses the team up teleporter for iTrials any way....
  8. Yea I remember your other thread. And seeing as how no mod action was taken on it, this should be fine to.

    The issue I have with this is that 90% of the time I use tab targeting. Your method requires you to...

    1. Weapon attack
    2. Non-weapon attack
    3. Push Escape
    4. Ready weapon attack
    5. Re-target your target
    6. Re-Queue Weapon attack
    7. Repeat from 1.

    Good for lone AV's but not much else.
    TBH I'll just queu my attacks and deal with the redraw. I would even wonder if on my lag (ping of >2,000) Queuing attacks is better for my dps due to the way the server handles queued attacks.

    But that is my issue. Others may find this useful if for whatever reason redraw bothers you to the point of not playing weapon sets. (Bunch of crazys you lot are!)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayLeonHart_EU View Post
    Please be a +Res power... it's the most logical addition!

    +Res and +Defense DeBuff Res.
  10. Talking about stuff like this right? I'm all for more of it.

  11. Bronze Knight

    Post your UI!

    This is a subject of interest to me as well. I keep mine pretty basic though.

  12. *Looks at thread title*

    You are a real gem, Dug.
  13. Check this.

    As a Defender its worth it for you to take and slot up web grenade.(My coruptor has it but just has an ACC IO) In cases like the summer blockbuster I would just put it on auto and then De-buff/attack.

    Basically its an status effect that causes them to run away. Unlike most status effects the one Caltrops/Acid Mortar use is a back-end thing that isn't really part of AV's (or any mob's) normal defenses. Nothing you can do but try to immobilize them or just deal with the running. Remember an AV that is running around is an AV that is not dealing damage.
  14. Yep I've seen this behavior before.

    My Crab Spider with his Venom Grenade.
    My DP/Traps with Caltrops and PGT and Acid mortar.
    My Merk/Traps with Caltrops and PGT and Acid mortar.
    My AR/Dev with Caltrops and Ignite.
    My BS/SD scraper with Caltrops.

    TBH tho I like the effect on everything but AV's.
  15. According to my 1924 edition of Roget's Treasury of Words...

    Adam's Ale is a humorous synonym for water. I have no interest in water blast myself so, please feel free to use it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JChaos View Post
    The Television has a sadistic streak. I wonder what happened, were news ratings dipping?

    Did Mako make a comment about radio waves carrying better than TV signals in the water?

    I like this. We could use a History/Discovery themed TV ark.
  17. Ah I see how it is. I must now revoke my scraper card now that I have admitted defeat. I can feel you all looking down upon my under-performing concept character with disdain

    I got side tracked with my going through DA Crab, he can almost match my scraper in kill speed and durability despite his complete lack of in set DDR. But that is irrelevant. I have taken some more of your suggestions into consideration. But I have a few questions.

    1. You say I should use Enhancement Boosters on Mako's damage IO's why? Damage is the one thing Mako's do well. It seems better to use them on the acc/end/rec and acc/dam/end/rech IO's to boost those values to the point ED is affecting them.
    2. Defense and Enhancement Boosters even if I use 55 boosters on most of my +def IO's I only gain .6 def. Just doesn't seem to be worth the investment to me. If it is could you explain why?

    So here is the Re-revised build. I may take the other Steadfast out of True Grit to put the Ragnarok KD IO into Caltrops in addition to the Overwhelming force IO. But that is going to be dependent on how well the Overwhelming force IO works on its own.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
    I misread what people are saying Zwill, I think what is being said is "we are excited about stuff TELL US MOAR!"

    *looks at the rest of the playerbase* Yes I am defending you lot, remember this next time I say something that hacks half of you off.

    Also >.> Can we have more enhancement slots! please! I know it breaks things but now there are almost no skippable powers in blaster primaries I need more slots!

    You don't fool me! Your just brownnoseing so you can get a Drill blast primary!

    Alltho a T9 Giga Drill nuke would be bad ***....
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Everything that's been "leaked" has been through our official Twitch channel, not through various media outlets AFAIK. Our official, weekly, live streams are nothing new, and a venue we've been using to introduce new content and upcoming changes for well over a year now. We now have the ability to back these up on our YouTube channel, another official channel.

    Nothing that's been discussed has broad Marketing Value. It's all very Community centric and really is something that's only interesting to current/former players of the game. When we're closer to beta, we'll release a full Issue 24 overview (I was just talking to Black Pebble about this today).

    And here I thought that the Community would be excited about getting news about upcoming changes prior to the actual announcement.

    We wants all the issues. We wants it all now.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Flash is definitely not a tanker - he is not known to try and get enemy fire thrown his way on behalf of others on his team. He might be more like a stalker, if anything.

    What? I thought that was his thing.....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Uh, no. Read more Spiderman.

    Flash is most definitely not a Tanker.
    This is dependent on how we define the mechanics Super Reflexes in COH. Flash at least in the JL/JLU dose little damage but avoids a lot of it. He is constantly distracting the bad guys (Taunt). Flash seems like a tanker to me.

    IDK about Spiderman. Always felt that he was more of a stalker myself.
  22. This is not a bad build. Most of the things I see wrong with it are simply personal preference.

    What I did.

    1. Took 2 slots out of Aim put them in CT:O added unique IO's
    2. Replaced the Numas heal IO with the uinque Regen Tissue IO (its +25% Numa 2 piece bonus is 12%)

    What I would suggest you do also do is to put another Performance shifter IO in Stamna for the +HP and drop wolf spider armor (putting the -kb IO in Tough) and take a travel power. But that is just my opinion. Their is nothing wrong with your build as is IMHO.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  23. The only reason I would keep Longfang is as a backup when hit with -recharge. But replacing it with Assault is an option.

    I got Ragnarok slotted and +5ed it. Bile Spray now kicks even more *** and Bosses are usually at 1/2 health when I get to them now.

    I think what I'll do is keep Longfang and put the ATO 2 set in it. It has +3.13 melee def and then I'll slot Fortification with 5 Aegis. Keeps my Def more or less the same and I don't have to respc again.
  24. Bronze Knight

    store swamped?

    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Water you saying? That you were just trying to neap the joke in the bud before ebb-eryone else decided to ride the same wave?


    Come hell or high water I was going to beat the oncoming deluge of water blast jokes before we are soaked to the bone in them.

    Alltho we appear to be drenched in them anyway.
  25. Bronze Knight

    store swamped?

    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    Had to get that low hanging fruit before it was washed away by the tide.