989 -
The villains and rogues of the Isles put aside our sundry schemes and dastardly plots long enough to completely beat the snot out of Neuron, Bobcat, Marauder and what seemed like pretty much every Goliath-class Warwalker in Praetoria when they dared to attack Saint Martial.
We were relatively few... but exceptionally vicious.
Cole's toadies never stood a chance. -
'Saw that late last night... and was equally amused and confounded by it.
It's an odd thing to find just floating there over a parking lot. XD -
Quote:Only between the US and EU servers.... US to US seems to be fine.Is it only between US and EU, or are all transfers unavailable?
i can understand disabling transfers for a few days to make sure there's no unexpected database problems.
Being unable to move Mei'jin over to Union in time for the Praetorian invasion got in the way of plans I'd made with a couple of friends over there to gang up and smash 'bot butt together. Sadness. -
Quote:As-of... well, about two minutes ago... Union Roleplayers is coming up as an "unable to join" private channel.In an effort to help consolidate the list of RP global channels I'm starting this thread and will update the OP as needed with global channels as people recommend them for addition.
Please only submit global channels that are focused on roleplaying specifically and please denote if they are cross server or dedicated to a specific server.
If your channel is private please provide one or two point of contacts (POCs) for invites.
Union Roleplayers - Open global channel for Union Roleplayers
GGOOC - Open global channel for Union dediated to the Galaxy Girl RP
GGOOC does seem to be open, though. I had no trouble joining that one with my new stalker. -
Differences in server culture and community norms (and not wanting to unintentionally come off as some sort of stereotypical "obnoxious American" due to any misunderstanding of same-) is exactly why I haven't said a word to anyone since I started working on a Union character.
I figured lurking for awhile to figure out what was what was preferable to just jumping in and ending up looking like a complete idiot...
Too bad that particular player didn't follow a similar plan. He sounds like a real pain in the rear. -
I've only really had naming troubles twice with my crew...
The first was my grumpy old broadsword scrap. When I was coming up with his backstory and personality, I knew right off the bat what I WANTED to call him. There was never in question to me what his name was... The problem was that, unlike Palrah and the rest of mine using personal names, his name was a "real world" one. I wanted to call him Saiph.
No dice. Someone had already claimed it. (Along with the rest of the stars in Orion, it turns out. I checked them all later on when I built my Warshade.)... So, old Saiph ended up being the very first of my Rularuu bird-things to have a "Hero name" that was different from his own. He ended up being called Quicksilver Falcon (an Exalted reference, since I play a lot of eclipse-caste Solars-).
The other was much more recent, and kind-of surprised me. I was building another of the bird-things (a Dark Corruptor-) and decided that I wanted to call him Adamas. Since I'd had no trouble getting Suzume, Anu, Kephren and a number of other not-common-but-not-exactly-obscure-either names, I thought I had a pretty good chance at that one. Again, no such luck... and Addie has ended up going by Seraphim Chanter.
The "replacement names" in those two's cases don't bother me, really. They suit the characters well enough and since I've given other toons even sillier names (I have a Peacebringer named Mist in Moonlight, it just doesn't GET much sillier than that-) they don't even stand out as mismatches on my selection list... They're just not the names I wanted to begin with. -
Quote:Maelstrom's just... very single minded. And not very bright.Maelstrom shows up quite a bit in some Praetorian arcs. And he's a jerk.
And the jerk thing goes double for Doc Quantum. I hate that the hero morality mission in the 30's is to save him from Longbow, because I wish they WOULD kill him.
And then there's poor Sky Dragon... (Sky has had my hero-side tip runner in near-perpetual face-palm mode from the day she left Praetoria. Nobody should get into as much trouble as that guy does. XD)
I'm with you on Doc, though. Somebody needs to mummify the dude in duct tape and feed him to Lusca. >_> -
We see 9-out-of-10 most of the time... Getting all ten down is rare, but it's unusual to see more than one left open with the Liberty crew.
Quote:This.If you ask me, the coolest bit of Ultra Mode is seeing your character's shadow on the ground when you fly. It's not so much the big details as it is all the little details coming together to make things look more real.
When UM went live, I spent a fair bit of time just flying around watching my own character's shadow and reflections. XD -
I played around with my Ninja/FF mastermind last night. She's at 28.
In the last few days, I've also spent time with my Dark corr (17), my Mind/Psi dom (29) and my BS/Shield scrap (30). I rarely put their recipe drops on the market, though... Most of them just aren't worth bothering. -
Quote:You can "caution me" all you like, Adeon, but I don't have to make much of an assumption when people openly admit to doing things in-play like pushing strays off into exile teams with the explicit understanding that doing so is going to short-change them when it comes to earning XP... as one poster did up-thread.Making judgments about other players based solely on whether they want to team with random people is pretty harsh of you. I'd also caution you against making assumptions as to how people run trials based on their viewpoint in this thread.
It is a given that some players will want to be selective in who they team with. Sometimes it is elitism (and IMHO there is nothing wrong with a bit of elitism as long as it's in moderation) but that is not the only reason people could want a private league. It could just as easily be that they want to team with their friends and chat about personal topics without an outsider being able to see the chat. Or maybe they want to do some runs under controlled conditions in order to test something in which case having an extra player would change the conditions (for example an all-Defender BAF which has a Tanker added to it).
There will always be people who want to form a specific team and as long as the queue allows them to join as a league and gives the league leader the power to kick people they are already able to. Adding a "lock league" feature simply means that they can do so more conveniently and avoids putting other people in the position that Halon was put in.
If someone is added to a pre-formed but understrength league wouldn't it be better if they were added to a league that wanted them instead of one that didn't?
To you, that may sound perfectly fair... But to me, it's a harsh and, frankly, seriously dickish thing to do. -
Only if Kestrel gets to name her Adept, too.
(I'd love it if we all got the ability to name all of our assorted Patron/Vet/Incarnate/Etc pets, myself.) -
Eh. The trouble there is that the queue starts groups with the minimum number of players, and it's a little tough to handle something like Lambda with a random group of 8 that may not include, say, a front-line character capable of holding old Mister Big Dog's attention.
Some of you guys are harsh. o_0
We've been running a lot of smaller trial groups over on Liberty lately, and it's gotten pretty common to queue the group and find a stray or two added to the list. It's never been treated as a Bad Thing in any group I've run with, even when lag was a major issue, and I've never seen any of those players kicked or pushed off into some kind of "loser team" just because they got dropped into someone's pre-built league.
Did our leader expect to have them? Obviously not.
Will their participation possibly require some team-balance tinkering? Possibly.
Are they an "unknown quantity"? Definitely.
Could they potentially do something stupid enough to make us all curse their names? Of course.
But strays having the *potential* to cause problems and the real probability of them doing so seem pretty far apart. None of our add-ons have ever caused any problems or set off any disasters. Some have even turned out to be damned fine additions to the league.
So... why not give them a fair shake? It MIGHT come back to bite you, sure, but the odds are against it and it's not like you have to Friends List them just because they joined your BAF. -
Quote:Great. Now I have this mental image of Kestrel trying to give her boss that "Always other fish in the sea"/"You were too good for them anyway" talk, while introducing him to double chocolate Häagen-Dazs.
* After years of living under his curse Scirocco has finally found the spell to break it. At long last he is able to use his powers for good and not have their ends twisted to evil! He makes one last attempt to sway Ghost Widow to the light; declaring his undying love and devotion. She rejects him. With broken heart he goes over to the hero's side... only to find no one much likes him over there either.
Poor Scir... -
I'd build a DB & WP scrap, tank or stalker myself, just because those are the ATs/sets I'm most familiar with. At this point, I have a very good handle on what one of those can take and what they can't.
So, what are you most familiar with? What melee (or non-) type are you most comfortable running? How you, as a player, handle the missions is probably going to make a bigger difference in the toon's solo preformance than which specific powersets you pick at that level. -
Liberty's not bad... It's not Freedom or Virtue, but it's far from an abandoned "ghost town".
There are a fair few trial/raid/TF players and badge collectors around, and several active server channels. Most of the population seem to be eastern US, though, so you won't find much going on late-night if you're on the west coast. -
Zhen calls hers DaVinci... (Her other bots are Edison, Oppenheimer and Archimedes. Soon to be joined by Daedalus, the Praetorian clockwork. XD)
Quote:BAF had always been a little laggy for me during the prisoner phase... but nothing like it is now. Since the patch went live it's gone from something that was simply annoying to a situation that makes the trial darn near unplayable... Which is sad to me, since prior to the lag issues I actively *liked* running that trial. It was fun.Ok... just for my own edification: has anyone else been experiencing this sort of performance since I20 launch, not just after the patch this week?
This has been happening to me in the BAF since day one, and also occured to me during a Hami raid.
The patch actually made my general issues somewhat better, but did not alleviate the <1 FPS during large battles with many many PCs on the field at once.
Since it's become a worse lag-fest than our Liberty mothership raids, it's just not much fun anymore. -
I'm a NA player, but plan on moving one of my Liberty stalkers to Union to play with a couple of friends over there.
We've pretty much always killed whatever minion happened to be standing at the end of the long row close to that Arbiter, under the assumption that they were part of his "group"... We've never had the Bane and his captors fail to come up. So, yeah... I suspect you're supposed to have to kill that minion to clear the objective if you're running at a level that spawns one.
When I did Lambda on my FF/Rad defender, I stuck close to her team's tank (or the brute playing tank, as the case may be-), made liberal use of inspirations, turned on her personal force field and flight for faster, safer travel between the mobs (She also has a stealth IO, which helped-), and used ranged, single target attacks on the boxes and tubes from as far away as I could while still keeping said-tank inside my bubble and Leadership toggle radius. I only used her AoEs or attacked things OTHER than the glowie on those occasions when the mob seemed be giving my tank a rough time, but when he left... I left. No lingering around. That'll get you killed.