Server population?




Has there been any recent documentation released giving a general estimate as to population on each server?

Been on Virtue for a while and was looking for a change of scenery so I moved to Freedom... not sure how much I really enjoy the quality of people on there so far. I was thinking of maybe moving to an EU server but with that delayed not sure anymore. Still a possibilty. So who's next in line?

What would be the next server in line in terms of population? I originally started on Justice but left because it seemed like a ghost town last time I was there.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Nothing documented or official, but going by server loads and various player accounts, Virtue is the most populous server followed closely by Freedom, Justice/Infinity being the distant third, everything else being in ghost town territory. The European servers don't bear thinking about if low population bothers you as they are the lowest populated by far. After the list merge, they will be even more so (after the NA sight-seeing wanes).

For general PvE Virtue is the best place to play. If you like some PvP Freedom is the best choice. Justice can have somewhat of a late-night population as it is popular with Oceanic players.

Ghost town servers are good if you are a hardcore soloist. The performance of the zones will be much better on the ghost town servers, due to the low population.

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So the EU servers are just as low population as most of our NA servers? Mmm, that's a bummer.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
So the EU servers are just as low population as most of our NA servers? Mmm, that's a bummer.
Even lower, from what I've heard.

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Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Even lower, from what I've heard.
Stop listening to the doomies. They've been spouting the same crap for 7 years.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Stop listening to the doomies. They've been spouting the same crap for 7 years.
You know that the EU doesn't stop at Union and Defiant, right?



Liberty's not bad... It's not Freedom or Virtue, but it's far from an abandoned "ghost town".

There are a fair few trial/raid/TF players and badge collectors around, and several active server channels. Most of the population seem to be eastern US, though, so you won't find much going on late-night if you're on the west coast.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Thanks for the replies.

I ended up just moving back to Virtue with a name change and formed a new SG. That should be enough change to keep me busy for a while.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Justice can have somewhat of a late-night population as it is popular with Oceanic players.
It certainly used to be. Since Going Rogue though the number of Aussies playing on Justice has dropped dramatically. It's gotten to the point that a mate and I have taken advantage of the half price period and transferred our two main toons from there to Freedom.



"Ghost town servers."


Right. Keep telling yourself that.

Main problem with trying to level at the moment is the Incarnate trials. Any time I check, 95% of the population is on a 50 in RWZ or Pocket D, with a few stragglers on non-50s running around.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
everything else being in ghost town territory. The European servers don't bear thinking about if low population bothers you as they are the lowest populated by far. After the list merge, they will be even more so (after the NA sight-seeing wanes).

For general PvE Virtue is the best place to play. If you like some PvP Freedom is the best choice. Justice can have somewhat of a late-night population as it is popular with Oceanic players.

Ghost town servers are good if you are a hardcore soloist. The performance of the zones will be much better on the ghost town servers, due to the low population.
Define "ghost town" i play on guardian and i can almost always get a team together. I mostly play redside btw.
In higher level content only twice (in 3 or so years) have i failed to start up a TF, avg tf takes only about 5 or so min to start up unless you get picky. Hell, most of the time i have at least 10-20 people on my global list online all on guardian. Not to mention raids almost always fill up a zone.

There are no ghost towns, maybe it appears that way to someone new to a server but that is never the case.

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Originally Posted by Beber View Post
You know that the EU doesn't stop at Union and Defiant, right?
You know the EU servers have always had fewer customers than the NA servers right? Fewer people leads to lower server populations.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You know the EU servers have always had fewer customers than the NA servers right?
Yes. And guess what, I think that the reason why we don't have 11 servers! But I might be wrong...

Anyway, that's not the point, OP wanted to know about EU population, and as a Vigilance player, I can tell you that I tend to agree with what you call "doomies" when I speak for my home server.

So maybe life is great on Union and Defiant, but that doesn't mean it's the case for all the EU.



I can't guess how the doomies act on the EU servers but on our side we've found that many of the ones claiming our servers are ghost towns aren't using the tools provided to get teams together. They just stand around waiting for someone else to recruit them. Or if they behave in game like they do on the forums then they've managed to get on everyones ignore list on a given server because no one likes their attitude. The rest are just the usual crop of negative nellies that aren't happy unless they are complaining about something.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Nothing documented or official, but going by server loads and various player accounts, Virtue is the most populous server followed closely by Freedom, Justice/Infinity being the distant third, everything else being in ghost town territory.<snipped snippiness>
Ghost town servers are good if you are a hardcore soloist. The performance of the zones will be much better on the ghost town servers, due to the low population.
Champion generally isn't in the top four and i have no problems finding teams when i look for them. Right now i've been playing mostly under 40 alts, and most of the chatter is players doing iTrials, but ghost town isn't even close. i suppose it doesn't count since i use global channels and the search tool when i'm in the mood to team instead of standing around a tram station waiting for someone to send me a tell.

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I believe that in some people eyes ghost town = not having to walking on character's heads to get across Pocket D or don't have server lag just from broadcast spam in Atlas Park.

I play primarily on Protector and Justice and don't have a problem finding teams on either server.
Do you use global channels and /sea?

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Originally Posted by Beber View Post
You know that the EU doesn't stop at Union and Defiant, right?
That's great if you speak fluent French or German.

If you don't, Vigilance and Zukunft are effectively closed to you.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



IIRC, the typical server order in terms of population is:

  • Freedom
  • Virtue
  • Justice or Infinity
  • Everything Else
At least, that's what it was at one time. I am totally unaware of where any of the EU servers would fall on that list... probably in that last category, but I am not confident of that.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That's great if you speak fluent French or German.

If you don't, Vigilance and Zukunft are effectively closed to you.
I'm sure there are players on those servers who are bilingual and willing to team with players that only speak english. They may also be good for when a person wants to solo.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
Nothing documented or official, but going by server loads and various player accounts, Virtue is the most populous server followed closely by Freedom, Justice/Infinity being the distant third, everything else being in ghost town territory. The European servers don't bear thinking about if low population bothers you as they are the lowest populated by far. After the list merge, they will be even more so (after the NA sight-seeing wanes).

For general PvE Virtue is the best place to play. If you like some PvP Freedom is the best choice. Justice can have somewhat of a late-night population as it is popular with Oceanic players.

Ghost town servers are good if you are a hardcore soloist. The performance of the zones will be much better on the ghost town servers, due to the low population.
Um..I understand these are just your opinions, but I would say that Liberty server, or Infinity are far nicer servers to play PvE. Virtue's reputation is that it's predominantly role-playing people. (that's not necessarily a bad thing)

As for Ghost town servers - I think if you solo, they're all pretty much a ghost town, especially once you're on a mission map. If you're looking for teams, I'd imagine every server has their global channels that they use to form teams and Strike/task-forces.

On Liberty, one of the main channels used is LB. Silenced upon entry, but you can view the roster and see that you're never alone on Liberty.

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