174 -
I wouldnt call my Crab a Tankmage.
More like an APC/Mage maybe. -
Make Time Bomb throwable or even just dropable, drop the damage base if you must. Throw it, forget about it, 9 seconds later it explodes. People will then actually take and use it, unlike the very small niche circumstances as it is now.
Trip Mine needs needs lub too.
Gun Drone is ultra weak. You can't port it now either, which had it's uses, btw.
Smoke sucks sucktastic suckiness now.
Alternately, just make Cloaking Device more stealthy and solve a lot of problems.
DEVICES NEEDS MOAR LOVE, and yes my first character ever was/is an Ar/Dev and I took him to 50 back in the day. So I have used and/or devised every conceivable and sometimes crack-brained uses for the secondary. It's a pale shadow of it's former self. -
I was a n00b yesterday for not wanting to do Frosty with + 5 mobs, at level 8... Such a ridiculous n00b I am.
It would all be good if, like folks have said, the Commando was actually worth looking foreward to. I took a Mercs/Traps up to 40? till I realized the only reason I played it was just...stubbornness.
Try it, you'll like it. Assuming you don't get off on constantly buffing/healing everything in sight and rarely attacking.
Personally, I can't wait to combine flash/glue/oil/WHIP WHIP WHIP while my scrubs rampage in and rip things apart. -
The thing that drove me off playing MM for this long was that I just couldn't stand sitting back and playing buff/debuff bot.
Which was why I rolled DS/TA and it's great.
No one can nag me about support powers, I can shoot all kinds of fun (and usefull) things around and then I can JUMP IN AND CRACK GREEN FIERY WHIPS AROUND ME LIKE A DEMONIC MARQUIS DE SADE ON CRACK! Suffice it to say that I am well pleased so far. -
Thanks for the e-mail system.
Now if I could just e-mail SG/VG invites from my main to my legion of alts...
Kktxbye. -
8 nets and glues suxxor.
Yes, I rolled TA, and I don't care what anyone else says about it!
*runs to his room crying* -
All I know is that if you want to see catastrophic defense failure, no matter the type of build, then fight mixed groups of Rularuu. Hell, or just the big groups of Brutes at the Storm Palace.
If you want to learn about massively prevalent RMT'ers and Macro'ers then ask some EVE Online peeps.
I've seen Costume Contests deliver mass inf to a single player out of 50 or so hopefulls. Pure laziness, or maybe just a ringer. Lame.
Many contests offer 3 prizes. Still weak, imo.
The ones I used to run (infrequently) would offer 3 prizes for costume, 2 or 3 for Bio, and every other mid to lowbie participent would recieve at the very least a 50 SO (to sell), and a medium or large inspirition. Blasters and squishies would get Wakes (haha) or Breaks for instance.
Naturally this required a couple/few peeps to help out with storage and bio checking, or bringing them to base and using the Insp Collecter (and when will we ever be able to buy directly from it?!).
Things I can now do to improve my Contests:
Redside (now) it occured to me to port peeps to ferry or use the base to get to Grandville and bring them to the JetPack store guy. Very usefull for lowbies of course.
What else can I do to improve them, if I decide to have a CC? Give forth. -
Life's too short to waste excessive time, patience and drama on 'tards IRL, much less in-game.
One thing though: When you call out, dress down, rip a new one, address issues, etc, with someone "under your command" then, as folks have said, do it "in your office", in private. Do it surrounded by his/her peers and you've made an instant enemy forever. -
Quote:Yeah, but as it's likely? to be Smashing and also looks slow as heck due to all the Kung Fu'ish gesticulating...I dunno yet.
Kinetic Melee looks like fun.
Then again, I remember sets like AR root times and might reconsider.
PS: Thank goodness they at least avoided adding random/nonsensical backflips and spins (at least in the attacks we saw) such as DP is infected with. -
Entering a PvP Zone and expecting a non pvp session is just illogical.
Dunno, I've just played the 'Lectric Br00t. I fight Rikti and feel like a Gawd.
Redside, roll a Crab. Mez prot, some popular team buffs, sturdy and because you can build it however you like. St, aoe or even melee focused, or a generalist.
Bronze and everyone, thanks for the tips. Oh, and yes I also took burst and slug. The thing about Caltrops from what I see is that the slow/fear component is the most usefull to me. I try and slot 1 recharge and three slows and I see a big difference compared to any other slotting I've tried so far but I may try procing it out like you have. Or a mix. Or I just may rely on a Mine nearby, not sure yet.
How come I never see any Mercs around (except mine)?
Bots are common, Bots/FF are thick as flies, I've seen some Zombie/Dark around a few times, and Thugs seems popular too.
I've rolled a Merc/Traps that I'm now leveling and was just curious about what to expect: What's the good, the bad, and the ugly with Merc/Traps? -
The City of Villains - E3 2005 LEET Trailer, which I still find hilarious.
And three of my other favorites:
http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=3r24...eature=related -
Annoying. It's mildly but persistently annoying to open my recipe tab and then have to click the memorized tab back closed for ease of viewing all the other drops. Every.Single.Time.
PlseFixKktxBye. -
Commons I start using at 40. I usually don't Set IO till 45-50. Once there I will spend a lot of time and respecs getting the set bonuses right and frequently use things like Centrioles, etc.
Only thing I really do with squishies (that means Blasters for me) as far as set bonuses and uniques and globals go is frankenslot+maybe a Hami-O+whatever proc I like, or a -KB or +stealth as needed.
The biggest money I spend is on my Tanks and Scrappers getting them tougher with set bonuses and/or more damage, procs, etc.
Once GR hits, I expect to spend well for my new Crab and maybe a Stalker and keep em blue side. -
1-25 for my new Rad/Nrg Blaster PUGing.
1-30 for my new Shld/Mace Tank PUGing.
Then I went for crazy, continuous xp/inf at the Storm Palace in the Shadow Shard. A whole zone full of delicious bags of double xp and near constant fighting for as long as you can stand it. 16,000 (or so) xp for a single 51 Brute? Yes please!I'm amazed we never saw anyone else around there.