Are Elec/Elec Brutes as much fun as Elec/Elec Scrappers?




I recently took my Elec/Elec Scrapper up to 50, and he's been one of the most fun characters I've ever played-- in fact, my friends are probably sick of me talking about how much fun I'm having with the set.

So, I was thinking about actually working on an Elec/Elec Brute.

How do they compare to Scrappers? I've been running my Scrapper at Plus 0 Plus 8, and he's been pretty good at what I'm tossing at him. LOVE fighting Rikti.

How's an Elec/Elec Brute going to do?

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It's pretty much exactly the same thing.

The only downside to the brute version is that Lightening Rod has funky mechanics based on a pseudopet which affects it's damage cap. So, LR won't do quite as much damage on a Brute as it would on a Scrapper, but the difference is small enough that it doesn't damage the set as a whole that much.

One big advantage to the Brute is his higher +resist cap. (Scrapper is 75%, brute is 90%). This means a brute with all the shields + Grounded can easily hit the cap and have 90% energy resist by level 25, which makes certain enemy groups just laughably easy.



The 90% resist cap also makes a huge difference in Power Surge.



General rule of thumb: A Brute will always be more fun than a Scrapper with the same powersets.

Ask a subjective question, get a subjective answer. Anyway, a Brute is a lot less squishy than a Blaster (especially with Power Surge). I took a half year break from the game, but last time I checked they did more damage over time than Scrappers with high Fury, too.



> Are Elec/Elec Brutes as much fun as Elec/Elec Scrappers?


The Bacon Compels You.



Dunno, I've just played the 'Lectric Br00t. I fight Rikti and feel like a Gawd.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.