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  1. <QR>

    This has been asked for in the Base Construction Forum ever since Architect was first announced. (Back at I13)

    Absolutely no response from the Devs.

    This feature would do multiple things for improving SG/VG Base Activity.

    As it stands now, the Base is pretty much...useless...aside from Storage.

    The Mission Computer has always been Useless, since the Cathedral Ban.

    People are screaming for something to help get their SG members into the Base more, and having AE SG designed Missions available on the Mission Computer would do just that.

    I want it, most of the other Base Construction Forum folks want it, now everyone is asking for it.

    Devs!!!! Ahem *COUGH*

    I wont hold my breath though.
  2. <QR>

    I still say it sucks that this "Special Aniversary Event" starts in the middle of a work day, and ends at midnight. That greatly limits the amount of the playerbase that can take advantage of it.

    If it is scaled, where Past Events happen for an hour, then another past event happens for an hour, etc... Most working folks EDT will miss the first 6-7 Events. Never to be able to experience them or the Full Aniversary Celebration.

    It sucks if this is the case.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Though I am pleased to see that the mysterious base bug (never experienced it myself) got nipped in a timely fashion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've never heard anyone say it has been officially acknowledged as fixed. I know the had Server Maintenance Yesturday and Today to Fix it, but not that it has in fact fixed it.

    I'm still scared to Edit my Base.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's a source for you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Though I am pleased to see that the mysterious base bug (never experienced it myself) got nipped in a timely fashion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've never heard anyone say it has been officially acknowledged as fixed. I know the had Server Maintenance Yesturday and Today to Fix it, but not that it has in fact fixed it.

    I'm still scared to Edit my Base.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    "that it exposed I13 type of broadcast spam we had in Peregrine to the new comers in Atlas Park."

    And another feature of the PI farming culture introduced to other zones: "Need a couple of fillers, please."

    Again, congrats on bringing the very worst of the farming culture to every freaking zone, Miller. Was it worth the short-term bounce in subs you'll get for the long-term destruction of the game as a whole???

    You should cut your losses now and trash the MA. It's already having a deliterious effect on the community.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    If you will read up-thread, 90% of the current playerbase are farmers. It's true! Some dolt said it in the Forums!

    So....Installing the OP's original Safeguards, you alienate 90% of the Playerbase for playing the game the way they want to play it. These same peeps pay the same price to play this game as you do, and deserve to play it the way they want.

    I too have become bored with the Game Content, and Run "Paper Missions": just to unlock contacts. (COV)

    I Farm casually, when I feel like it. The thing about Farming is that it gets so incredibly boring after the 2nd run of the Mish, so I usually don't hang in with Farm teams long.

    Back to the OP's request for us to voice our Gripes about the MA;

    Why is it that no matter the Difficulty, Lvl Range, etc... Only one or two enemies appear in regular spawns?

    Why are we not seeing the multiple Spawns in the same close area that we see in the Game Missions, even Papers?

    Will we ever be able to Put Spawns where we want them to create the "Close Spawned Mobs" mentioned above?

    As it stands now, you have to overload an MA Mish with details just to make it a decent spawning Mish, from a Story-Content point of view. It forces me to use Details I would not have had in a Mish just to give folks something to fight in route to the Details I wanted in the first place.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not a Farmer, though I sometimes Farm a little. I have NOT created a MA Farm Arc. I usually Solo, and play Small Teams. Sometimes I wind up on Full 8 Teams but I get less enjoyment out of these.

    What gives any other paying customer/player the right to dictate how I should enjoy this game? When I pay the exact same amount of money to play as you?

    If this fictitious 90% number was accurate, I wouldn't be pissing off the Farmers. If 90% of the Playerbase leaves, you wont have a CoX to play. It will all be history.
  6. <QR>

    What about the real problems?

    Like Costume E-Motes being Broken. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. Sometimes It crashes me out of the game.
  7. The Vault is Personal Storage.

    Only you can access what you put in the Vault.

    Character by Character.
  8. Another thing is to tell the potential players in the Description if you are using multiple AV's in a tight area.

    I'm doing a LVL 50 Arc, and I recommend in the Description that you have a full team of lvl 50 players. It's my version of a Strike Force/Task Force.

    Same applies to Hard Bosses. Warn folks. Then they will hopefully think before jumping in.

    Just my 2 cents
  9. Black_Strike


    Np, just showing you the other side of the story, so to speak.
  10. Black_Strike


    [ QUOTE ]
    And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, and they have a right to be Irate when this occurs. Most folks announce to the Team that they are Farming a Mission, they do not want completed. They explain in detail what not to do.

    When a Jerk decides to go out of his way to complete the mission anyways, it is done on purpose.

    Once the Mission Completes, it is gone.

    In this case, I have invited said offenders to be Global Friends, so that I will know their Alts. I then circulate it out to all the other Farmers I know, and the are "Black Flagged" as a Farm Crasher.

    They deserve it.
  11. Black_Strike



    I would bet I can go to any "Story" Arc out there and find something in it I find offensive. (Either through language used, morallity, Ethically, or from a standpoint of Religion).

    People have come on this Forum targeting Farms, and bragging that they are going to report them, and get them Banned.

    I'll target your "Story" Arcs, if I condsider the least little thing offensive in the least way, you will be Reported for Content.

    I'm just a casual Farmer who hasn't created a Farm Mission in AE. But I'm sick of these people trying to tell other people how they should play the game they pay their own hard earned money for.
  12. Black_Strike



    I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    If the Devs continue to Ban Farm Misshions in the AE, and take steps to stop Farming in the Game Content Farm Missions, they will lose a big percentage of their playerbase.

    If all the Farmers leave the game, it will make the PVP Exodus everybody still talks about look like a spring break.

    Players who farm pay to play this game just like players who only want to lvl their toons strictly through game content.

    Different players have fun different ways.

    If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.
  13. If you say so...I'm not convinced.

    It is still a manipulation of the system to produce unintended results.

    You are saying that doing this for "Story Telling" purposes is different, when you are adding more XP, More Inf, More Tickets. More Prestige if in a SG/VG.
  14. The thing about the Advertised "Custom Groups" is that if you create one all under the same file, you imediately peg 100kb as soon as you add the group to a Mish.

    Hypothetical Custom Enemy Group;

    Minion: 3
    LT's: 3
    Bosses: 3
    Elite Bosses: 3
    AV's: 3
    (All saved under the same file name. [Custom Group File])

    With this setup, you will peg the 100kb meter the first time you add this group to a mission. Even if you only wanted to fight minions.

    Scenario 2;

    Same group, configured this way,

    File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" Minions and LT's: 6

    File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" Bosses and EB's: 6

    File Name: "Name of the Custom Group" AV's: 3

    With this setup, you can bring in the level of enemies you want for each type Detail you add. You can select which "Group" out of your Custom Group will appear in Mish.

    Under this setup, I have done a full 5 Mission Arc, including all my Custom Enemies, and still only pegged about 80kb.

    Scenario 3; Break them down even further, set up a seperate file for Minions, LT's, Bosses, EB's, AV's. All with you Custom Group Name followed by the type spawn it contains. Then you could be even more selective. and the Meter will probably drop again.

    It's all about how much the system has to load.

  15. I like the Farming Reference.

    You do realize that by manipulating the system to increase the numbers of Spawns, and setting them to Bosses/Elite Bosses constitutes creating a "FARM MISSION"?

    Maybe not to the extreme the Pro Farmers are doing it, but it's the same thing.
  16. From what I am understanding from reading other posts, the Rating System is set up to defeat HoF, DC.

    If I go and play 5 peoples Arcs, and just finish out of them to get on to the next Arc I intended to play, I have effectively screwed the person that wrote the Arc(s) I just left.

    Why is it set up so that if you choose not to rate an Arc, it counts negatively towards the Arc?

    What about people that don't care either way, and are just looking to earn some quick tickets? They could burn through several Arcs and just quit. Not rating any of them. Several Peeps would then have their Rating sank.

    There are people out there that are just playing the game, and aren't going to Rate because they want to continue playing the game. (Having no knowledge of the damage they are doing in the process).

    Not to mention Farmers "Zero" Rating Missions that are good Content material, Content minded players who "Zero" Farms, etc...

    It's like a telemarketer calling your house and you choose to hang up. Should the telemarketer be fired because you hung up?

    If someone quits out of an Arc, and does not Comment on, or Rate said Arc, it should not count against the Arc.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If it's so annoying that you "keep running into those stupid farm missions" why did you intentionally play one that stated it was a farm up front? And then report it... and then come to the forums to brag about it...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    First, not all farm missions are up-front about it. If you give your missions a half-way interesting title and description, and all the text/description I get after taking the missions is "FARM" you have wasted my time.

    Second, there are some farm mission that are just so blatant in advertising themselve that they need to be reported, especially if it involves an exploit or some kind of quid-pro-quo. These actions are as violative of the EULA as using names that are copyrighted or involve swear words. If you put your obnoxious behavior in my face, you bet I'll report it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are after the Snitch Badge.

    You are informing everyone you are on Snitch Patrol.

    Get over it. Farming is a Dev allowed part of this game. You can snitch all ya want, but Farming will never end.

    Consider this;

    If the Devs were to act on your ideas of how the game should be played, there would be a Massive Exodus of players that would make the PVP Exodus seem lame.

    Totally removing Farming from this game would in effect cost more in player base than the Devs are willing to lose. IMO.

    People who Farm pay the same amount of money to play this game as you do.

    They don't tell you how you should play and enjoy this game.

    You have no right to Grief them and tell them the way they play is wrong.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I keep running into those stupid farm missions. No plot, little if any dialogue, just go kill. I finally hit one that was designed in such a way as to constitute an exploit. (And no, I am not telling anybody what it was, not until it's addressed. Yes, I reported it).

    I'm tired of the farm missions any way. I want real content. If this finally forces the Dev's to come up with some way to stop these farm missions (mostly because they will all eventually be designed like the one I encountered) all the better.

    [/ QUOTE ]While I respect your opinion about farms, I'm curious about what constitutes a farm in the MArch? The only thing it could be considered to produce is tickets, and they drop like rain in all MArch missions and arcs.

    And how sure are you that the missions you're objecting to weren't just set up as a combat challenge? How do you define the difference.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I personally have no real objection to "farms", just some of the players running them. Nor am I saying you should just ignore them. You're entitled to your stand, and many people agree with you. I'm just curious how you identify a mission/arc as an actual farm?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I went from lvl 44 to lvl 45 on a MA Farm Mish just last night. 1 run of the mish. If tickets are all you can get, how'd that happen? And what about the load of Inf I got in the process? Even Prestige.

    I had just hit 44, was one bar into that lvl when I was invited to the team. They were already in the mish, and had done part of it. Just what I was around to help complete got me one bar into 45.


    If advertised as a Farm, I would say yank it.

    If cleverly desguised, I would say leave the folks alone and let them do their thing.

    The Author of the Mish I was on last night just happened to be leading the Team. I have teamed with him occasionally, so I kinda know the guy.

    What bothered me most was that he told us all to Rate him 5 Stars.

    I told him point blank that I ain't rating any Farm 5 Stars.

    I farm occasionally, in game, using the G'ville TV missions, for the Rare Recipe Drops you can get.

    Other than that, I prefer to lvl my toons the old fashion way, by playing the game.

    The MA system allows much more than just Ticket Farming though.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    You realize that's pretty much what a radio mission is, right? No real plot, maybe a few lines of dialogue, and a mission filled with enemies. In fact, probably about 2/3rds of the missions in CoX are that way.

    Edit: No, okay, probably about 1/3rd. But I'm not really sure how much "Go beat up 50 more carnies" contributes to some of the story arcs. =P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While I agree that Paper Missions do little to add creative content, I must say that there is a vast difference between them and what most folks consider a Farming Mission.

    I was on a team last night where they were running an AE Farm, and the "Author" has placed an Astounding number of Boss Fights using Elite Bosses. The Nav Dialogue counted them down as we defeated them.

    I came into this Mission after it was already in progress, and had just attained Level 44 Prior to joining the team. I finished that run, and came out of it two Bars into Level 45, with quite a haul of Infamy.

    Show me a Paper Mission that will do that.

    Show me a normal "Farm" mission that will do that.
  20. True that.

    Creating low level Arcs can be extremely tricky if you use Custom Critters.

    I would suggest sticking with the lowbie enemy groups for low level content.

    It can be done with custom Critters, but you would have to include an Escort, Captive, Rescue type Detail to factor your Created Critters back down to the level range you want.

    You would need to set the "Rescued Person" from an existing group in the level range you are seeking to maintain. By doing this, you limit your Custom Critters.

    Another way is to use a Low level group as the Main Group for the Mission, and add your Custom Critters through Battles and Patrols.

    Just my take on it.
  21. Dude, I wasn't saying that the things you listed had just been asked for. I know they have been asked for already.

    All I was saying is I hope things like those you listed, and other things that have been asked for repeatedly get some attention soon.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    When and if there are other members promoted to Rank 5, then there could be a possible mutiny.
    Otherwise, why would a single leader SG need to have any Rank 5's to worry about a possibly mutiny?
    And, if enough such ranked members do believe that is best... then either they should not have been given Rank 5 or they are performing their duty and doing what is best for the SG over all.

    That is not "abuse" that would be a functional usage of the system.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Many SG's already have multiple Rank 5's.

    If Forced Demotion, opening up the opportunity for Forced Kicking existed, then it could very well be abused.

    Rank 5 Leader "A" takes offense at a comment made by the Rank 6. It was an innocent comment, not meant to be taken the way "A" took it.

    Leader "A" waits until Rank 6 is not online, and talks to Leader "B, C, and D". He blows the whole thing out of proportion, and rallies the other Leaders to Force Demote Rank 6. Someone else automatically gets Rank 6. New Rank 6 kicks original Rank 6.

    That is just one example I can think of. People misunderstand other people everyday, just look at these Forums for proof of that.

    I have said before, if someone gets elevated to a Leadership position in a well structured SG, the Leaders should be more than mature enough, and competent enough to let the little things slide.

    Unfortunately, all SG's don't opperate in this way.

    So your suggested System can be abused.

    However, I do agree with the first part, about a Leadership Vote on who initially recieves Rank 6.

    That would be much better than leaving it to the "Luck of the Log Time" so to speak.

  23. I agree with you 100% that all these things are very much needed in SG's.

    But the Main Focus of I14 was on Architect, not Bases.

    They already had their hands full when they decided to give us Storage Permissions and Rank 6.

    I also agree that they should have thought about Rank 6 a little further before implementing it. I disagree with the way the Initial Rank 6 is selected.

    I truly think they should have held the Rank 6 change for I15, and thought about it more, or just did some of the things you, and many of us have suggested in the past.

    They tried to give us a little something to tide us over til another Issue Release, I think.

    Permissions are great, but Rank 6 is iffy; as it can have a completely different effect on a SG depending upon their current state of affairs.

    I'm just hoping they will give us some of the stuff we HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR in I15.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    At least... If you insist on the Rank 6... Implement a voting system that Rank 5 Leaders use to create the Sole Rank 6 member AND for forced demotion from Rank 6 (If the matter comes to such things).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only problem here is that this too can be abused.

    If a Rank 6 has done absolutely nothing wrong, and the Rank 5's decide to Mutiny, and Force-Demote-Kick him; Is that Fair?

    No matter what they do, some peeps will find a way to use it against the purpose it was intended for.

    One man's perfect fix is another man's nightmare.
  25. I believe at the conception of this, the Devs thought we were all mature enough to handle this easily amongst our current Leadership. The very instructions given in the I14 Release Notice indicate this line of thought.

    They figured; "You know, these Base Construction types are on the ball. They should be able to talk to their Leaders and among themselves elect a spokesperson, and continue on status quo."

    (Forgive me Devs if I am putting words in your mouths).

    What can not be accounted for, are the peeps out there just to wreck another persons fun. Some folks just seem to exist to cause other people misery. If one such has been elevated to a Leadership Position in your SG, you need to hope and pray that he/she doesn't get the Red/Gold Star.

    Most Groups should be able to do what I feel the Devs intended, by working it out as just a "Legislative" Rank, and carry on status quo. It only requires discussion before this thing hits, and everyone making a decision as to who should wear the Red/Gold Star.

    Asking my current Leaders to quit the SG, so that I'm the only Leader there is IMO a crazy strategy to say the least.

    It will work, in most established groups.

    It works fine for Solo Groups.

    There are some with Leadership Issues that will have a problem.

    I would like a Thread started on the Base Construction Forum for all SG/VG's that get Hijacked as a result of this, to report their situation.

    Mod8, Please don't axe the thread. (Not telling you how to do your job, just a request ).

    I'm interested to see just how many groups are going to suffer profound devestation as a result of this change.

    I think the number of Posts will be small.

    I might wind up being surprised...time will tell.

    I will start the thread the Day I14 goes live, or someone else can start it.

    It would just be nice to see what the ramifications of the change actually are.