The Rating System




From what I am understanding from reading other posts, the Rating System is set up to defeat HoF, DC.

If I go and play 5 peoples Arcs, and just finish out of them to get on to the next Arc I intended to play, I have effectively screwed the person that wrote the Arc(s) I just left.

Why is it set up so that if you choose not to rate an Arc, it counts negatively towards the Arc?

What about people that don't care either way, and are just looking to earn some quick tickets? They could burn through several Arcs and just quit. Not rating any of them. Several Peeps would then have their Rating sank.

There are people out there that are just playing the game, and aren't going to Rate because they want to continue playing the game. (Having no knowledge of the damage they are doing in the process).

Not to mention Farmers "Zero" Rating Missions that are good Content material, Content minded players who "Zero" Farms, etc...

It's like a telemarketer calling your house and you choose to hang up. Should the telemarketer be fired because you hung up?

If someone quits out of an Arc, and does not Comment on, or Rate said Arc, it should not count against the Arc.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Why is it set up so that if you choose not to rate an Arc, it counts negatively towards the Arc?

[/ QUOTE ]Um... it doesn't

In order to rate an arc with 0 stars, you have to click 1 star twice. If you never click any stars, it doesn't count for anything.




In order to rate an arc with 0 stars, you have to click 1 star twice. If you never click any stars, it doesn't count for anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never knew that.