



This is not a rant thread, I would really like some dev answers.
Is farming OK to do or not?

I have played almost every single day since launch and I love farming. I love getting with a group of like minded friends and farming, I love pushing my characters to the limit of what they can do and seeing a bunch of orange numbers I love testing new characters at lv 50 and seeing what they are capable of.
I do not understand why people are against farming. It does not effect anyone in a negative way. It restocks the market, and most often it is the farmers who come up with new and interesting builds and power combinations.

The argument that if there was no farming there would be more straight players is ridiculous, because the farmers would just quit, that does not make more team players, just less players over all to support the game.

So there is my 2 cents. I would love to have the devs set an actual rule so we can really know where we stand.



This couldn't have been added to any of the other dozen or so farming threads why ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



PM one. I dont think one will come here and tell you.

And umm, do you know whats going to happen now? Have you seen the other 500 thread about farming and what goes on on them?

Ugg, get ready for the same stuff said in allll those being said here. All farming threads turn into a revolving door that wont ever let people out. It just goes round and round and round.



Because I am not interested in debating it I just want an direct answer
Whiteseeker, that is why I want a dev to publicly state what the rule is. I don't want to argue about it, I just want to know where I stand with the devs, as I don't care about what other players think.



Sorry man, you wont get one from the players. You will have to PM a dev.

All these kinds of threads never go anywhere but a opinion war.

You have a 1-2% chance of a *dev* coming here to this thread and answering your question. It's better to PM one.

To edit after your edit: Yeah, you will have to personal message a developer for the answer to your question. The chance of a dev seeing this is almost nil, and the chance of one saying anything is less.



well it was worth a try.



Just trying to be helpful and save you a headache.

I have eatten more blood pressure meds reading these forums than I have with hearing the women around me bit*hing.



Lol, poor Markus got barked at.


Member of Operation Unlimited Justice!
You only wish you were this epic.
10 Drop Ships taken down.



Is farming OK to do or not?

[/ QUOTE ]

You need to be more specific of your definition of farming to get the answer you're looking for.

The MA currently allows for some exploits which farmers are taking advantage of. I suspect that there is going to be a clamp-down on farming missions soon.

Personally, I think that the salvage and recipe drops of the old nemesis mission(s) make that more profitable than anything that can be made in the MA.



Na, I didnt bark at him...heh thats funny. I was just direct at the truth is all. Save him a huge headache. I was being mercyfull and didnt want yet another flame fest in his thread like all the other farm threads.

People ask a simple question on these forums and they dont ever get a strait answer most of the time cause of so many opinions on matters. People tend to think their opinions are fact when it's far from the case.

There are way to many opinions of what farming is. To me it's just running somethingover and over, which it is.

What people need to do is deciede for themselves what it is and go with their conscience.



Having some personal experience with this and it's link to the AE, I posted a mission arc five missions long called Trainer Mission. In this, you were sent to a cargo ship 5 times, each time filled with ninjas, which were regular DB/Regen Lieutenants, and were some good experience and tickets. Also please remember that in the description or the intro dialogue (one of them, I forget) I practically told the people who played it to not play it if they didn't already have good experience with the game. After two or three days and 18 perfect ratings and good feedback, someone must've reported it for farming, and it got banned. If I could just please say, farming is a useful tool for getting salvage, recipes, and more from the AE. As said before, farmers can come up with some of the best builds. I have a 50, and I'm working on getting more, but when I'm out of inf or need experience, I'll farm. Please unban, devs are starting to sacrifice fun for balance, and games aren't meant to be about balance, they're meant for you to have as much fun as you can.



Na, I didnt bark at him...heh thats funny. I was just direct at the truth is all. Save him a huge headache. I was being mercyfull and didnt want yet another flame fest in his thread like all the other farm threads.

People ask a simple question on these forums and they dont ever get a strait answer most of the time cause of so many opinions on matters. People tend to think their opinions are fact when it's far from the case.

There are way to many opinions of what farming is. To me it's just running somethingover and over, which it is.

What people need to do is deciede for themselves what it is and go with their conscience.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only problem with that is that I spent 2 hours making an awesome and fun AE mission to play with my friends, it was clearly marked as a farm, so as not to "trick" anyone. We just wanted to play it and have a good time, but with no warning it was baned.
So I did something that as far as I can tell is within the known rules and was smacked for it. The mission did not effect anyone but me and my friends, so I see no reason why it should have been removed.
If there was reason, I want to hear it from someone in charge.

I would like to point out that I don't care if farming is legal or not, I dont see why they would bann it as I think it is fun, but if the devs decide that farming is not something they want in there game, that is up to them. I just want to know what the rule is so I can adapt my play accordingly.



Only thing really that might get you a responce is spaming PMs to the devs. You know, till you get an answer. I think they just get so many they either forget to answer some or just get tierd of some of them. I dont know, I cant answer for them, noone here can.

Make another and dont put the word farm anywhere near your farm is the best I thing anyone could tell ya. Dont let the wrong people know your intent of it. Just let the ones know that you trust and dont fully trust them either lol. Always good to play it safe man.




I've said it before and I'll say it again.

If the Devs continue to Ban Farm Misshions in the AE, and take steps to stop Farming in the Game Content Farm Missions, they will lose a big percentage of their playerbase.

If all the Farmers leave the game, it will make the PVP Exodus everybody still talks about look like a spring break.

Players who farm pay to play this game just like players who only want to lvl their toons strictly through game content.

Different players have fun different ways.

If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Thanks dude!



If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree but.....(and I know I am preaching to the quire here)

Farmers are not telling non-farmers how to play, they want to live and let live. Where as non-famers are saying do it our way or else. That doesn't seem right to me.



if you marked your mission as a farm. have fun finding it again. it will be removed because it has the word, and is labeled, FARM. what gets me is people who put farm as a description and think that it won't get removed.



The fact that it got pulled should be an indication to you that the GMs thought it was outside of what is acceptable.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



The fact that it got pulled should be an indication to you that the GMs thought it was outside of what is acceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]

All it tells me is that someone complained about it and a GM reacted and took it away. It does not tell me if the GM was right in taking that action. IMO he was not. As there is no current rule that says I cannot make a farm mission. That is really the point I am trying to make here.



QR - This thread is hilarious. However, to answer your question seriously, if your arc was banned, then it was against the rules. The "GM reacted and took it away", remember. The GMs dont pull every arc that's reported. If an arc gets flagged, a GM will look at it and then decide if it's ok or not. You can I believe appeal.

There has already been a statement that arcs that give players an unfair statistical advantage will be banned. If your farm arc gave loads more tickets and inf and whatnot than a 'normal' arc that's been created with no or idle thought to drops, then that would fall under that umbrella definition.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree but.....(and I know I am preaching to the quire here)

Farmers are not telling non-farmers how to play, they want to live and let live. Where as non-famers are saying do it our way or else. That doesn't seem right to me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Right. You go on believeing that.

Its not like almost every non-farmer has ever gotten the following tell or something similar

"U want to farm?"

"No thanks, I don't like farming"

"Lol y? dont u like having fun? stupid n00b"

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!




I would bet I can go to any "Story" Arc out there and find something in it I find offensive. (Either through language used, morallity, Ethically, or from a standpoint of Religion).

People have come on this Forum targeting Farms, and bragging that they are going to report them, and get them Banned.

I'll target your "Story" Arcs, if I condsider the least little thing offensive in the least way, you will be Reported for Content.

I'm just a casual Farmer who hasn't created a Farm Mission in AE. But I'm sick of these people trying to tell other people how they should play the game they pay their own hard earned money for.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow




I would bet I can go to any "Story" Arc out there and find something in it I find offensive. (Either through language used, morallity, Ethically, or from a standpoint of Religion).

People have come on this Forum targeting Farms, and bragging that they are going to report them, and get them Banned.

I'll target your "Story" Arcs, if I condsider the least little thing offensive in the least way, you will be Reported for Content.

I'm just a casual Farmer who hasn't created a Farm Mission in AE. But I'm sick of these people trying to tell other people how they should play the game they pay their own hard earned money for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have nothing against farmers. heck. I've farmed my new widow to 30 this week just to experiment with her build.

I have something against farmers who either

1: pretend as though I'm a complete moron for not levelling my characters to 50 at warp speed and then doing moar farms and nothing else.

2: are invasive about it by sending me tells when I have "not interested in farming" or similar things in my search comment begging me to join their team, or who otherwise seem to think me being on a lvl 2 with my looking for team flag up means I want to anchor for them.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree but.....(and I know I am preaching to the quire here)

Farmers are not telling non-farmers how to play, they want to live and let live. Where as non-famers are saying do it our way or else. That doesn't seem right to me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Right. You go on believeing that.

Its not like almost every non-farmer has ever gotten the following tell or something similar

"U want to farm?"

"No thanks, I don't like farming"

"Lol y? dont u like having fun? stupid n00b"

[/ QUOTE ]I think you exaggerate
Yes we ask if you'd like to join us but I have never ever met a farmer who ridiculed others for it. It simply would not be beneficial to our cause, we want to encourage others to be willing to help fill out our missions, treating them poorly just wouldn't be practical. We are polite in order to breed good will.

I would also like to point out that asking for a filler is no different than asking for a team, so I don not see how it can be seen as harmful to your game play



If they make a set rule that pleases one group, the other most likely will not be happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree but.....(and I know I am preaching to the quire here)

Farmers are not telling non-farmers how to play, they want to live and let live. Where as non-famers are saying do it our way or else. That doesn't seem right to me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Right. You go on believeing that.

Its not like almost every non-farmer has ever gotten the following tell or something similar

"U want to farm?"

"No thanks, I don't like farming"

"Lol y? dont u like having fun? stupid n00b"

[/ QUOTE ]I think you exaggerate
Yes we ask if you'd like to join us but I have never ever met a farmer who ridiculed others for it. It simply would not be beneficial to our cause, we want to encourage others to be willing to help fill out our missions, treating them poorly just wouldn't be practical. We are polite in order to breed good will.

I would also like to point out that asking for a filler is no different than asking for a team, so I don not see how it can be seen as harmful to your game play

[/ QUOTE ]

because generally, a filler or anchor is there simply to pad your mission and then drop team. it slows down my looking for a real team and I get no benefit out of it. You having more spawns to kill does not give me a thing.

. Why should I be any less selfish than you who wants a team of 8-man spawns, and want a team where I get exp instead of being there just so only you benefit?

And trust me. Not all farmers are arrogant about it, but at least some farmers seem to think its some sort of insult to their playstyle if you dare consider completing the save television arc instead of farming fake nems. Not all. But a few. and they're infinitely louder than the rest.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!